
ImEarly’s choose your own adventure Blog.
Thursday, April 7, 2005

I don't do normal, so here are the rules.

# 1: That which is voted the most, is what I will write next.

# II: Don't bother correcting the grammar and spelling mistakes that I will make.

# C: If you read it, vote.

# #: As long as you are willing to vote, I will be willing to write.

Remember, humor is always a bonus.


Dark skies bloom the rising moon, highlighting a flickering crimson ember in the wind. The swift coil carves the mountain side and the ember cools to silver and gray. Down the sharp slope it falls, fragmenting as it descends. That which remains of the whole lands in a standing brook at the base of the stone tree, a gentle current claims its fragile carbon body and drags it below the earth and into the roots of the beast. Gliding, gently gliding, it moves through the open cavern and disintegrates just as it surfaces within a well lit cave.

ImEarly wakes full of fright and jumps ramrod straight. He slams his head on a very hard and apparently very low ceiling. He doesn’t know where he is, or how he got there. The last thing he remembers is sitting down at his computer with great pride, ready to write his first blog, then darkness, then light, then pain. When the pain receded he looked about, vainly attempting to retrieve his memory. He was in a cave, a very well lit cave at that. Behind him a slow moving current split the room in half. On the other side he could see a stairway which led upward. His side of the cave was barren with the exception of the many torches that were attached to the wall and ran the length of the entire cave.

ImEarly’s fear was quickly receding to panic. How did he get there? How would he get home?

There aren’t any damned caves in Tampa!!

He considered his options and decided that he could easily swim across the water, the current was fairly slow, and he was an agile swimmer. He could grab a torch on the other side, and head up the stairs. With his decision made, he walked over to the stream and placed his foot within its gentle embrace.

He screamed and jumped back, stumbled on a stone, and overcompensated. He then proceeded to trip over his own feet and landed hard on his ass.

“Damn that waters cold!!” He said to himself.

After about an hour and a half of splashing water on his legs, arms and torso, ImEarly finally gathered enough courage to lower himself into the stream. He doggy paddled to about halfway across when something caught his attention. A feint glow came from the inflowing portion of the stream. It didn’t look like it was too far away, and the source looked like natural sunlight. Unfortunately he would have to travel underwater to get there, never a good idea.

To be continued April 11th…..

Does ImEarly continue to cross the stream and head up the stairs?

Does ImEarly take a deep breath and hope it’s not his last?


Saturday, April 9, 2005 5:58 PM


I vote you join us in the "Sereni-Tree" !(Currently parked at the "Black Diamond Ski Resort".)

Saturday, April 9, 2005 1:23 PM


head up the stairs you fool! quickly!

Friday, April 8, 2005 8:38 AM


I thought crossing the streams was bad. Oh, just one stream? go for the stairs.

Friday, April 8, 2005 6:43 AM


ooh, Go up the stairs. I a big Resident Evil fan and there are always lots of good stuff up stairs. Of course there are always zombies and the like, but hey, as long as they don't eat you, they make for great target practice.

Friday, April 8, 2005 6:09 AM



Friday, April 8, 2005 5:58 AM


Stairs. Go to page 64.

Friday, April 8, 2005 5:27 AM


Man up, swim for it.

Thursday, April 7, 2005 11:21 PM



Reckon "going towards the light" is always a bad idea - head for the stairs!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:41 PM


Make like a duck and swim for it!!

Thursday, April 7, 2005 7:06 PM


i vote stairs, up, yep.

Thursday, April 7, 2005 6:49 PM


This is great. I loved those choose your own adventure books when I was a kid. I'm thinking go up the stairs!


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