Need your help with my fan site (SPOILER THREAD)

UPDATED: Saturday, October 29, 2005 19:44
VIEWED: 1362
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Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:00 PM


Hi. I'm new here. Name's Okibi, or Kris. =) ::really not in the mood for smiling, though:: I just got back from seeing Serenity for the first time... A poorly concealed spoiler on this very forum gave away the fact that Wash dies. My favorite character. I was pissed/depressed for the rest of the day, but at the same time, maybe it's good that I had time to prepare myself. -.-

Well, I'm planning to make a Wash fan/memorial site. I think there should be a section where people can explain why they liked Wash, and also a section for people to rant about how his death made them feel. You know, get it off their chest and whatnot. I know I sure need to. So please, if you were a fan of Wash, please share both these things with me. Your name and (if allowed) your email addy will be posted. I'll link to my site once it's up. I haven't yet thought of what to write concerning why Wash was my favorite crewmember, but here's how I felt about the movie:

I was so nervous, but excited, too. Jeez. I can't remember the last time I felt like that before a movie. My heart was pounding.

More people showed up than I expected, and half were middle-aged couples. (Even less expected.) I asked the two beside me if they were fans, and they said, "Oh yeah." It was their fourth time seeing the film. I was pretty impatient during the previews, but then it started. I tried to breathe.

But let's skip to the only part that matters.

I knew it would come eventually, but I kept thinking, 'Let him live. Let him live. Just for a while longer.. Please let him live.' When it happened I reacted immediately - lurching forward, crying out, and covering my eyes. But I had to watch, because I knew I couldn't bare seeing it a second time. I was stunned.

Seeing Zoe's reaction was heartbreaking.... Tears came to my eyes and I was half-crying the rest of the film. Any jokes earned little more than a feeble smile from me. Certainly no laughs. Joss turned me cold. I was resentful and felt I had a right to be. A hand stayed near my upper chest, basically where it had been after the shock... wore off, if you can say that. Then towards the end I had to wipe away more tears... Some boys up front cheered during the credits, but I had no reason to. I stood up and rushed out.

His death was pointless. Don't anyone dare tell me it wasn't. Just because you can make the audience weepy by killing off a favorite character doesn't mean that's good writing. I'd like to think Joss is better than that. If he felt someone had to die... Book was enough. Why Wash? There are ways to move your viewers deeply without resorting to a death. If this is indeed the ending of Firefly, it makes me resentful, like I said. If Wash had just not been needlessly killed I would have enjoyed Serenity so much more... And Zoe. I know this character is the kind to keep her emotions inside, but controlling herself so well when her beloved husband died....? No. Don't make it look like she's heartless. Give those fans grieving some comfort, some company... There should have been a scene where Zoe cried *one freakin' tear*. Or more believably, she should've broken down after the mission.

Seeing Wash's grave is what started me up again. Yes, he isn't a real person and Alan is alive and well, but I didn't want to have to be reminded that Wash would take no part in Firefly's future if there is one. His story was cut short. And the dinosaurs. My boyfriend told me they played a major role in the movie, so of course I was greatly disappointed when that was not at all the case. -_- Malcolm knew they were his... that his faithful pilot put them there. I was hoping for a moment of reflection where he looks thoughtfully at the T. rex or *something*. And it never came. It wasn't realistic and it wasn't thinking of the fans.

It would have been so simple (and right) to have kept Wash alive. But by not doing so Joss made some people like myself find little joy in Serenity.

P.S. I read that there will be more movies and Alan will be in them, which is a huge relief. I'm actually not feeling so malicious now. XD I also understand that some people are fully behind Joss' decision and still liked the movie. I'm not saying I know better than the director, 'cause God knows I don't. I'm willing to trust in him. But Wash's death affected me deeply, and I wanted to get these things out.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:24 PM


His death was pointless. Don't anyone dare tell me it wasn't. Just because you can make the audience weepy by killing off a favorite character doesn't mean that's good writing. I'd like to think Joss is better than that. If he felt someone had to die... Book was enough. Why Wash? "

His death had a point. Don't anyone dare tell me it didn't. Just because you can make the audience feel, dredge out pure emotion, is a perfect sign of good writing. I know Joss is as good as that. If he felt someone had to die... Wash was enough. Why Book?

See my point? *winks*


Saturday, October 29, 2005 4:59 PM


[sigh] Please, I don't want my thread to turn into a "Wash's death had a point" spiel. I was trying to convey in that last paragraph that I *understand* the other side's view-point. And if Wash is indeed alive somehow in the next movies I can forgive everything -- but I did type that post right after seeing the movie, and I know I'm not the only one who thought similarly.. But please don't say things like that which would naturally make a new member want to get defensive.


Saturday, October 29, 2005 5:17 PM


Sorry, dude. Was gonna write something Wash-y but didn't have time. To be fair though if you post something like that you have to accept a reciprocal. I didn't intend it to be mean or I wouldn't have been winking.

Anyway. On the bright side, welcome to the board


Saturday, October 29, 2005 7:44 PM


It did have a point as much as I hate saying that more then one person had to die to give it a little realism. sry.

Smoke em if you got em.






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