Saturday, March 25, 2006

So this is River in Bushwacked. I was playing with my pastels again and I like the shading but am not at all happy with the likeness. It just doesn't look like River. The nose and the mouth are off and so is her left cheek (our right). Anyway, before I start to beat myself up too much about this I'd like to ask what you all think. Any tips or suggestions?



Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:04 PM


The scanner washed out my shadows a bit.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:48 PM


What I think? I think I was thriled to see another work from you! :) Always am. I love the way you did the whole space suit, and her hair. I wouldn't presume to give you a tip on the nose and mouth; you're way too much out of my league for that. :) Only tip I have: keep working on this one, cuz it's very lovely. You always do great things. And I'm really happy you're posting work again!

Saturday, March 25, 2006 10:22 PM


*pictures scene* I think if she was a little less open-mouthed, that would make a big difference. Other than that, this looks spot-on to me!

Sunday, March 26, 2006 12:22 AM


Your right it don't' look liek River BUT, It looks great. The expresion in her face MORE then makes up for anythign eles. I like it

Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:41 AM


River always gives me a hard time, too. Plus that's always a hard angle to draw anyways. Even when I was looking at just the thumbnail, though, I knew it was River, and even even what scene it was from, so good work :)

Love the different tones in the hair, and I really like the colors in this one. Very shiny!


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Lana Whyn
Another caracter for my Serenity game. Lana's parents were a most unusual pairing. Her dad was a rim world law man and rancher who died in the war, fighting for the Inependants. Her mother was a highly respected Companion who stunned everyone when she left the guild to marry him. Now she's a brilliant young doctor who (despite her core world degree) operates exclusively on the rim. She's idealistic but not stupid. *not* I love comments and constructive criticisms so post away.

Kat Kallsan
This is a chracter for a Serenity RPG that I plan on running. A friend came up with her and I drew her. I kind of like how she came out.
Kat is a rich runnaway from a powerful core family. She picked up a lot of rough habits mostly to aggrivater her parents and she's an ace pilot. She's also a cockey little wench who is blackmailing her parents so as to not become poor. *note* I love comments and advice. Post away please.

CONvergence 4
And to go with my previous post, Wash's dinos and Kaylee's room sign.

CONvergence 3
Here we have a few shiny folk that I met at CON. They might look familiar.

Convergence part 2
Okay, so I went to a con in Minneapolis a month ago and only just got pics of the trip from my friend (I really need my own camera). While there were no BDHs there, there was some fun browncoatyness to be found.

And here we have the banner outside hte Firefly room party we found.

Next post will include pics of the shiny people to be found inside!

Convergence Pics (way late)
Okay, so I went to a con in Minneapolis a month ago and only just got pics of the trip from my friend (I really need my own camera). While there were no BDHs there, there was some fun browncoatyness to be found.
First up is a pair of pics of me in browncoat gear. No character, just me in the verse.

I Can See You
Slight repost. The original was only up for a few hours so most of you won't have seen it but I had to fix it. ANyway...
Lookit that! I drew something! It's been a while. I've been really into the Tam Sessions lately and I thought they might provide good images for charcoal drawings. Here's the result. I hope you like it. Comments and critiques are always welcome.

The Dancer
Ok. First one of these in about a year. I got stuck on that line of River's in the Tam Sessions. "Would I still be allowed to dance?" And the piece came from that.

Lost Toys
I haven't done one of these in a while. I still only have Picture It but I like how it came out anyway.

Serenity logo: hand drawn
I'm so proud of this thing. I just spent about 3 hrs making a godaweful mess with my soft pastels to make it. If you're wondering why I went to all that trouble when I could have just printed it out, I'm planing on using it for a background fo a project in my drawing class.