Firefly MUX and suggestions

UPDATED: Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:52
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Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:23 AM


Hello all.

I just got done reading the Firefly RPG thread and I was wondering about some issues that I think are touched on but not really explored by all the posts. I guess to be totally honest the game that –we- are working on is much more a Cyberpunk game with a very strong Firefly flavor. We are all huge fans so when the thought of adapting a MUX into the –Deep Space- rules expansion of CP2020 turned into “Damn Firefly is like the coolest thing ever!” it came with several questions. We are no were near ready to open, so just to get that out into…err, well the open. When we are though it would certainly be cool to see a ton of Firefly fans helping us shape the RP and direction of the place.

First off what gaming system to use? Does it matter as long as the story is told well and the system supports what the PC's want to do? I hate limiting creativity. So to that end I've employed CP 2020 for the rules. 10Base is easy for me. Traveller (1970's edition) I just happen to have like almost all those books. (dating myself aren't I, neh?) has a great ship generating system that is not too complex. Again it comes down to personal preference and what your group likes to play. In our case that is just what has happened. We like the CP ‘verse.

Next is the Firefly 'verse really FTL? I'm not sure if it is, but I see some problems with continuity if it is not. I actually prefer the fledgling (please forgive my usage) -Impulse- drive non FTL society in a large solar system with dozens and dozens of inhabitable moons and orbital colonies. That again is personal preference.

Reavers? Can they be player characters?

Bioware and Cybernetics? In CP2020 they exist of course, but do they exist in Firefly?

In the Message we have a character Organ legging –hot or amped up organs- They touch on the fact that Bioware likely exists, but it’s uncommon and very expensive. Or were those just cloned

What about Cyberspace? We have the Cortex, and I really like previous posts concerning it and FLT vs. non FTL communication. Would seem to make sense that you cant really enter cyberspace from a vessel if the ‘verse is FTL.

There are some great incongruities in the technology levels. First off look at Serenity. The thing is falling apart, save for the tender ministrations of Kaylee who…I could talk about for hours, but will not. (Shameless plug for my favorite character, don’t tell Jayne) Serenity has artificial gravity, all the ships do and space stations. While this is likely just a filming necessity, or our characters would be floating on cables all the time, it does pose some interesting technical accomplishments.

Kinda like the gaming system though…why should we care in the context of telling a great story. It’s just the way it is? Well in order to function within a set of RPG rules there has to be some sort of explanation for it. *sigh* I’m rambling aren’t I…

So to conclude my rather haphazard post. I’d like to explore a bit into what you –possible players- think would make a good mix. I love Firefly and want that gritty flavor.


Thursday, February 19, 2004 10:36 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I really don't care what system would be used for a Firefly game, so long as the rules are relatively easy (no one likes to get bogged down in rules) and there is not a ton of different dice and a need to roll for everything you do.

As far as Cyberspace, I would frown on it personally. There is no mention or even suggestion of a Cyberspace and I don't think it would be in keeping w/ the universe Joss created.

As far as the various tech levels, Serenity is a bit on the low tech side because she is an older transport ship & doesn't sport all the latest tech. Mal & crew most likely do not have a lot of money for parts & repairs, as shown in the episode "Ariel" when Kaylee is collecting parts in the junkyard.

As far as the organs Tracy was transporting in "The Message" I think you hit the nail on the head that those are very expensive and very rare. The fact that they must be transported in a human being, who must give up his in order to do so, speaks volumes on the complexity of such a thing.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, February 19, 2004 11:52 AM


It's kinda a double edged sword. We are really leaning towards getting the Firefly flavor -while- operating within an existing game system. I'm not sure how many of you all are MUX gamers, but there are assuredly some from the post I've read.

Playing TT (table top) games you can invent and discuss custom rules in a small group that have their individual concerns. So you might have to consider 4-7? Facets to your custom rules.

Playing on a MUX you can have 30-100? Active players 10 logged on at any given point in time, and this is a -small- population. But each of those players have their individual concerns. So if you start generating a bunch of house rules, you have at that point negated alot of the existing rules. It gets very very messy and unacessable to beginners becuase they don't know all the rules you have made up. So keeping it close to book canon is important. But...

You can't keep everyone happy all of the time, so how to keep almost everyone happy almost all of the time

One of the bigger questions is FTL or not... I'm just not sure you can fit the entire concept into one solar system, but... It's the fuel thing that has me scratching my head. The amount of energy and blah blah physics and quantum goofiness that has to go into FTL travel makes me think -fuel- that you would get from a pump, some chemical?... or the like wouldn't be capable of going FTL. Maybe it's from years of Pavlovian conditioning to Rodenberry. Someone says FTL I salivate and say "Warp Core" so I'm tending towards a massive solar system with dozens and dozens of inhabital moons and orbitals. gah...I digress. Just a stumbling block Joss? Guys? (hehehe) what is the answer?






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