UPDATED: Thursday, October 27, 2016 02:24
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Thursday, October 27, 2016 1:20 AM


"What's Happening?"

"One Word......... Jeffster!"

Everyone Hates Trump.

Hillary Does.

Democrats do.

The HRC does.

CNN and MSNBC does.

Fox News does.

FBI Directory Comey does.

Morgan Chase does.

Goldman Sachs does.

Every Big Bank. Every Big Corporation. Every BIG PERSON WHO EVER FUCKED YOU OR FUCKED YOUR PARENTS OR FRIENDS are against Trump.

The king of Morocco hates Trump even, (for some 12 million dollar reason).

Every Bush You Ever Hated is working for Hillary.

Who even knew that Billy Bush from Access Hollywood was Jeb Bush's Cousin?????

Today is your DAY!

"I've been doing this for too long. But not tonight! Not again!!!!"

It won't be easy, and I doubt that a very healthy Donald Trump will live more than a single year with all of the 1% that HATE him.

For all of the bad things he might have done. For all of the womanizing things he might have done or said, he's 70 years old now and instead of living the life of a Billionaire with a beautiful 3rd wife in Barbados, he's giving up the rest of his life, literally, to try to fix things.

and I'll mention again, EVERYONE IN THE 1% HATES HIM.

The One Percent Hates You, Mr. Trump?.....

You.... You Had Me at Hello :)


I felt that I came off possibly as negative at the end there.

In all of the years that I've been old enough to vote for a politician of any level, You are the only one I have ever respected, because of what you represent.

I believe full hardheartedly that we are handing the keys to the white house over to you and your lovely family.

But there is a job to do, and unlike other politicians that just party and forget their promises, I believe that you did this because you know you're coming at the end of your road and you want to go out spending every minute shaping this country with proper values.

Any Adult Man Or Woman who pretends that tape is reprehensible while forgetting what they do when they know nobody else is watching is actually the reprehensible one.

Equality is the idea that Women are just as equally capable of being as deplorable as us men, and some of them are without even trying to win that record...

I'm 37 years old.

Nobody on my block or my neighborhood has a single Presidential sign up either way. The only signs up are for very local elections like our new Sheriff. And that's in a 36,000+ city.

The only reason your statement about not believeing the outcome is that Obama and Hillary are going to fight YOU when you win by 15 points. And they're going to blame it on Russia after they said it was impossible.

Let them spend 2 months trying to dig up the crap.

They really belive they will find it.

But there's nothing to find, is there, Mr. President?

The both of them have spent their entire lives and livelihoods mired in lies and false narratives.

It's inconceivable to them that somebody could just run a straight campaign.

You are seriously breaking Hillary's and Obama's Brains now....

The only reason that Obama has come out so hard to spend Tax Payer Dollars to fight for Hillary is because before today they actually believed it was in the bag.....

Mayhap their Sycophant MSM was telling them more of what they wanted to hear than what was actually happening?


Thursday, October 27, 2016 2:00 AM


Not everybody wins...

But this place is important.

This is the place that you said that it would be OK. That I could Trust You.

I'm 37 and I grew up with "The Lesser of Two Evils".

I believe that we're going to hand you and your family the keys to the White House.

You're the first person I've ever voted for that didn't feel like a strategic preventative measure.

Please don't Break My Heart....

Let us work together and bring those jobs back. I'm 50/50 on God, but I still belive that working is good for the soul.

If we can start working good jobs again and stop stressing outside of work because we make enough while we work... real jobs......

Well 4 years from now, I think things will be so fucking great that Mike Pence will be our 2020 Shoe In prez and you can just sit back and relax and enjoy the rest of your life with your beautiful family.

We really are going to make America Great Again, aren't we Mr. Trump?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 27, 2016 2:24 AM


I apoligize, Mr. Trump, that I'm not doing this somewhere with more people.

This is what I kid of "grew up with" in the media, and although it seems more quite than usual I can't outright clam that the other side is claiming a win now. It would be stupid for them to do so because it's going to be a landslide.

You are aware of a "Death File" aren't You, Mr. Trump?

It costs quite a bit of money, but it is made up of all of the death certificates legally qualified for.

For most of us poor people, it ends the sins and debts of our Fathers and Mothers.

If your 20% tax reduction was around the last 16 years ago, they'd be prolifirating now. but they've been working every year and paying much more than 20% of the money they made after paying some dickhead CPA who is doing nothing more than I could be doing for them.

In the mean time, no Muslims here unless they own a full blown ID Card.

If they get together and rape our women like they did in Germany, they'll be traceable.

Go ahead and call me racist.

The Swiss Women who have had enough and are protesting regular Islam Rape hold up signs that say "Will Trade Racists for Rapists".

That means fucking something.

And I'm sick of living in SUPER LIBERAL USA who starts 3 fucking wars in 4 years I don't support, but we can't even call these sick Muslim men, sick Islam Extremists.

If any white man ever kills a white or black or mexiacan man again, I'm not happy with that.

It's Islam that wants to kill us.

Read a fucking book.

Do Right, Be Right. :)