New to the 'Verse and this probably came up before...

UPDATED: Thursday, August 5, 2004 22:39
VIEWED: 1212
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004 1:46 AM


Hi all,

I have to confess that I only stumbled over Firefly by accident and word of mouth from some friends.
But after watching the DVDs I had two urges:

First I wanted to put in the first DVD again at once and start to re-watch the whole thing.

Second I had the strong urge to turn the FOX executives over to the Reavers for cancelling the show.

But I have a question as well, as far as I understood it, Universal bought the rights to Firefly off of FOX, is that right?
Now that they are producing a Big Screen Movie, do you people think that the series will get another chance under the Universal flag if (and I bet it will) it does well in Box Office terms?

Greetings from Germany,



Wednesday, August 4, 2004 2:33 AM


First of all, welcome!


I have to confess that I only stumbled over Firefly by accident and word of mouth from some friends.
But after watching the DVDs I had two urges:

First I wanted to put in the first DVD again at once and start to re-watch the whole thing.

Second I had the strong urge to turn the FOX executives over to the Reavers for cancelling the show.

Well, I have to confess I had exactly the same urges. anything wrong with that?


But I have a question as well, as far as I understood it, Universal bought the rights to Firefly off of FOX, is that right?
Now that they are producing a Big Screen Movie, do you people think that the series will get another chance under the Universal flag if (and I bet it will) it does well in Box Office terms?

If I'm not very mistaken, Universal has the rights for making movies, but Fox still has the rights for the TV series. For something like ten years. So there's a chance for a trilogy, but not so much for a return to TV in the next ten years. (If anybody here who reads this message knows more about this, please corrects me. I'm not entirely sure what I know is right).

Anyways, all we can do is wait for the movie and the comments about it. Meanwhile, enjoy this site!

You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, August 4, 2004 2:50 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the board Gavida. It is always a pleasure to greet a new fan. Glad to see you found the series, and by all means, watch the DVDs over & over.

As far as a return to TV goes, that seems to be out for at least a couple of years. Nathan (Mal) & Jewel (Kaylee) have both said at Conventions that there is some sort of contract between Joss & Fox over Firefly that prohibits a return to television for a so far unverified amount of time. We have heard the time restriction is anywhere from 5 to 10 years. Again the time has not been verified w/ any of The Powers That Be.

Personally I believe if the BDM (Big Dam* Movie) is as successful as I know it will be, we will get at least a trilogy of movies, which could result in Universal & Joss looking at a tv series again. Sure there is some sort of contract w/ Fox, but let's face it, we all know that if there is money to be had or ratings to bring in, Hollywood types will get lawyers & negotiate. Nothing is impossible w/ Joss @ the helm and Universal backing him up.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, August 5, 2004 6:18 PM


Folks I would rather a good TV series than a film trilogy..what happens after 3 movies, is it all over ?

when I mean TV series, I mean a full gorram series !

And not something that gets axed after a few episodes,
a full firelfy season like a stargate or twilight zone or startrek season...a nice big 22-24 episodes would be way better than a movie


Thursday, August 5, 2004 6:40 PM


Huge welcome to the 'verse! My understanding from all I've read is that there was a contract with Universal that they won't go back to TV for 3-5 yeears. Of course, we almost don't care, whether it is a trilogy of movies or a series, as long as Serenity is flying!

IMO, I think that once this movie gets out people will see (see as, the studios will see) that Joss is a genuis and he will end up making movies from now on. I fear this will take him away from the small screen. Good news - Joss movies! Bad news - no Joss TV. Oh well, we can only hope that he eventually will lower himeself to do a cable (ie HBE or Showtime) series. That would be his best forum, cause, as he said himself "I like me some cussin!"

Keep flyin!


Thursday, August 5, 2004 10:39 PM


Thank you all for the warm welcome

I think it is better to have three movies than having nothing!

Although, if Serenity brings in enough money, maybe the guys from Fox will realize what Jewel (pun intendet ) they have there with the rights to Firefly and will have another go.

I mean..... so many crappy shows still exist after so many seasons, why is it that the good ones get axed?

Keep flying,






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