Serenity Convention, Thistle Heathrow

UPDATED: Thursday, March 24, 2005 00:13
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004 1:37 AM


I got my ticket on my birthday last week, along with my cocktail party invitation. I am quite abnormally excited.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

London Shindig This Saturday! PM me for details


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:02 AM


GRRR! Wish these Starfury types would make it easier to buy tickets from U.S. But at last! AFter a morning of struggle, many calls to phone company wondering why international dialing not working:


And get this folks: He said they've sold around 600 tickets already, so if you want to go, better get moving on it.

**EXCITED but terrified! No refunds! Must book flight! Probably need Rail Passes! Probably need a second mortgage on the family home! EEEEEEEK**


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 5:58 AM



Originally posted by DoubleShiny:
I got my ticket on my birthday last week, along with my cocktail party invitation. I am quite abnormally excited.

I received my ticket two weeks and still go bouncing off the walls occasionally. It is a bit weird how excited I am about this. Never even been to a con before, never really felt tempted to go and now I am as excited as when I still believed in Sinterklaas and was waiting until I could unpack my presents. AND I am going to the meet-and-greet!


London Shindig This Saturday! PM me for details

I really wanted to come over and combine it with some shopping and seeing old friends but I won't be able to make it. A bit too optimistic when it came to available funding. What with Sinterklaas, Christmas and a BIG holiday coming up, I simply can's spare the cash. I was really hoping I could make it.


Tuesday, November 30, 2004 9:44 AM


I'm mad I sent off for the tickets the WEEK it became possible to buy them, never heard anything back, turns out that my mail never got delivered, so I've had to resend this week! Oh, I hope I'm going to get my tickets, otherwise if I can't go, I'm going to yell at the Post Office... then yell... then yell... demand compensation for the emotional trauma... Then try to crash the party anyhow :(


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 3:27 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:

Yay! Always good to have an international contingent.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 3:55 AM


Thanks, Ned.

I have one request for you English and other European persons, however.

Our original plans for The Daughter's spring vacation were supposed to included Quebec or France - she's in her third year of French in high school.

So if you see us at the Con, speak French to the girl, otherwise she'll *never* practice :-)

(Is there such a thing as a French browncoat?
I haven't seen any on the boards. Or am I opening a major can of worms asking mostly UK folk such a question???)


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:51 AM


There is indeed a French browncoat!

I'm going to Serenity, along with (at least) 4 other froggies. Who knows, maybe other ones will be there.

So your daughter can do the French practice there.


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:00 AM


Your chances of getting most of us Brits to speak French are probably fairly low, we may study it for years at school, and in my case grow up only 21 miles away and visit often for town "Twinning events", but when it comes to actually speaking any foreign language while in the UK, somehow we feel very silly.

So bienvenue, wilkommen etc to anyone from outside UK!


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:19 AM



Originally posted by Grimma:
There is indeed a French browncoat!

I'm going to Serenity, along with (at least) 4 other froggies. Who knows, maybe other ones will be there.

So your daughter can do the French practice there.

Bon! We'll have to look for you guys.
Make sure to speak French, now, while you're there or we'll never spot ya ;-)

I've also discovered that the girl we're visiting in Edinburgh has a French flatmate. See? Travel to the Serenity Con *can* be FUN and EDUCATIONAL!


Wednesday, December 1, 2004 10:27 AM


To tell you the truth, we want to avoid looking like a French herd. Since there will also be German peeps as well and our common most-easily-spoken language is English, we will mainly be speaking English. Of course, if your daughter is there, we'll use French :-)

We should think about a plan to meet up at some point during the convention, just to insist on that EDUCATIONAL aspect of it :-D


Thursday, December 2, 2004 4:09 AM


Salut Grimma
There could be a small amount of herd-iness, no? Then I could practise my Canadian French on you all too. I learnt it in a third country, but it's quite passable.
I am upset about the spelling errors in the little bit paper that came with my ticket though. The spelling errors in my DVD set bug me too. Especialy since one is in Joss Whedon's name.
Maybe that wasn't specific to a convention thread, but hey. There was a language link.


Thursday, December 2, 2004 6:45 AM


what spelling errors on the DVD set?
(now I must go back and read & study my DVDs)

I wouldn't be too worried about the flier enclosed with the ticket however,
that was clearly something that was printed out fast & dirty
(probably not even proof read)
and I make way more spelling errors than that!

Talking about herds however...
how about a meet up of Fireflyfan board members before the conventions starts?
I'm checking in on April 28th and I would love to meet some Browncoats for breakfast or lunch on Friday the 29th...

there is some possibility of a photo session on Friday afternoon so I'm guessing that we can expect registration to occure before then....

I am getting very excited about this convention!


Thursday, December 2, 2004 6:56 AM


Yes, we should do lunch and identify ourselves!
When will we know the time for registration?

I'm booked only 2 nites (Apr 29-30), but I'm probably going to add May 1st so I can attend the last parties and fly out on May 2nd

The girl can miss a day of school for such an occasion as this, don't you think?

Any news about updated guest list?


Thursday, December 2, 2004 9:13 AM


The normal time for registration to open will be around 3pm but will run for a good few hours as the fans arrive.

I would totally recommend that you book the third night at the hotel too as the closing ceremony will probably run late anyway if previous conventions are anything to go by!

And yes, I think it is certainly worth missing a day of school for!



Thursday, December 2, 2004 12:31 PM


Registration usually starts at around 3.00 pm, and generally runs until about 7.00 pm or thereabouts.

I certainly think you should stay the Sunday night. The closing ceremony usually doesnt' start until at least 8.00 pm, and is a lot of fun, followed by the final disco. Also, a lot of people will probably be staying for the party, as the Monday is a public holiday in the UK


Friday, December 3, 2004 7:15 AM



Originally posted by embers:
what spelling errors on the DVD set?
(now I must go back and read & study my DVDs)

I wouldn't be too worried about the flier enclosed with the ticket however,
that was clearly something that was printed out fast & dirty
(probably not even proof read)
and I make way more spelling errors than that!

Talking about herds however...
how about a meet up of Fireflyfan board members before the conventions starts?
I'm checking in on April 28th and I would love to meet some Browncoats for breakfast or lunch on Friday the 29th...

there is some possibility of a photo session on Friday afternoon so I'm guessing that we can expect registration to occure before then....

I am getting very excited about this convention!

I'm checking in before midday on the Friday - we should arrange to meet up somewhere! I'd love to find some of you guys.

Oh, yeah, I'm definately staying till the Monday *nods* Thankfully its already a day off college, and hell! Its London, baby! Post-convention shopping spree, anyone!?


Saturday, December 4, 2004 4:42 AM


Hello All

I'm also going to the Serenity convention (by mself!!) and am booked in Friday, Saturday and Sunday night so I would be delighted to meet any of you friday morning /lunchtime etc to say hello.

Looking forward to meeting all of you



Saturday, December 4, 2004 4:44 AM


I will get in early Friday and leave Monday. This will be GREAT!!

Are You Asking me to Dance?


Monday, December 6, 2004 4:27 AM


You know what? .

My girl Sami has one of those make-a-badge sets. Why don't we make a name button for each person on this Board Thread? We could meet at lunch and distribute them, or Sami and I could wear OUR name buttons and you can find us for one of your own! Please link Heathrow Con Name Badge design submissions here :-)


Monday, December 6, 2004 12:24 PM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
Please link Heathrow Con Name Badge design submissions here :-)

That is a fun idea!
Altho I confess to having no designs for them on me...
but I love the idea of having fireflyfans badges
and meeting up for lunch on Friday,
just to stretch the fun out.
There is probably a nice restaurant right there at the Thistle;
should we do that just to keep it simple?
Or is anyone familiar with the area and can recommend someplace else?


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:23 AM


I got me ticket last night, and my friends gonna get hers soon! I can't believe im going!!! Yay! Maybe all us FFN Browncoats should take lil banners saying a codeword like "SHINY" so we know who we....know? Or maybe ones saying our FFN names!!??

PS Emma says hi!?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 1:05 AM


I made badges for a bunch of online buddies when we went to see Claudia Black and Wayne Pygram from Farscape two years ago. We still have them now and wear them whenever any of us meet up anywhere.

Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 3:14 AM



Originally posted by RelFexive:
I made badges for a bunch of online buddies when we went to see Claudia Black and Wayne Pygram from Farscape two years ago. We still have them now and wear them whenever any of us meet up anywhere.

How many of you will be at the Serenity Con?
(And did all of your Farscape buddies come over to the browncoat side with you? ;-)


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 6:57 AM


If badges are supplied, I will wear one with pride! In fact, I'll wear a violent, rainbow covered headband of my baby neice's, and pin a badge to that just to make sure nobody can miss me Whatever it takes!

Incidentally - I'm doing my part to convert the world! So far, in the last three months, I've convinced ten people to buy Firefly box sets without ever having seen the show. Five of those I've convinced to come to conventions, and only one of them is from England! One is from Wales, and THREE are from the USA - California, Michigan, and Kansas! I'm a genius in the ways of persuasion, oh yes


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 9:03 AM


I will gladly wear a badge if one is made for me

I am going to try and get a tshirt made with Pinkvelvet written ont he front so anybody who knows me from any firefly forums will know who I am!


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 12:29 PM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:

Originally posted by RelFexive:
I made badges for a bunch of online buddies when we went to see Claudia Black and Wayne Pygram from Farscape two years ago. We still have them now and wear them whenever any of us meet up anywhere.

How many of you will be at the Serenity Con?
(And did all of your Farscape buddies come over to the browncoat side with you? ;-)

One or two made their own way there... I lent my DVDs to another and got a willing convert

As far as I know, though, I'm the only one going to Starfury. I'll probably bring my badge just to go, hey, here's my badge.

I made a badge for Claudia and Wayne too. Claudia received hers from us as her first 'question' and then wore it on stage

Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 2:39 PM



Originally posted by pinkvelvet:
I will gladly wear a badge if one is made for me

I am going to try and get a tshirt made with Pinkvelvet written ont he front so anybody who knows me from any firefly forums will know who I am!

Ooh, you should get a shirt made from pink velvet. It would be both informative and stylish.

I'm up for wearing a badge just to break the ice at the Serenity convention. But then it would have to my real name too as well as SimonWho otherwise I would have the following conversation approximately 798 times:

"Ah, you're Simonwho."
"So... Simon who?"
"No, no, what is your last name?"
"No, Who is my last name."
"No, Who."
"Okay then. I'll call you Simon."
"Actually it's Stuart."
*other person wanders off to have a more sensible conversation*


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:03 AM


I make name badges at my work. A lot. Usually I handwrite them, but sometimes I type them. Our Christmas party is coming up. That’s 200 name badges to do.

Yes, my work is as exciting as it sounds.

I’ve developed an aversion to name-badge-events partly because of this, but I would make an exception for Firefly!


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:18 AM


I can understand the aversion to nametags...
but a convention badge is a thing of beauty
wearing '' with pride...
and if you see one of the BDHs
and you are tongue tied and have trouble speaking
then they can see your name...right there!

I'll be wearing my Jayne Cobb hat...
or if that looks too silly indoors,
I'll just have it with me


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 2:19 AM


Ooh might make a PsychicRiver t-shirt!!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 3:15 AM


A good idea with name badges is to also have a couple of conversation starters on them. So I could have one that look like this:

Hello, my name is Stuart (SimonWho on FFN)
I hope Kaylee and River get together.
My cat's breath smells of catfood.

That way, people can take just one glance, have an opening topic of conversation ready or know that they should run away as fast as they can.


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 4:18 AM


SimonWho, that sounds like one of those scary team-building exercises you get at scary seminars. I’ve been to one like that. But maybe it would work better with normal people like firefly fans.


Wednesday, December 8, 2004 1:07 PM


I think my badge should say

1) FFF.NET Firefloozy
2) (My Real Name)
3) Place of Origin

And then something clever, if I could think of something clever AND have enough space on the badge!


Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:15 AM


*to the tune of your favourite gloating song*

I got my ticket, I got my ticket, they spelt my name wrong, but I don't care.

We'll do a "meet you there" thread nearer the time, yes?


Thursday, December 9, 2004 8:46 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
*to the tune of your favourite gloating song*

I got my ticket, I got my ticket, they spelt my name wrong, but I don't care.

We'll do a "meet you there" thread nearer the time, yes?

Absolutley, dear brother!

Whats the ticket like? Is it pretty?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Thursday, December 9, 2004 9:26 AM


The ticket's not 'pretty' per se, its nice and simple. Its black, with 'Serenity' text on it in the pretty font, and a white box with your name in it :-p Not as pretty as the Fusion name cards but nontheless nice.

Only problem is, I have two tickets, and neither of them have my name on LOL! My mother's name and my best friend's are on them... oh well!


Friday, December 10, 2004 10:51 AM


Ah but you have to hand your ticket in to get your convention pass when you get there and they are almost always a thing of beauty at Starfury events! For those that don't know, you can't keep your original ticket as they are used to check on attendances for business and insurance purposes or some such.

If you notify Sean in good time, he may be able to amend one of your event pass so that it has your name on it rather than the one on the ticket.



Tuesday, December 14, 2004 4:53 AM


Gorram it (or other suitable interjection), SimonWho is right: there is a mis-spelling in my post above complaining about mis-spellings. In my defence, it's more of a mis-typing: I have to do this pretty quick in case my boss spots I'm not working...
still thinking about the convention,


Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:26 PM


We got our tickies! Cool, they're like credit cards. Our number is real big, though, so no fancy greeting on first day and we'll be wayyyy back of the line for pics and autographs.

Why does Starfury do it that way?
I'd think it would make sales drop off over time, because early buyers get all the perks.

I'm no fan of Creation Entertainment, but at least they have a pay-for-better-tickets structure that doesn't punish folks who can't buy their tickets the first day.

I'm sure we'll still have fun...but I doubt we'll bother to stand in all those long lines.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:38 PM


First, the photo session tickets are bought separately, you buy them after registration, they are not dependant on your registration number.

As far as the Starfury system is concerned, if people didn't book early, the event wouldn't take place, because Starfury wouldn't have money up-front in order to get guests to come to the convention. Creation also discriminates, because although people booking first don't get all the perks, in their case it is people with enough money getting all the perks. In other words, if you're not rich enough, you don't get the good seats, parties, photos and autographs. Unfortunately, someone loses out whichever way you organise it.


Tuesday, December 14, 2004 1:00 PM


Personally I'm comparing it, favorably, to Vulkon
where they have created 'platinum' tickets
($1,000 at Slayercon in Oakland...25 of them)
now $800 for three hundred of them at Houston.
so making the convention the same price for everyone
and giving a perk to those who jumped on the bandwagon
before we even knew for sure who could be there
sounds generous and reasonable to me.

At any rate they have a fabulous line up of the BDHs
and I am very happy and excited about this!


Tuesday, December 14, 2004 2:54 PM


Yup, that cocktail party is just a nice little thank you for those who ordered in early. I'm not going to be there but how could I begrudge those who can?

And yes IAMZOE, there was a spelling mistake but I didn't point it out, that's a self-inflicted wound.

137 days to go.


Thursday, December 16, 2004 2:23 PM


I don't know if anyone's noticed, but there are some excellent pics of Nathan, Morena, Summer and Jewel on the con site now

Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."


Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:55 PM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
We got our tickies! Cool, they're like credit cards. Our number is real big, though, so no fancy greeting on first day and we'll be wayyyy back of the line for pics and autographs.

Congrats! After Sean left a message saying all tickets had been sent, I wrote him an email as I hadn' treceived mine.
I didn't exist in his list , bwaaaaaaah... I know our conversation on the phone was difficult (I could only understand 1 word out of 5), but still.. I was so confident in my Serenity tickets.
Info is sent again; hopefully I'll get my "new" tickets soon


Friday, December 17, 2004 12:51 AM



Originally posted by firefloozysuzie:
I'm sure we'll still have fun...but I doubt we'll bother to stand in all those long lines.

The only time your ticket number matters is for the autographs. They have a board on which they write batch numbers, so the first batch would be numbers 1-100. This means you don't have to stand around for hours. At Fusion we sat at the bar, or chatted with friends, and checked the board every now and again. As it got nearer to our numbers we checked more frequently. When our batch was called we joined the queue. Even that was enjoyable because we met new people. Treat the queueing as part of the experience rather than a chore.

The cast were wonderful. They were only booked to sign for a couple of hours, but they stayed until every one had an autograph. By the time my number came up they had been signing for three hours and there were still loads to do, but they were still smiling!

I think this is a fair way to sell tickets as it doesn't discriminate againt people with less money.


Friday, December 17, 2004 2:59 AM


OK, now that's two of you have pointed out that early ticket buyers getting favors is better than "discrimination" against folks with less money. What I was saying was directed at the promoter and his strategy: Absolutely, I understand he needs the early capital to book the talent for his show. But I was wondering if it hurts later profit, because you'd think that some folks won't pay the same to be at the back of the line, or won't go at all because they had their heart set on meeting the actors in a social setting.

I get offers for Broadway shows all the time, and you can see promotions are geared both to drum up early ticket sales AND to fill up even the lesser seats in the house. Deals and best seats for early booking, okay. But if demand starts to taper off, then there's a discount to encourage continued ticket sales. Also, I would think the promoter could make a lot of money selling tickets to the Meet & Greet (say, an additional hundred people at the party would be latecomers who pay a premium of another $100 a ticket).

I think it's interesting that the promoter, in this case, even prevents such a thing as "scalping off" the low-numbered tickets by putting our names on them. That's just something I haven't seen done in the States. We love our eBay, you know!

It would be nice, since I'll be coming from far away, to have a shot at meeting the talent. So, yeah, it's disappointing to know it won't happen. I'm not an autograph collector, and that part of a convention never appealed to me. At the only other convention I ever attended, there were a dozen autographs included in my ticket price, and I didn't bother. Perhaps my daughter will want to go for them. We'll see.


Friday, December 17, 2004 3:18 AM


I meant to say thanks to those of you who reassured me that the lines won't be bad. But, actually, that's not what bothers me.

The truth is, I feel guilty for the actors having to sit there for hours, writing autographs. There were thousands of people at that convention I mentioned...and I couldn't bring myself to be yet another fan shoving a picture a them for a signature. Please don't take this to mean that I find fault with people who DO go for autographs!

Perhaps at a smaller event, I won't feel that it's asking too much of the talent. Or maybe my daughter, being a teenager, will not have the slightest inhibition about making people sign things, so I'll have her do the deed.

Sigh. Please don't all yell at me for this.
Maybe my mother raised me to feel guilty for inconveniencing people (but, gee, I doubt it!)


Friday, December 17, 2004 5:06 AM


Serenity will onlly have around 800 tickets tops in my opinion as the venue won't hold more than that. Its a very intimate way to see the guests. I have been to quite a few of Sean's events and have never failed to meet the guests though sometimes I get frustrated waiting for it!

Thing is, its just that Sean got into the business because he is a fan not because he saw it as an opportunity to make a quick buck. He is interested in repaying those who trust him and book early. People book months in advance for Sean's events without the announcement of a single guest. Without that money he would not be in such a safe postition to negotiate as Starfury is not run as a profit generating venture.

Personally, I have not always benefitted from high numbers for his events because I leave it late to book sometimes but it really doesn't affect my enjoyment of the event.

I don't like the idea of higher prices for some than others and have made a point of not booking for those events - even if I see guests there I would like to meet. I believe in a fair price and equal teatment as far as can be expected. I have ALWAYS managed to get autos and meet the talent and I have ALMOST always managed to get the photos with guests that I wanted.



Friday, December 17, 2004 7:00 AM


Thanks, Andy.

Again, coming from the States, I don't know this Sean or his philosophy, nor anything about how he does what he does. I appreciate very much that there are people on this board who can vouch for him and the quality of his events. It's quite a leap of faith (not to mention a leap of the Atlantic Ocean!) for me, so thanks for calming my nerves :-)

P.S. Does he *often* add late guests to the roster? How do you see the odds of a full Firefly cast showing up at the Heathrow Thistle? Will there be happy surprises? I LOVE happy surprises...sigh.


Friday, December 17, 2004 7:06 AM


At Sean's last event The White Room, we were graced with Nathan Fillion and Morena Baccarin as special surprise guests. Sean has a tendency to keep a few surprises to keep fans happy.

What are the chances of a full cast? Wow, I wouldn't like to speculate. I don't wanna disappoint anyone if they turn up expecting it and it doesn't happen. Officially there is one more Firefly actor expected to be in attendance.

I DO know that previous visits by cast members of Firefly have led to them telling the others that they all HAVE to come if they can, but it will depend on work commitments as much as anything.







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