Letter to Sci Fi Channel

UPDATED: Thursday, December 28, 2006 09:01
VIEWED: 2823
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Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:01 AM


Hey guys, how is everyone? I hope you're all having a good holiday season. I am posting this bulletin in a effort to help a fellow browncoat out on his letter writing campaign to the Sci Fi Channel. The fellow browncoat, tdbrown1 posted a suggestion on the OB (the original Fox Firefly message boards), which I think is a good one.
Here is what he had to say:

Firefly: Relit, to put it simply, is a project where we suggest to the Sci/Fi Channel that they use Firefly as a Summer Replacement Series in 2007. Many people have already sent e-mails to them on this topic, but we want to make an impression on the top Brass, so....

On December 30th, I would like to encourage everyone to send Letters to the President of the Channel. We want to be taken seriously, so I would like to suggest that we Not send Overly decorated or "Fanboy" type letters. Let's keep it simple and to the point. Show them we're sincere and serious, and it'll improve the chances that they'll take us seriously.

On January 2nd, which is when the letters will probably arrive, I'd like folks to send e-mails to as well. As in all our campaigns to get noticed and get something done, it's all about Numbers. So let's drown 'em in letters and e-mails on Jan 2nd! :)

That being said I took his letter, changed it around and improved upon it a bit, and present it to you now. All you need to do is put your name and address at the bottom replacing mine, print it out and mail it away. Feel free to edit it if you see fit. Also, feel free to send it to any browncoats you know encouraging them to do the same.

Bonnie Hammer, President
NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY

Subject: Programming suggestion for summer, 2007

To the Sci Fi Programming Staff:
Firefly is one of your more popular shows. Check the numbers from the last few marathons you've had of it, and I'm sure you'll agree that it's still quite popular. It is also in the interests of NBC/Universal that it be a popular Show. The film Serenity is doing well in DVD sales, and Firefly's popularity certainly ties into that.

So, here's an idea: Firefly as a summer replacement series

There are 14 Episodes, when counting the pilot as one episode. Show the series in the widescreen DVD format, in the order you have been showing them; which is the way Joss Whedon originally intended. Sci Fi could have each episode introduced by one of the show's cast, perhaps a different one each time, with Joss introducing the pilot episode. The celebrity host could intro an episode, providing commentary and trivia at the commercial breaks, much like Leonard Nemoy did several years ago when you aired the original Star Trek for a special edition run. You could show one episode per week, on the same designated night, just like a regular series.

The production costs would be lower than the cost of producing a new series; and as a 14 episode series, it would encompass the entire summer. You could begin airing promo ads for it during the spring on Sci Fi, NBC and USA. And throughout the summer you could air ads asking viewers “Have you been watching Firefly on Sci Fi Fridays?” (or whatever day it airs), and really get people not watching it excited to want to see what it is all about. It'll be a blast for those of us browncoats already familiar with Firefly, and introduce an entirely new audience to the ‘verse as well.

This could generate enough new and renewed interest in Firefly to bring about a possible Serenity sequel, or perhaps a Serenity-based mini-series. Also, if Sci Fi is in line for the non-paying cable premiere of Serenity, this could be the perfect tie-in!

I would hope you all give this some serious consideration as it could certainly work, to the benefit of all concerned.


Stephen Fischer, browncoat
XXX South Ave
Rochester, NY
(585) 244-XXXX






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