Wonderfalls canceled

UPDATED: Friday, February 25, 2005 12:27
VIEWED: 28383
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004 4:22 PM



Originally posted by evilmike:
Normally I don't see conspiracies in show cancellations (as I write it off to 'corporations are dumb'), but I did notice something that struck me as odd -- the Wonderfalls page on the Fox website disappeared within 48 hours of the news breaking. It's not just the link from the main Fox page -- the page itself is gone. When was the last time you saw a corporate website update that quickly?

To widen your conspiracy theory, they still have websites up for shows that they cancelled years ago [such as The Lone Gunmen]

"FOX! Where the shit hits the fans." - Tim Minear


Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:28 PM


Everyone who was surprised by that, raise your hands.

*beats morons with chain of command*

Think about it. It was an amusing, scripted show with an interesting premise that got good reviews. It premiered in Canada in fall, but not in the US. Finally airs in US _at midseason_ _in the timeslot of death_. Changing the timeslot was a dirty trick, too. But you have to admit, FOX did try. Somewhat. They advertised the show plenty more than firefly ever got. They even gave a repeat of the pilot the thursday after.

I just feel bad for Tim. Two shows in as many years cancelled before the end of the season... it's too much. The guy needs a break.

Burn the land, boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me


Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:33 PM


Wonderfalls is wonderful!

I fully expect it to go the way of FireFly.

Thanks for giving them the idea. :P

Burn the land, boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me


Thursday, April 8, 2004 2:56 PM


Welp, I'm officially done with Fox. I am goign to have to give up the Simpsons, which is the only show I watch on Fox anymore. Wonderfalls was easily my favorite new show this year.

Why does Fox but a new show on Friday night, then can it due to bad ratings? Especially shows aimed at the 17-32 crowd? Like I stay home on Fridays to watch TV? I only see these shows because I have a TiVo. What are they expecting?


If you can't run, you crawl, and if you can't crawl, well, if you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:50 PM


I sent the following to fox tv:

You wouldn't know a decent program if it bit you in the ass.

First FireFly, now this.

That's it.

No more Fox.

Not even football. I'm going NFL Ticket.

No shit. Just did it. Click.

Still be there with ABC, of course. They have Madden.

And you? The pathetic dweeb who canceled this extraordinary series? I'm thinking you can find a modicum of satisfaction administrating your requisite corporate blowjob to Newt Gingritch's pimp Murdoch.

A piece of advice. When administrating the corporate blowjob, its not allowed to make any moaning sounds or show any signs of personal enjoyment. Its all about the guy you're blowing.

My new site, totally inspired by your insipid predilection toward mediocrity, is Don't visit quite yet, its a work in progress. But I won't be resting until I'm explaining this thing to David Letterman.

Have a great week.

J N Nestor


Let me know, anyone, if you'd like to help me set up the site! I'd love to see the need for a huge amount of bandwidth, and the requisite hosting service.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:11 PM


I know that Fox had another brain fart and canceled one of the most promising new shows this year but just for giggles I watched what ran in Wonderfalls Thursday night spot, ta da -> The Swan.

OMG, I don't know why I expected anything different from the station that produces When Animals Attack but The Swan has got to be one of the worst concepts for a show in the history of television. And who in their right mind airs a rerun of a crap reality show in place of a show that has gotten good critical reviews and is already paid for?

I think some Fox execs are trying to pad their resumes for an appointment to Bushs Cabinet.


Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:21 PM


Good grief, you people need to go take a chill pill or something. Yeah, I loved the show too. It was quirky, cool, clever, sharp, intercate. It made me think and it made me laugh. But it was still just a TV show, no matter how brilliant I found it.

The world isn't fair. It isn't a conspiracy. Its just life. As easy as it would be for me to just blame fox, and start blabbing my mouth off about a boycott--that would be silly. Hell, do you people have any clue how few shows even manage to go from pilot to actually being aired on a network? Or hell, even from concept to pilot? Next to none. Wonderfalls was one of the luckier ones, it got aired at least. I got to see it and revel in its brilliance, if only for a paltry four epiosdes.

Yeah it doesn't seem right. But god damn it, no one watched it. Sure it was one of those shows that really should have been given time to breath, but unlike firefly it didn't even show chances for improvement. The numbers just kept on dropping. And its easy enough to say thats all Fox's fault, but was it? I mean the arguments for conspiracy seem to be the Friday night thing. I grant that Friday nights aren't the best place for any show--but they have to put something there(okay, I think they'd be better off with a Friday night movie). But that seems to be offset by the fact that they aired an encore episode on another night. It improved there so they moved it, but the numbers still freaking dropped(I love how people who complain about the Friday night slot also seem to think the Thursday slot put it up against unfair competetion--for gosh sake the show has to survive against competetion, there's competition in almost every single time slot they could ever find). As far as advertising--I at least noticed it and thought it looked interesting. Then again I liked the ads for Firefly which apparently makes me a crazy person.

Now does any of this make it so that it wasn't Fox's fault? No. It was, make no mistake. Fox like all the networks really(I have yet to find a network that isn't)is stupid. Afterall, of course the ratings dropped after they changed the nights--you need to give people more than an episode to catch on to a night change. And further I'm of the firm opinion that in a case like this (mid-season) the network is best served by making a lot more noise than it did, and further that they should air as many epiosdes as possible. But was any of this a focused effort to kill the show? No, and certainly not in the same way I feel Firefly was slighted.

I'll tell you who I really hate, and it isn't Fox at all. Its the 'public'. And by 'public' I mean people with Nielson boxes. Twenty-million viewers are estimated(based on those thousnad who have nielson boxes) to have tuned into the first episode of The Swan. 21 million freaking people. What the is wrong with these people? I keep hearing all this dreck about how Fox is stuffing this down our throats. Not true. Fox is a corporation geared at making money. They do what the majority of the viewing public tells them to do. And the majority of the viewing public is freaking watching this stuff. What is wrong with these people?

Aggh! Now I'm just getting angry. Thanx for putting up with my rant, hope I didn't ruffle too many Fox haters--but I'm just of the opinion that the problem goes a lot deeper than Fox.

"I was being patient, but it took too long."
-Anya, "Bargining"-


Sunday, April 11, 2004 6:58 PM



Originally posted by Koorogi:
It premiered in Canada in fall, but not in the US.

Really? I was under the impression that Global was airing it at the same time as Fox (which is why they stopped airing eps despite the fact it was apparently getting decent ratings here).


Sunday, April 11, 2004 8:58 PM



Originally posted by Kellaina:

Originally posted by Koorogi:
It premiered in Canada in fall, but not in the US.

Really? I was under the impression that Global was airing it at the same time as Fox (which is why they stopped airing eps despite the fact it was apparently getting decent ratings here).

Ads for Wonderfalls in Canadian magazines started appearing the same time they did in the U.S. and Global promoted the show on air the same time U.S. promotions did so I think Kellaina is right, WF debuted in March, the same time as the Fox debut. And I doubt very much a new show could debut in another country before it debuts in the home market.

BTW, I got a canned response to my query at Global Toronto for the continuation of WF. Someone in another city (Calgary?) got a more positive response, i.e., that Global execs are considering buying the entire series for Canada. Anyone else got something similar.


Monday, April 12, 2004 4:27 AM


My Tivo is littered with the season passes of shows that have, well, passed. Yet another winner to add to the list. It was fun while it lasted.
What amazes me is that they keep cancelling shows while there are still episodes that they have paid for in the can. I mean, it's not like they have super replacements for them, and if they're already paid for, you'd think they'd run them.



Monday, April 12, 2004 4:35 AM


Personally I think that The Swan is just a really bad idea. If you want to watch Joe Millionaire -- a bunch of pretty people preening around -- that's one thing. But I think the contestants on The Swan are really in for a rough ride emotionally. The show pays lip service to getting them therapy, but I think there's a real issue both with those on the show and much of the young women watching. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more than a bit of fallout from this one.

Fox had planned on taking a couple of Amish kids and putting them in NYC before someone with a brain managed to derail the effort. You just get the feeling that these folks have no clue what constitutes moral behaviour in the fly-over states.



Monday, April 12, 2004 6:28 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Check out these letters to Matt Roush and his responses at TVGuide Online:


Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:30 PM


Here I am behind the times. I just thought Fox decided to skip a week to bump of Swan.

Guess I'm going to have to watch Fox one last time to find a list of sponsers to write to.


Friday, February 25, 2005 12:27 PM


It's a favorite of mine too.
I'm glad it's out on dvd now.






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