"Serenity" preview in LONDON !!!!!!

UPDATED: Monday, February 14, 2005 01:22
VIEWED: 31053
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005 6:53 AM


HELP ME!!!! Please! I was at the screening last night, but because it started 25 minutes late, I had to leave early to catch my train. Didn't get home till 2am either. I'm exhausted, had three hours sleep cause I had to get up for college. Can somebody PLEASE message me and tell me how it ended, I'm dying here! LOL. I walked out just when...

Select to view spoiler:

The blast doors opened to reveal River...

You might've seen me get up LOL, was four rows from the front on the left hand side. Somebody help, please? I'm begging, LOL. I wanna know how relationships were resolved, what happened with the situation, and so on... please...!


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 7:24 AM


The film was extremely intense and powerful, and some of us just sat there when it ended, floored and speechless. For a minute anyway. ;)

I know I was still processing it all even this morning.

I'm wondering if we might be /sent/ review forms, since they have our addresses...

Thanks to everyone I hooked up with before and after -- it was great meeting you! See you in April!


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 7:27 AM


Phoebe, you poor thing! How can we e-mail you? I definitely don't want to post that here. Someone will shut me in the airlock.


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 7:47 AM


I have `messaged` Phoebe but it wouldn`t hurt if others did too to build up a full picture of those final moments


Darin (Zol.)


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 12:35 PM


For those who asked about the full names of characters in the pub after the screening - check out the Internet Movie Database for the movie

*this is not a spoiler just factual information*

Darin (Zol.)

p.s. the IMDB is a great place for finding out what other films that the stars have featured in too


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 1:48 PM


Could someone speak to how non-fans in the audience reacted to the BDM? I dying to know if it's got a chance with the masses.


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 1:59 PM


There wern't any non-fans to speak of - everyone there had a ticket because of being booked to go to the Serenity convention.

Trolling round the boards, there is a brief mention from one person who took a non-fan brother, and another a non-fan husband, both of whom say the non-fans loved it.

The other group of non-fans were the executives from Univarsal and UIP. Chris Bucchanan has posted on the Prospero board that the feedback from them was very positive too.

By the data to date, there is only one animal in the Galaxy dangerous to man - man himself. So he must supply his own indispensable competition. He has no enemy to help him. (R.A.Heinlein)


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 2:02 PM


OK - non-spoilery info from me.

When we first entered, we went into a reception lounge. As we were mostly British (although I was in a group with 2 Americans and a French person!), the atmosphere was fairly subdued - people surreptitiously eyeing each others' tee-shirts and talking quietly in groups.

Clothing was mostly ordinary casual, although quite a few tee-shirts were Serenitly related in some way, and it looked as though anyone who had a brown coat (of any shape or style!) had chosen to wear it. One person had gone for a more extreme Oriental look.

We were told that cameras/camera phones would be confiscated, and those who had such things had to stay downstairs, while the rest of us made our way upstairs to the theatre. Our names were checked against a list, and we were searched for cameras.

The theatre held about 200 - a few people were apparently execs from companies such as UIP (United International Pictures), who are the film distributers for Universal for cinemas outside North America. Presumably they need to be convinced to get on board, which was probably the main purpose of the showing.
The rest of the seats were taken up with Browncoats - I'd guess at least 175 of us.

It took a while for everyone to get seated, because of the checking and searching - we were told the showing would start at 7:00, but it was about 20 past before anything happened. I was seated between two friends I'd only met a few hours before - Browncoats ARE the nicest people - so easy to get chatting!

A representative from Universal came on stage (to big applause!), and told us that we were to see a rough cut, not the proper music, not colour-balanced, incomplete sfx etc. He also told us that people with night-vision equipment would be checking for anyone trying to take pictures or record during the showing. (Can't say I noticed anyone - but, once it started, I didn't take my eyes from the screen...)

Then he read the letter from Joss - it had a very similar jokey, self-depreciating tone as a lot of his board posts etc. He emphasised that we were about to see a work in progress, and said that one scene was very silly but he wasn't allowed, for legal reasons, to say which one. He promised that the final version would be 30% more polished, and 30% less silly.

He finished with his little political joke, which, as far as I remember, was something like "By the way, sorry about the President. We're still trying to work out how that happened" - which got lots of laughter and applause from the audience.

Then the Universal logo and theme-music appeared on the curtains, the curtains pulled back from the screen - and we saw Serenity.

******************** Some Time Passes.... *****************

Afterwards, the lights came on, the exit door was opened, and we left. Very subdued audience, still digesting what we had seen. I didn't really hear many comments at all - again, being British, we don't talk out our emotions. But neither was there complaining and grumbling, another thing we British tend to do if necessary. There was a generally 'positive vibe'.

We weren't given any feedback forms or asked for reactions, which rather suprised me - just film finished, out onto the street.

I went to a pub with a group for more socialising. Chatting among ourselves, I think we had similar reactions to what we loved, what we found disturbing, and what we found confusing. And there were some things in each of those categories. I think that's all I can say without venturing into spoiler territory.

Oh, one comment to make even the Americans who have seen it jelous - I think we say a more complete version of the sfx than you did - there were no portions that were just blue screen - the least complete portions showed a 'white sillouette', and those were only a few seconds. The rest looked fairly finished, although may not yet stand up to DVD freeze-frame detail :)

I think that there is no doubt that Joss Whedon is as competent at making riveting film as he is of making riveting television. He can play with our emotions in his stories, making us feel with and for the characters.

If I have a worry about this film, it is that it is so strongly emotional that people will leave the cinema feeling drained and numb, which is a common human reaction to an emotional overload. It would be difficult to watch this film with friends, and then go on to have a happy social meal. The general public may find that it demands too much of them.

By the data to date, there is only one animal in the Galaxy dangerous to man - man himself. So he must supply his own indispensable competition. He has no enemy to help him. (R.A.Heinlein)


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 2:22 PM



Originally posted by Zol:
thanks to Petit_Rhino for an interesting day accomplying me around some bits o London.

I had a great time too. And thanks for the pictures :)


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 2:24 PM


>>> Joss' message<<<

Wow, good memory Simon

My comment on the preview: Serenity is great work, very Joss Whedon


Wednesday, February 9, 2005 9:02 PM


Thank you all! It sounds like good news, and no spoilers here!

* The Real Me is still jealous... *

The Real Me

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Thursday, February 10, 2005 1:16 AM


Dammit! So jealous... and yet, I pretty much had the chance to get tickets, but wanted to see the final version, so I can't be bitter...

Actually, knowing my luck I would have had to run out of the cinema to get a train like Phoebe, so it's probably a blessing!

Nine months isn't too long... And Knights of the Old Republic II is coming out on xbox soon, I can lose myself in that for while anyway!

'The question seldom addressed is where Medusa had snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarassing problem when it keeps biting the top of the deodorant bottle.'
-Terry Pratchett


Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:59 AM


I'm so jealous, too... and I'm particularly intrigued to hear how intense the film is. As someone earlier up the thread commented, I just hope it's not too intense for the non-flan public...

PS. JamieC - cheers for the note about my reading tastes! (I would've replied off-site but I can't find a link in your profile) Anything else you'd recommend?


Sunday, February 13, 2005 11:12 AM



Originally posted by NicolaClarke:
I'm so jealous, too... and I'm particularly intrigued to hear how intense the film is. As someone earlier up the thread commented, I just hope it's not too intense for the non-flan public...

It`s not only the firefly public who were overwhelmed - in an interview with Summer Glau, she said that she came out of a screening of the movie with the same sort of feelings (SFX March 2005)

Darin (Zol.)

p.s. there`s rather a lot of action that`s packed in there, hopefully that will appeal to the masses & then non-fans can learn more about the characters from the TV Series DVDs


Sunday, February 13, 2005 11:28 PM


How have you read the March issue of SFX? Have the subscription copies been been posted out already? If so, where's mine, dammit

I for one am very impressed by the comments regarding intensity - sounds far more so than the series itself, but I think if this is the only new taste of Firefly we're likely to get for a long while, the more intense the better!

Nicola - no worries Recommendations, hmmm... Looks like you probably read a lot more widely more than me (and I'm not that much of a slouch in the reading department!), so I might have trouble thinking of something; but in case you haven't read them, Peter F. Hamilton's 'Night's Dawn' trilogy and Ken MacLeod's 'Fall Revolution' loose series are both excellent. Anything by Michael Marshall Smith is good, and Robin Hobb's 'Farseer' and 'Liveship Traders' trilogies are also great.

I'm reading Donaldson's Gap series, Chaos and Order, at the moment; after that, very little else seems intense!

'The question seldom addressed is where Medusa had snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarassing problem when it keeps biting the top of the deodorant bottle.'
-Terry Pratchett


Monday, February 14, 2005 1:22 AM


JamieC's sig prompted thought:

'The question seldom addressed is where Medusa had snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarassing problem when it keeps biting the top of the deodorant bottle.'
-Terry Pratchett

Ahhh, that Terry! Always keeping it above the belt!







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