
UPDATED: Saturday, December 14, 2024 04:51
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Friday, March 15, 2019 3:17 AM


I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.


Friday, March 15, 2019 3:44 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

You mean like Castle collapsed when two hetero people couldn't make it work?? Did you laugh at that?

You are a fucking ignorant freak. With penis envy...of LESBIANS.


Friday, March 15, 2019 6:05 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

You mean like Castle collapsed when two hetero people couldn't make it work?? Did you laugh at that?

I was not aware that Castle did not complete a full season. You are so much in the know.


Saturday, March 16, 2019 2:06 AM


Just like your ridiculous opinions on other people's sex lives, WHAT DOES IT MATTER??


Friday, November 15, 2019 6:58 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

FF to the present.

Life comes at you fast.

Somehow, 'I told you so ', just doesn't quite say it.


Monday, November 18, 2019 11:06 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

I mean it's been that way in comics for a long time now. It's nothing new.

The show's actually pretty good. It's basically just female batman. I assume the CW wasn't allowed to make a batman tv show. So, this was their next best option. Her being a lesbian isn't a big part of the show. She's got an ex-gf on a show and she goes on a couple dates in one episode. That's pretty much it. The rest of the time it's just about superhero stuff. I'm enjoying it at least. I like Arrow and the Flash too. So, it's not too surprising that this show is very similar to how those shows operate.


Monday, November 18, 2019 3:26 PM


America loves a winner!

The show is not “pretty good“. strip away all the SJW nonsense, and you still have a poorly written convoluted jumble of nonsense which takes unsolicited shots at men in general for no apparent reason.

Not only have they failed to flush out her backstory, or explain what makes her such a bad ass without the suit, ( remember, if you are nobody without the suit, then you don’t deserve it? Sorry, I guess that only applies in the Marvel universe. ) but they have yet to explain the disappearance of Batman. Anytime his name is mentioned, it seems like he is being mocked & ridiculed… Even though nobody knows where he has gone or why he is absent. Present even been a diligent search for his whereabouts, has there? He’s just not there anymore, and so people carry-on… OK.


Monday, November 18, 2019 4:51 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
The show is not “pretty good“. strip away all the SJW nonsense, and you still have a poorly written convoluted jumble of nonsense which takes unsolicited shots at men in general for no apparent reason.

Not only have a field to flush out her backstory, or explain what makes her such a bad ass without the suit, ( remember, if you are nobody without the suit, then you don’t deserve it? Sorry, I guess that only applies in the Marvel universe. ) but they have yet to explain the disappearance of Batman. Anytime his name is mentioned, it seems like he is being mocked & ridiculed… Even though nobody knows where he has gone or why he is absent. Present even been a diligent search for his whereabouts, has there? He’s just not there anymore, and so people carry-on… OK.

What are the shots at men? I can't even recall one. It's strange because I hear a line in the ads that I don't recall being in the show. When she says that the bat suit will be perfect when it fits a woman. I think they cut the line from the show.

Her background for being a badass was explained. She has military training albeit abbreviated after being kicked out. She then wanted to join her dad's security company but he wouldn't allow it. So, she spent the rest of her time training. We even meet her training with some martial arts guru style dude when she first appears on the show. So, more or less Batman's training background.

The story about her twin has been somewhat intriguing but as the layers get pulled back it seems less and less interesting. Hopefully there are some twists and turns in there.

I think Batman's whereabouts are pretty obviously going to be a big reveal at some point. It seems like she's convinced that Batman left of his own choice and will return if he chooses to. I'm assuming that's not really how it went down and we'll find out the truth eventually.


Monday, November 18, 2019 5:01 PM


America loves a winner!

From the very start, Batman " lets " their car go over a bridge and leaves them to die, to chase down a bad guy. Then apparently they fell into a time / space portal where she and her sister get separated , her sister gets ' rescued ' by some stranger and keeps her for 15 years, never alerting the authorities but drives her into criminal insanity not because he did anything to her, but he wanted a friend for his disfigured son, who never leaves the house. So believable !!

Hey, if you're into it, enjoy. I'll not tell others what to watch and not watch. To quote the great Brie Larson - It's wasn't made for me.


Monday, November 18, 2019 6:09 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

From the very start, Batman " lets " their car go over a bridge and leaves them to die, to chase down a bad guy. Then apparently they fell into a time / space portal where she and her sister get separated , her sister gets ' rescued ' by some stranger and keeps her for 15 years, never alerting the authorities but drives her into criminal insanity not because he did anything to her, but he wanted a friend for his disfigured son, who never leaves the house. So believable !!

Hey, if you're into it, enjoy. I'll not tell others what to watch and not watch. To quote the great Brie Larson - It's wasn't made for me.

True Batman did screw up and let the car fall. He thought it was secured but it wasn't. However there was nothing really special about them being separated. Kate climbed out of the car and refused to go back for her sister because she was afraid. That's where her guilt comes from. Beth was still in the car when it went over the bridge. So, it's not strange that they were split up. However, for Batman to not be able to track down the sister to this dude's house is a little strange. Batman is the master detective after all and they said he'd been obsessed with the case. So, yeah Batman seems to be getting the short end of the stick, but until we hear his whole story I'll let it slide.


Monday, November 18, 2019 11:04 PM


America loves a winner!

In what realm does a car go over a bridge and the passengers vanish into thin air ?

Where was the ambulance, fire dept, EMC and police ? This is beyond silly... My sister got into a wreck and vanished off the face of the Earth.

They always recover the body. Always.

But in the same world, Gotham has it's OWN capital punishment system, not run by the State. So there's that.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019 11:31 AM


No sooner than the latest episode but now I have to take back the statement that they're not harping on the gay stuff. I just watched the most recent episode last night and they have a restaurant owner flip out when he sees two women hold hands in his restaurant and he tries to kick them out. Then Kate Kane goes to the extent of buying the building across the street and plans to turn it into a gay bar to annoy the restaurant owner. It was very heavy handed and doesn't even make her seem like she's taking the high ground. The whole time she's just acting petty and vindictive.

I get it there are homophobic people in the world. But will yelling at them and antagonizing them change their minds? Doubtful. Maybe she could have tried being polite. She saved someone in the man's restaurant at the start of the show as Batwoman. It would have been better if she saved the restaurant owner as Batwoman and showed that she doesn't hold a grudge and will do the right thing regardless of his beliefs.

Bah! That was a crummy episode.

Ironically there are some people upset about it because they introduce Alfred's niece (or some relation to him) and she's a white woman. Apparently in the comics she's currently a black woman. Even though she was originally white there are still people upset that they cast a white woman for the role.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019 2:38 PM


America loves a winner!

ln one preview scene, a ( somewhat attractive white ) homeless young woman is being " harassed " by a guard to move on and not camp by the entrance to some building. Kate walks over and hands the girl what looks to be a ROLEX type watch, and then smirks at the guard as she walks by.

Was that Bruce's watch ? And what's some homeless girl gonna do w/ a $10,000 - $ 50,000 watch ? Pawn it and get arrested for trying to sell stolen stuff ? Trade it for drugs ? My gawd, this show is so woke it's painful. Nothing ever explained, and no consequences ever for their dumb choices. Ever.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019 7:36 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

ln one preview scene, a ( somewhat attractive white ) homeless young woman is being " harassed " by a guard to move on and not camp by the entrance to some building. Kate walks over and hands the girl what looks to be a ROLEX type watch, and then smirks at the guard as she walks by.

Was that Bruce's watch ? And what's some homeless girl gonna do w/ a $10,000 - $ 50,000 watch ? Pawn it and get arrested for trying to sell stolen stuff ? Trade it for drugs ? My gawd, this show is so woke it's painful. Nothing ever explained, and no consequences ever for their dumb choices. Ever.

Maybe th show just needs some Jiggle.


Friday, November 22, 2019 10:02 AM


I think ya'all are giving this way more attention than it deserves.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 29, 2019 8:52 AM


America loves a winner!

Certainly more attention than the ratings warrant, I concur.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 3:55 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

Looks like this first iteration managed to drve the franchise into the sewer.

Now we get black Batwoman. Not sure if she is required to be black lesbian Batwoman, or if black is the only hyphenation needed.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020 7:33 PM


Have you seen pictures of her? Not sure how she's going to fit that hair helmet into Batwoman's mask.

Nobody's going to watch it anyway, so we may never know the answer.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 11:20 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

Looks like this first iteration managed to drve the franchise into the sewer.

Now we get black Batwoman. Not sure if she is required to be black lesbian Batwoman, or if black is the only hyphenation needed.

The character is definitely a lesbian. The actress is bi from what I've read.

I actually liked the first season of the show, but this transition to a new lead has dumpster fire written all over it. I mean every single supporting cast member is connected to the Kate Kane character. They have her ex, her father, her sister, her step-sister, and her uncle's assistant. Now they're going to try to find some way to make those characters all care about some character out of left field? Unless this lady turns out to be batman's kid it's going to be a disaster.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 2:54 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I see that Batman's love interest Kathy Kane has now been converted to full Lesbo, so it can be a TV Show.

So SJW of them. I'll laugh when nobody can work together and it all collapses.

Looks like this first iteration managed to drve the franchise into the sewer.

Now we get black Batwoman. Not sure if she is required to be black lesbian Batwoman, or if black is the only hyphenation needed.

Maybe she can be black lesbian vegetarian pacifist Batwoman, like Richard Gere was pacifist Lancelot.

Or maybe these should be Batwomen. Batwymmin? Battywymmin?

Did comics switch to black Alfred after Morgan Freeman tried the gig?


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 8:03 PM




We're going to need a bigger mask.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 19, 2023 9:15 AM


Christina Hodson has since done 'The Flash'

WISHIMAY sure liked to post a lot of weird fetish from pornography sites and 'Groomer' stuff here

The Batwoman thing losing money was one thing but
'Batgirl' box office thing is even more shocking and weird, the studios feel on the film is that it is soooo bad you never ever show it! NEVER EVER! is so bad they never ever want it to see the light of day, Development of a 'Batgirl' feature film began with Joss Whedon in March 2017

two weird homosexual Morroco Belgium Jihadi sjw types Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah then had their names on it.

The almost burned 100 million, they wrote of $90 million burnt t he money rather than release soemthing that would be so damaging to DC and Warner Bros...that's how much they thought a project like this would emit toxic cancer energy and destroy all fans.

the two islamics also did Ms. Marvel is it correct to assume they have been blacklisted by the industry

In April 2022, it was announced that the duo will no longer direct Beverly Hills Cop IV

I assume any Alma Cert of Academic from LUCA School of Arts, Brussels is worth less than toilet paper and can now be flushed down the crapper


Saturday, August 19, 2023 10:45 AM


Oh, right...

The shelved movie was Bat"girl". I've been mistakenly calling it Bat"woman" the last couple of days in the Blue Beetle thread.

My bad, and sorry if I caused any confusion there.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, December 12, 2024 8:45 PM


Superman & Lois Almost Crossed Over With Batwoman (But Covid Got in the Way)



Saturday, December 14, 2024 4:51 AM


Boy. Would I give anything to live in the parallel universe where the 12th reiteration of Superman and Lois teamed up with the most unpopular version of Batwoman ever put in any media form.

Only because Covid didn't happen there.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.






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