Nathan Fillion on another Serenity: He will never give up hope!

UPDATED: Monday, June 30, 2008 19:40
VIEWED: 18843
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Sunday, May 11, 2008 6:50 AM


Quote:… the inevitable….
We know that there’s nothing on the horizon right now but it seems to be becoming a trend for Serenity actors visiting Australia (Alan Tudyk & Jewel Staite) to tell fans that it’s not yet time to give up on another movie, but with most of the cast being very busy in your careers right now, in your opinion, is there still any reason for fans to hope or do you think that time has passed?

NF: Firefly was an incredible lesson for me. I really fell in love with that show and the people I was working with and the story we were telling and the character I was playing. I fell in love and when it was taken away my hopes were dashed, I was crushed entirely. I though, I was disillusioned. I was angry, I was so angry and then the fans, the fans came through and then Joss made this thing happen and then this perfect storm of positivity that the wonderful people over at Universal, taking it upon themselves to say “yeah, there’s a story to be told here and lets do it” so I’ll never give up hope. When people say “is there gonna be another Serenity” not so far as I know, I mean when there will be you’ll know. People come to me when I’m signing their autograph “Is there going to be another Serenity”, this isn’t where you’re going to find out, this isn’t going to be the arena. But I’ll never say never, I can say not right now, not that I know of, nobody’s said anything to me, I could tell you that. That’s the truth, not right now, nothing right now, that’s the fact, but never say never, I’ve learned that because there’s Serenity of course.

I love my Captain!

We hold til Mal gets back!

Also in interview stuff about Nathan's next movie

And this little Joss Whedon Internet project


Sunday, May 11, 2008 12:02 PM


I'm holding too!

The rest of the interview is fabulous too. Personally, right now I can't wait for Trucker and Dr Horrible


Sunday, May 11, 2008 1:46 PM


and we'll never stop hoping either!


Sunday, May 11, 2008 3:52 PM


I never gave up hope myself, and it boggles me when people do!

Darksiders can keep their cookies. We have better writers.

Grrr. Argghh.

Patiently waiting to see Cap'n Hammerpants sing!


Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:39 PM


The BDM was released in 2005, the TV series was crushed by Fox in 2002, and here we are in mid-2008 still talking about it.

You bet your gorram life there'll be another Serenity. Hollywood, specifically Universal can't ignore the fact that so many Browncoats, old and new converts, are clamoring for our BDH.

But the captain's words are encouraging. I believe as more people discover this gem it will go to such heights that can't be ignored any longer.

You with the bathing, me with the watching you bathe.


Monday, May 12, 2008 2:07 AM


He should'nt give up hope, that's why he's the Captain, but I'm done buying DVD's. FOX & Universal ar'nt getting another dime from me, they can both come up with a Super Duper Collectors Editon in Super Hi Def Blue Ray in 3D signed by God and I wo'nt buy it. They've gotten my money, now one of them make a Sequel!


Monday, May 12, 2008 8:39 PM


They won't - because they got us by the small and curlies. The series ended in 02 - the BDM in 05 - and it's been several years since. Nearly every performer in the show has moved on to other things, even Joss.

We tried, we really did. And we can be that nice little shiney series on the shelf that people can use to do fundraisers and sell box-sets for every gorram format out there. Easy money - because we keep buying. We can't/won't let the dream die. They don't have to put any effort into it - because they know this.

This has gone the same way that Space: Above and Beyond did, with a series cut prematurely by FOX before it had a chance to build effective steam - and then FOX holding it in a stranglehold of "We don't want it but We'll be damned if we let anyone else have it, either."

Face it, folks - we're on the ground in Serenity Valley, and Command decided to cut their losses and pull out. And my neck is getting awfully sore chasing the carrot they have dangled forever infront of us.

On a seperate note:

Honestly, I don't want a BDMx2 - I didn't like how everything was compressed to try to tell 5 seasons worth of stuff into 2 hours. I'd much rather have a Firefly show on a network that will treat it with care - even if its based in another country (BBC, Australian Equivelant).

Has anyone thought about Fanfilms/Fan-series? Doing independant-fanmade stories in true browncoat style? I mean - Noone (in a professional sense), not even Joss, is putting any money, ideas, or effort forward to bring it back. So why don't people who actually give a damn? Theres enough Star Wars fanfilms out there...


Monday, May 12, 2008 9:18 PM


Wishing it were otherwise and knowing it ain't.

Those are the objective facts. Faith got us here and keeps us here, but it's been all the time in the 'verse needed to do something.

'Course, STNG and STDSN came about decades after original Trek. I don't think I'll still be here if we have to wait that long.

They should just get it on and do the project, make the movie, sell a new set od DVDs and we'd be happy for a long time.

"No messin' with him for laughs."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 2:54 PM


Until Joss lets other writers play in his universe, we will never be as big as Star Wars and Star Trek. He needs to let other writers tell some stories about our crew, I would love a Firefly/Serenity novel to hold me, until Joss can commit to a new show or movie???

Keep Flying!!

Please listen to our internet radio talk "Unnamed Geek" show on Friday Nights @ 8:00pm central.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:00 PM



Did you read New York Times Bestselling Author Steven Brust's Firefly Fanfiction Novel It is good.

Have you read Joss' new comic mini-series Serenity: Better Days ? Issue #3 of 3 comes out Wednesday. I think it would make a wonderful Straight to DVD movie. Already scripted and story-boarded. And Universal has the rights to Serenity. And Universal has the rights to make movies out of Dark Horse comic books.

Everybody keep in mind that it isn't just like Joss can call up the actors and film something. Oh wait, he can.

The more people see of our Big Darn Heroes work, the more they want to see of our Big Darn Heroes work...which leads them back to Firefly/Serenity.

Someday, some studio will realize that there is enough money to be made in the 'verse or Joss and the actors will do this themselves and say hey, studio, you want to stamp your name on this.

Firefly/ is about is about Hope.

We hold 'til Mal gets back.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:58 PM


Yes i have read the comics(both sets of them, better days and those left behind), but not the novel. If i go to book a million, i see no firefly/serenity novels, but they have a whole wall of star wars, star trek, and other scifi. I feel that if Joss would let people play in his "sandbox" then i will get way more exposure and will grow faster. I dont want it to be cheapened, but good writing can be done with joss's approval.

I will look into the novel you spoke of and give it a read. people read books, and other people ask what book that you are reading is? that helps spread the word and grow our crew.


Keep Flying!!

Please listen to our internet radio talk "Unnamed Geek" show on Friday Nights @ 8:00pm central.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:19 PM



I know what you mean about all the books. Hmmm, I wonder how Keith R.A. DeCandido (wrote the Serenity novelization of the movie) would feel about doing a novelization of a comic book. Maybe Joss would approve that.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:43 PM


That my friend is the million dollar question! I would love it if he wrote a novel. But I don't see it happening.


Keep Flying!!

Please listen to our internet radio talk "Unnamed Geek" show on Friday Nights @ 8:00pm central.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:22 PM


Fan films rarely have expressly pre-written permission. It usually ends up being a "asking forgiveness is easier than begging permission".

I myself do a bit of animation, modelling, and composite work...


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:10 AM


Joss himself said "Cancelled TV Shows should not go on to become major motion pictures" I believe. We fought, and fought, and fought. And Universal saw the potential and took on the idea to make a motion picture of firefly, and look at what a difference it made. Sure, ticket sales may or may not have been as good as predicted (I can't remember to tell you the truth), and if they're not likely to be particularly high, then there's always the possibility of a direct to dvd movie.

To put it in the words of our biggest damn hero (aside from Joss or course):

"We have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty." There is no point in giving up. How many times did Familyy Guy get cancelled? and that's still going strong. Fox have to some extent realised their mistake in cancelling it, as in one of their handout thingys of fox dvd's, it says "Like this? You might like firefly, the highly acclaimed sci-fi drama from the creator of Buffy the Vampire slayer" or something to that extent.

There is no way that God can let firefly die, because it is so, very, pretty.

I am a die hard Browncoat, and I'm damned well proud of it!

Anybody who disagrees with any of this violently can do so. But no matter what you do, "You can't take the sky from me".


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2:27 PM


Family Guy was only brought back because a cable station (Cartoon Network) took it and continued the series for another couple years - rebuilding it into a smash hit.

That's what Firefly needs, so some cable channel (maybe one that deals specifically with Science Fiction shows *cough... Cough*) should think twice about continuing it - like they picked up Stargate SG-1 from Showtime. Battlestar is nearing it's end - and Caprica seems to be a few years off; Farscape is gone, infact most sci-fi original series are either cancelled or simply finished - and there should be enough money to finance Firefly.

If not, I again, suggest the making of fanfilms. If Browncoats are supposed to be the hardest-core fangroup out there - then should it not be we that continues more into the `verse? It would increase popularity and attention more than a website that has dwindled down into just reporting about Joss and co in their new endevours.

Sittin around and waiting for a crumb to fall from the table is getting under my skin. Let's aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 2:48 PM



Originally posted by TheHopGoblin:
They won't - because they got us by the small and curlies. The series ended in 02 - the BDM in 05 - and it's been several years since. Nearly every performer in the show has moved on to other things, even Joss.

We tried, we really did.

We did, we really did. The original Browncoats who were here at the cancellation of the show did everything they could... heck they built this "place"! We who followed did what we could... what we could find that hadn't already been done or tried.

It is indeed true that the actors, Joss and the rest of the crew (literally ) have moved on to other ventures. But they still love the 'Verse.
Everything they say speaks that loudly.
They haven't forgotten just like we haven't forgotten. They just can't do anything more about it than we can.

So what can we do now? We can keep each other good company. Share this wonderful show and movie with people we know and encourage them to do the same. We can take part in tne CSTS screenings and do what charitable work we can do. We can watch our BDH's in everything they're in and encourage them. We can watch genre stuff, so important to us all, and encourage that too! Sounds like we have plenty to keep us busy and plenty to be grateful for and plenty to look forward to in my book.


Originally posted by FreeBrownCoat:
'Course, STNG and STDSN came about decades after original Trek. I don't think I'll still be here if we have to wait that long.

I don't mind waiting that long. I can travel other places, look at other things, enjoy other stories and folks and then return to my BC home.
I'm patient and have a long memory.


Originally posted by Tholo:
Until Joss lets other writers play in his universe, we will never be as big as Star Wars and Star Trek. He needs to let other writers tell some stories about our crew, I would love a Firefly/Serenity novel to hold me, until Joss can commit to a new show or movie???


I feel that if Joss would let people play in his "sandbox" then i will get way more exposure and will grow faster. I dont want it to be cheapened, but good writing can be done with joss's approval.

That's exactly right! I would love books as well and wish like the dickens that Joss would allow this! I think it would maintain this fandom for the time it will take to possibly get more. To tell you the truth, I could make do with books... I can hear Mal, Wash, Kaylee and everyone else in my head just fine.


Originally posted by Anonymous1:
The more people see of our Big Darn Heroes work, the more they want to see of our Big Darn Heroes work...which leads them back to Firefly/Serenity.

Firefly/ is about is about Hope.

We hold 'til Mal gets back.

Wiser words were never spoke... I mean typed.
I have run into new fans who were intrigued by Nathan on Desperate Housewives and by Summer on TSCC. Those folks will spread the word to other folks. More people know about FF/S than used to.

There's very little chance that there will be another movie or tv show. But there is some chance that Joss might do something with it on the web, like Dr. Horrible. There's also a chance he could do a mini series, animated series or a direct to DVD movie.

I'm never leaving here, because I'm happy with my friends and doing charity work. It's a plus to me that there is still even a tiny chance that there could be something someday.


Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:49 AM


I waited for STNG and was not dissapointed, I'll wait this one out too. FF and the BDM had something to say beyond telling a compelling story. They also had excellent writing and competent acting, much like STOS. I'll wait. And I'll buy a another FF for the library too. The older versions are hitting the remainder bin and I picked a couple up for donation ;-)


Wednesday, May 28, 2008 4:54 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Wiser words were never spoke... I mean typed.
I have run into new fans who were intrigued by Nathan on Desperate Housewives and by Summer on TSCC. Those folks will spread the word to other folks. More people know about FF/S than used to.

There's very little chance that there will be another movie or tv show. But there is some chance that Joss might do something with it on the web, like Dr. Horrible. There's also a chance he could do a mini series, animated series or a direct to DVD movie.

I'm never leaving here, because I'm happy with my friends and doing charity work. It's a plus to me that there is still even a tiny chance that there could be something someday.

Just chiming in to add my two cents as to why no one should yet despair:

1. We are living in an unprecedented era as far as TV revivals are concerned. Before the time of the DVD, they just didn't happen. Ever. But now, they are happening. Family Guy was first. Then Futurama got four DVD movies when no one thought that would ever happen. FF fans scored a victory with the release of Serenity. All of these were cult shows with a dedicated following. You've gotta stay passionate and believe it can happen. Because you just never know. Someone may be hired at a major network tomorrow who's a big fan, and whose pet project is to get the show back on.

2. You are always gaining new fans. I know this from personal experience. Because I'm a new fan. I just finished the last episode on the DVDs an hour ago. I was lent the DVDs this past weekend. Now I'm going to go buy my own copy and rent Serenity. And I plan to spread the love.

So don't give up just yet.

"I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder. It's just not coming."


Thursday, May 29, 2008 3:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Sister:
and we'll never stop hoping either!

Gorram right we won't!

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Monday, June 30, 2008 7:40 PM


I kinda agree with what some other people said...I would much prefer a new tv series than a movie for several reasons. 1) a tv series is more likely to happen 2) there would be more stuff in a tv series 3) a tv series has more of a chance of being successful, gaining new fans etc.






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