What can I expect from a Dragon Con?

UPDATED: Thursday, August 10, 2006 14:58
VIEWED: 3189
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Monday, August 7, 2006 1:23 PM


I'm planning on going to Dragoncon. What can I expect? With that many it rush rush. Each person talks for 5 minutes or something? Just curious. Can you get autographs? Thanks for your help and info in advance.


Monday, August 7, 2006 1:49 PM


I have similar questions about S3 in London next month (I finally ordered my ticket today).

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:58 PM


I can give you the likely lowdown on Serenity 3:

Autographs - I'd expect everyone to get one. They include one autograph (on official merchandise only) in the price. Plus you can buy lovely pictures of the cast and for the standard convention rate for a photo, they'll sign that too.

The talks are normally a pairing of two guests who talk for an hour in response to questions by ordinary folk like you and me. Warning: some people will ask questions that are overlong, insulting to the audience, the guests and indeed even occasionally entire races. Some people in fact treat it like open mike night and talk at the guests until you can't bear it any more.

What else? Expect friendly people. Lots of friendly people - there's no shortage of people to chat with, discuss Firefly and non-Firefly stuff with. It's all good stuff really.


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:14 PM


Thanks. I appreciate that.


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:33 PM


Any kind of dress codes or big do's/don'ts I should know about (my first convention).

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:29 AM


Spots, dandruff, anorak, bobble hat, thick bottle-bottom specs, shorts, tweed socks, sandals. Wooly scarf, mittens on string. Packed lunch, no mates, festooned with cameras and carrier bags full of merch*.

Yet the Blue Sun / pre-owned spaceship lot T-shirt will make you indisputably the coolest cat there.

Only genuinely etiquette point I'd consider is not staring too much. Or pointing and shouting...

It may look weird, but they've put a lot of work into the Jedi / Starfleet / Stormtrooper / Browncoat / Klingon cossies, and well...I guess that's somethin'

First time you go to one of these things, it really is rather strange. Thing is, the dressed-up uberfans carry it all off rather well.

And some celebs are a lot taller on the telly. Mr Chekov / Bester makes Kylie look like two separate gorillas.


*Note to self. Do not write descriptive prose sitting in sight of a mirror. People will resent you foisting all your good qualities and impeccable sartorial taste on them...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:32 AM



Originally posted by Gixxer:
Spots, dandruff, anorak, bobble hat, thick bottle-bottom specs, shorts, tweed socks, sandals. Wooly scarf, mittens on string. Packed lunch, no mates, festooned with cameras and carrier bags full of merch*.

Mates? Hmm... I'll have to see about aquiring some of those. Anybody know where I can get some?

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:44 AM


Wouldn't bother. Yer Sci-Fi fan, yer genuine Sci-Fi fan is born romantically challenged.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:52 AM



Originally posted by Gixxer:
Wouldn't bother. Yer Sci-Fi fan, yer genuine Sci-Fi fan is born romantically challenged.

SO, it's not that I'm doing anything wrong, I'm just like Comic Book guy in the Simpsons, doing what comes natural.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 9:51 AM



Originally posted by mike16309:
I'm planning on going to Dragoncon. What can I expect? With that many it rush rush. Each person talks for 5 minutes or something? Just curious. Can you get autographs? Thanks for your help and info in advance.

I am certainly no expert, but...

Depending on what you want to do or see you should have a good time. There are guest(the actors-writers-famous folks) panels where they sit at a table in the front of an auditorium(large room(hall) or two) and talk about their stuff. Last year most of the talk was about the movie, of course. This year 3(I think) of our heroes will be there. The Firefly/Serenity panels are scheduled, be sure to check at, at 2pm Sat and 11ish Sun. Last year there was a Browncoat ball, but not this year. They rotate the theme of the dance. There is a room lined with tables where guests(at set times) will happily autograph a nice 8x10 glossy for about $20. They frown on pics in that room unless you have paid for an autograph. Small talk is possible depending on the crowd. There is a large vendor area where you can buy ALL sorts of stuff. Comics, t-shirts, kilts, corsets, miniatures, swords, whips, leather, Anime, movies, music, t-shirts(yes more t-shirts), etc. There is an art/artist area but I am not sure about it. I believe it requires additional tickets. I may be wrong. There are fan tables lining the lobbies walls where you can congregate with like minded folks. There has been a Browncoat table for the past 2 years, at least. There is an entire hall for gaming, some organized some impromptu. There are bands and people performing, usually at nite. There are restaurants and bars in the hotels. Prices are a bit inflated as you may guess. You will see all sorts of costumes and outfits and people. Most like to have their picture taken, ask before you do and respect them if they say no. Oh, The Signal podcast is recording a live podcast sometime at the con, not sure where/when. There is a Parade on Sat(I think) and you can join a group and dress up in your finest costume. Wear comfortable shoes at the Con as in at least two hotels on multiple floors. Some carpeted some not. Do a Google image search for Dragoncon and you will get the idea.

That is all I can think of right now. Post a question if I didn't cover it.

eta: Oh yeah, lots and lots of Storm Troupers and Storm Trouperettes.

ByteTheBullet (-:


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:15 PM


Very helpful. Thanks. Are those times that Serenity cast will be on, confirmed?


Thursday, August 10, 2006 7:13 AM


Cut from the DragonCon page as of today(8-10-06). They are listed under Programming Tracks, go figure.

I just noticed I spelled Troopers wrong above.

Friday, Sep. 1, 2006

8:30 PM Serenity: The Miranda Conspiracy.

An open session of the Anglo-Sino Alliance inquiry into recent events on Miranda. Testimony and comments will be accepted from the public.

Panelists: Keith R.A. DeCandido, Eric Hendrix, Jennifer Hendrix, Miranda Thomas.

Saturday, Sep. 2, 2006

1:00 PM Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know.

Join us in giving a big Dragon*Con welcome to some new faces from the Firefly 'verse.

Panelists: Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Alan Tudyk. Centennial II-III.

Sunday, Sep. 3, 2006

11:30 AM More Fun With River and Jayne and Wash.

Another chance to meet the crew of the Serenity.

Panelists: Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Alan Tudyk. Centennial II-III.

5:30 PM Done The Impossible - A Screening.

We're pleased to present a screening of Done The Impossible, a documentary on Firefly fandom. Please note that this event will run out to 7:00 pm; after the 90 minute film we will have a Q & A session with producers Brian Wiser and Jeremy Neish.

Panelists: Jeremy Neish, Brian Wiser.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:09 AM


Mike, there are big threads on this at the OB and the SMO boards. I was new last year, and am sad the funds prevent a repeat. As a sober, mature, middle aged person, i felt a little odd going- very geeky and fan scary. after attending dragoncon for 3 days, i am now confidant that i am not in the least geeky or fan scary. there are *WAAAAAYYY* worse out there.
1. make sure you get a firefly fan badge from SEB fan table, and hang it on your lanyard.
2. bring a camera. if you're not in costume, wear cool t-shirts that support your interests (get yourself to cafepress if you haven't any) as this is a main topic of conversation while waiting in line/mingling. i'd say the fans are one third goth/industrial, one third ren faire-esque, and one-third in costume for the various shows. hanging in the hallways and people watching could have amused me in and of itself.
3. study The Grid of events and outline the ones you cannot miss- you will need an hour before each one for waiting in line. for the big halls you can skip waiting in line if you don't mind sitting in back (there are big screens showing closeups and they never closed anyone out), but for the small rooms, you will get closed out due to capacity.
4. the art show does not require separate tix and is not to be missed. the shopping is in multiple locations (none of it labeled). the signing room can be moseyed on through (no pics!) if you want to just walk past the stars and see them close up without talking/signing. the gaming hall has free rentals, and is open 24hrs. roleplaying needs to be signed up for in advance. the lobby outside the gaming hall has pickup social group games 24hrs. the parade is fun too.
5. for the parties/balls they hold in the evening, get in line at least an hour ahead of time, or you won't get in (if they're cool). in the evening, expect to see skin. you will be offered many substances and many room numbers. what you choose to do with those offers is up to you.
6. you'll only end up doing about one third of what you plan on doing. sleep is for weaklings. the only reason to go outside is that the starbucks is not in the food court but on the corner of that one hotel. be patient. be prepared to be squished and jostled. wear deodorant. talk to strangers. have fun!


Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:01 AM


I agree with everyone's advice! Last year was my first Con ever, and I was....well, no words come to mind that adequately cover it. I felt like a little kid, trying to look everywhere at once. Even though it was expensive, I appreciated staying at the Marriott. Easy to get upstairs and collapse. One thing I would recommend..if you're staying in one of the 3 host hotels, make sure you check out the D*C commercials on TV. They appropriate a closed video feed for the weekend where they run TV shows (last year, all FF eps!), movies and the Dawn & Masquerade costume contests. The commercials they made were hi-larious!

Oh, and don't kill yourself trying to do everything. There's always next year.

"I love my Captain."


Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:26 AM


I'll be there with bells on for sure. I am totally phyched for this. It'll be my sencond Dcon....

You can't take the sky from me....


Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:28 PM


I really appreciate all of the great advice. Thanks a bunch!!


Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:58 PM


oh, yeah, one more thing...don't wait until 2 hours before a panel to register for DragonCon, you will be late to the panel, but you won't have to wait in line when you eventually get there.

Have a great time!

ByteTheBullet (-:






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