What does Firefly mean to you?

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 6, 2004 14:28
VIEWED: 1948
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Sunday, January 4, 2004 4:46 PM


To me Firefly is like a warm blanket to wrap myself up in. No matter what my day is like or how life has been treating me I can turn on Firefly and let its characters and atmosphere surround me and separate me from the world, I let it immerse me and take me away. The warm nostalgic feeling I get when I watch Firefly is just like I'm there myself sharing time with the characters. No show or movie has ever affected me like this even after several seasons or sequels, and I don't believe one ever will again. To think that this happened in spite of Fox's butchery and interference is a testament to the show's genius (and my good taste ).

"Well, we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity


Sunday, January 4, 2004 5:00 PM


To myself, FIREFLY is a scifi television show with characters I can actually relate to. They're three-dimensional personas with ambitions, values, honor, sense of right and wrong, . They all tend to look after one another, when one is down or hurt the others help out. Firefly is like an anchor. It reminds me that not everyone nowadays is out for themselves in this dog-eat-dog world where everything is moving so fast that it's tough to keep up! When I watch FIREFLY all is right with the world, at least for a little while. That's what I think anyway.

A loyal browncoat


Sunday, January 4, 2004 5:01 PM


Fiefly is a little part of me, a place to escape to. No one really likes me at school, so Firefly is a place to go to. Kind of wierd, but I find comfort in characters who don't hate me or insult me.

That, as far as I know, excludes all of you, my friends who I love dearly.

Hope all of you Keep flyin'!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Sunday, January 4, 2004 5:50 PM


Can't find words to say what Firefly means to me. To many emotions...must sing...

"Just the good ol' boys,
Never meanin' no harm,
Beats all you've ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was

Straight'nin' the curve,
Flat'nin' the hills.
Someday the Reavers might get 'em, but the law never will.

Makin' their way,
The only way they know how,
That's just a little bit more than the law will allow.

Just good ol' boys,
Wouldn't change if they could,
Fightin' the system like a true five hundred years in the future day Robin Hood."




Sunday, January 4, 2004 7:37 PM


It's like transporting myself into another plain where I forget about everything else around me. It comforts me like no other show has or probably ever will. But the true depth of it just cant be explained.

"Nice shot."
"I was aiming for his head"


Monday, January 5, 2004 5:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

To me, Firefly is the best written, most believable sci fi show I have ever seen. The characters are so "real". They have depth, range of emotion, goals, vices, etc. The universe is well thought out with believable technology and villans.

I can sit down & watch the DVD set, one episode a night, and no matter what kind of day I have had, just seeing the show makes me laugh and lightens my mood.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, January 6, 2004 9:01 AM



Originally posted by FlyinFree:
To me Firefly is like a warm blanket to wrap myself up in. No matter what my day is like or how life has been treating me I can turn on Firefly and let its characters and atmosphere surround me and separate me from the world, I let it immerse me and take me away. The warm nostalgic feeling I get when I watch Firefly is just like I'm there myself sharing time with the characters. No show or movie has ever affected me like this even after several seasons or sequels, and I don't believe one ever will again. To think that this happened in spite of Fox's butchery and interference is a testament to the show's genius (and my good taste ).

I couldn't have said it better myself. This show has changed my outlook on life in some ways. It's amazing how much this show has affected myself as well as so many others.
I check this site everyday to see if there is any news on the movie or (with fingers crossed and hopes high) the series is purchased by another network willing to give it the chance and respect it deserves.

"Well, we're still flyin'". "That's not much." "It's enough." - Mal and Simon


Tuesday, January 6, 2004 11:48 AM


Hmmmm...good question. I think it means several things to me.

1) A chance to enjoy good writing. This is usually something missing from television, which most often is far too predicatable for my taste.

2) Fun space-opera: I wouldn't call Firefly science fiction myself, but that's just because of my own narrow definition of sf. However, it must be said that I LOVE space-opera, especially when its well written.

3) A delightful time to spend watching Adam Baldwin in nice tight t-shirts.



Tuesday, January 6, 2004 1:11 PM


Apart from simply being a quality show with great writing, drama and humor, a fine and attractive cast ...

I respond to the show because of the emotions it draws from me. I have sympathy for Mal's pain, his and Inara's awkwardness and unspoken love. I enjoy Zoe's relationships with Wash and Mal both, admire Simon's pure dedication to his sister, Book's unflinching (if occasionally pragmatic) moral center and Kaylee's pure heart. I laugh at River's (occasionally creepy) whimsy and Jayne's ... Jayneness.

Despite the moral grayness in the stories, there is a certain purity to the characters on the level that I'm talking about. They come across as both realistic and iconic.

It's just GOOD to be around them.



Tuesday, January 6, 2004 1:33 PM


I completely agree with your thoughts on the pureness of the characters. Very well put. I tend to prefer moral grayness to everything being in black & white. That's just too simple for me and gets predictable.

Purity of character is directly linked to the quality of the writing and acting. A good writer studies people, knows something about personalities and can put together something that seems more real than even the person who lives next door to you. The actor inteprets that writing in a consistent manner to bring even more life to the character. If you have one without the other, the purity is completely lost.



Tuesday, January 6, 2004 2:28 PM


Spot-on, Kala. The world needs gray to be interesting, and even the characters aren't pure in all their actions, like infallible supermen. But they are true to themselves.







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