Firefly sells itself, all you need to do is to get someone to watch

UPDATED: Friday, August 24, 2007 19:33
VIEWED: 2583
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Friday, August 24, 2007 12:35 PM


This is kinda an older thread, but I think that its a great topic.

I realate well to it. See I was never a real big Joss fan. I had seen buffy a few times and angel as well, but didnt follow the show that much.It was good but nothing really grabbed me about it. Then one day my best friend, who I respect alot when it comes to recomending anything cause honestly he's not very positive with about anything when it comes to movies and tv, gave me the series on dvd. I watched the first 3 right after one another and was immediately hooked.
The story is so real, even though it takes place in the future. The family feel that it has is undeniable. Mal also was someone who drew me in. Being a veteran myself, I could really relate to the way that he reacts to everyday life. Not fully able to break away from the military. Even though I was not on the loosing side of the war.. (and please if anyone feels differently about the current war just politely keep them to yourself, i dont really like mixing politics with something that I consider fun)..

My advise to anyone trying to get someone to become a fellow browncoat is to simply have them sit down with you and watch the series in continuity. The greatest thing about Firefly is that it will sell itself. There is something for everyone in the show. Drama, action, romance, comedy un name it the show has it. Whoever you get to watch this show will almost immediatle JUMP on board and when they watch the last episode and find out that the story was killed before it should have been, they will unite with the rest of us and do whatever they can to get the show back..

Being a browncoat is much more then being a fan. Where no like trekies, or any other fan orginization. The love that we have for this show is something that you dont find ever day. This undeniable fact shows that this show is something special, something that doesnt come around that often.


Friday, August 24, 2007 7:33 PM


Ja. That's how I sold all my convertees on Firefly. Just stick 'em in a room, put on the DVD, and watch 'em squirm through the entry credits...then slowly, very slowly, they calm down...

I know one thing we did right
was the day we started to fight
Keep your eyes on the prize,
hold on, hold on...






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