The 76th Independent Battalion (part 9)

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 3, 2007 08:25
VIEWED: 13101
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007 4:10 PM


You figure out how to digitize the Cap'n, you send him straight to my computer!

"Good mornin', Ali"

"GAH!!!!" Thump.

Renegade Military Supplier
Independent Sympathizer
"I love my Captain."


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 5:28 PM


yes yes thank you WWren Message recieved and understood!! I've been painting at my grannys for eight hours so..this..message..not.. long

Glad to hear I will not be slighted in the slightest by our better browncoated breathern
(that's the slaphappy speaking)
Many thanks

Sometimes good(?) guys wear... orange knit caps!


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:06 PM



Originally posted by Iremist:
Forgive me, I'm so new here I'm green, but I have some questions...

... we'd thought we'd try for Dragon Con, so when I saw something about a Browncoat march, I got all excited, but then saw all the stuff about uniformity I was a bit put off. It's good that ya'll are so enthused about dressin' the part but isn't being an Independent all about being anti-uniformity?

My hubby still wants to march and show his support for the best show on Earth but do you have to wear a uniform? Can you march as another

Sometimes the good guys wear brown and sometimes they can't afford uniforms:(

Iremist , you're sayin' what I've been thinkin' !

Not sure I'd want to belong to any ' group ' that would have me for a member !

I understand the need for lookin' cool and presentin' a positive impression of Browncoat-y-ness , but some of the ' requirements ' for the 76th almost border on retentive-ness... Although I do like the G36 thing , that's a definite...

My impression of Browncoats ( from the series and what we otherwise know ), is that they were probably just volunteers , not conscripts... And kinda ragtag and battle-weary , too . Not a junior-soldier-ROTC-drill-squad , so much...

The standard that the unit might oughta be goin' for is ' screen-accuracy ' , with the 57th Overlanders as a prototypical Browncoat COMBAT unit .

You gotta allow for individuality , after all , because Mal and Zoe are both as unique and singular as any noteworthy characters from other fiction . Soldiers always improvise , ya know...

Not to be the voice of dissent , particularly , but I've gotten a note from a 76th organizer threatenin' to boot me out from an outfit I haven't elected to join yet , if I dare continue to just lurk and listen...

A good model for the 76th might be the ' Indy ' fans at " Club Obi-Wan " , who seem to do all manner of help and assistance to one another , and find all sort of
" close-enough's " , with sensitivity to price versus screen accuracy .

Don't mistake my meanin' , folk , just sayin' .


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:09 PM



Originally posted by Iremist:
Forgive me, I'm so new here I'm green, but I have some questions...

... we'd thought we'd try for Dragon Con, so when I saw something about a Browncoat march, I got all excited, but then saw all the stuff about uniformity I was a bit put off. It's good that ya'll are so enthused about dressin' the part but isn't being an Independent all about being anti-uniformity?

My hubby still wants to march and show his support for the best show on Earth but do you have to wear a uniform? Can you march as another

Sometimes the good guys wear brown and sometimes they can't afford uniforms:(

Iremist , you're sayin' what I've been thinkin' !

Not sure I'd want to belong to any ' group ' that would have me for a member !

I understand the need for lookin' cool and presentin' a positive impression of Browncoat-y-ness , but some of the ' requirements ' for the 76th almost border on retentive-ness... Although I do like the G36 thing , that's a definite...

My impression of Browncoats ( from the series and what we otherwise know ), is that they were probably just volunteers , not conscripts... And kinda ragtag and battle-weary , too . Not a junior-soldier-ROTC-drill-squad , so much...

The standard that the unit might oughta be goin' for is ' screen-accuracy ' , with the 57th Overlanders as a prototypical Browncoat COMBAT unit .

You gotta allow for individuality , after all , because Mal and Zoe are both as unique and singular as any noteworthy characters from other fiction . Soldiers always improvise , ya know...

Not to be the voice of dissent , particularly , but I've gotten a note from a 76th organizer threatenin' to boot me out from an outfit I haven't elected to join yet , if I dare continue to just lurk and listen...

A good model for the 76th might be the ' Indy ' fans at " Club Obi-Wan " , who seem to do all manner of help and assistance to one another , and find all sort of
" close-enough's " , with sensitivity to price versus screen accuracy .

Don't mistake my meanin' , folk , just sayin' .


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:52 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
Iremist , you're sayin' what I've been thinkin' !

Not sure I'd want to belong to any ' group ' that would have me for a member !

Then, to put it quite simply, don't be a part of it.


Originally posted by out2theblack:
I understand the need for lookin' cool and presentin' a positive impression of Browncoat-y-ness , but some of the ' requirements ' for the 76th almost border on retentive-ness... Although I do like the G36 thing , that's a definite...

My impression of Browncoats ( from the series and what we otherwise know ), is that they were probably just volunteers , not conscripts... And kinda ragtag and battle-weary , too . Not a junior-soldier-ROTC-drill-squad , so much...

They wouldn't have been 'battle weary' at the offset of the war, which is what we're presenting at the parade. And the D&C we're discussing doing is simply for fun and because members have shown an interest.

As for the 'volunteer vs. conscript' argument, the US Military is volunteer, and yet they still have uniformity when it comes to equipment. We will as well.


Originally posted by out2theblack:
The standard that the unit might oughta be goin' for is ' screen-accuracy ' , with the 57th Overlanders as a prototypical Browncoat COMBAT unit .

Which is exactly what we're doing, as they are the only unit we have to use as a basis.


Originally posted by out2theblack:
You gotta allow for individuality , after all , because Mal and Zoe are both as unique and singular as any noteworthy characters from other fiction . Soldiers always improvise , ya know...

Actually, they don't alot of the time, in real life or in fiction. Very few 'individual' touches are allowed on any organized military uniform in the real world. As for fiction, I will use the stormtroopers as an example. When did you see a single stoomtrooper 'improvise' and single piece of their uniform? I'll agree that Mal and Zoe are both unique, but in the flashbacks they were both in uniform.


Originally posted by out2theblack:
Not to be the voice of dissent , particularly , but I've gotten a note from a 76th organizer threatenin' to boot me out from an outfit I haven't elected to join yet , if I dare continue to just lurk and listen...

That was me and it was not a threat, to you or anyone in particular. I sent a mass email to all members. The reason being that if you want to read about updates and just lurk, do it here, as this is an open forum. The 76th board is for members of the 76th, plain and simple. And it wasn't to be removed from the 76th, but the 76th board


Originally posted by out2theblack:
A good model for the 76th might be the ' Indy ' fans at " Club Obi-Wan " , who seem to do all manner of help and assistance to one another , and find all sort of
" close-enough's " , with sensitivity to price versus screen accuracy.

So which is it? Screen accuracy or thriftyness? I seem to remember earlier in your post saying this:

"The standard that the unit might oughta be goin' for is ' screen-accuracy '"

So now you have me all kinds of confused, as I have no idea where you are coming from. As for allowing close enoughs, we have several. There are several pieces of the uniform that are only given a loose guideline and allow the individual to purchase or acquire what they can afford. Even the adamant pieces have leeway. There are a shit ton of G36 varients out there ranging from $14 to $400, which one you buy is completely up to you. Items like the smock, vest and coat are being offered to purchase by the CO for close to cost, or you can get the pattern and make it yourself. So I don't see where there is a problem.

Bottom line folks, we said in the beginning that we could not, and would not, please everyone. If you don't like the guidelines that are in place, don't join. March in the parade under the SEBC in whatever costume you want, but if you want to be a part of the 76th, you will follow the guidelines in place. Hate to sound like an asshole, but that's the deal. Shiny?


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:55 PM


Out2theBlack, we do not represent the entire parade group of Browncoats that will be at DragonCon, nor do we dictate the dress everyone else, we will be marching with the SEBC's. We have just chosen to do so as a unit of newly-formed, volunteer Independents with issued uniforms and weapons. The standard that the unit IS going for is newness, not battle-worn. This was established back in the beginning threads. We are not saying this is for everyone. There are quite a number of requirements that will need to be met, and that is what will make us look good.
There are many ways to show your love for Firefly. If you do not want to march as a member of the 76th, no one is saying you have to. As far as "threatenin' to boot you out", we are trying to figure out who is actually a member and who is just lurking. Judging by your statments, you do not really follow along with what we have in mind. With respect, we have an idea, we are going for it, and are sticking to our guns, no pun intended. We are an option for Browncoats going to DragonCon, not a requirement.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:00 PM


Huh, seems BWTP and I posted about the same thing here.
It can all be boiled down to this:


Bottom line folks, we said in the beginning that we could not, and would not, please everyone. If you don't like the guidelines that are in place, don't join. March in the parade under the SEBC in whatever costume you want, but if you want to be a part of the 76th, you will follow the guidelines in place. Hate to sound like an asshole, but that's the deal. Shiny?

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007 10:29 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Huh, seems BWTP and I posted about the same thing here.
It can all be boiled down to this:


Bottom line folks, we said in the beginning that we could not, and would not, please everyone. If you don't like the guidelines that are in place, don't join. March in the parade under the SEBC in whatever costume you want, but if you want to be a part of the 76th, you will follow the guidelines in place. Hate to sound like an asshole, but that's the deal. Shiny?

Nice to see the command staff singing the same tune. As for sounding like asshole's, well, sometimes ya gotta do that to get the point across. I have no complaints about the way things have been run so far, or about mis-represented ideas.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 2:07 AM


To start off - We're in. I dunno where I'm getting the coin for this from, but I'll manage it for myself and my daughter.

It's a solid plan, should work. Backstory says we have a rich merchant outfitting us. In reality, we don't. But things like standardized weapons and primary uniform items would be a must for any military that anticipated needing to resupply (imagine the nightmare of trying to drop 30-06, 7mm, 7mm Mag, 5.56mm, 5.56mm caseless, 7.62mm, 9mm, .357 Mag... etc. to the correct individuals!) Ammo drop? No sweat, load 4 parts 5.56mm caseless (long arm ammo), 1 part 9mm (side arms), and 1 part grenades. It started snowing? Drop boxes of extra large coats.

Go watch the vid of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion march in the Rosebowl Parade on youtube. That's uniformity!
All we're requiring is a weapon (many variations), pants (various flavors), a shirt (various flavors), boots (various flavors), a jacket(make your own once the pattern is released if you like), and some patches!

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Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:14 AM


Goooooood Morning 76th!


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 3:19 AM



Originally posted by FlatTop:
To start off - We're in. I dunno where I'm getting the coin for this from, but I'll manage it for myself and my daughter.

It's a solid plan, should work. Backstory says we have a rich merchant outfitting us. In reality, we don't. But things like standardized weapons and primary uniform items would be a must for any military that anticipated needing to resupply (imagine the nightmare of trying to drop 30-06, 7mm, 7mm Mag, 5.56mm, 5.56mm caseless, 7.62mm, 9mm, .357 Mag... etc. to the correct individuals!) Ammo drop? No sweat, load 4 parts 5.56mm caseless (long arm ammo), 1 part 9mm (side arms), and 1 part grenades. It started snowing? Drop boxes of extra large coats.

Go watch the vid of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion march in the Rosebowl Parade on youtube. That's uniformity!
All we're requiring is a weapon (many variations), pants (various flavors), a shirt (various flavors), boots (various flavors), a jacket(make your own once the pattern is released if you like), and some patches!

Additionally, if you don't have / can't afford (either for reasons of finances or laws banning them in your home town/country), things like the weapons can be borrowed from others who will be bringing extras.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:25 AM


Time to start another thread. New link to follow as soon as I get everything transferred.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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