Cop pleads guilty to killing shoppers in Hurricane Katrina

UPDATED: Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:39
VIEWED: 3725
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Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Ronald Madison and James Brissette were shot and killed by police state death squad on Danziger Bridge, 7 cops indicted for murder

Ex-Cop Pleads Guilty In Hurricane Katrina Killing Probe: 2 Shot, Killed On Danziger Bridge

NEW ORLEANS — In Hurricane Katrina's chaotic aftermath, police shot six people – killing two – as they crossed a bridge in search of food. For years the case was a shocking symbol of the confusion and violence that swept through the flooded city. On Wednesday it became a mark of shame for the police department.

As victims' relatives watched from the courtroom gallery, a retired lieutenant who supervised the department's probe of the shootings pleaded guilty to orchestrating a cover-up to conceal that police gunned down unarmed civilians.

Michael Lohman, a 21-year veteran of the force, pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to obstruct justice. Prosecutors said Lohman and other unidentified officers conspired to fabricate witness statements, falsify reports of the incident and plant a gun in an attempt to make it appear the killings were justified.

Lance Madison arrested on Danziger Bridge in New Orleans

U.S. Attorney Jim Letten said the investigation is continuing and would not say whether higher-ranking officials of the police department might be involved.

Lohman's plea brought at least some closure to families of victims in the best-known of several violent incidents that raised questions about police conduct immediately after Katrina. The shootings happened on Sept. 4, 2005, six days after the storm smashed levees and flooded 80 percent of the city.

Survivors have said the officers fired at unarmed people who were crossing to get food at a grocery store. The officers claimed they opened fire only after being shot at. Ronald Madison, 40 and mentally disabled, and James Brissette, 19, were killed and four others were wounded.

"We are very, very happy about the progress that the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department have made," said Romell Madison, Ronald's brother. "The people of New Orleans should be relieved that there is still justice for everybody here."

Lohman's plea marked the first conviction in the case. Seven officers were charged with murder or attempted murder but a state judge threw out all the charges. Federal authorities then stepped in to investigate.

The federal prosecutor said Lohman is cooperating with investigators who want to know more about the police department's actions.

Dylan Utley, Lohman's lawyer, said his client "did what's right for him and what's right for his situation" and hopes to "make amends."

During Wednesday's hearing, Lohman, 42, answered U.S. District Judge Ivan Lemelle's questions in a soft voice but didn't interact with the victims' relatives. He is free on $50,000 bond and the maximum sentence he faces is five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. His sentencing is scheduled May 26.

Described by fellow officers as a straight-shooter and hardworking, by-the-book cop, Lohman's cooperation is expected to be helpful as authorities examine a wide range of problems in the police department after Katrina.

The department's reputation – never sterling in a city where violent crime is a daily fact of life – was hammered after Katrina with charges that officers were involved with shootings, deserted their posts, looted shops and made off with cars from a Cadillac dealership.

"It looks like the blue code has been broken," former U.S. Attorney Harry Rosenberg said. "Remember, those officers stood shoulder to shoulder when it was in state court. Nobody said anything."

The "blue code" is likely to face further tests with Lohman's cooperation as federal prosecutors probe the fatal shooting by police of Danny Brumfield Sr. outside the New Orleans convention center; the death of Henry Glover, whom witnesses claim died in police custody; and the fatal police shooting of a Connecticut man, Matthew McDonald.

Police have pointed to the extreme conditions they were operating under after Katrina. Communications failed, hundreds of police vehicles were destroyed, 80 percent of the force lost their homes to the storm and there were several reports of rescuers being fired upon. Most of those reports were later discounted.

"The constitution applies 365 days a year," said Thomas Perez, head of the Justice Department's civil rights division. "There are no grace periods from the constitution. The rule of law does not get suspended."

In unsealing the case against Lohman, prosecutors drew a picture of how the shootings at the Danziger bridge immediately spawned a cover-up.

Lohman went to the scene and saw no weapons near or with the victims of the shooting, federal officials said, and concluded the shootings were not justified.

The documents allege Lohman and an unidentified investigator he supervised drafted different versions of false reports. Among the claims was a fabricated statement by one of the victims that she had seen her nephew and others firing guns on the bridge.

Federal officials say Lohman drafted his own 17-page false report after becoming dissatisfied that another investigator's false account was not logical.

"On several occasions in or about October 2005, defendant Lohman reviewed drafts of the false report written by the investigator and counseled the investigator on ways to make the story in the report sound more plausible," according to court documents.

When another investigator planned to plant a gun at the scene, Lohman just asked him if it was "clean," meaning it couldn't be traced, according to the documents.

The documents said Lohman also told the investigator to speak with each of the shooting officers to ensure they were "OK with" the false report and were willing to give statements consistent with it.

"It's pretty incredible stuff," said Gary Bizal, attorney for Jose Holmes, Jr., who was shot several times as he lay on the ground. "It's like a script from Hollywood."

As the investigation continues with Lohman's cooperation, officers for at least two other officers have identified their clients as targets.

"Now the government has a cooperating witness and it causes those officers to wonder if they should be running to the U.S. Attorney to look for a deal," Rosenberg said.

Both Letten and Perez refused to say how widespread or high-up the investigation could reach in the department, but both reiterated that the investigation would not be bound.

"The investigation is going to attempt to bring all perpetrators to justice," Perez said.


Witness: New Orleans cops shot man in back as he ran away

New Orleans police lined up "like at a firing range" and fatally shot an unarmed man in the back as he fled from them in the days after Hurricane Katrina swept ashore, a witness to the shooting told CNN.

It marks the first time a witness has come forward publicly with information about the shooting of Ronald Madison, a 40-year-old mentally retarded man whose death has sparked a police investigation and a grand jury probe into what happened in and around the Danziger Bridge that day.

"He just fell like he was collapsing," Kasimir Gaston told CNN. "Like something just wiped him out." (Watch Gaston describe what he saw )

After the shooting last year, police said officers had responded to reported gunshots on the Danziger Bridge and that a running gunbattle ensued with six suspects.

One teenager was killed near the base of the bridge and three other people were wounded, according to police reports.

A police department press release from October 4, 2005, said Madison, described as an unidentified gunman, was "confronted by a New Orleans Police officer. The suspect reached into his waist and turned toward the officer who fired one shot, fatally wounding him."

When asked if Madison had a gun, Gaston said, "I didn't see any on him."

No gun was found on Madison's body.

An autopsy obtained previously by CNN and verified by the Orleans Parish Coroner said Madison suffered five gunshot wounds to his back and two in his shoulder. (Watch police describe a running 'gunbattle')

Autopsty of Ronald Madison


Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:09 AM


America loves a winner!

That damn Bush!

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first.


Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:14 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

You're doin a heck of a job, Brownie, keeping 100,000 New Orleans residents from returning to their homes.


Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm gratified that the ant-hill's been kicked over. AT least the FBI is doing SOME good!


Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:23 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Too bad the NO cops didn't kill the FEMA cops who cut NO sheriff dept radio antennas, or Hillary Clinton's barge operator who rammed the levee, or FEMA DOD demolition crews who confessed to bombing the levees.

Cops never provide first aid to car crash victims, and never provide food during hurricanes. In the case of Katrina, police blocked food, water and rescue workers.


Thursday, February 25, 2010 10:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Didja every notice how the first four problems that show up after widespread emergencies are water, medicine, sewage and trash? The well-off live clean lives, thanks to functioning sewage and trash disposal systems, and export their garbage to the Port au Prince slums, to India, to China, to Kibera (famous for its "flying toilets", ie plastic-wrapped shit-bombs)

(Want to take any guesses as to what's on the end of that stick???)

and to the North Pacific.

It used to be that poor areas were very clean, as every little scrap was hoarded and used for SOMETHING. But what do you do with plastic, that ubiquitoous detritus which lives on long after any possible utility??

Pretty soon, the whole world will look like one giant garbage patch.

North Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch







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