Serenity Crew and Riddick Crossover FanFic

UPDATED: Friday, October 22, 2004 21:22
VIEWED: 5753
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:33 PM


Hey all, I've decided to put whatever writing skills I have to good use and write a Riddick and Serenity Crew Crossover story, and I'm looking for all the feedback on this you can muster. I'm just putting this down to see your input. I, at least, think it's a great idea. I've been a huge Riddick fan since Pitch Black, and I've watched my Firefly dvd's many, many, many times more than I can dream of counting. You guys can count on me for making this good without screwing it up. I'm gonna take my time on this, just to make sure it is good and true to both franchises. I have already devised a plot that will not affect either continuity and is epic and exciting. I hope you all will feel the same way about this, as I am eagerly looking forward to start writing it. What do you all think??? If you guys want, I'll post a synopsis later. Thanks for your time/


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:11 PM


America loves a winner!

I see that working, but only to a small degree. I might be the last person to have anything to say about this sort of thing, since I've not dabbled in the fictional character cross over issue - at all.

Last time we had checked w/ the Serenity crew, the 'verse that Joss made has no aliens (known) yet. Not even human types from long lost colonies (except Reavers ). Riddick isn't from Earth that was, as I understand it, nor is he even the same species(homo sapien sapien).

Riddick clearly could mop the floor w/ any / all of the Serenity crew (except maybe River ?)so for the OUR sake, I hope he's on OUR side, or at least, neutral.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:25 PM


Yeah, I understand the species concern...and I have a way of dealing with that; it was one of my main concerns. The Serenity world will be the "past/alternate" timeline that Riddick wakes up in in the beginning of the story with no knowledge of how he got there.

Yes, Riddick could also clean the crew's clocks, but he will be neutral in the beginning and then go to the protagonist's side. However, I want a grudge between Riddick and Mal. Mal knows Riddick is the superior, but he does have a few tricks up his sleeve that would work to his advantage. I also want Jayne to be the one to try and size up Riddick; but beings Jayne is not cunning enough...he won't be successful.

I also am planning on Riddick having a crush on Zoe, which will lead to a small conflict with Wash.

Primary Connections I am planning with each crewmember include:

River- I want Riddick to sympathize with her on some level. Also when one of the crew asks about Riddick's eyes...I want River to answer the question for him with "...20 packs of menthol Kools...". I also plan on them having the biggest bond of the story, it just seems right.

Book-I want the same kind of relationship that Imam had with Riddick here. Except, Book will show off Kung-Fu skills and knock out Riddick at one point.

Mal-Rivalry, but with mucho respect for each other. And I want Riddick to keep calling him "Cowboy". I just think that's funny

Kaylee- I want Kaylee to be scared of him at first. But she will be the first one Riddick protects in the story, and she'll warm up.

Jayne- I want him to do the whole "My gun is bigger.." deally. Except Riddick will call Vera "..beautiful"

Zoe-She will stick by her man, but Riddick will do all he can to tempt her to do otherwise.

Wash-While being no threat to him at all, he would be the first to stab Riddick in the back.

Simon-I haven't quite figured this one out yet, but so far its just gonna have Riddick treating him like a boy who knows nothing, until medical treatment is needed.

Inara- Won't be in the story much...because of the fact the story takes place just after Inara just left the ship.

What force brought these heroes together? Will Riddick drive the crew apart? Or will he make them stronger? Find out soon....thanks guys.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:16 PM


America loves a winner!

Man! I TOTALLY can see the scene with River,.... " 20 packs of menthol Kools ", or something similar to that effect. Awesome! Maybe she doesn't get the terminology EXACTLY right, but leaves no doubt to Riddick (and the audience ) what she means. Much like she did w/ Badger and Jubal.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:18 AM


sounds intriguing - got more?



Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:25 AM


Here's your story.

A small capsule appears on the radar. Wash flies over, to check it out.

They take it on board Serenity, open it up, there's Riddick in cryo or somesuch.

Jayne goes all wide eyed, "I know that guy!" kinda of look.

They ask him, he says he used to run stuff with him back in the day. "He had this weird mental problem, thought he was being chased by monsters in the dark."

Riddick wakes up... only, it turns out that Riddick is actually a parapalegic man with severe mental disabilities and prone to hallucinations. He starts telling them about the creatures he vanquished in his travels. He was on a job with Jayne years back, and got injured in a firefight, leaving his paralyzed from the waist down. He spent years in a rehab, where he went schizo.

Halfway through, River freaks out, saying he's a schizophrenic giant made of iron, sent by the Hands of Blue.

So, Mal shoots him.

Jayne picks the dead carcass up, saying "let's launch this multi-facial thing into the black"

Simon replies, "yeah, into the pitch black."

Kaylee grins, says "I've got a body bag in the boiler room"

Inara says "I hope it's a size triple X."

Wash chuckles, "This guy's definitely a man apart from the rest of us."

Book nods, saying "He must have lived fast, and furious."

Zoe spits on the body, saying "he was probably one of the knockaround guys for some small time crime boss."

Mal looks at the body, saying "he's probably one of the strays."

Then they launch the freakin thing into space, never to be heard from again.

The End

--Jefé The Hat

--Don't bother trying to predict, figure out, second guess, criticize, or suggest anything that comes from the mind of Joss Whedon, for you shall usually be wrong, and shall find out the Truth and Purpose in due time.
(This is the Truth of Whedoning)
"I like smackin 'em"--Jayne


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:48 AM


Wow, Blackbelt, this sounds really cool! I am a big fan of Firefly and Riddick and I love crossovers. Your ideas sound great. I especially love the crush on Zoe and the rivalry with Mal. I can see Riddick starting neutral and eventually becoming one of the gang simply cuz he doesn't seem to be the Alliance fan kind of guy.

I wish you luck with writing! Please let me know when you have something finished, I'm already signed up to read it.

I'm not broken, in my dream I win...


Thursday, October 21, 2004 12:57 PM


Thanks guys, I'll have more soon.


Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:52 PM



That was pretty bad. and HI-larious!!


I'll be around, waiting for more!



Friday, October 22, 2004 9:22 PM


One thing ... In "The Chronicals of Riddick" we are sorta led to believe that the "20 packs of menthol Kools..." story is a lie - by the grown-up Kid acerbic line about it and also note the VERY familier eyes of the lava-wolves/cats - not to mention ALL Kools are/were menthol - Riddick does not make verbal 'mistakes' ...

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"






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