Morena and Christina - Day Two!

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 17:12
VIEWED: 1078
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006 4:36 PM


For those interested.. here's a recounting of what happened on Day Two of SFX this past weekend:

Got up early to take the train in and meet elizalavelle early at 9am. The doors weren’t opening until 10am, but considering the lineup of the day before, and that they had been only the delux pass holders, we knew it was going to be much busier today. And thank goodness we did! The number of people was INSANE. Friday probably wasn’t even a quarter of the number of people who came through those doors on Saturday. The line up was just Non-Stop all day long. Fortunately, since we’d arrived early, it did not take us long to get in.
The day before, lioness (of the Canadian Browncoats) had found a vendor who promised to bring in two copies of the Firefly Virtual Companion, Vol.1 (There was hardly any Firefly or Serenity stuff around, other than Pixel Barrel… No One seemed to know that Morena was even there! Fools) so I went looking for them, and found them at last after asking around and got my copy. elizalavelle picked up the Serenity Visual Companion at the same time.
We headed back across the room to Morean’s table. There were water bottles out, so we suspected that she’d be there soon, and just hung out for a while, but then suddenly Juliet Landau was at her table and elizalavelle really wanted to get her to sign the wooden stake (an actual prop from Buffy) that she had, so we headed over. When were half way through Juliet’s line, I saw Morena show up and was all antsy to get over there (as I haven’t watched any Buffy, I wasn’t really concerned with getting Juliet’s autograph) but I stayed and ended up taking about four pictures in a row for people with Juliet. elizalavelle was very happy!
We scurried over to Morena’s table and saw that Christina wasn’t with her. Since it was approaching time to line up for Juliet Landau’s Q&A, we decided to wait and see if Christina would show up this afternoon. I left elizalavelle with some other browncoats and decided to skip the Q&A and do a bit more of a walk about.
There were a lot of interesting Comic booths, many artists who were signing and sketching for free! I’ve been out of comics for so long, I didn’t recognize many names, but it was still very cool.
I watched Morena sign for a little while (like, only 5 minutes, I’m not *that* much of a stalker *G*) but the line never got small enough to just go up to chat, unfortunately. So I went out to the food area and sat down to take a break and read some of my Firefly Virtual Companion. This book is awesome. So many great little details in it.
I was joined by a large family of anime kids, all in costume. They were funny, calling out to other people in costume and getting pictures taken. There were a lot more costumes today, as tonight was the Masquerade. The Cosplay aspect is HUGE, and you could easily come and do nothing else. Some of the costumes were fantastic. At one point elizalavelle and I saw an Inara in a Shindig dress. It was very nice, and when she saw us looking we gave her the thumbs up!!
Near one o’clock, I headed upstairs to meet the gang to go for lunch. Ran into artemis_prime first and then a bunch of others and we all went across the street for a quick lunch before heading back over.
Morena was gone at this point, but rumour had it she’d be back at 3 pm, so we stood in the tiny line that had formed and talked to the young fellow’s in front of us, trying to explain to one of them who Christina Hendricks was. He got it the end, I believe after a comment about breasts was made *G*. More people started lining up, and because some of the other line ups were so long that they stretched past us again, the volunteer had us snaking back on ourselves, like a series of S’s, which was kinda crazy.
We were yakking with everyone about seeing Morena and Christina the day before, and one woman in the line beside us in Buffalo state shirt said she was going to Flan II. I said “Oh, well!” and pretended to be all snooty (as a joke) that she was getting to go, and then something clicked in my head – woman going to flan II, from buffalo – I was supposed to be meeting noneofyours at some point and had been periodically checking my cell phone for messages, but had found nothing. But this was too much coincidence. I turned back and said “Flan II! Buffalo shirt! Laura?!!!” and she stared at me like, how does this freak know my name? And I said “I’m 2x2!!!!” And her eyes went wide and she went “MEL?!” and we laughed and hugged and she told me she’d forgotten my number in the car!!! It was hilarious. The rest of the crowd was staring at us like a couple of freaks, but it was fun. She was there with willow_kat whom it was great to meet as well!
3:00 came, and then we heard that Morena M.I.A. and they didn’t know where she was!! But at around 3:30 she arrived, looking very stressed, with Christina in tow.
By the time I got up there, they were both in great moods, very happy and all smiles, and Christina recognized me and said “Hi again!” and I got her to sign my Firefly Visual Companion on page 159 next to a picture of her as ‘innocent’ Saffron. Then I moved over to Morena and had her sign on page 69, full page picture of Inara Then I said to Morena “I’m sure a thousand people have told you already, but a group of the local browncoats are having a shindig for dinner tonight,” and she said “Yeah, I know! Somebody told me that,” and she looked at me and said “Wasn’t it you? Yesterday?” It wasn’t but I said “Maybe,” and then she said “I’m gonna try to come,” (which somehow didn’t fully register in my brain until after when elizalavelle told me she’d said that.)
Then I told them both how thankful I was that they let me take my second picture the day before, because the one on my camera hadn’t turned out at all, but that the one on elizalavelle’s did, and they said they were glad and so happy I’d gotten one that turned out. I asked if I could just have a picture of the two of them together, and elizalevelle took it and it turned out soooo beautifully! They were both so sweet and in such good moods, I was even more excited after seeing them this time and giddy and bouncy.
After, elizalevelle decided she wanted to get a fresh copy of the DVD’s to have them sign tomorrow, so we headed up to HMV. Unfortunately, it was raining and I had no umbrella. I used my Games Workshop bag (free crap from their table) as a makeshift umbrella, but ended up stopping to wait at a Second Cup.
I grabbed a juice and watched the crazy guy panhandling out front until she came back with her fresh copy of the DVD’s. I had brought mine to be signed too, but once I’d gotten the Visual Companion, I decided that I wanted M and C to sign that instead. But tomorrow I will get the DVD’s signed.
We went back to Morena’s table again, and there was hardly anyone there this time! Lioness arrived and asked Morena if she would pose for a special picture with something she had hidden in her hands. Morena said sure, and Lioness handed over her Wonder Woman pez dispenser! Oh, the laughter that ensued! We got a great picture of it too. It was hilarious. Lioness said “we’ll see you at dinner?” and Morena gave the thumbs up!
We were getting giddy with excitement.
It was getting close to time to head over to the restaurant, so we gathered a few folk and headed over, only to discover that the restaurant had our reservation written down upstairs, but no one had told the staff downstairs!! So, we had to wait a while in the bar area while they set up our tables. Then there was a miscommunication and they set the table for 20 instead of 28!! But we got that sorted out and had two seats waiting for Morena and Christina.
At seven, we ordered, and Cindy, Morena’s wrangler (by which I mean assistant of course) for the weekend arrived and told us that Morena and Christina were tired and were going to the hotel room to rest, and might come if they were feeling up to it, but which really meant they probably weren’t. *shrug* Which was okay. They’d been surrounded by fans all day long, they didn’t really need to be surrounded by fans for dinner too, but it sure would’ve been nice *G* We learned that Christina had actually been living in Toronto for a while, doing a pilot. So I hope she took Morena out for a good time on the town.
Dinner was great fun with everyone. Ali and Dorothy, two CB’s wanted pictures of everyone with their Jayne hats, so we all got up and posed for some fun pictures. Then we got everyone up on this little staircase at the back of the room and noneofyours and a friend of Bob’s took many pictures on everyone’s camera’s of us all looking silly. It was a ton of fun!
Didn’t bother trying to go back for the Masquerade. The lineups were huge and I probably wouldn’t have had a hope in hell of getting in, besides which, I was exhausted. So I bid everyone goodnight and headed to Union Station. Met up with artemis_prime and Kate YHM in the washroom LOL and we all went to our separate trains and/or busses and headed home.
I was too exhausted when I got home to write this up, and had to figure out the logistics for dropping my husband off in the morning and still getting to the Convention centre at 9:30 am so we could line up early again. Still didn’t get to bed until 3 am. Crazy….
Tomorrow, the plan’s to get in and immediately begin the line up for Morena’s Q&A, because the room she’s in is TINY!!!
More to come in the final installment, Day 3!


Tuesday, September 5, 2006 5:12 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Do you think you could post those pictures? Please?







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