
Wonder Bread
Monday, February 27, 2006

Yesterday I blogged about choosing to see the beauty of things. I have since had several reactions to it, in private. One, of a friend of mine, was both very beautiful and, in a way, very sad. Beautiful, because she was touched by the child-like wonder I can look at things (which, in turn, touched me); and sad, because I saw she doesn't think she's capable of doing that herself. :( This blog, therefore, is dedicated to her.

Because today I received a gift. From Kayna. She made the most gorgeous River wallpaper, just for me. The Bushwhacked theme, with River marveling at the 'verse. And she no less put a dancing River in the reflection of River's helmet! From "Safe." And I now wish I were a poet, so I could pass on the thrill I feel when reflecting upon the magnitude of what she has done for me.

Because of River? you ask. No, because of Kayna. :) She delivered a masterpiece of art, yes; and she invested her soul in that work; and that makes it an ever shiny object in space. But the real gift of hers is, that I can now turn to my friend, and tell her there's beauty in humanity; and not because I need it to be there, or choose to see it, but simply because it's really there! Right here! For all to witness!

The gift from Kayna is like a loaf of bread, that I can unendingly break pieces off, and hand out to whoever wants one. Wonder bread, at that, literally. One I rigged especially so, that if you have a lump, it will engrave upon your heart these simple words:

"You asked me what a man like me believes for? This is it!"


Monday, February 27, 2006 9:50 AM


You're so shiny all over I could just hug and squeeze you forever. Your posts and messages always make me smile. Thank You.

Monday, February 27, 2006 7:03 AM


I love reading your blogs. I'm glad you see all that beauty. There are a lot of people like your friend that can't or won't. So you just have to keep pointing it out untill they can see it for themselves.
I have to say you've restored some of tne magic to my perspective. It had been waning of late. So, in case you don't get my e-mail, thank you for that.


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