Worst Sci-Fi Ever.

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Friday, August 13, 2004 7:11 PM


It's a tie between The Fifth Element and Independence Day.

Chief Editor, AFM
Writer/Producer, The NUKE Brothers


Friday, August 13, 2004 7:16 PM



Originally posted by BlueSunWorshipper:

Originally posted by Jadehand:
Anyone ever see Darkstar? *shudders*
"don't taunt happy fun ball."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live

Now, now...Dark Star was a college student film in the early 1970's, PRE-Star Wars, and made by John Carpenter (Escape From New York, Halloween, They Live) and Dan O'Bannon (Alien). In fact, the basic plot of Dark Star was reworked by O'Bannon into a movie he called "Star Beast." The studio didn't like the title, though, so they renamed it. You might have seen it, a little-known flick that might have slipped past you...called 'Alien.' Everybody's gotta start somewhere, right?

Of course, you might also have seen a little independent film that came out in the late 1970's called "Within the Woods" that was the prototype for a movie called "Book of the Dead." The studio didn't like THAT title either, so it got renamed. Anybody ever seen "The Evil Dead"? Made by a guy named Sam Raimi...of Spider-Man fame. Hey, like I said...everybody's gotta start somewhere.

Don't forget, Joss' first "Buffy" prototype was simply horrible...and the movie made from his original script was terrible. If somebody had judged him based on a first work, then there would be no 'Firefly.' Judge not, lest ye be judged, or kicked in the head by somebody. Your choice.

- T

Hey now!

Dark Star is my favorite movie of ALL TIME! I am being 100% serious--I've watched this countless times, and cannot express my love for this film strongly enough!

Chief Editor, AFM
Writer/Producer, The NUKE Brothers


Saturday, August 14, 2004 4:21 PM


I think we can safely add AvP and pretty much every else Paul W.S. Anderson has done.


P.S. Sadly AvP might still be better than Alien Resurrection.

Um, I'm lost. Uh, I'm Angry. And I'm Armed.


Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:29 AM


For most of his movies I'll agree, but I still maintain "Resident Evil" was LIGHT YEARS better than anything else he's done... whenever they play "Soldier" on the Sci-Fi channel, I just start laughing uncontrollably.



Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:15 PM


Babylon 5: First season sucked ass.

Star Hunter: Every episode was shitorrific.

Space Island One: (Watched it for the cute ladies only.)

Voyager: All eps not pertaining to Borg/Jeri Ryan sucked big time ass.

STNG: All eps not pertaining to Borg were s--t.

Andromeda: All eps after season two were awful.

Star Wars 1 and 2 were bad. Should've killed Jar-Jar-Stinks. Guy playing Darth in second movie was badly miscast.

Alien Resurrection: What the Hell happened with this one?

Matrix, third movie was crap.

Enterprise: How could I have forgotten this turd!!

Lost in Space: B-A-D!!!

The Fifth Element: I recently heard this was supposed to be a comedy...can anyone confirm this? Anyway, too late to get my money back on this one.

I gotta stop there before I jump off a bridge!!


Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:08 PM


Well, so far I can't see that anyone has mentioned my personal worst movie-going experience (that I actually paid for, anyway):

STARSHIP INVASIONS, starring Robert Vaughn. (What can I say, we were all "Man From U.N.C.L.E." fans.)

OMG, what a piece of go se. I think they used tin pie plates for the flying saucers, and you could see the strings in every shot. And this was the same year "Star Wars" came out!

I also have to put in a vote for the original movie version of "Dune," which was one of the most disjointed, poorly-directed messes of all time. Although I have to say we really enjoyed turning the opening-night theatre experience into our own private MST3K party, answering back to the screen whenever the dialogue was too unbearable. By the end of the film we had the whole audience doing it. We laughed so hard on the way home we almost cried.

And yeah, "Event Horizon" blows bigtime.

-Mrs. Embassy


Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:47 PM


I'll vote "Armageddon" or maybe the movie of "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" Unless "From Hell" counts as sci-fi. Oh, well, they're subsidizing Alan Moore.

I think the actual worst is a movie called "Tammy and the T-Rex" starring Denise Richards. Or "Night of the Lepus" with Deforrest Kelley. But these and "Battlefield Earth," I mean, they're trash and they're going to be trash. You know this. "BE" especially, I mean, I doubted L. Ron went off to be the messiah cause he was a good writer.

I'll also vote for a "Star Trek" novel that ended with the stars forming themselves into a face and talking a to Picard and Worf. It also contained a creepy double entendre about Worf's medal collection and the size thereof, and it had Worf and a female Klingon badass rip off "the we have to take off 800 weapons before we can have sex" scene from "In the Line of Fire" Surrealistically bad. Of course, I haven't read Newt Gingrich's alternate history novel. So judgements can always be remade.

I've never really watched many T.V. sci-fi shows outside of TNG and "Firefly" Hm, how about "Homeboys from Outer Space?"



Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:52 PM


Just FYI, The Starlost was not really Harlan Ellison's creation. All he did was suggest the idea and the studio took it from there. If you read some of Ellison's books, there are stories about his life in them, some of which deal with The Starlost. He basically says that he was sorry it had his name attached to it.

Early: You ever been raped, Kaylee?
Kaylee: You know, it's funny you should mention that... ever heard of the Fox network?


Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:27 PM



Originally posted by MrsEmbassy:
Well, so far I can't see that anyone has mentioned my personal worst movie-going experience (that I actually paid for, anyway):

STARSHIP INVASIONS, starring Robert Vaughn. (What can I say, we were all "Man From U.N.C.L.E." fans.)

OMG, what a piece of go se. I think they used tin pie plates for the flying saucers, and you could see the strings in every shot. And this was the same year "Star Wars" came out!


-Mrs. Embassy

OMG, I'd forgotten about that wretched piece of crap! I actually sat through it in an Army theater in Germany in 1977 because I had nothing better to do that evening! Geez, what a no-budget turkey that was! Of course, it had Christopher Lee in addition to Robert Vaughn in it, which only proves that even name stars can sometimes make tragic mistakes.

Let's see, I may be repeating some titles that have been mentioned already, but here's some that stand out for me:

Logan's Run-- notable mostly for Jenny Agutter's semi-nudity (yippee!).

The pilot of Buck Rogers as a theatrical release (we got the weirdest crap at Army theaters in the '70's)-- I walked out.

Armageddon-- ANYTHING by Michael Bay stinks like warp-nacelle bilge oil, but this takes the cake.

Space Mutiny-- another low-budget godawfulness, but a scream if you can get a hold of the MST3K rip on it.

I have to stop now, becuase over 47 years I've seen a lot of bad sci-fi and the memories are making me queasy....

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:18 PM


This is hard, I could go on and on about the crap I've seen lol!

OK worst Sci-fi show ever...Andromeda, I have watched a few episodes, but to be honest even the pilot was confusing, and the acting is horrible, It always reminded me somehow of Star Trak, which is another horrible, boring sci-fi show (maybe not the original but most of the spin-offs have sucked)

I watched maybe 5 minutes of Buck Rangers, it was just so stupid

"I'm not an adult! I don't want to create responsible shows with lawyers in them. I want to invade people's dreams." - Joss Whedon

"I've been in a firefight. Well, I was in a fire. Actually, I was fired from a fry-cook opportunity. "

"Now, landing thrusters... landing thrusters, hmm. Now if I were a landing thruster, which one of these would I be? "


Monday, August 16, 2004 12:37 PM



Originally posted by Haplo721:
Just FYI, The Starlost was not really Harlan Ellison's creation. All he did was suggest the idea and the studio took it from there. If you read some of Ellison's books, there are stories about his life in them, some of which deal with The Starlost.

And just guess which studio took the idea and ruined it???

C'mon, one guess ...


Ben Bova's name also appeared on this piece of drek because he signed up to be a science advisor and then couldn't get them to take his name off it. Later he wrote a novel fictionalizing his & Harlan's experience with this nightmare of a show, called "The Starcrossed." It's really hilarious, especially if you've ever seen the show!

-Mrs. Embassy


Monday, August 16, 2004 1:33 PM



Originally posted by MrsEmbassy:

Originally posted by Haplo721:
Just FYI, The Starlost was not really Harlan Ellison's creation. All he did was suggest the idea and the studio took it from there. If you read some of Ellison's books, there are stories about his life in them, some of which deal with The Starlost.

And just guess which studio took the idea and ruined it???

C'mon, one guess ...


Ben Bova's name also appeared on this piece of drek because he signed up to be a science advisor and then couldn't get them to take his name off it. Later he wrote a novel fictionalizing his & Harlan's experience with this nightmare of a show, called "The Starcrossed." It's really hilarious, especially if you've ever seen the show!

-Mrs. Embassy

I heard Ben Bova refer to Starlost in an interview once. He said something like "And people keep blaming me for 'Starlost'."

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Monday, August 16, 2004 6:22 PM


Moon 44 was the worst SciFi movie I ever watched all the way through. Though the sheer hilarity of the stupid crap they pulled in the movie... lets see...

An acutal quote of the dialog.

"They've attacked moon 47, moon 46, moon 45, and where do you think they will attack next...? MOON 44."

They had good guys flying around a canyon in suped up helicopters on moon 44, but they needed guys back at base to guide the pilots around the trench (one per 'copter).

The aliens decided to send robot drones to attack them. But instead of just sending robot ships, they actually built a robot to fly the ship.

There is more, but it is so painful my mind won't release it from the space it is walled up in.

Yeah, Moon 44 real damn bad movie.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:20 PM


Yeah, but isn't Chekhov in it?


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:06 PM


"Yeah, but isn't Chekhov in it?"

Nope. Chekhov was in MoonTrap.


Also a bad movie.

Actual fact about MoonTrap:

They spent so much of their budget on the cast and special effects that they didnt have any money left over for music. They gave the Composer job to a Special Sound Effects guy named Joseph LoDuca, who went on to do very well for himself in TV shows. They didnt pay him for both jobs. The payment for composing music for this great piece of cinematic work? His name in the Credits.

Moon 44 starred Micheal Pare of "Streets of Fire" fame. Yet another stinky movie.

I call her "Vera"


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 10:26 PM


Good memory. I'm humbled, good sir.

I knew there was a reason "Moon 44" was familiar, though, so had to go look it up... and yep, there it was: Directed by Roland Emmerich. Yes, THAT Roland Emmerich. Independence Day. The Patriot. The Day After Tomorrow. And... lest we forget.... Universal Soldier.

You'd think we would have seen this coming.

........ I haven't seen either "Moon" movie, but I did see "Moontrap" also had Bruce Campbell in it. This should push the movie up in Cool Factor, shouldn't it? Merely having the Chin gives any movie street cred... I would think.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:18 AM


Well here goes.... (these are ones I have seen that I would like the time back from - I havent seen a lot of what other's have hated - I trust I would have to agree with most)

Darkman (anything after Liam Neeson sucked)
Mission to Mars (only movie i ever WALKED OUT ON)
Lost in Space
Max Headroom
Alien Nation

TV Series I miss watching -
John Doe
Space Above and Beyond
Seven Days

Please feel free to agree disagree etc

I really do not give a sh!t cause its only my opinion, and everyone is entitled to one

firefly playa-haters


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:33 AM


Some of the above I like - Farscape and SG1, some I know I really dislike - Highlander 2 and the others, but the single worst SciFi I have ever seen ( now I'm not sure it was ever aired in the States) was on the good old Beeb. It was a Gerry Anderson production and was called "Space Precinct" I'm quivering at the thought of it. It was truly awful and had some bloke in it from dallas or dynasty or some damn thing can't remember what his name was though. No story, wooden acting, well more like plastic acting, terrible prosthetics, terrible effects. In fact it was just terrible............

I also remember Crime Traveller - see, that makes me shudder too.......


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:33 AM


Sometimes it's tough to rate something "the worst ever," because some shows are so bad they are incredibly funny, while others aren't quite bad enough to be funny. There are other movies or TV shows that were good at the time, but seem dated now.

I would save "worst ever" for stuff that was so bad it was painful to watch, but not bad in the right way to be hilarious.

Now, I have only watched one episode of Andromeda, but it was absolutely so bad, without being funny, that I actually felt physical pain.

The TV show Buck Rogers was probably bad (haven't seen it in 20 years) but I loved it at the time. A few episodes of ST:NG were so terrible I wanted to shake the actors or writers really, really hard (but there were some really good episodes in later seasons).

Anyone seen the Disney movie Black Hole? That was terrible.

Several of the movies that folks have mentioned were ones I liked, even though they had occasional flaws. I really liked The Fifth Element, despite the corny ending. I thought AI had some really powerful moments (and Jude Law was great), despite the corny ending. I thought that the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie was funny, despite not being impressed with the actress that played Buffy. I wasn't particularly impressed with much of Matrix 2 & 3, but they were watchable. I felt a bit let down with Episode I and II of Star Wars because I had such high expectations, but I still enjoyed them.

I should learn my lesson from Episode I and II and not have stellar expectations for Serenity. But I can't help it! The teaser was so awesome, and I have faith in Joss, and that Joss will have creative license to do the movie right.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:57 AM



Originally posted by mrskborg:
the single worst SciFi I have ever seen ( now I'm not sure it was ever aired in the States) was on the good old Beeb. It was a Gerry Anderson production and was called "Space Precinct"

It aired in Canada for a while.

I though it was Canadian, actually. Was it a BBC production, or did they just air it? I'd hate to think the one I saw was a remake.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:11 PM


* Does 'La Femme Nikita' count? It was boring. The acting was really bad.
* 'Young Hercules' is another one. It was overkill on the Xena/Hercules franchise. Not even Kevin Smith could save it.
*Andromeda is go se. Nuff said.
* What about Robocop the tv series? Why did they do that?
* First Wave. What the hell was that about?
* Cleopatra 2525 was pretty bad too.
* The Others.
* The Tribe. (It should be renamed 'The Tripe'...)
* Mutant X was a rip of The X-Men.
* Does anyone remember Time Trax? It dealt with a cop that was sent back in time to arrest criminals from the future? Bad, bad, bad....

(I've seen a lot of bad sci-fi...)


* Species.
* The Postman.


Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:33 AM


Well, someone added one of my choices, "Soldier", the other one I have to list here is the 1980's film version of Dune with Sting. That was just horrible!

Oh, and who can forget Kevin Costner's WaterWorld? - or Costner's film version of The Postman?

As for TV series, I have to list Earth: Final COnflict. My parents loved this show and I tried, I really tried, because I thought it was a great concept, but it was like dragging fingernail across a chalkboard watching it (and yet I kept going back to try again).


Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:21 PM


Lexx wasnt all that bad

Yes it was.

surely i'm not the only one to think it

Yes you are.

"They're gay, I get it!
It's not even funny." - Bart Simpson

Well, someone did mention the Simpsons.


Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:35 PM


Someone liked 'Lexx'? But... but Lexx is so... so... CANADIAN.

And we know what THAT means, don't we....?


Friday, October 1, 2004 7:26 AM


I'd have to say Andromeda or Enterprise.


Friday, October 1, 2004 7:46 AM


Star Wars started out as a very good films, they were great movies back in the 80s

but Lucas went loony and started re-releasing and re-writing the stuff in the worst possible way.

Even now he continues to destroy the classic


Lucas on a personal mission to make Star War the biggest load of rubbish and worst scifi for all time for us 2 remember. How many more times will he milk the cash from the film and continue destoryin' the classic

Star Wars thanks to Lucas has become one of the worst sci fi films


Saturday, October 2, 2004 5:51 PM


So many stinker memories in this thread! So as not to repeat with "me too's", here's a couple that haven't been mentioned yet...

TV Series:

Land of the Giants


The Black Hole
Naked Lunch

I walked out of the theater after Naked Lunch in near vertigo, wondering if it was utter bilge or seriously brilliant... beyond my brain's capacity to process it. After some more thought, "bilge" won out.

In my darker moments, I still wonder if I've mischaracterized it. Please don't repeat that to anyone...


Saturday, October 2, 2004 10:22 PM


Seeing as how the Sci-Fi channel has managed to prove that some things DO cling to the bowl no matter how many times you flush, it would have to be Andromeda-Yet again.

In the war for my mind sometimes I'm winning and sometimes I'm winning...........


Sunday, October 3, 2004 2:05 AM


At last...someone has mentioned Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I remember seeing the original pilot on the cinema. I liked the Buster Crab originals from the 1930s much better. Plus Gil Gerard seemed to have spent most of his time in the canteen, specifically, at the pie section.
Erin Gray was nice though. I dont ever remember Jamie Lee Curtis being it?
And as for the fecking robot...BIGGI BIGGI BIGGI BIGGI BIGGI. I really wanted to kill that little B------D.
Oh...and the Battlestar Galactica spin off. They eventually find earth (present day) and 2 plebs from the ship explore on 2 150cc mopeds with plastic bits stuck on them. Oh they could fly too. It was scarily like CHiPs in space. The only worse thing they could have done was to put Eric Estrada in it.

Yep..........................that went well!


Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:05 AM


I've got to come out in support of Andromeda. I like that it's confusing. Just like Farscape, it makes me want to watch all the episodes just to find out what the hell is going on. I started watching it last year, and have slowly begun to understand the bizarre world the crew lives in. And the characters have real issues they have to fight through.

Event Horizon however, is complete and total crap.

And I don't think anybody's mentioned the original Thunderbirds, which is so annoying in its cheapness. Puppets on strings? At least Jim Henson used big socks with facial expressions.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Sunday, October 3, 2004 5:14 AM



I noted your affection for Dark Star, and I agree: the movie was ahead of it's time, very funny, and well-made on the cheap. I learned a very important lesson from that movie: don't piss off the beach ball, and don't jump into a vat of liquid nitrogen...it's very dangerous.


- T


Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:09 AM


WHAT.......THUNDERBIRDS CRAP...CHEAPNESS. Think before typing. Thunderbirds was created in 1965....thats like....... 35 years before Farscape and Jim Hensons sock puppets arrived. DOH!!!!!!! Special effects with models for big screen SciFi movies were little better than these at the time and Thunderbirds was made for TV remember. Strings to hold up the models were all they had. No computer graphics touch ups then. The partial solution was to paint the strings the same colour as the backgrounds.
As for the puppets, so what, it was a kids show. Did latex even exist in 1965?
One more point....Andromeda. Does anyone actually watch that. Kevin Sorbo is possibly the most colourless actor (if you can call him an actor) in the history of moving pictures. They could throw a chair in front of the camera instead of him...and nobody would notice the difference.

Yep..........................that went well!


Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:26 AM


Thunderbirds!? I used to watch that on TV, and I thought it was supposed to be a joke. It is, admittedly, pretty funny.

Event Horizon: Blegh.

Enterprise: I watched a few episodes and gave up, because it was awful.

The new Dune books: They're getting progressively worse with each book. I read the first one and I thought "All right, this is decent. Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson can't match Frank Herbert, but I'll read the next installment." So I read the next two, and they didn't sit well with me. They just didn't fit in with the universe. Then they put out the second trilogy, and I gave up. I read nothing but the summaries/covers, and I tell you they have trashed the Dune universe. Now, I'm not saying I know what Frank Herbert was thinking when he wrote about Dune's past, but I'm 85% sure it wasn't remotely like what's in those books. It's a damn shame.



Sunday, October 3, 2004 11:17 AM


As much as I liked the book,,, Solaris is just up there as my personal vote for the worst SFM ever. I mean really!! I just am bored to the point of vomiting or falling asleep when watching any version so far. You can ask my wife about my general love of foreign films. But for Solaris, The answer is just don't!!

For a recent TV series I would have to vote the later epsiodes of LEXX as just crapp!! Early LEXX, sexy and fairly cool. Later LEXX needs someone else than FOTB/FOOS writers, direction, FX, and well, just name it. Late LEXX=CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!. Okay, now that I have vented, there were a couple of cool moments, very few.

As for the previous comment about the Starlost, I did think that show was served with a big slice of cheese, but really no more so than Dr. Who of the same era. You have to get past the FX people. I do have to admit I did chuckle quite a bit at some of the supposed weapons they had.



Monday, October 4, 2004 12:10 AM



Originally posted by BlueSunWorshipper:

I learned a very important lesson from that movie: don't piss off the beach ball, and don't jump into a vat of liquid nitrogen...it's very dangerous.


- T

I learned something else as well:
If you wear a space suit make sure you know how the communication works

Keep flying,


Monday, October 4, 2004 2:07 AM



Originally posted by robinhood:
WHAT.......THUNDERBIRDS CRAP...CHEAPNESS. Think before typing. Thunderbirds was created in 1965....thats like....... 35 years before Farscape and Jim Hensons sock puppets arrived. DOH!!!!!!! Special effects with models for big screen SciFi movies were little better than these at the time and Thunderbirds was made for TV remember. Strings to hold up the models were all they had. No computer graphics touch ups then. The partial solution was to paint the strings the same colour as the backgrounds.
As for the puppets, so what, it was a kids show. Did latex even exist in 1965?
One more point....Andromeda. Does anyone actually watch that.

You're right. I apologize. I should think before I type. I didn't mean to say "cheapness." I meant to say "CHEESINESS." Just because something is old doesn't mean it's off the hook for being crappy. And they did have special effects in those days. Remember the original Star Trek?

And as for Andromeda, it's won several awards and been number one in it's target audience several times over the past four years. Sci-fi wouldn't have added it to the line-up if it didn't have an audience. I'm surprised that so many people here hate it so much. The characters on that show are not good or evil. There are so many gray areas and internal conflicts, and our hero is often wrong. I stand by my support.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Monday, October 4, 2004 1:20 PM



Originally posted by maugwai:
The characters on that show are not good or evil. There are so many gray areas and internal conflicts, and our hero is often wrong. I stand by my support.

You must be talking about Early Andromeda.

After about S3, the bad guys have been consistently written at the level of Power Rangers bad guys, and Dylan (a.k.a. Captain Super-Incredible) is never wrong. Ever. Even when all logic and rationality is against him.

The big internal conflict that they're playing up now is Beka vs. Dylan, which played out back in the first season.

They used to have Dylan vs Tyr, then Tyr got fired. They used to have big moral questions, but now they have Superhero Dylan versus the Bad Guys(tm). They used to have a Harper/Rommie/Dylan romantic triangle, but now Harper's the token comedic little horn-dog, Rommie's the ice-queen, and Dylan's boinking every female guest star they get.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, October 14, 2004 5:43 AM


I find it strangely ironic that the wooden puppets in Thunderbirds have more character than any of the actors in Andromeda. Like the Craig David lookalike. He's got the same comedy beard too. I have a sideboard that acts better than him. With a completely different cast it might have been worth me watching, but alas, Kevin Sorbo was the 1st and probably final nail in it's coffin for me.
Some people may find TBs crappy, cheesy, whatever, but it's been translated into dozens of different languages around the world. So, TBs must have its audience too, even 30 odd years on.

Yep..........................that went well!


Thursday, October 14, 2004 6:03 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Quicksand:
What is the WORST Sci-Fi you've had the displeasure of witnessing, in its entirety? Entirety meaning, you can't vote for Star Trek: Voyager if you've only seen 10 minutes of one episode (and how could you stomach any more?). Specific film, movie, or book examples, please.

Highlander 2, hands down the WORST thing I've ever seen. My brother and I actually sat through the whole thing, then spent the drive home tearing it apart.

I LOVE Michael Ironside, loved him in V. Totally not his fault that he got cast as a Kurgan wannabe. I mean COME ON! There is only one Kurgan, and there should only be one Kurgan.

Highlander 2 is a prime example of the film producers trying to recreate success. They even thought resurrecting Sean Connery's character, Ramirez, would help. HA!

Biggest mistake they made was trying to explain where Immortals come from. The storyline works much better when WE DON'T KNOW. Like not seeing the creepy crawly in a horror flick - same principal.

Don't get me started on 3 and 4. Although, with 4 I thought that Adrian Paul would help things a bit. He would have too, if they could have left Connor out of the mix and didn't treat the fans like morons...oh, right, I wasn't going to start. Sorry, my bad

Fans come and fans go...but zealots are with you until the bitter black end.
I draw...therefore I am.


Thursday, October 14, 2004 7:47 AM


Did you know that Joss Whedon wrote the screenoplay for Alien Ressurrection?

The "government bought out by Wal-Mart" line wa a dead giveaway. I forget the actual line word for word.

The worst I've seen would have to be The Core.

Battlefield Earth is classed as a religious film, since it was made by a Scientoligist, for Scientoligists and is just as fucked up as a religion.

Lexx was pretty hokey.

Crime Traveler - was that the one with the ex-Eastenders star and the girl from series 7 and 8 of Red Dwarf? It wasn't bad for Saturday night TV fare.

John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars has got to up there with the worst of all time. So, so poor.

http://jo-ham.com - engineers think just that little bit differently


Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:03 AM



Originally posted by TheGreyJedi:
An MST3K number called Space Mutiny. It includes Battlestar Galactica rip-offs! And it's terrible! A lot!

"And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the greatest of these Love."

i actually have this episode on VCD. it is hilarious! from the bad 80s stuff (hairdos, hula hoops and music) to the middle age woman supposedly playing the "hot chick" role. i swear she was in her 40s to the crew member who gets killed and then comes back in a later scene! outrageous! who writes these things? some of the best one liners in all MST3K, though:

"is this the man?"
"why no sir, YOU da man."

slays me every time. or how about:

"christmas comes to santa this year"



Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:07 AM



Originally posted by CapnRahn:
but as a wise man once said - "Opinions vary" - heh, now where is that line from? I know, do you?!

road house. do not ask me how i know.


Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:55 PM


How about "Killer Clowns from Outer Space"
To kill em shoot their noses off!

And how about the old saturday afternoon venue"Jason of Star Command"

ARK 2 with jetpacks and monkeys?
(Not terrifying space monkeys tho...just wee ones in suits who follow around the cast thru an apopcalyptic aftermath)


A item I think the directors of the show should answer for with their lives:
Why...Oh Why God.....Whenever the cast encoutered high tech enemies did they leave the gorram frickkin lasers behind and keep on with the damn crossbow!!!

And how about land of the lost?
Good Ol' marshall, Will and Holly, on their routine expedition....meet the greatest earthquake ever known and fall into the land of the lost...complete with the Sleestak!


Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:12 PM



Originally posted by Joe:

Battlefield Earth is classed as a religious film, since it was made by a Scientoligist, for Scientoligists and is just as fucked up as a religion.

I'd disagree. While the film WAS unquestionably a pile of filth, I saw no connection with scientilogy in either the film OR the book (which I quite enjoyed.. but not enough to touch anything ELSE written by Hubbard with a ten foot pole).

Now... I'm surprised no one has mentioned Wing Commander, whose only redeeming quality was that there was an Episode 1 trailer attached to it in the theater.

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Thursday, October 14, 2004 6:53 PM


I'm surprised Enterprise hasn't been mentioned more often. Star Trek sunk with Voyager, but it hit bottom with Enterprise.

Worst sci-fi movie: My vote's on Highlander 2.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Friday, October 15, 2004 2:16 AM


OK...Star Trek. All Star Trek (except Wrath of Khan). Talk about boring crap. Every episode of everyone of their 10 billion different series is the same show. And I hate the happy pretty little future it portrays. No one goes hungry cause you just mash a button and poof. Also that reamake of BSG...I mean come on the Cylons are hot chicks?


Saturday, October 16, 2004 2:15 AM


I just remembered a series in the mid 90s....War of the Worlds. Surposedly, carrying on from were the 1953 movie left off, yeah right!
Jared Martin, and Adrian Paul (yes the same Adrian Paul from the Highlander series) were in it. Some others too.
It seemed to go on for ever, did it ever end? Maybe its still being made somewhere for the Acme sci-fi channel?

Yep..........................that went well!


Monday, November 1, 2004 7:19 AM


Hi from a newbie.

With respect to two actors I usually enjoy (Angela Bassett and James Spader), I'd like to add "Supernova" to the list.


Thursday, November 4, 2004 11:25 AM


Let me just weigh in here with Time Tunnel. I think it was in the mid-60s and oh. my. god. is it ever bad.

Space:1999 was pretty bad, too. And then there's Galactica 1980...

Nebari mental cleansing doesn't get the tough stains out.

In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?"


Friday, November 5, 2004 11:06 AM


I have to nominate Jason X as one of the worst sci-fi movies out there.

"It's called a Laance, Helllooo!"






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