Cover for the Firefly Score
Thursday, September 22, 2005

There was a demand for a CD cover for the score and so I made one. This is technically an "insert," so you just print it out, fold it in two and slip it into your jewelcase. If anyone wants a version with alternate track listings or info, just let me know. If you're using this, I'd appreciate comments to let me know!



Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:11 PM


It's very nice--I particularly like the font--but unfortunately track number 9 is listed twice!

Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:16 PM


Is it just me, or does "THE COMPLETE SCORE" seem kind of squished? Other than that, this is great, and I'm going to download it! Thanks!

Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:08 PM


For the record, I like your front cover better than the FOX one. ANd what font is that? It's perfect.

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:30 PM


Already printed it out and inserted it into a jewel case...

It's awesome!

Very shiny indeed.

As it's been pointed out, track nine is listed twice and the 'complete score' bit gets a bit small, but I can live with those things, so other than that... VERY WELL DONE.

Friday, September 23, 2005 3:05 AM


This is shiny!!

Friday, September 23, 2005 5:23 AM


that is so shiny i have to pee...*strokes heavenly creation lovingly*


Friday, September 23, 2005 5:48 AM


I love that you used publicity photos of the crew vice a screen grab of the DVD cover. Makes it feel more fresher.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 1:34 PM


Beautiful work! Way better than the quick-and-dirty one I did from the DVD cover. I would love to get a version with the alternative MP3 order. See
(I'd recommend sticking with a 1 thru 17 track order, though, and skipping the "missing" tracks. I'm thinking that was just an error).


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Firefly Soundtrack - tray
the is the insert that goes in the tray behind the CD. print it out,

fold along the dotted lines to make the spines and cut off the excess

so that it fits nicely into the box :)

Serenity Soundtrack - disk
part 2 of 3 technically. I don't think I really have to explain what to do with this, it's pretty straight-forward. just print it on regular paper, cut it out and glue it onto the CD with a glue stick (Pritt stick works great). just make sure all the edges are pressed down properly.

Firefly Soundtrack - insert
sorry I didn't post this sooner, am I the only one who couldn't get on the site since Friday? anyway, I had posted this before, and I want to thank everyone who commented and pointed out mistakes. here is the corrected version of the insert. to use it, just print it out, fold on the dotted line and cut off the excess on the edges until it fits perfectly into your CD case. because people asked, fonts used are Times New Roman, Ringbearer and Aquiline. also, images are from credits on the insert were taken from CABridges' version of the insert (hope you don't mind, didn't know where to find the info myself). CD image and insert tray shall be uploaded shortly :)

Cover for the Firefly Score
There was a demand for a CD cover for the score and so I made one. This is technically an "insert," so you just print it out, fold it in two and slip it into your jewelcase. If anyone wants a version with alternate track listings or info, just let me know. If you're using this, I'd appreciate comments to let me know!

Aussie Poster Wallpaper
yeah, I know it's been done already, but I wanted a version for myself. very simple, but it took a while with the clone tool. enjoy :)