Point Pleasant - What Do You Think Of It?

UPDATED: Saturday, January 22, 2005 17:23
VIEWED: 4223
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Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:21 PM


So, I just saw Point Pleasant (whole thing) for the first time tonight. I guess I was hoping for more something....better acting....better story....better dialog.... I just felt let down. I guess I had high expectations because it was Marti's show.

I'll give it another look see next week, but I'm not sure how much longer I will watch it. How did you guys feel about it?


Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:48 PM


I'm pretty much of the same mind on it. I hoped for better. I'll probably give it another week or so.



Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:52 PM


Just a comment on the acting (or was it direction?)...why did the mother and daughter just look at their boat burning in the harbor and not panic, yell, "911" or at least cry? It just did seem real...or honest to me.


Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:54 PM


I didn't even think of that, but then I'd just walked back into the room at that point. As you can tell, it didn't exactly have me riveted.



Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:08 PM


i was also hoping for something a little bit better then that its trying to be a romantic show and just forgetting about making it a action type show like i was expecting


Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:20 PM


three words: horror soap opera. I guess at least she created a new genre.

And I don't know where the failings of the show lie or if maybe they lay in all areas: script, directing, and editing. Some of the actors are okay, the devil's lackey is incredible. Reminds me of the devil from Profit at least performance wise.

But yeah, the pilot was the case study for why scenes that don't further the plot should be cut!! And why editing is a good thing so that you say something in 5 words instead of 8 sentences.

And would it be horrible to have one single character with some kind of depth?? Big disappointment.

Anyone catch Jonny Zero? Just curious if they actually stuck the good new show in the friday night death slot as usual.


Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:20 PM


I didn't hate the first 15 minutes of the premier,
but the remaining 45 minutes were almost unwatchable.

I was expecting humor, and there was none
(what is Ben Edlund doing? Is he really writing for that?)
writing was dumb, acting was wooden, and the background music really sucked....

I guess Joss deserves ALL the credit for BtVS, Ats & Firefly
because I don't feel that the other Mutant Enemy writers are cutting it...
JMPO of course


Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:26 PM


Yes, I did like the devil's lackey. He was the best one in the show. But the girl has got to carry this show and I'm not sure she has the emotional depth to do it.


Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:27 PM


i caught Johnny Zero and i was more entertained with that then i was with Point Pleasant but the friday night thing probably won't work out very well. i'll have to record it this friday


Thursday, January 20, 2005 7:03 PM


I think the biggest problem was that they tried to do too much in too short a time. It looks like they have a large cast, and instead of trying to introduce us to them all in two hours, they would have done better to spread it out over several episodes.



Friday, January 21, 2005 7:04 AM



Originally posted by JustAShepherd:
I think the biggest problem was that they tried to do too much in too short a time. It looks like they have a large cast, and instead of trying to introduce us to them all in two hours, they would have done better to spread it out over several episodes.


I agree JustAShephard. I really want to like this show and I will still watch it. It just needs a sprinkle of Joss (or do I mean coherency?).

" is my very favorite gun."


Friday, January 21, 2005 8:50 AM


I find it incredible that Fox are making the same mistake with Point Pleasant as they did with Firefly; they're telling all the fans of the show that it is replacing (Tru Calling for Point Pleasant, Dark Angel for Firefly) that this new show is the reason why their old favourite show is being taken off air.

If I was a fan of Tru Calling (which I'm not) then I wouldn't want to watch a show that had caused my show to be cancelled, no matter how good it was. In fact, I'd probably bad mouth it quite a bit.


Friday, January 21, 2005 2:10 PM



JustAShepherd wrote:
Thursday, January 20, 2005 19:03
I think the biggest problem was that they tried to do too much in too short a time. It looks like they have a large cast, and instead of trying to introduce us to them all in two hours, they would have done better to spread it out over several episodes.


And yet Firefly had no trouble presenting all 9 characters in the 2 hour pilot. There are ways of doing it. Point Pleasant didn't, at least not to the same degree.

Just the same, I think there's potential in it. I'll be watching for another few episodes.

"Here's something you can't do ..."


Friday, January 21, 2005 2:21 PM


It seems interesting and I like the idea of the story they're using. However, with its competition I've got a feeling that the show isn't going to last more than a few episodes.

Especially since it's on Fox.

The bastards at Fox, who cancelled Firefly


Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:43 AM



Originally posted by jebbypal:
three words: horror soap opera. I guess at least she created a new genre.

Anyone catch Jonny Zero? Just curious if they actually stuck the good new show in the friday night death slot as usual.

No she didn't create a new genre. Dark Shadows back in the Sixties when I was just a teeny tyke >derisive laughter at own fantasy< was the original horror soap opera: Barnabas Collins, played by Jonathan Frid, was so very menacing and sexy (based on his huuuuge fan response). Is anyone on this show menacing? Grant Show, late of Melrose Place just oozes...well, menace isn't the word I'd use. Sexy is personal preference, so I leave that to others to debate.

Point Pleasant isn't on my regular viewing list. If Marti Noxon can Joss it up a bit, maybe...but it's a good gig for a Mutant Enemy alm and if others disagree with me about its quality perhaps it will allow Marti to pave the way for a return to TV for Firefly...nothing talks like success.

IMO Jonnny Zero isn't going to replace the original and interesting John Doe. It's not very well-written (unlike John Doe, and so I can't last out a whole episode. Interesting to see if fans find it more appealing than I do.


Saturday, January 22, 2005 5:23 PM


I watched it with great hope. (Okay, so "great" is a huge exaggeration; "meager" may be far more appropriate.) I can only imagine that the thought process for the creation of the show went something like this (using the term "thought process" very loosely):

FOX: We need a new show! We're too far under our budget (isn't it great not having to pay actors or writers anymore??), so we need a show that isn't a "reality show" or we'll lose our budget for next season! You! Over there! Any ideas?

Marti: Okay, I been thinkin'. Hows about something like this: "Into every generat- er, world, a slay- I mean, Anti-Christ, is born. Yeah! Into every world, an Anti-Christ is born. One girl in all the world, to find the vamp- um, to find her mother, where they gather... by water, and to stop the spread of... evil... okay, not so much "stop" as "ham-fistedly start", but let's not nitpick. Anyway. In our time, that girl is Ang- no, Bu- no, what comes after B? C... Cord... Christina! In our time, that girl is Christina!" But think edgy Melrose-9021-OC. But absolutely none of the charm and eeriness of "American Gothic"; no! we'll just cleverly swipe their basic character foundation and hope no one notices. AND, we can fool Ben Edlund into being a part of it, thereby tricking all of those poor bastards who are fiending for an intelligent, witty, Whedon-esque TV fix.

FOX: Brilliant! Sign here! Oh, by the way, should this show - by some miraculous fluke of nature - actually start to get good, we're going to cancel it straight away!

Yep. That's what I imagine, anyway. FOX execs always speak in exclamations.

I thought the actors were as lifeless as the locations they chose. The characters were actually over-the-top cliche, if that's even possible. The mix of teen-age drama and the "supernatural" was so obviously, horrifically not working; tiny round hole, giant square peg, add sledgehammer and hope for the best? Throughout the whole story, the transitions from scene to scene (I'm reluctant to call them "Acts" as I always thought that one should actually have some form of acting involved in an Act, but I digress) were painfully awkward and bumbling. But it's got pretty girlies and allusions to the Devil himself! That must mean it's good! And the one bad guy - that I really wanted to like, mind you - was woefully inadequate as a villain. He actually made me laugh (mainly out of pity and embarassment for him). A hissing black kitten would have been more dastardly and ominous than he.

Well. That was a longer rant than I intended. Sorry. First post and all; don't know the lines. I will admit, though, there is still a fairly good chance that I'll watch next week's episode, not because I'm a moon-brained optimist, but because I love a good car wreck. The questions "How much worse could it possibly get?" and "Can it ever get better?" are too enticing. Besides, I don't know that there's anything else on. I guess I could read a book....






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