Why does the movie make me so gorram depressed?

UPDATED: Friday, December 23, 2005 00:47
VIEWED: 2211
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Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:12 PM


Don't know what it is... but remember that feeling you got when you saw the last scene of Objects in Space for the first time? I felt that way for the whole two hours of Serenity.

All I remember is that it felt like an ending, plus it reminded me of all the years we missed in between. Everyone and everything was all different. Maybe it would help if it was warm and comforting with that dinner-table family togetherness feeling that the series had... but there's none of that. It's all cold and hard and there's lots of death and endings of all kinds.

I couldn't enjoy it in the theater because - even during the few somewhat happy scenes early in the movie - I was sitting there with that pit-of-my-stomach depressing feeling, like a friend had died. The whole thing sorta felt like a funeral to me.

Now I'm sitting here with a $30 Best Buy gift card and I can't bring myself to go buy a copy of the DVD. I'm actually dreading watching it again. I find myself looking for any excuse to not buy it.

I also feel like I'm kind of letting down other fans by not buying it, which makes the whole feeling worse.

Anybody else feel this way? I really hope not, cause it ain't fun.


"I am luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell


Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:24 PM


well your purchase would help get yet another movie...which means the lack of the end. Hell this is only the...middle...or something.
If you've only seen the movie once I strongly suggest you see it does get better...the feeling i mean.

"There is a sense that this is still not over. It's hard to put a finger on what's so special about this project and about this group of people, but it's just one of those things you have to trust in, and relish. I am very, very proud."
---Jewel Staite on "Firefly" and "Serenity" in "Finding Serenity" (essay collection by Jane Espenson)


Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:30 PM


Although I do want you to buy the movie, I know how you feel. The final scene with Mal and River on the bridge feels so much like coming full circle, it's almost a shame if that isn't the end...and yet I don't want it to be. But that's life. It's hard and beautiful all at the same time. Deal with it, it's worth it.


Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:36 PM


I seriously felt very very very depressed for a whole week after seeing it. i saw it on opening night, and i spent the whole week just thinking about it. Book and Wash's deaths just hit hard. mainly because it felt final. if felt like the 'verse was dead. i think a lot of people felt this way because they hoped that the movie would maybe spark a new beginning for the franchise, but with the deaths of Wash and Book, a lot asked themselves if they really even wanted it after that. I've seen the movie a few times since than, and yes, it does getter better. and the hopes of a sequel makes it feel even better. I feel that the crew can survive with 2 men down. it won't be the same, but it will still be interesting. especially since we can maybe see River blossom. i do wish the series could return. because the way i see it is that Joss created these characters that we love. while they can never be replaced, who is to say that he can't bring in new characters that we will fall in love with. that is also something that hurts. who are these new characters that could be introduced that we will now never know?


Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:44 PM


Maybe I should face the pain and see it again. A friend told me to check out the series on DVD before seeing the movie, so by the time I made it to the theater it was literally the last day of its 3-week run. There was no going back, even if I wanted to.

I guess... seeing the way all of the characters had aged and changed, and seeing people die... I kind of felt like I knew somewhere deep down that the TV show I fell in love with was truly over. The 'verse might be back on TV at some point (very well might!), but this movie drove home the point that Firefly - the show I loved so much, and the way everything was - that was all gone and would never be back.

And I had just discovered the show that very same week!


"I am luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell


Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:12 PM


If it's any consolation, when I was watching the movie it dawned on me that the plot probably would have been the last half of season 1. Joss Whedon quite enjoys killing off main characters to make people pay attention, and I got the feeling that the bounty hunter would have played the Operative's role on television.

I understand what you're saying though. The movie wasn't the show but it was at the same time. Mostly it made me awe at the potential of cross-medium storytelling. It gave the whole story a little more depth and a little more diversity.


Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:25 PM



Anybody else feel this way? I really hope not, cause it ain't fun.

Hey there Cub, sweetie:

I know exactly how you feel. The BDM was what it was meant to be, but it didn't/couldn't serve up the intimacy we'd been dealt from the langorous episodes we'd been blessed with. TV, funny as it may seem, has the time (40mins per shot) to give us charactor development and storyline that a movie just can't -- gotta be fast, interesting, compelling. I love the BDM, because it's what got me to the 'verse, not being a TV watcher and all, so I won't complain too much. Hang on to your hope that our BDH's will live on in another venue at some undisclosed time in the hopefully not-to-distant future.

For the short-term, though, might I suggest you explore some of the fan fiction? I've stuck my toe in, and been pleasantly surprised by the depth of intelligence I have found in some of the postings. Go in with an open mind, and you can find some compelling and well-written offerings. I've only stuck my toe in, but I managed to pull it back intact, and enriched from the experience. I've also poked around in the podcasts, and found them to be a ton o fun too. There is life after the BDM and Objects in Space. I've also found some fan videos that I love very much (Mary by Patty Griffin, honoring Inara in her difficult existence, and another by the same author, a very moving tribute to Serenity and her crew, bookending how the crew ended up in Objects in Space, with their meeting in Out of Gas). I'll try and refind the link to those and repost once I get back to my more powerful computer at work.

The fans are virulent and damned if they aren't ardent in their love for Joss's creation. Poke around like I have, and you will find food for your soul.

Take care, and best wishes! Have a merry christmas, ya hear?


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Friday, December 23, 2005 12:47 AM


hey there

i kinda know how you feel. watching objects in space has this certain gloomy feeling to it that depresses me thinking its the end, and wishing for something more. its hard to explain.

i guess im tying to stay optimistic and like to think that serenity isnt the end of something and that dvd sales do help.

as soon as the music starts in that final montage scene as you see the crew patch up the ship it starts to feel really important yet sad so i do know how you feel. the final scene with river and mal feels final yet also hanging in the balance as not everything that can be said has been said, but thats what i appreciate about joss's writing, because even if that is the last time we get to see the ff verse on screen it gives it an ending but doesnt reduce everything to equilibrium where everything is hunk dory at the end. the fact that we never get to see zoey's grief, or how the rest of the crew carry on, or how the alliance plays a part aftwerwards is frustrating but very well done.

i do hope you watch it again. i dont know if the depressing feeling goes away with watching it but i do really love the end scene with mal and river its perfeclty fitting. also we need to stay positive and dvd sales are encouraged!

"Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."






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