BOOK OF DAYS SERIES: #36. "Revelations - Chapter 2/2"
Friday, April 28, 2006

Mal and Inara make an announcement. Kaylee has a nightmare and some plans are put on hold. Simon/Kaylee. Mal/Inara. 36th story in a series.


Well, I think there are four stories left, all with multiple chapters. Thanks for sticking with me through this whole series and for the great feedback.

As always, I love the guesses everyone is making as to what is going to happen.

There will be thrilling heroics but certain things need to happen first. Those of you clammoring for revenge, it'll happen.


Chapter 2


Mal couldn’t remember ever being so shocked in his life. His knees weakened and he was dangerously close to collapse as the shock of Inara’s announcement seeped slowly into his brain.

Inara turned away from him. “Now get out of my home.”

Mal shook his head, the ability to speak returning slowly. “W – wait a minute. You don’t just drop this bomb on me and expect –“

“That’s exactly what I expect, Mal. Get out.” Her voice was as cold as he’d ever heard it.

He set his jaw. “No.”

Inara whirled on him, her eyes ablaze with furious fire. “Do you even begin to understand why I am so upset?”

Mal shrugged, trying to make light of his apology. “I was an ass.”

Inara rolled her eyes. “That is obvious to the entire crew.”

“But that isn’t the only reason?” Mal was confused. He would never understand women folk.

Inara sank to the couch, covering her face as she sobbed even harder into her hands. He couldn’t understand because she hadn’t told him.

Mal was beside her immediately, his heart tearing knowing he was the cause of her tears. “I’m sorry. I am. I was an ass. I shouldn’t have – what? Tell me?” He didn’t know what to do when a woman cried. “What can I do? Inara –“

“You need to apologize, Mal.”

Mal blinked at her. “I just did.”

Inara looked up at him, her eyes narrowed. “They will walk off this ship, Mal. And if they do, so will I.”

Mal shook his head. “Won’t let ‘em do that, ‘Nara.”


Simon held Kaylee’s hair away from her face as she hunched over the small sink in their room, loosing what little she’d eaten of her lunch. One hand soothingly rubbed circles on her back until she had nothing left in her stomach. When she was done, he gently wiped her face and led her back to bed, curling his body around her and cradling her protectively in his arms.

“It will be ok, bao bei,” Simon soothed, pressing gentle kisses to her cheek and temple. But, truth was, he wasn’t sure if it would be ok. He couldn’t hear any arguing coming from the cargo bay, but that didn’t mean anything. He didn’t want to leave Serenity. He didn’t want to take Kaylee away from her home. But if he had no choice, he would take his wife and their child elsewhere to live. He could protect them. Kaylee finally fell into an exhausted sleep while Simon cradled his little family, praying to whatever God would listen that he wouldn’t have to take them off Serenity.

“No. Please don’t,” she pleaded, her eyes already full of unshed tears.

“Hold ‘er!”

“We don’t ‘ave time fer this. We need ta finish the job!”

“Oh – we got time.”

Kaylee could see the lust in the man’s eyes and as she opened her mouth to scream she was struck across the face so hard that her head hit the crates and her vision blurred.

Kaylee’s body shook from the scream, so loud it echoed around their small room like a boomerang.

Simon reached for Kaylee as she bolted out of bed and crawled into the tightest corner of the room, her eyes wide with an unfathomable fear.

“Kaylee? Bao bei, what is it?” He hurried after her, swallowing his sudden fear.

Kaylee trembled, her hands cradling her belly. Her hair was plastered to her face from the sweat and she stared at her husband as if he was a bogey man from children’s literature. After a few moments she buried her face in her trembling hands, sobbing so hard that her breath caught in her throat.

“It was so real!” Kaylee’s voice was muffled by her hands. “I can’t get them out of my head. They just won’t go away!” Kaylee trembled violently as sobs wracked her body. When she looked up at him, her eyes pleading, an overwhelming anger swept through him. “Why won’t they go away?”

Simon reached out to her and she flinched when his hands touched her arms. Another nightmare. She’d been doing so well. She hadn’t had any in weeks. Stress. It was the only thing Simon could think of to explain why she’d had such a frightening dream. “It’s all right bao bei, no one is going to harm you. You’re safe now.” He moved closer to her and she fell into his arms, whimpering.

Kaylee glanced sharply toward the door when she heard commotion behind it. Simon looked up just as a knock sounded outside.

“Kaylee? Sweetie?”

Inara. Simon sighed gratefully. “Come in.”

When Inara slid open the door, it took her a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Mal stepped into the room behind her as Simon released Kaylee as she leaned into Inara’s arms. He felt a pang of momentary jealousy when she saw her relax into the older woman’s embrace with an audible sigh.

The two men stood back and watched as Inara coaxed Kaylee out of the corner and into a nearby chair. They couldn’t hear what was said between the two, but when Kaylee’s arms wrapped tightly around the older woman’s shoulders, Simon heaved a huge sigh of relief.

Mal turned to Simon as the two women continued to talk in hushed voices. “Simon –“

Simon interrupted him with a raise of his hand. “We’ll go, Mal, if you don’t want us here. Just give me some time to find a safe place for us.”

“No, that’s not –“ Mal shook his head trying to get the words out. “No.”

Simon met the older man’s gaze.

“Ain’t what I want.” He glanced toward the two women. “Ain’t what no one wants.”

“If you can’t accept that Kaylee and I are having this baby, I don’t see –“

Mal raised a hand. “Was a shock, is all. ‘Nara set me right.”

Simon grinned as he looked at the two women still huddled together. Kaylee was much calmer now and that quieted Simon’s nerves a bit more. “They’re good at that.”


“She gonna be ok? What happened?” Mal asked, concern furrowing his brow as she watched the women.

“She had a dream. First one in a while. She woke up scared out of her mind.” Simon’s hands clenched into tight fists as he remembered the fear in Kaylee’s eyes.

“She’ll be ok?”

“She looks a lot better already.”

Silence fell for a moment before Mal turned to Simon, “You knew?”

Simon opened his mouth and then closed it again not quite sure what Mal was talking about. He had an idea but Inara’s secret was not his to reveal.

“’Bout the baby.”

“Kaylee and I–“

“Not your baby. Our baby.” He stared pointedly at Inara and then back to Simon.

Simon nodded almost imperceptibly. “Doctor patient privilege, Captain.”

“Yeah. Startin’ ta hate that.”

Simon grinned as he stared at the women. “You’re not the only one.”

As Inara and Kaylee stood and walked toward their men, Simon enveloped Kaylee in his arms and Mal pulled Inara into his.

“It was just a bad dream,” Inara said, as steady as her voice would allow.

Simon nodded and glanced down at Kaylee, who had, for the most part, stopped trembling. “Seemed so real. “Nara thinks its just ‘cause of the stress today.”

Simon kissed her temple and tightened his arms around her. “Sounds plausible.”

Mal turned to lead Inara out of the room when Simon called out to them.

“We’re going to need a lot of things.”

Mal nodded over Inara’s shoulder. “Make a list.”


Much later, the crew sat once again around the large table but only Jayne was now gaping disbelievingly at him.

“We’re gonna – what?” Jayne leaned forward in his chair. “All this plannin’ an were jus gonna –“

“For now.” Mal stared at Simon and Kaylee sitting at the end of the table. “We’re not puttin’ anyone at risk.”

“She’s whipped ya.” Jayne shook his head and crossed his arms across his chest. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

“That’s enough, Jayne.” Zoe favored the mercenary with a stern glare.

Jayne shot Zoe an annoyed look but said no more.

“Now we’re gonna need some things so’s we’re gonna be touchin’ down on the closest somewhat civilized planet we come across.”

“We have what’s left of the money my parents gave us. Equipment isn’t cheap so we might just have to go with the bare necessities for now.” Simon took Kaylee’s hand and squeezed it gently.

Mal exchanged a nearly imperceptible nod with Inara. “You don’t be needin’ to shoulder that cost all yourself. ‘Nara an I will be chippin’ in as well.”

Zoe smiled at the table.

Simon nodded slowly, careful not to reveal information that was not his to disclose. “That– thank you. That will help.”

“We all chippin’ in on baby things now? ‘Cause I don’t –“

“We won’t need your help, Jayne.” Mal reached over and took Inara’s hand. He couldn’t even be annoyed with Jayne, not with everything that had already happened today. They exchanged a look and with a nearly imperceptible nod, the decision was made. “We have a little announcement of our own. Nows as good a time as any.”

Inara swallowed nervously.

“Well it’s about ti – ”

“Kaylee isn’t the only one expecting.” Inara interrupted Jayne, smiling as the shock slowly registered on the mechanic’s face.

Kaylee’s eyes widened and she turned her eyes to her husband for confirmation. At his simple nod, Kaylee lurched to her feet and hurried around the table to hug her friend. “Oh ‘Nara, that’s so shiny!”

“Well, ai ya huai le, ain’t that news.” Jayne gaped at Inara, then at Mal. Clearly, he thought it was going to be a different announcement.

“Congratulations, Sir.” Zoe said quietly.

“Huh, two little rugrats on the ship.” A smug smile crept across Jayne’s face as he recalled Mal’s earlier words on the subject. “Guess ya can’t be too upset at lil’ Kaylee’s kid when ya got one of your own on the way.”

Mal groaned. He didn’t want to go over this again. His overreaction had caused enough pain today. There was really no need to remind everyone about it. But he supposed he deserved it for the way he’d acted today. “Yes, yes, get it all out of your systems. I behaved like an ass.”

“I must mark this day.” Zoe said, looking at Inara. “Well, if I had a calendar. You mark this day. Believe me, you’ll never get him to admit such a thing again.”

Mal rolled his eyes and everyone chuckled.

Jayne stared at Zoe. “And gorramit, you won the bet too!”

Kaylee and Simon exchanged a confused look as Zoe nodded, a bit solemnly.

“Bet?” Inara asked.

“Yeah, we all had a bet goin’ when lil’ Kaylee would start poppin’ ‘em out.”

Simon shot him an exasperated look and River glanced at the table. Kaylee simply grinned at her husband’s discomfort.

“Oh, that’s right.” Mal nodded, revealing he had even participated in the betting. “You were closest, huh?

“I was, Sir.” Zoe didn’t sound too happy with herself.

“Well what did you win?” Simon asked, curious.

Zoe forced a smile but no one noticed.

Before she could answer Kaylee asked Inara when she was due.

River and Zoe exchanged a look as Inara revealed that she was nearly four months along. Kaylee’s excitement doubled, if that was at all possible, as she declared that their babies were due around the same time.

Simon turned a pleading look on the expectant mothers. “Just please do not go into labor at the same time. Having to deliver my own baby is going to be hard enough.”

River leaned over and touched his hand. “You won’t.”

Simon stared at her back as she stood and walked out of the room. She was not nearly as excited as he would have thought at the announcements and he felt the need to know why.

Simon looked around the room and decided that now was as good a time as any to speak with his sister. Something was clearly wrong. As he passed Kaylee, he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She smiled at him, and reached for his hand, squeezing it gently as he moved out of the room.

“River?” Simon jogged down the hallway to catch up to his sister.

River took a deep, calming breath before she turned around and smiled at her brother. “Yes, Simon?”

“Is something wrong?” His concerned look nearly broke her.

River shook her head, willing the tears away. “Just tired.” She dropped her eyes to the floor and shrugged. “Been an emotional day – for everyone.”

Simon pursed his lips. “Yes, it has.” He stepped closer and put a hand on her arm. “Are you okay, mei mei?”

River lifted her eyes and gave him a half-hearted smile. “I’m good, Simon. Promise.” She rubbed her head and her eyes, hoping he would understand and leave her alone. She couldn’t worry him. Not now. It would all work out. It would. She would make sure of it.

Simon touched her face gently and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Couldn’t block it all out, hmm?”

River closed her eyes. Her brother wasn’t unintelligent. He knew her better than anyone. “Was difficult.”

Simon nodded and pulled her into a hug. River tensed for a moment and then melted against his chest, taking comfort in the momentary strength he could offer. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think –“

River looked up and quickly put a slim finger across his lips. “Had to help Kaylee.” She smiled at him. “She and the baby need you more than I do.”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not here for you. You’ve been weary lately.” Simon brushed his fingers against her face again and she leaned into the gentle touch. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

River smiled faintly and lied. “So many voices. New ones now. Need to keep them out.”

“Can I help?”

River shook her head. “Kaylee. Inara. Them you can help. Me. I will be fine.”

For a moment it didn’t look like he would accept that explanation but he did, and kissed her cheek gently. “I love you, mei mei. Just because Kaylee is pregnant and I need to be there for her right now, doesn’t mean I don’t have time for you.”

“I know.” With difficulty, she pushed softly against his chest. “Back to your wife, you boob.”

Simon grinned and kissed her cheek one more time before turning away.

River stared after him sadly, wishing for just one moment that she could see it all. She wasn’t all powerful or all seeing and she never wanted to be. But this time, just this once, she wished she knew everything. But she didn’t, and with a resigned sigh, she climbed the steps back onto the bridge.

Wash had been right, it was beautiful and peaceful out here in the Black and it was right where she wanted to be. Come what may, it would always be exactly where she wanted to be.



Chinese Translations:

Ai ya huai le - shit on my head -----------

The next story has 2 chapters and will be mostly nice and fluffy and funny.

Then the angst begins.


Friday, April 28, 2006 5:34 AM


Wonderful chapter. And Jayne was hilarious as ever. Giggled my way through this one :)
Tnx for posting!

Friday, April 28, 2006 6:11 AM


So many unanswered questions and the threat of dark memories constantly hovering just beyond the scene.

A lighter chapter but I'm still very worried about River.

I've decided to stop guessing what happens next. I always assume the worst and it's vaguely depressing.


Friday, April 28, 2006 6:29 AM


Much as I loved this River has me really worried for those impending rug rats and thereby the mommas and dads in waiting. Gulp. Poor River, Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, April 28, 2006 6:54 AM


Beautiful work Leiasky but I'm worried About Kaylee. She cant concentrate on her work and she's having trouble with her other love mechanics. I really wonder how Inara is going to deal with the fall out from her actions once Kaylee and Mal find out. As always excellent dialog and tone and plot.Thank you.

Friday, April 28, 2006 8:25 AM


Just loved this chapter. Jayne always pointing out the obvious, Zoe telling Inara to mark the day the Mal finally admits he is an ass- Great! The angst is creeping up at a slow pace, I am scared for the fallout!!! Can't wait for your next post!

Friday, April 28, 2006 9:39 AM


Wonderful as ever... say, I wonder what Zoe won? I get the feelin' its more than just money...
And Mal, hah, he can be as much a boob as Simon is/was/can be. LOL!!!!


Friday, April 28, 2006 1:26 PM


>And Jayne was hilarious as ever. Giggled my way through this one :)

Well, you'll love the next one then. It's mostly funny:)

>I'm thinking that something is going to happen to eath Simon or Kaylee that will cause Simon not to be able to deliver it.

Something - yes.

Friday, April 28, 2006 7:00 PM


Normally, I would have much problemos with all this hidden angsty and muddled danger. But you pull it off with style and skill, Leiasky:)

And I am glad there will be a fluffy interlude before the angsty stuff really hits the fan and the big guns fire their loads:(


Saturday, April 29, 2006 5:37 AM


You are one of the best fanfic writers i've read. Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 7:34 PM


This chapter is good and happy and all,
but I have a bad feeling it won't last

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:37 AM


*Zoe favored the mercenary with a stern glare.
Jayne shot Zoe an annoyed look but said no more.*
I love how Jayne is so incredibly afraid of Zoe.

Simon/River dialogue at the end was good too, and I can't wait to see what it is she knows.

Saturday, June 3, 2006 10:50 AM


hmmm, questions questions...among them, What exactly did Zoe win that made her force a smile? hmmm, the other questions i'm sure you've already heard, so i'll keep 'em to myself.


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Simon and Kaylee discuss other - avenues, as they lay in bed. Oddly, this is a pretty PG story.

Simon and kaylee disturb the ship with their nocturnal activities. Post BDM. Part of a challenge table. Rated NC-17 for adult content.

Broken Wings: Conclusion (Repost)
The crew take Kaylee home to be buried and the reason for Simon's secrecy is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 18 (Repost)
Simon, Mal and Jayne have a moment with Kaylee. Inara and River are reunited with the rest of the crew. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 17 (Repost)
Simon has a conversation with Zoe, Mal and Jayne - separately. Sequel to 'On the Edge.' Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 16 (Repost)
The crew is reunited - mostly, as Simon arrives to treat the wounded. River rushes to Inara's aid before her deception is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 15 (Repost)
Simon's escape is halted by his father. But River comes to the rescue. Jayne - sees the light - far too up close and personal for his safety. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 14 (Repost)
Simon and Inara's deception is discovered. Mal, Jayne and Zoe continue to fight what looks to be a losing battle. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 13 (Repost)
Simon has some unexpected help with his fussy son and River receives another assignment. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 12 (Repost)
Inara and Simon continue their work while a message gets out to those on the front lines. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.