ComicCon Thank You's

UPDATED: Monday, August 8, 2005 06:02
VIEWED: 5280
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Saturday, August 6, 2005 11:50 AM


As many of you know by now, there were 2 Browncoat fan tables (the first ever!) at ComicCon this year. On top of the typical spreading of Browncoat love through flyers and such, we were also the conduit by which Universal distributed tickets for the first ever screening of the *final* cut of Serenity. And if that weren’t enough, we gave away some ridiculously shiny prizes as part of our charity event. That event raised over $12,000 for Equality Now, which got Joss all poetical. :)

Well most of you know that much already. This post is to introduce the committee behind all that, without whom none of this would have happened. Most of the hard work goes on behind the scenes, so I want to make sure none of them go “unsung” as it were. ;)

The official committee for the ComicCon event was:

Malsgal, DanRegal, firecracker, Rayhill, Bosslady, dvdguy, & Brian.

Malsgal (aka The Liason) was there from the beginning – all the way back at WonderCon. She has always been encouraging and supportive and is a wiz at keeping things organized. She helped us get some of the most shiny prizes from our beloved BDHs, and worked tirelessly at the table.

Dan Regal (aka Convention Whore, aka Convention Companion) was Master of Merchandise. He was a brilliant liason to ComicCon (even got us a meeting room!) and almost never left the sales end of the fan table (except to see Tenacious D... but who can blame him?) He kept everything under control, no matter how chaotic the table got. And he, too, garnered some very shiny prize donations from our BDHs.

Firecrackr (aka Our Savior) and her hubby bleddyn, were our only local contacts down in San Diego. She suffered many, many boxes to be delivered at her house – I can’t even imagine how much stuff she had to process for us. And every single day of the con, she set up in her car a breathtaking “deli” for all of our volunteers to refresh and refuel with sandwiches and snacks. And on top of that, she is a knitting FIEND! I don’t even know what the final count was – well over *20* Jayne hats that were donated as prizes.

Rayhill (aka Charity Pimp) is just plain crazy. Once he got wind of our charity cause, he pretty much ran the charity event, getting all sorts of shiny, wacky prizes, and selling tickets night and day like a man possessed. Above and beyond that he single-handedly built our most beauteous website.

Bosslady (aka… well, Bosslady says it all) and Rhett run a fabulous, unique online Browncoat store (yes, yes, they sell other cute odds n’ ends, but - look at the Firefly stuff!) Rhett designed those shiny “Joss is Boss” shirts on Café Press – each one promoting our sfbrowncoats group, and Bosslady helped us to buy up gobs of the *ever* so popular Serenity comics when everyone else around us was sold out. And donated a number of Fray comics and cafepress gift certificates to the charity event. They also got me some tequila from Mexico… but I probably shouldn’t say any more on that. ;)

Dvdguy (aka JeremyN, aka Media Guru) was our liason to Universal, and instrumental in getting us all that delectable swag – buttons, keychains, and CDS!!!! He also supplied *all* the A/V equipment you saw at the table, and put together the video that it played. He also put together the con footage we were selling – one of out best sellers! And on top of all that he’s started filming for a Browncoat documentary... but I‘ll let him tell you about that. ;)

Brian (dude, I STILL don’t know your screenname! ) worked very closely with Jeremy in putting together the video footage for our table. He designed and printed most of the signs displayed at our table, and is also working on the fan documentary. But, far more important than all that is the fact that he was my eyes and ears on the con floor – gleaning all sorts of wicked cool swag for me while I was stuck at the fan table (cuz I am *such * a Swag Whore.) Also, Brian & Jeremy host our beloved

As you can see, ALOT of work, from a lot of people went into making these tables happen. And this isn’t hardly the tip of the iceberg. Beyond the committee there were scores of Browncoats who helped with the prep work, and of course our loyal army of hard-working, energetic, selfless, fun-loving, devoted VOLUNTEERS, and all those generous souls who donated to our charity.... This list is by no means exhaustive – I’m sure I’m forgetting most of the amazing things these people have done, but gotta start somewhere, right?


Sunday, August 7, 2005 5:15 PM


Mighty fine work, all. You done us all proud.


Firefly Funsite
Firefly-Serenity Chinese Pinyinary


Sunday, August 7, 2005 9:21 PM


i am amazed by the amount of money you raised - we are running a very small fantable at memorabilia in uk this weekend - nothing on this scale but a little bit inpspired by your magnificent efforts

i am truly, truly proud to be a browncoat - cos we're pretty

smile pretty and watch your back


Monday, August 8, 2005 5:38 AM


xiexie! best of luck in the UK!


Monday, August 8, 2005 6:02 AM


Just in case there are any of you out there who might get the wrong impression, Miyu left out one very important name(*1).

Miyu herself was in overall charge and as she mentioned, spent just about every waking moment at the table, not to mention who knows what behind the scenes work.

So any thanks are due her as much as anyone else (or more ).


1) She was either being modest, or is still suffering brain damage from Comic-Con






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