When's the DVD and how do I make people buy it?

UPDATED: Sunday, October 30, 2005 11:20
VIEWED: 1098
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Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:20 AM


First off, when exactly is it coming to DVD?

Second, since before the movie was in theaters people said DVD would be where it really mattered. So, I’ve got time on my hands and it’s been by experience that if you want to make someone get a DVD, or VHS for that matter, the best way is to make them want it before it’s in stores.

Any advice on how to do that?


Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:34 AM


Really you can't make people buy it, it is up to them. You can however influence them by say putting copies of reviews on the noticeboard at work or school, send off the preview address to friend on you email

and loan out any firefly DVDs you are not presently watching. You can also use stealth by takling about a movie you like on a message board say at internet movie database and add talk of Serenity into the conversation, but don't bash people around the head with your love of it, it just turns people off. You can also hassle you video store to get more copies in, or to stock Firefly.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:56 AM


Well, I’ve already got a thread that kinda deals with this, “Serenity DVDs--Not the Safe Bet Everyone Thinks,” which can be found here: It is a really good idea to take advantage of the time between now and the DVD release (December 20 in the US) to make sure the audience base is as big as it can be. I suggest a continuous campaign of conversion, but even just sparking interest in the film will be useful. Here's some of the suggestions I made in that thread:

--Get more people to watch Serenity. Although it’s slipping out of theaters quickly, we need to make sure as many people as possible go to see it now. Not only will their money help the box office, but many (if not most) of them will then happily buy the DVD when it comes out.

--Convert like never before. We all know the fans will buy this DVD, so the easiest way to get big sales is to get more fans. If the BDM is no longer playing in a theater near you, “Firefly” is the best way to get ‘em hooked. Show the series to as many people as you can and encourage your fledgling browncoats to do the same with their circle of acquaintances. We got months to do this, so really work at it (though don’t be too fanatical, that tends to drive people off). Be sure to tell everybody you hook on the series about the movie that hits DVD December 20. If you’ve already talked it up to everyone you know, well, try again if it’s appropriate, ask what converts you’ve made to be sure to spread the word themselves, and then focus your efforts on guerrilla marketing. It’s time we put up more “Firefly” ads, hopefully ones mentioning the BDM’s DVD release date as well. Those ads will be seen by lots of folks you haven’t spoken with directly, and we need to put them up everywhere we can.

--Show people the 9 minute clip. Some have said the best advertisement for the film is the film itself, so if you can’t get people to even commit to a single “Firefly” episode, maybe show them this to whet their appetite for the Serenity DVD.

--Spread the River Tam Sessions. It's debatable as to whether the online viral marketing scheme had enough time to boost ticket sales, but what *isn't* debatable is that we have several extra months to build up some viral steam. Spread the vids to as many folks as you (politely) can. The chief website for this is, where you can download every clip.

--Stockpile money for the DVDs. It can be hard for some to come up with the petty cash for things like this, especially if you hope to buy multiple copies. So I suggest putting money aside now. A little bit here and there and you’ll be all set to buy plenty of copies when the DVDs hit shelves.

That’s the ideas I’ve come up with so far. Everyone should try to do something to help the DVD sales as best they can; those will probably make or break chances for a continuation and we just can’t assume the BDM will do great on DVD--after all, we assumed it’d do much better at the box office. So, kudos to you, Chris the Cynic, for wanting to do something more about this. Hope my post has been helpful to you.


Sunday, October 30, 2005 10:35 AM


America loves a winner!

I love that, " do I make people buy it? " . Hee hee.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, October 30, 2005 10:39 AM


The signal has stopped here, the DVD to come is all there is.


Originally posted by sigggy:
Really you can't make people buy it, it is up to them. You can however influence them

If someone buys it after I have influenced them, but would not have had I not, isn't my influence an important enough factor to say that it made them buy it (because not having it exist would mean they would not buy it)?


Sunday, October 30, 2005 11:20 AM


Gee I don't really know!






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