Firefly Marathon and Censorship

UPDATED: Monday, July 17, 2006 22:34
VIEWED: 2676
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Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:19 AM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

I managed to juggle my schedule so I could watch the entire Firefly marathon on Friday. Imagine my astonishment when, in the beginning of "Ariel", the network actually bleeped out Jayne's comment that Simon's cooking smelled like "crotch." I have no doubt that Joss probably originally substituted "crotch" for something more graphic and less socially acceptible, but can someone tell me when this perfectly functional word became obscene?

I could understand if Jayne had said some other "c" word, but geez, even trees have crotches.

I half-way expected them to edit out Inara's bathing scene and Nandi's back. What next?

Is the Alliance already running the good ol' USA?


Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:28 AM


You should have seen the way Sky One slashed Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Whole scenes were cut from the show so they could show it before the watershed.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:40 AM


"...before the watershed..."? What's that mean??


Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:09 AM


In the UK or Ireland, the watershed is the time when not-for-kiddies scenes can be shown on TV. Usually 9pm. Anything before then is strictly regulated to protect the innocent. Since Sky One decided that Buffy was just some bizzare kid's show, they showed it at 8pm all the time, and only showed uncut re-runs at times like 2am. And even then they sometimes didn't bother putting the cut scenes back in!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:15 AM


Thanks! We have a similar thing here in the US...


Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:32 AM


I noticed they blurred out Cap'n Tightpants' lack of pants too.

I was a bit surprised that the only word they did edit was crotch. There was a lot worse in there, and they didn't seem to care. Makes me wonder if that's part of why someone over there at Sci Fi doesn't want to do the show... Guess they prefer "frackin" over "ruttin" or something...

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:24 PM


I never credited the ppl behind sci-fi channel with an overabundance of brains (just look at the crappy z movies they throw all their money on instead of just 2 or 3 good movies (ie: Serenity sequals) and argue about it)
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:41 PM


Censorship is very strange. They will cut out "crotch" if it is in reference to a discription (ie. smells like crotch), but would probably leave it in if it were "Ouch, you kicked me in the crotch."

I also noticed that they never bleeped out the word "whore." Fuzzed out the Captain's backside, but left the partial female nudity in "War Stories" and "Heart of Gold."

The wierd society we live in where a kid can be exposed to horrible violence and sex, but no swearing.


Monday, July 17, 2006 1:06 AM



Originally posted by Redlava:

The weird society we live in where a kid can be exposed to horrible violence and sex, but no swearing.

they dont mind the swearing, they just can't let normal words used pejoratively fall on young ears
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 17, 2006 7:50 PM



Originally posted by Redlava:

The wierd society we live in where a kid can be exposed to horrible violence and sex, but no swearing.

I caught part of a horror flick on sci-fi on a saturday afternoon and was shocked to see intestines spilling out of a body and un-edited blood splatter from head wounds (not put-off, just didn't expect it on reg. cable). Later, in the same movie, a brief shot of a sleeping women's butt was blurred out. I was thinking "hey kids it's ok to disembowel and shoot people, but a naked body is evil". Weird society, indeed.


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:14 PM



Originally posted by Redlava:
Censorship is very strange. They will cut out "crotch" if it is in reference to a discription (ie. smells like crotch), but would probably leave it in if it were "Ouch, you kicked me in the crotch."

I also noticed that they never bleeped out the word "whore." Fuzzed out the Captain's backside, but left the partial female nudity in "War Stories" and "Heart of Gold."

The wierd society we live in where a kid can be exposed to horrible violence and sex, but no swearing.

and yet kids know all this stuff!! They swear, the talk sex and there are 8 year olds who can play games like GTA cause their parents brought it for them...its utter ridiculous (besides, whos going to watch a satelliete channel DURING school....)

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:34 PM


In my little book of witticisms I've created while mostly being drunk or high or both I know I have a comment about our good ol' FCC.....

It was something along the lines of "The FCC's Motto: Brainwashing Millions of Americans Without The Use Of Profanity". I can see an orgy on a prime-time cop show on Network TV, but I can't hear somebody say God before Damn because we might offend Christians who don't want to hear the Lord's name used in vain or Muslims who just don't like watching anyone enjoy themselves. I'm not judging here, but who the hell let the FCC decide that I can see two men (or women) kissing on prime time TV but I can't hear the word God spoken?

The Alliance, hell, the entire Firefly experience is simply a fantastical metaphor for how life is here today in the US, and most likely to greater or lesser degree everywhere else in the world as well. It's out there... and it's strength lies in it's relative unobtrusiveness on our everyday lives which allows them to operate under the public radar while it's presence lingers in everything we do. We still have far to much in life to enjoy to even notice all the new laws and regulations which restrict our freedom and deny us of our so-called "inalienable rights". They've been doing this behind our backs for at least 230 years already. It's really quite beautiful how well oiled the machine actually is... particularly the fact that it fronts as a brutally slow and blundering behemoth, even at the cost of lives and livelyhoods of Katrina victims, for example. An even better example is how they suckered a majority (and the jury is still out on that one) of us to vote in that loveable idiot George Bush who, by the way, turned out to be a pretty crafty dictator in the end. Heil Fuhrer Bush! Heil The Ministries of Love and Truth! War is Peace! Slavery is Freedom!

Oh well... ain't my worry. Nothing is going to change because nobody really listens or cares anyhow. I used to worry about such things, but now the more I think about it, the funnier it gets. Smoke if you got 'em. I'm hoping that lung cancer gets me before the Alliance decides once and for all that I am incapable of deciding what is good for me and makes smoking illegal.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."






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