Conservative 'Hero' Arrested and Charged with Felony!

UPDATED: Thursday, January 28, 2010 07:40
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 1:15 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The hero of the right wing, James O'Keefe, whose "sting" operation against ACORN last year caused a flap, and who was hailed as a hero by 31 Republican members of the House of Representatives who tried to pass a resolution recognizing his heroism, was arrested Monday after being caught apparently trying to illegally wiretap Democratic Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieau's office phone system.

So is it Watergate Jr? Was it a prank? How far does it go? Who knew, and when? And who stood to gain?


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:36 PM



Bloody amateurs.

Whatever their motives were, their lack of skill and professionalism offends me even more so than what they were doing.
*shakes head*



Thursday, January 28, 2010 2:56 AM


Maybe the stupidest thing I've seen in decades. Bug a Federal Building?...a U.S. Senator's Office??... Commit a Felony?? ... and for what?? ...15 minutes of Breitbart/Fox fame? By doing what he and 3 others did, they have in one fell swoop destroyed any credibility to anything that had preceded this juvenile and absurd stunt. What was the ultimate goal here for them anyway?...To catch Mary Landrieu possibly saying the "f" word on a call, or maybe to videotape her through the bathroom keyhole freshening up?? My God! They have completely sunk far below the level of anything ACORN may or may not have done in the past. It's like Balloon Boy Dad meets The Plumbers, except their punishment will not be some slap on the wrist. They are facing serious charges, and will likely do time in Federal Prison. Great job guys!!


Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:03 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Maybe the stupidest thing I've seen in decades. Bug a Federal Building?...a U.S. Senator's Office??... Commit a Felony?? ... and for what?? ...15 minutes of Breitbart/Fox fame? By doing what he and 3 others did, they have in one fell swoop destroyed any credibility to anything that had preceded this juvenile and absurd stunt. What was the ultimate goal here for them anyway?...To catch Mary Landrieu possibly saying the "f" word on a call, or maybe to videotape her through the bathroom keyhole freshening up?? My God! They have completely sunk far below the level of anything ACORN may or may not have done in the past. It's like Balloon Boy Dad meets The Plumbers, except their punishment will not be some slap on the wrist. They are facing serious charges, and will likely do time in Federal Prison. Great job guys!!

Jongsie, you and I need to have a beer. :) It seems there really is much we agree on, and only a few bones of contention where we can't find common ground, and we seem to be gaining ground on those areas.

My understanding is that Landrieu's seat is generally considered to be in jeopardy anyway, it's kind of accepted that she'll likely lose it come election time (I'm not sure if she's up for election this year or not, so I'll have to verify that), so why blow something like this on a seat the Republicans were likely to get anyway?

It makes about as much sense as Watergate, where they tried to bug the Democratic National Committee's office leading into the '72 election, when Nixon was already favored to win in a landslide. There's no upside in it, and lots and lots of downside.

And if it was supposed to be a prank, it was a damned idiotic one. Was there nobody on that "team" that ever stopped and said, "You know, guys, this might not be a good idea, and it just might get us in a LOT of trouble, and end up making all of our supporters look bad."? Where was THAT guy? Every team is supposed to have the guy who plans for the contingencies when it all goes to hell; I guess they forgot to hire that guy, or sent him out for cheese fries that day, or something.

And they may well have handed the seat back to Landrieu, thereby shooting themselves in the foot, reloading, and firing again.

I'm really curious to see what dominoes fall when these guys start flipping on each other and the possible puppetmasters behind this stunt. Is it the RNC? David Vitter? Ray Nagin? Bill O'Reilly? Could be interesting...

Oddly, though, I still haven't heard a peep about this on the mainstream news. Not a word that I've heard from ABC, NBC, or CBS, and I don't expect FOX will cover it, since it's embarrassing to them.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:15 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Maybe the stupidest thing I've seen in decades. Bug a Federal Building?...a U.S. Senator's Office??... Commit a Felony?? ... and for what?? ...15 minutes of Breitbart/Fox fame? By doing what he and 3 others did, they have in one fell swoop destroyed any credibility to anything that had preceded this juvenile and absurd stunt. What was the ultimate goal here for them anyway?...To catch Mary Landrieu possibly saying the "f" word on a call, or maybe to videotape her through the bathroom keyhole freshening up?? My God! They have completely sunk far below the level of anything ACORN may or may not have done in the past. It's like Balloon Boy Dad meets The Plumbers, except their punishment will not be some slap on the wrist. They are facing serious charges, and will likely do time in Federal Prison. Great job guys!!

Jongsie, you and I need to have a beer. :) It seems there really is much we agree on, and only a few bones of contention where we can't find common ground, and we seem to be gaining ground on those areas.

My understanding is that Landrieu's seat is generally considered to be in jeopardy anyway, it's kind of accepted that she'll likely lose it come election time (I'm not sure if she's up for election this year or not, so I'll have to verify that), so why blow something like this on a seat the Republicans were likely to get anyway?

It makes about as much sense as Watergate, where they tried to bug the Democratic National Committee's office leading into the '72 election, when Nixon was already favored to win in a landslide. There's no upside in it, and lots and lots of downside.

And if it was supposed to be a prank, it was a damned idiotic one. Was there nobody on that "team" that ever stopped and said, "You know, guys, this might not be a good idea, and it just might get us in a LOT of trouble, and end up making all of our supporters look bad."? Where was THAT guy? Every team is supposed to have the guy who plans for the contingencies when it all goes to hell; I guess they forgot to hire that guy, or sent him out for cheese fries that day, or something.

And they may well have handed the seat back to Landrieu, thereby shooting themselves in the foot, reloading, and firing again.

I'm really curious to see what dominoes fall when these guys start flipping on each other and the possible puppetmasters behind this stunt. Is it the RNC? David Vitter? Ray Nagin? Bill O'Reilly? Could be interesting...

Oddly, though, I still haven't heard a peep about this on the mainstream news. Not a word that I've heard from ABC, NBC, or CBS, and I don't expect FOX will cover it, since it's embarrassing to them.

I'll have a beer with you any time you want. On Fox, O'Reilly did do a segment on it last night. He tied it into the ACORN funding thing, and showed their CEO Bertha Lewis on another network speaking with renewed vindication. I found this from the AP about Glenn Beck: Fox News' Glenn Beck, who made O'Keefe's ACORN expose a national phenomenon by championing the videos, said on his radio show that if the allegations against O'Keefe are true, the young man crossed the line.
"You don't do anything illegal. That's Watergate territory. You just don't do that," Beck said. "But besides that, I don't even think you go dressed up. I mean, it's a senator. For the love of Pete, it's a senator."

They're going to have to come down hard on these guys to send a message to any others who want to crash Govt. offices. Where this may go remains to be seen. I hope it stops with those clowns.


Thursday, January 28, 2010 7:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow, I'm impressed Beck said that! Given the disrespect he's shown Senators in the past, that's fascinating.

News reports say the guys had no electronic equipment with them at all, that they were responding to people saying their attempts to call her office weren't being answered, were ending up in message machines, etc. Supposedly they wanted to prove this, hopefully show the workers sitting around laughing about it...?

That's insane, not to mention infantile, not thought through, and utterly ridiculous. At one point they thought these guys wanted to shut down her phones to see if the workers even noticed and how they reacted; later they said they had no intention of in any way affecting the phones.

It doesn't make sense at all to me. The only thing I can guess is that these guys are the equivalent of the underwear bomber; inept, unclear on what their actual goal was, and downright silly in their execution.

I hope it comes back to bite them in the ass. I'd LOVE to see the Acorn thing discredited...nobody noticed when it happened, but numerous Acorn offices threw the asshole out and closed the door on him, it was only one dumb bitch who "played along". Yet Acorn lost tons of funding and credibility because of the stunt. I'd love to see him hoist on his own petard!






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