Muslim militants with 'Birmingham' and Pakistani Islamists with 'London' accents linked to downing of passenger jetliner?

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:40
VIEWED: 2080
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Sunday, November 8, 2015 7:30 AM


Egypt’s investigators said a noise was heard in the last second of the cockpit voice recording on the jet, reinforcing the likelihood that the aircraft was brought down by an on-board bomb;
The Isil terror group claiming responsibility was trained by an ex-Egyptian special forces officer, who turned to jihadism and went on the run;
UK aviation and security officials shown CCTV footage from inside Sharm el-Sheikh airport were so alarmed by the lack of security they ordered the cancellation of all further flights from Britain to the Red Sea resort;

“ISIL is a very direct threat to us in Britain … and it’s not right morally to rely on French or Australian or American aircraft to keep our streets safe.” British tourists will begin flying home from the Egyptian resort of Sharm al-Sheikh on Friday with extra security measures in place after Prime Minister David Cameron said a bomb probably downed a Russian airplane, killing all 224 people on boar

American agents based at the National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted 'chatter' among IS jihadis in the Sinai peninsula, where the Russian Metrojet Airbus crashed.

Islamic Kingdom of Briton Update

Muslim Brotherhood Connections?

Earlier today it was reported that "Britons"<<<<(BBC politically correct marxism speech for Pakistani muslims?) trained in Syria with an "electronics background" might have helped to construct the bomb that brought down the Russian jet.

Londonistan jihad culture?

"Chatter" picked by GCHQ reportedly featured jihadists with London and Birmingham accents celebrating in Egypt after the explosion. The New York Times reports that The FBI has agreed to help the Russian government with its investigation into the deadly crash of a Russian charter plane in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.


A former Special Branch officer warned that the success of the attack could inspire these jihadis to target British airports next, according to the Sunday Express.

Former Special Branch detective Chris Hobbs said British-born militants who have learned bomb-making skills while fighting in Syria could slip under the radar and return to Britain.

"There is a growing concern that these individuals will use their newly learnt skills to try to down an airliner here," he said, adding that "airport security here in the U.K. is very good but it can never be 100 percent."

Hobbs said the Sinai militants must have smuggled the bomb into Sharm El Sheikh airport in Egypt, with an airport worker then placing the device in the hold of the Russian passenger jet. "If that is what happened it would have needed a degree of planning," Hobbs said.

"It would be possible to hide a device inside a vehicle and then retrieve the device when the rogue employee is airside. Then it could be passed on to a security-checked passenger who could carry it on to an aircraft before becoming a martyr or possibly even placed into an unsuspecting passenger's hold baggage if that rogue employee is involved in baggage handling," he said.

Terrorists 'boasted' to Isil leaders about bombing plane, stranded Brits 'could face ten day delays' - as it happened on Saturday November 7

Fears British-born jihadis could be behind potential bomb attack after spooks pick up terrorists speaking with Birmingham and London accents


Monday, November 9, 2015 9:25 AM


Pols: Bomb Likely Cause of Russian Jet Crash (NYT, AP, Express, Politico, me)
• Senior House members said Sunday that there was a mounting consensus among American intelligence officials that a bomb brought down the Russian charter jet that crashed 31 October in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, killing all 224 people on board
• “I think there’s a growing body of intelligence and evidence that this was a bomb – still not conclusive – but a growing body of evidence,” Rep Adam Schiff (D-Calif), top Dem on the House Intelligence Committee who was briefed by intel officials on Saturday, said on ABC on Sunday
• Rep Peter King (R-NY), chair of the House Homeland Security subcommittee on terrorism and intelligence went further on ABC. “Until it’s final, we can’t say. But, right now, all the evidence points in that direction, yes.” It’s not clear how much American intel and law enforcement agencies have learned about the crash
• American investigators haven’t been invited to visit the crash site, and while the Russian govt has asked the FBI for help, it’s not known how much info Moscow has shared with the bureau. Britain’s Express tabloid reports that spies at GCHQ in England heard extremists celebrating moments after the explosion in English, with London and Birmingham accents
• Security officials at Sharm el Sheikh airport have told AP that the facility has long had gaps in security, including a key baggage scanning device that often isn’t functioning and lax searches at an entry gate for food and fuel for the planes


Monday, November 9, 2015 5:42 PM


America loves a winner!

One need not be a " terrorist " or have official links to terrorist groups to kill. They can simply be a " devout Muslim " .

“There was nothing to indicate he was doing this because of Allah, or because he was going to be rewarded with 72 virgins, or because of ties to a terror group,” Warnke said. “He appeared to be a devout Muslim, on the strong side of the belief.”


Monday, November 9, 2015 6:09 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
One need not be a " terrorist " or have official links to terrorist groups to kill. They can simply be a " devout Muslim " .

“There was nothing to indicate he was doing this because of Allah, or because he was going to be rewarded with 72 virgins, or because of ties to a terror group,” Warnke said. “He appeared to be a devout Muslim, on the strong side of the belief.”

Or you could be an American Roman Catholic like Timothy McVeigh.

"Timothy McVeigh was the main perpetrator in the Oklahoma City Bombing on April 19, 1995, which killed 168 people in the worst act of domestic terrorism in American history. He was pulled over that afternoon by Lieutenant Charles Hanger for driving without a license plate, and arrested after Lt. Hanger found an unregistered firearm in his car. [1] McVeigh was a veteran of the 1991 Iraq war following the invasion of Kuwait. He was raised Roman Catholic, but professed agnosticism in 2001.[2]In 1996, McVeigh claimed to be a non-practicing Catholic but said "I do maintain core beliefs." Before his execution, he received Last Rites [3]. He was, therefore, at least an avowed Catholic before and after the bombings."


Monday, November 9, 2015 6:32 PM


Honestly Thgrri do you have a hole in the head or something? Why is it that some of these loonys on the left everytime somebody comes out and call out radical islam some of you people have this brainwashed auto response BUT CHRISTIANS ARE EVIL TOO....somebody reports a news item about extremist muslims looting, blowing sh1t up, muslims raping and you loony leftists come out with this BUT CHRISTIANS ARE WORSE TERRORISTS...and DEM JEWS we liberals taken great offense to these people!!....are you guys programed this way? Is this what happens when you watch too much leftism tv or hang out too long with the marxists and muslim apologists
and yes you are correct a Christian or Christians may have been involved in a terrible terrorist attack back in April 1995 but personally I don't belive his sole motivation was "Christianity".
So why is it your automatic response to fling dirt at Christians THGRRI?

The discussion here is how home-grown muslim terrorists from the UK may be involved with the bombing of the Russian airline....I supppose you could expand the discussion more into airline secuirty or expand the discussion into why radical muslims from France are shooting and bombing people or why radical islamists from the United States are flying over to join ISIS in Syria....but I don't see how you can drag the thread so far off-topic, unless you are some kind of werid marxist or muslim

and this is not an attack on the left either, thankfully some people on the left like Atheists Dawkins and Tulsi Gabbard have the sanity to call out radical islam for what it is

and btw attack the Christians with your nonsense all you want Thgrri, it doesn't bother me at all. If you think I'm one of those US Conservative bible belt Christians then you're reading me all wrong.
ni dong le ma?


Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:40 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Honestly Thgrri do you have a hole in the head or something? Why is it that some of these loonys on the left everytime somebody comes out and call out radical islam some of you people have this brainwashed auto response BUT CHRISTIANS ARE EVIL TOO....somebody reports a news item about extremist muslims looting, blowing sh1t up, muslims raping and you loony leftists come out with this BUT CHRISTIANS ARE WORSE TERRORISTS...and DEM JEWS we liberals taken great offense to these people!!....are you guys programed this way? Is this what happens when you watch too much leftism tv or hang out too long with the marxists and muslim apologists
and yes you are correct a Christian or Christians may have been involved in a terrible terrorist attack back in April 1995 but personally I don't belive his sole motivation was "Christianity".
So why is it your automatic response to fling dirt at Christians THGRRI?

The discussion here is how home-grown muslim terrorists from the UK may be involved with the bombing of the Russian airline....I supppose you could expand the discussion more into airline secuirty or expand the discussion into why radical muslims from France are shooting and bombing people or why radical islamists from the United States are flying over to join ISIS in Syria....but I don't see how you can drag the thread so far off-topic, unless you are some kind of werid marxist or muslim

and this is not an attack on the left either, thankfully some people on the left like Atheists Dawkins and Tulsi Gabbard have the sanity to call out radical islam for what it is

and btw attack the Christians with your nonsense all you want Thgrri, it doesn't bother me at all. If you think I'm one of those US Conservative bible belt Christians then you're reading me all wrong.
ni dong le ma?

Wow, you assign a lot of opinions to me that I have not expressed. Again a subjective posting style I recognize.

You are talking wildly about Muslims who are fleeing radical Islam in every thread and you are incapable of distinguishing between the two. This Muslim bashing goes way back with you and the old guard has called you out on this before.

As for you labeling me a liberal because I have exposed you as a bigot. Wrong again, I travel the middle of the road.

P.S. If the discussion is about the current Muslim migration and Muslims in general, then all I have posted is appropriate to the thread. Some of us has been trying to get you to take your own advice and stop posting improperly in every thread.






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