
I have hives
Friday, May 11, 2007

All About Hives
From Heather Brannon, MD,
Your Guide to Skin & Beauty.
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What Are Hives?
The skin condition we call hives is referred to in medical terms as urticaria. A hive, or wheal, is a symptom of urticaria. However, most people do not develop one hive when they have urticaria, hence the name hives.

Hives Location
Urticaria is a common condition that can affect any person of any race at any age in any season of the year. It occurs in up to 20% of the population at one time or another. Hives can occur on any skin surface, but usually spare the palms and soles of the feet. Hives are classified as acute or chronic depending on the length of the episode.

Dear readers, Please note above the statement that hives usually spare the palm of the hand and soles of the feet. I ask because once again I, ABBYNORMAL, have struck. I have hives on my palms, the soles of my feet, the outer edges of my ears, my Eyeball! My FREAKING EYEBALL! Who the hell gets a hive on the eyeball? I have hives in places that can not be named. Its not that I am ashamed to talk these places, I just don't know the gorram names for them!

I have to go now. A vat of calamine had my name on it.


Saturday, May 12, 2007 12:52 AM


Im not really shure what it is (the newsletter wasnt to clear about that) but anything on the eyeballs seems very uncomfortable.. Isnt it nice to be special though?? ;D

Friday, May 11, 2007 2:47 PM


Uh...to answer your question about who gets hives on their eyeball (though I assume you meant it to be a rhetorical question;D), there's always Chris Elliot's character in "There's Something About Mary." He got hives from something psychological related to an obsession with Cameron Diaz' character;)

And you have my utmost sympathy about the hives. While I have never had hives my own self, I have had keratosis pilaris for pretty much my entire life. It's like having mini-hive everywhere:(


Friday, May 11, 2007 1:29 PM


Oh, God. That is not nice. I'm sorry. You must be miserable.


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