It all started in 1983....

UPDATED: Sunday, January 1, 2017 21:22
VIEWED: 1519
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Monday, December 26, 2016 4:14 AM



My 4th Birthday, was the Genesis of MTV....

It was cutting edge. My babysitters creamed for men who basically abused them while they lived the Rock Star life...

FastForward 30+ years, and MTV can't even get a million subscribers and they get about a 90+% hate rating on every racist video they make...

Unlike the thousands of hate videos on youtube, I won't even "lead" you for anything.

If anyone who isn't a white male thinks a single part of this is BS, feel free to speak up.


Monday, December 26, 2016 4:18 AM



You cannot be racist and still have black friends.

I grew up in a world where I still heard about people "down south" who were "chaining negros" to the back of a pickup truck and dragging them until they were dead.

If your most "racist" white friends are guilty of not really "meaning it" when they say they have black friends is the worst you could come up with, I am learning a shit ton about Electricity and I have a ton of Dancing Pixies I'd love to introduce you to ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, December 29, 2016 6:45 AM


America loves a winner!

I still have my original " I want my MTV " buttons. This from a time when MTV was about - music videos, and had more substance now than today. This 'white male apology' crap ? Isn't my MTV. And I sure as hell don't want it.


Thursday, December 29, 2016 9:29 AM


rezident owtsidr

MTV iz the premier example for the fraze: Wut happened to you, man? You used to be kool.

Last time I had MTV it had devolved into subject free reality showz that were at least 75% commercialz. That wuz around 2000.

1 day I had it on wile I wuz painting my room and notised I hadnt herd any muzik in quite a wile. Then there were 3 muzik videoz, KRAPPY muzik videoz at that, commercialz start agen and I look at the clock. I jiveth ye not, it wuz 17 minits strate uv commercialz, about 1/4 uv them being anounsments for other 'showz'.

I never watched any uv there stoopid showz. Apartments crowded with yung adult slackerz bickering over petty nonsens iz not my idea uv entertainment.
Its like idiots who dont hav anything good enuf to qualify for Jerry Springer, but still want to be on TV.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Saturday, December 31, 2016 1:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey SIX, "Empty bottles" by Odd Robot; teaser. I hope you like it.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Sunday, January 1, 2017 5:37 PM


Love it Sigs. That will be me when I get a job and can afford Guiness again instead of the piss water I'm drinking :)

To Rap and JO, totally agree.

I kind of grew up with MTV, so I thought the first season of The Real World was pretty cool when I was like 10 or 11 years old. I even remember loving the gameshow they made called "Remote Control" starring a very young Colin Quinn as host when I was like 8 or 9. MTV was still cool by my late teens when they rarely played music videos and did more things like Jackass and the Tom Green Show. By that time I already hated reality TV so never watched any of that crap, and TRL was aweful because even though they played the most popular videos at the time they were constantly interrupted by the host and audience and they always cut the end of the videos off.

I'm an old man now. I haven't watch MTV on TV for probably 15 years. I'm only now hearing about MTV because of YouTube channels I watch talking about this bullshit "New Years Resolutions for White Guys 2017" and Decoded and the Laci Green "Braless" show.

I really appreciate you agreeing with me here JO.

We might not agree on the merits of the President Elect or his opposition, but at least we agree that SJW's totally F**Ked MTV up.

They used to be cool and edgy and against The Man. Now they are The Man, the Nanny State....

In between 20 minutes of commercials, you're treated to some of the most blatant racism that still exists in the modern America.

I notice there's no "Resolutions for Black Guys in 2017"

or no "Resolutions for Mexican Women in 2017".

Nope. You can only be racist against White Males in 2017. What's even better is that they've actually convinced each other in their college brainwashing echo chamber that they're not even being racist because it's impossible for a minority to be racist against a "majority".

And BTW.... when did Women become a Minority? Last time I checked, in every American Census in history Women made up a slight Majority of Americans.

I mean.... it's possible that if over a Million Men hadn't been killed in combat after being drafted in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I and II, the Korean War, Viet-Nam, Desert Storm and all the current shit we've been enveloped in the Middle East for the 2nd half of my life, Men might have been the Majority....

You're welcome, Women. You're welcome, US Minorities. Regardless of the past, we live in the most easy times of our lives because of modern technology and appliances, a vast majority of which were invented and developed by the Evil White Male.

To blacks specifically, I know it was evil and terrible what my European ancestors did to your African ancestors, but look at where you are today. Chances are pretty decent you've got a Smart Phone in your hand and you're living a better life than I am. Compare that to where you would be today if your great great great grand daddy didn't paddle the slave ship to America and pick cotton for a living.

I'm not asking you to thank me for that. I'm just saying I had nothing to do with it, so keep me the f*k out of it. Until you see me coming out of the top of my Ivory Tower and pissing on everyone else, I got nothing to do with your wild SJW fantasies about how great the White Man has it in America. Life sucks for all of us. Don't blame me for your failures.

In short. Fuck you MTV.

All of your college age goons will be saying the same thing to you right before they bury you when they go into the real world and get a job and realize there is no such thing as "fair" or "safe spaces".

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 1, 2017 9:17 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 1, 2017 9:22 PM


Double Hehe.....


It's not racist when a Jew who is married to an American-Israeli does it.

P.S. Yes that is Michelle Obama in their intro, and yes, in several other videos he has put out the call to Ivanka Trump now to say the same thing for their intros going forward.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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