Dorsey vs. Cruz II

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 18:54
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Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:36 AM


Twice now, Dorsey got his ass kicked.

Cruz struck me as a doughboy pussy before this started going down. That Covid beard must have put some hair on his balls too.

The real meat of it begins at 5:55.

As an aside...

I'd like to know what is probably the most important part of what's going on now, and I haven't seen a clear cut statement on it.

What NEEDS to happen is Section 230 status being removed from Twitter and Facebook, BUT they can't remove Section 230 altogether. Section 230 itself is VERY important to free speech on the internet and other startups should benefit from it while Twitter and Facebook die off as a warning to Big Tech firms that come up from the ashes not to do what they did.

If anybody can provide some legit documentation about the end game of these proceedings and not the whiny Leftist Propaganda about it, I'd appreciate it.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020 9:19 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Twice now, Dorsey got his ass kicked.

Cruz struck me as a doughboy pussy before this started going down. That Covid beard must have put some hair on his balls too.

As an aside...

I'd like to know what is probably the most important part of what's going on now, and I haven't seen a clear cut statement on it.

What NEEDS to happen is Section 230 status being removed from Twitter and Facebook, BUT they can't remove Section 230 altogether. Section 230 itself is VERY important to free speech on the internet and other startups should benefit from it while Twitter and Facebook die off as a warning to Big Tech firms that come up from the ashes not to do what they did.

If anybody can provide some legit documentation about the end game of these proceedings and not the whiny Leftist Propaganda about it, I'd appreciate it.

I told you way back when you first started whining with your typical effed opinion of what Free Speech is (probably from listening to some YouTube big mouth), that if you don't like the way a business is run, then start your own. And hey, someone did! The Mercers decided they weren't getting to lie enough on FB and Twitter so they started Parler. And guess what? You'll get your "Free Speech" squashed there too. But not from lying or making sh*t up.

"Well, that did not take long at all. On Friday we predicted that just like every other social media platform out there, the new favorite among people who falsely say that Twitter is censoring conservatives, would start taking down content and shutting down accounts just like everyone else. Because, if you run any sort of platform that allows 3rd party speech, sooner or later you discover you have to do that. In Friday's post, we highlighted Parler's terms of service, which certainly allows for it to take down any content for any reason (we also mocked their "quick read on Wikipedia" style understanding of the 1st Amendment).
What we did not expect was that Parler would prove us right so damn quickly. "

As an aside, you sure do talk about Cruz's balls a lot.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020 6:54 PM


Why do you keep making homophobic comments?

Not very Liberal of you, bruh.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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