Ruler of your domain ?

UPDATED: Saturday, July 14, 2007 03:48
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, July 13, 2007 10:13 PM


Howdy everyone,
I haven’t been around much as of late, been a little busy. But now I’m back and I have a question/poll type of issue that I’d like to get your help with. If I get pretty good feedback I may start other posts that are somewhat similar. This post is kinda inspired by the captain/commander issues Malcolm Reynolds has on his little spacecraft Serenity. He owns that firefly transport so what he says goes. If someone doesn’t follow his rules then they’re off his ship. Here’s the question.

You are head of a household. There are 6 people living under your roof. What are 5 rules that you would insist be followed in order to keep your household stable and the 6 people living with you at peace? Now you might have to think about it and depending on the age of some of the folks living in your house could be your rules may be different and varied then mine. Another thing 5 rules may seem as a rather short list but what I’m looking for are the major things that you would deem necessary to keep the flow going. Almost like a mini government. The last detail is that your 5 rules can be listed in any order meaning top priority could be listed in the number 5 position; it doesn’t matter as long as your top 5 are on the list. I’m curious to see if some of the younger browncoats would have some of the same rules as their parents. I’ll start.

1) Rule one ( and the top one in my opinion) what the head of the household says is what goes. I am willing to listen to any dispute or consider any disagreement but I have the final say. Conclusion Me = lawmaker.
2) Noise; Anything considered extreme to the point that it is a disruption to the household and has reached the PitE decibel level (pain in the ear) is forbidden.
3) Youngfolk of driving age must report their whereabouts after 2am. Whether staying the night at a friends domain or reporting home at a later time I should know where to contact you.( if grandma falls off of a 50 ft. extension ladder I need to know where to find them to tell them where we’ll be).
4) Messes should be cleaned up by the mess maker. You trashed it you clean it up ( this one is not always followed)
5) Be courteous and share the work load. Chore sharing and taking care of things is everyone’s duty.

That’s my list and it doesn’t reflect any major issues that may be happening at my household in particular. I’m only curious in seeing what some of your rules would be and see how you would go about having them followed. A little experiment if you will. Oh and btw if someone would happen to post a rule that you would consider a better one than one you have on your list there is no reason your top 5 can not be changed.



Saturday, July 14, 2007 3:48 AM


-No (deliberate) explosives or radioactive material inside the house.

-Never Summon anything into the house that you cannot put down (this includes inviting people in without knowing who/what they are).

-Actions have consequences. Accept them and be prepared to deal with them.

-Close doors behind you, and lock them if you're not going to be using them soon (also: turn off the TV, stereo, lights, and faucets when not in use).

-Settle disagreements by compromise, not violence or volume. Just because you're louder doesn't mean you're right.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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