Heh the Captain in Buffy

UPDATED: Friday, June 25, 2004 20:41
VIEWED: 5286
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Saturday, June 19, 2004 6:30 PM


I'm not a fan of Buffy, Angel or anything but Firefly but sometimes on a Saturday night you take what scifi/fantasy you can get. =)

Anyway I just saw the Captain as an evil Southern preacher in the End of Days Buffy episode. Honestly seeing him as the preacher I can't imagine how he ever transformed his game into the quality he shows in Firefly. ;)

So does Mr. Wedan do a lot of cross casting?


Saturday, June 19, 2004 7:04 PM


I am a big fan of all of Joss's work. He picks actor that he feels can get the job done and sticks with them. He may hire an actor for what was going to be a small part and bring them back as a main charactor ex. James Marster as Spike. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that after Firefly was cancelled both Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres both showed up on other Whedon shows as large part charactors. Fillion was also great in the show 2 guy and a girl. I personally like to watch every thing that I can by actors in my favorite shows so that I can understand the range that they have. :)


Saturday, June 19, 2004 7:50 PM


Yes, the appearance on buffy was after firefly was dead and gone.

Gina torres appeared at approximetly the same time(and importance) on Angel. Then in this last season of angel Adam Baldwin(Jayne) appeared for numerous eps.

Also, prior to her work as River, Joss discovered Summer to play the Ballerina in "Waiting in the Wings" in season 3 of angel.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 8:54 AM


Ahh,yes. I love to see my favorites again and again. Jonathan M. Woodward (Tracy) was also in many episodes of Angel as Knox and in BTVS also.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 1:53 PM



Originally posted by Fangoo:
I just saw the Captain as an evil Southern preacher in the End of Days Buffy episode. Honestly seeing him as the preacher I can't imagine how he ever transformed his game into the quality he shows in Firefly. ;)

Actually, I think the Captain as Caleb really showed Nathan's range as an actor. I had never seen Firefly prior to his Buffy role, and I must say that I really did not like Caleb at all.... and therefore kinda carried that over to the actor, UNTIL.... I watched the Firefly DVD's and really fell in love with the Cap'n and realized that he played Caleb to be hated, that was his interpretation of the character, and he did a wonderful job.


So does Mr. Wedan do a lot of cross casting?

That would be Whedon... or GodJoss to you lesser mortals.
And yes, he does do alot of cross casting. He finds an actor that he loves, or sees as being just perfect for some other role and he uses them again. I love that about him. Actors pop up in the most unusual eps and they fit, just like he knew they would.

Being a hero doesn't mean you succeed in saving the day.... it just means you tried.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 3:44 PM


Firefly. ;)

Actually, I think the Captain as Caleb really showed Nathan's range as an actor.

I didnt see Caleb but recently read somewhere Nathan actually auditioned for Angel--sometimes it works out you do NOT get the role

Mal wouldnt be Mal without Nathan


Monday, June 21, 2004 2:59 AM



Originally posted by rivergirl:
I didnt see Caleb but recently read somewhere Nathan actually auditioned for Angel--sometimes it works out you do NOT get the role

What role did he audition for? Or are you saying that he auditioned for the role of Angel way back when? Either way, it just goes to show that Joss was impressed and certainly kept him in mind. Does anyone know if he auditioned for the role of Mal? And if he did actually audition for the Angel character... wow... what a thought, and what different direction would the character have gone in? Interesting thought.


Mal wouldnt be Mal without Nathan

Oh, yes, I most wholeheartedly agree with you there. Nathan brings Mal to life. The recent thread where someone asked what different people would be good as the Firefly cast and someone mentioned Marc Blucas as Mal..... gag.

I love the cast as it is and wouldn't change a thing.. but then I hate change, so that's no big surprise...

Being a hero doesn't mean you succeed in saving the day.... it just means you tried.


Monday, June 21, 2004 3:16 AM



What role did he audition for? Or are you saying that he auditioned for the role of Angel way back when? Either way, it just goes to show that Joss was impressed and certainly kept him in mind. Does anyone know if he auditioned for the role of Mal?

This is what I heard happened:
When Two Guys and A Girl (which Nathan was in) got cancelled Fox put him on a retainer and said we don't have work for you yet but we'll find you something.

They then set up the meeting for him with Joss and I think Joss liked that he could do goofy comedy and also be the action hero. I don't know whether he then had an audition or screen tests or anything.

Nathan did audition for the role of Angel but he mentioned it to Joss and Joss didn't even remember him. (I think I heard somewhere that he didn't even get as far as reading for Joss).


And if he did actually audition for the Angel character... wow... what a thought, and what different direction would the character have gone in? Interesting thought..

Yeah it could have changed the whole Buffyverse as we know it. They weren't even sure Angel was going to be a recurring character originally. So it might not have worked out and Angel might not have returned and the Buffyverse might have taken a completely different path in season 2. Or he might have played it darker or lighter and the whole character arc might have changed. We might never have had the Angel spin off. We might have ended up with 'Xander - the series' or something equally horrific. It's interesting to ponder the butterfly effect that changing as seemingly small a thing as one actor with a small part might have had on the entire series.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Monday, June 21, 2004 4:16 AM



Originally posted by heb:
We might have ended up with 'Xander - the series' or something equally horrific.

. . .

Did you just diss the Xand-man?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, June 21, 2004 4:53 AM


Mal wouldnt be Mal without Nathan>>

I think Xpose or Cult tv--one of the Britich Mags--had a whole list of who tried out for various roles ie Kevin Sorbo as Mulder ?

Its kinda of hard to go back and think what a different actor could have brought to the role


Monday, June 21, 2004 5:05 AM


Yes, Mr. Whedon likes to take cast members he has previously used and have 'em pop up wherever he can. He's great with his loyalties like that and he remembers someone, even from an audition way back when. He's an amazing director and man! I think his loyalty is the best attribute that a director and creator can have!

"I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody, then a real nobody."-The Talented Mr. Ripley


Monday, June 21, 2004 5:25 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:

Originally posted by heb:
We might have ended up with 'Xander - the series' or something equally horrific.

Did you just diss the Xand-man?


Um... No.

Ok yes but only because I could just imagine them doing some horrific sitcom with Xander as the main star. (...not that Joss would ever do anything horrific, when I say 'them' I mean the network...I just keep digging here don't I?)

No seriously I love Xander. I was going for the cheap shot and I apologise.

*bangs head on desk as act of contrition*

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Monday, June 21, 2004 6:44 AM


Laurence (from the pilot) has also been in Buffy and Angel, he played a priest/demon in Buffy, and Doyle's ex-wife's new husband in Angel.

Also, the actor who played D'Hoffren in Buffy and a doctor who could take off his limbs in Angel, played the part of an Alliance officer in Firefly.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Monday, June 21, 2004 12:23 PM


I have a confession to make.

I thought Caleb was pretty hot stuff. I mean, I know he was evil and gross and horrible, but. . .

::runs away and hides::


Tuesday, June 22, 2004 12:44 PM



Originally posted by Sydni64:
I have a confession to make.

I thought Caleb was pretty hot stuff. I mean, I know he was evil and gross and horrible, but. . .

::runs away and hides::

AHHH... you must have been under the spell of the First... or maybe men with a minister's collar just turn you on...

Being a hero doesn't mean you succeed in saving the day.... it just means you tried.


Friday, June 25, 2004 3:00 PM


Caleb is one scary little b- *laughs*.

Nathan was just plain great. I really do think he does the accent a little too well. It also makes me question his background...especially noticing he's in Blast From the Past (guy in blue suit who gets beaten up at the bar)

*laughs* Xander Cult hehe (Xander fan)


Friday, June 25, 2004 4:57 PM


I just watched "Saving Private Ryan' again and got caught completely off guard when Nathan Fillion popped up in the movie. After that I checked IMDB and realized he has quite the resume.


Friday, June 25, 2004 8:41 PM



Originally posted by MER:
Caleb is one scary little b- *laughs*.

Nathan was just plain great. I really do think he does the accent a little too well. It also makes me question his background...especially noticing he's in Blast From the Past (guy in blue suit who gets beaten up at the bar)

*laughs* Xander Cult hehe (Xander fan)

Not much to question aboot his past...he's just a very talented Canuck! :D

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.






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