What is it with the Churches and other organizations keeping (protecting) child molesters? Is it just to avoid the bad press...and if so, how inhuman is..."/>


Ore. Lawsuit Claims Boy Scouts Sex Abuse Coverup

UPDATED: Friday, March 19, 2010 12:53
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, March 19, 2010 10:56 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

What is it with the Churches and other organizations keeping (protecting) child molesters? Is it just to avoid the bad press...and if so, how inhuman is THAT?!

The Boy Scouts of America has long kept an extensive archive of secret documents that chronicle the sexual abuse of young boys by Scout leaders over the years.

The "perversion files," a nickname the Boy Scouts are said to have used for the documents, have rarely been seen by the public, but that could all change in the coming weeks in an Oregon courtroom.

The lawyer for a man who was molested in the 1980s by a Scout leader has obtained about 1,000 Boy Scouts sex files and is expected to release some of them at a trial that began Wednesday. The lawyer says the files show how the Boy Scouts have covered up abuse for decades.

On Friday, testimony from a bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints responsible for a Scout troop of church members suggested the Scouts never provided training about spotting abuse or preventing it.

The trial is significant because the files could offer a rare window into how the Boy Scouts have responded to sex abuse by Scout leaders. The only other time the documents are believed to have been presented at a trial was in the 1980s in Virginia.

At the start of the Oregon trial, attorney Kelly Clark recited the Boy Scout oath and the promise to obey Scout law to be "trustworthy." Then he presented six boxes of documents that he said will show "how the Boy Scouts of America broke that oath."

He held up file folder after file folder he said contained reports of abuse from around the country, telling the jury the efforts to keep them secret may have actually set back efforts to prevent child abuse nationally.

"The Boy Scouts of America ignored clear warning signs that Boy Scouts were being abused," Clark said.

Charles Smith, attorney for the national Boy Scouts, said in his own opening statement the files were kept under wraps because they "were replete with confidential information."

Smith told the jury the files helped national scouting leaders weed out sex offenders, especially repeat offenders who may have changed names or moved in order to join another local scouting organization.

The lawsuit also named the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because the Mormons acted as a charter organization, or sponsor, for the local Boy Scouts troop that included the victim. But the church has settled its portion of the case.

The Mormon bishop who also served as head of the Scout troop, Gordon McEwen, confronted Dykes after receiving a report of abuse by the mother of one boy in the troop in January 1983. In a video deposition played Friday for the jury, the bishop said Dykes admitted abusing 17 boys and provided a written list of names.

McEwen said he personally contacted the parents of all 17 boys on the list before calling a state meeting of the church to "disallow" Dykes, or limit his church involvement, and counsel him to "repent of his errors."

Dykes pleaded guilty to attempted sexual abuse, received probation and was ordered to stay away from children.

Clark told the jury Dykes continued with his scouting activities until he was arrested again in July 1984 during a routine traffic stop while he was driving a van full of Scouts on a camping trip.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Friday, March 19, 2010 12:53 PM


Not just boy scouts/girl Scouts either, Niki.

Big brother/big sister is also rife with problems, and the fresh air fund (or rather it's current eqivalent) still hasn't cleaned up it's act.

And don't even get me started on the church of the servants of the paraclete - which is the "recycling center" the catholic church hid the worst offenders in till the heat died down before foisting them on another unsuspecting community.

None of which hold a candle to the nightmare horror that is the foster care system - seriously, knowing there's a problem is enough, cause digging deeper can result in some serious psychological trauma, as I said, just the knowin of some things can hurt you.

Anyways, what it ALL comes down to, is really two points, or rather one with certain caveats.

We do not, legally or socially, consider children human beings, as people - as such they have no recourse other than adults who have been immersed all their life in the Dobson-Sembler-Lichfield myth that "all children are lying manipulators", which when you think it through logically, was in fact sponsored *BY* folk who abuse kids in order to discredit them on a grander scale.

And yet by cloaking it in religion and selling it to idiot authoritarians, they convinced most of our society to gobble it up just like that afterlife pie in the sky bullshit story.

Having crushed their infrastructure, the myth these monsters created remains, and that's gonna take a generation or two still, to shred into the chaff it truly is.

And the predators know it, playing to it is a substantial part of their strategy, to the point where many of the more financially or politically powerful slime directly or indirectly supported that whole structure for reasons that had nothing to do with morality, and everything to do with demonizing both potential future victims and potential future opponents.

From a straight logistics point of view, a kid has no non-adult resource they can turn to in order to report abuse - one major problem is that the FBI and NCMEC like to sweep under the rug is that MOST of the abuse of kids is by someone known to them, within the "circle of trust" and therefore, because children have essentially no rights, often as not with a great degree of direct or indirect control over the childs life.

Hard for them to call someone when their victimizer won't let them near a phone, or plays on their parents authority and the programmed fear of authority - especially when personal experience tells the kid no one believes a damn thing they say, so why bother ?
Why bring down hell upon themselves even worse ?

And they're right, that's the twisted thing, this issue is so awful it runs into the automatic denial reflex, helped along by the myth, and those the child is trying to tell will sit there and CONTRIVE ways for it not to be true, and then blame the kid!

Word gets around, children talk to each other, and they learn, they learn from us, what we DO, rather than what we say, and we've made it abundantly clear to most of em that reporting abuse will get YOU in trouble.

But... say they do reach a sympathetic ear, that they are taken seriously, what then - when some "pillar of the community" is under assault, and the whole goddamn neighborhood stonewalls the investigation or outright sabotages it ?

Hell, I even have a case in point right here imma post to the Laptop Spying thread.

The school played on the communities sympathies, started whining about how much money THEIR OWN CRIME would cost, and sure as shit, the whole damn school district is ready to lynch Blake and his folks for not shutting up and letting it slide.

Same basic principle, but say even then, that it goes to court - which also includes prior to that, forcing the kid to live the abuse over and over again as they are interrogated, often several times, looking for inconsistencies in the story, all the while the pressure on the kid builds and builds - Andrew Vachss has made suggestions as to how to make that a one time thing and reforms related to it, but been universally ignored about it.

So then they shove this abused, then interrogated, and repeatedly traumatized kid up on the stand, and the defense attorney along with the victimizer and all their sympathizers dishing out that cold, hard you're-gonna-pay glare while the defense attorney tries like hell to BREAK that kid, knowing their psyche is fragile as glass already, and very often they succeed.
The psychological damage of that is tremendous, not just to the kid, but to every kid they know who watched the nightmare happen - do you think, having witnessed that, seen this kid utterly destroyed, called a liar, drummed out of the court while the victimizer gets all manner of sympathetic petting... that THEY are going to come forward ?
Oh hell no.

And in the one in a thousand chance that the predator is hung on some evidence other than testimony, cause given the above, and the myth, testimony is almost never any kind of effective...

One of the courts final parting shots is often severing parental custody, and shipping the child to a residential care or foster care setting, both of which are completely, totally rife with abuse of all kinds!

And yes, the few accusations that slipped through the cracks and stuck, finally began to break the wall, but never forget the cost the kids often paid to make it happen, martyring themselves for a society that doesn't even see them as human.

That's why we exist, that's why Protect.org exists, to serve as a barrier between the children and the society that would crush them for speaking out - a stout shield to take the blow, and a sharp blade to stick in the bastards of the world.

As for the kids, like Mal said about the Reavers, when faced with such a thing, sometimes the way people survive is to become it, and this perpetuates the cycle, because they DO survive, while those who fight back either destroy themselves or are destroyed.

And for every child this happens to, there's a dozen children watching it, looking at us adults and our society...

And sharpening their knives.







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