The Mindbenders and how they do it.

UPDATED: Sunday, January 31, 2010 23:56
VIEWED: 6694
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Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:34 AM


Oh Boy! I have little enemy troops who have been amassing an army for quite some time now. Ok, going to collect my super weapons and acquire me some new territory today. In my case it's the gnomes against the robots. And the sun is out today!!! Hooo-Yaah!

Also, thank you for your kind words Rue, and your thoughts on moving energy Byte. Much appreciated!


Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:56 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, goodness, Bird, if the sun's out, get outdoors! Get on your bike or skates, or just go for a walk. My best bet would be a HIKE, up on a trail in the middle of trees and grass (which is blessedly GREEEEEN here, for a brief time!). I used to "hike my anger off", just STOMP up the Mountain when I was dieting...haven't done it in a long time, but Frem is right; exercise is great for draining the body and the mind and bringing calm. Guaranteed.

Got a dog? Go walk it! Don't have a dog? Just go WALK, walk as fast as you can until you're tired, if it's a real build-up.

I also get in the car, get it on the freeway, and SCREEEEEAM at the top of my lungs. Works great. I learned that if the pitch is high, it's fear. If the pitch is low, it's anger. If it breaks between the two, it's just buildup, a mix of the two, or frustration.

Good luck, peace is a treasure however you gain it!


Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:15 PM


Hey, thanks Niki. I can be a bit slow on the draw at times, but yeah, sun out = go out.

I'll save the dust bunnies for another day. It will be raining again soon enough I'm sure.

Tearing self away from machine now.


Saturday, January 23, 2010 12:22 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mmmm, I need to do the same. Lost our sun, back to clouds, rain showers no doubt imminent. Time to get OFF this damned thing!!!


Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:29 AM


I concur completely with Byte's recommendations about massage...

'Square' breathing and guided biofeedback...

Once you've relaxed a little , you might also find a reliable practitioner of TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ).

Also , some Rescue Remedy :

It really helped a kid I know that had panic attacks...I've used it myself when feeling pent-up or overwhelmed by circumstance...

Also , go to health food store and find something good for neurotransmitter support...GABA , for one example . ( Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ) It will help in a similar way to how Rescue Remedy works , but will help fortify you for the long haul...Also Omega complex items like natural flaxseed oil...It's awesome !

Try not to eat anything white , unless a veggie like cauliflower...

Avoid white flour , corn syrup , refined sugars , and caffeine...

Most importantly , Don't worry...The 'Verse is unfolding exactly as it should...Be Happy...Find two blessings to count on your thumbs...Then find eight more to count on your fingers...Do it every day...


Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:53 AM


Thank you O2TB!

When we first moved to this area I did see a massage therapist a few times and found it to be helpful. Then the economy blew up in our face and now any extra cash we have we use to help out an unemployed friend and some family members. Everyone I know seems to be very stressed out these days.
But I think we can rearrange some things and add in a massage session or two.

As far the caffeine goes I agree. I am down to one cup of tea in the morning and even that makes me ramble and a bit shaky. So that needs to go. ... no more Earl Grey ... Hot. big sigh...

Thank's for the 'square breathing' idea. I had to look that one up. That is exactly what I was looking for as far as breathing techniques go.

I did try out Chinese Medicine a few years back. Had some acupuncture and tried out the teas. I ran into a conflict with the practitioner though. She kept insisting I eat an egg a day and I am a vegetarian so that was not working out. I am careful to combine things in such a way as to get enough protein. And the teas were giving me such headaches. I kept thinking that was because I was detoxing, but she said no, the teas should not be doing that. I gave up.

100% in agreement with you on the diet. We are toying with the idea of going gluten free. Absolutely no refined sugar! And corn syrup seems to be the plague of the 21st century.

We take the Omegas and yes, they are awesome.

I will check out the GABA. I do take 5-HTP for neurotransmitter support in the evenings, but it makes me tired so I don't use it during the day.

I will check out the rescue remedy. I like their web site. Lot's of good ideas.

And yes on trusting in the 'Verse'. I love to watch the unfolding. It's like watching my favorite movie. But, sometimes I do slip off the being happy and thankful wagon. I like your 2 thumb and eight fingers method. easy to remember!

I think part of my problem was encountering my fear of sharing on list. It was pushing lots of my buttons. But that's good! Growth!!! ... and panic ...

Sorry for the morning ramble. I blame it on Earl.


Sunday, January 31, 2010 2:16 PM


Hey Frem, I was doing a little more research today, trying to find a Scary Name for some fiction I'm writing. Found this little oddity on wikipedia.

MK-ULTRA page:

Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was renamed Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.

According to this, Bluebird is Artichoke is Ultra.


Sunday, January 31, 2010 4:30 PM


Byte, the problem with wiki on this stuff is that there's kind of a nonstop back and forth between folks who wanna pretend it never happened (revisionist-deletionists) who go around re-editing and removing stuff, or bits of stuff, to make it less credible or noticeable - and the folks who try to keep up with that kinda thing...

Case in point, look how desolated and stripped the wiki page for AntiFederalist Papers versus Federalist Papers, and realize that several weeks ago they were both the same size.

Or how effectively stripped out the stuff on union labor got, case in point this list of strikes.

At the time I originally posted this, that article had been re-edited with Bluebird being named an offshoot of Artichoke, no connecting page, and zero mention of Monarch whatever, so the information on that page gets munged round and round more often than a carnival ride, which of course, even that serves the goal of confusing the issue, doesn't it ?

Hell, the Office of Special Plans under ole Dougie Feith, Wolfie-witless and Larry the obvious spy Franklin, was NOTORIOUS for that shit in attempts to astroturf support for war with Iraq/Iran/Fuckin Everybody.
(ironically, this page itself had been hit by em more than once)

So it's always a good bet to confirm anything via several sources and cross-reference.

You should never take ANYONES unvetted word for stuff like this, not even mine, cause while not often wrong, I am as human as the next guy and every bit as capable of missing a ball or two yanno.



Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:48 PM



Interestingly, I just read something about an Office of Scientific Intelligence in a book called "Corrupted Science" (I mentioned I was doing research for writing?). Russel Targ and Harold Puthoff and remote viewing. Wonder if they're related.

I was disappointed the book didn't have anything else on the whole psychotronic warfare thing. Surely this stuff must fall under corrupted science.

I've been reading some crazy stuff about subproject 54 around the internet, that was part of Bluebird or an offshoot right?


Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:04 PM


Technically it was, yes, all the official "Subprojects" were more or less straight out of Ultra though, and the whole "54 was cancelled" line was bullshit anyways - where the hell do you think they got those screamers, ultrasound nauseators, the ADS pain beam, tasers, etc .. from ?

They didn't just pop up out of the ground fully researched and ready to go out of the blue yanno, which is what they TRIED to play it off like.



Sunday, January 31, 2010 11:56 PM


double tap..


Sunday, January 31, 2010 11:56 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:
I concur completely with Byte's recommendations about massage...

'Square' breathing and guided biofeedback...

Once you've relaxed a little , you might also find a reliable practitioner of TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ).

Also , some Rescue Remedy :

It really helped a kid I know that had panic attacks...I've used it myself when feeling pent-up or overwhelmed by circumstance...

Also , go to health food store and find something good for neurotransmitter support...GABA , for one example . ( Gamma Amino Butyric Acid ) It will help in a similar way to how Rescue Remedy works , but will help fortify you for the long haul...Also Omega complex items like natural flaxseed oil...It's awesome !

Try not to eat anything white , unless a veggie like cauliflower...

Avoid white flour , corn syrup , refined sugars , and caffeine...

Most importantly , Don't worry...The 'Verse is unfolding exactly as it should...Be Happy...Find two blessings to count on your thumbs...Then find eight more to count on your fingers...Do it every day...

I am jumping in the middle without reading all the posts, but alot of what you guys are talking about can also be found in aikido training.

breathing exercises, flexibility and relaxation training, balance...

the idea of balance and finding your center
physically, mentally and spiritually is key

I use some of the relaxation techniques to control stress, and found it sometimes works for headaches as well.