
Bad Back, Hiccups, and Finding Serenity
Friday, April 8, 2005

Yesterday, I recieved my copy of Finding Serenity in the mail (Finally!). I have enjoyed reading it to a point. Ms. Espenson seems to be a little concerned about the card game she claims to have invented. Apparently, Adam Baldwin stating that he made it up has gotten to her. Its already been mentioned that she invented it in the book three times. Frankly, I don't care who invented it. It was a nice touch, yes, but honestly, who cares? Also, the statement that the Reavers in the movie will not be quite the same as the Reavers from the show irked me to no end! What the hell! Clean slate! ugh!

When I woke up this morning, my back hurt...a lot. This wouldn't bother me that much, but I have a lot to do today. One thing is mandatory Physical Training, and the other is that I volunteered to run the grill at a child care function today. My back does hurt from time to time, but, I got the hiccups too. And, when I get the hiccups, it hurts! And, it makes my back hurt more! So, picture, if you will, manwithpez, at the grill, hunched over and hiccuping, grimacing every time he has to move, flip a burger, or breathe. Why couldn't I just get hit by a car and have done with it?

On the plus side, I've ordered my new TV and surroundsound system! I can't wait to see Serenity soaring over that train in Paradiso! And, as this will be the first time...I'll get to hear it in stereo! Go tax return!!!


Friday, April 8, 2005 9:29 AM


Playing with pain! You're a real man.

Friday, April 8, 2005 5:24 AM


Hmm yes - got my copy of Finding Serenity through yesterday.

Slightly annoyed by Jane Espenson's rather overt editorial at the begining of each chapter - smacked a bit of trying to tell me what I think - which I naturally don't like!

Liked the book on the whole though - liek short snappy lit crit - just the right length to read on a trian/ on the lav etc. . .

p.s. sorry to hear about your back!(that'll teach you to volunteer for things) . ..


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