Family--Part 1, Chapter 9
Friday, March 10, 2006

This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon have been married for five years. Are they enough for each other, or do they want more? Simon suffers a shock.


DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, just having fun playing.

A/N: A huge thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this, my first multi-chapter effort! Wouldn't want to do it without you!

Translations are in mouseover.

Feedback would be shiny!

Chapter 1 Adult Only!, Chapter 2 PG13, Chapter 3 PG13, Chapter 4 Adult Only!, Chapter 4A PG13, Chapter 5 PG13, Chapter 6 PG13, Chapter 7 PG13, Chapter 8 PG13

Chapter 9 Simon suffers a shock.

By the time Mal and Simon stopped laughing themselves silly, it was quite late. So, since they needed to be back at Serenity rather early, they curled up in each others arms and drifted off to sleep. When the sun began to rise in their window, they decided to take one last shower, just for the fun of it, before dressing and returning to the ship in time to change before breakfast.

They arrived to find chaos in the kitchen. Kaylee and River had decided to make pancakes, and, of course, Eddie had had to help. There was flour and pancake dough everywhere. Mal just shook his head, told them to get it cleaned up before take-off, and turned back to the docks with Simon. Surely, they could find something fit to eat at one of the local vendors?

They were just finishing some chăo fàn and bāo, when Jayne came strolling up. "Mornin', Cap'n. Doc."

"Good morning, Jayne."

"Nice night?" asked Mal. When Simon looked at him in horror, while Jayne started to describe his evening, Mal realized what he'd said. He quickly held up his hand, "Never mind, Jayne. Forget I asked."

"Tha's ok, Cap'n. When's the delivery due?"

"Should be here in half an hour or so. Why don't you go get the mule ready."

"Sure thing," and Jayne strode up the ramp, whistling.

"Mal, what were you thinking? Asking Jayne about his evening!"

"Sorry, ài chēng, guess I'm still a bit distracted from our conversation last night."

"Well, you'd better get undistracted! I don't need you showing up in the infirmary with new holes that need patched!" With that, and a quick kiss, Simon went back up the ramp and headed to the kitchen. Hopefully, it had been cleaned up by now. He was looking for Zoë, and that seemed like the place to start. Fortunately, the kitchen was clean, and Zoë was there. Unfortunately, he interrupted some private time between her and Wash. "Oh, sorry. I'll come back later," he said as he turned to go.

"No, that's all right, Doc. I should be getting down to the cargo bay to help Jayne, anyway. He is here, isn't he?" Wash got up from the table, taking their dirty dishes to the sink and rinsing them as he talked.

"Yes, he's here. Just got back."

"All rightie, then. I'll just head down there. See you in a bit, Earth Mother Goddess," and he left after giving Zoë a quick peck on the cheek.

Zoë remained seated at the table where she was breast-feeding little Becca. She had a blanket to cover herself with, but hadn't been using it. Simon looked so uncomfortable, though, that she took pity on him and draped it over her shoulder. She cleared her throat, and he turned towards her, away from the sink where he'd been puttering. "So, was the timin' right last night?"

"Shén me? Oh, did I talk to Mal about…?" Simon waved his hand distractedly. "Yes, yes, I did," he started to smile as he remembered their conversation.

"Judgin' from the look on your face, it must have gone fairly well." More a statement than a question. "You gonna tell me about it?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes it went fairly well. We're not done discussing the issue, but we made a good start. And maybe someday I'll tell you the whole story, but not today. How is she, by the way?"

"Well, she's only a couple days old, remember, but she's doin' fine. Eatin' well, every couple hours; sleepin' every now and then; cryin' when she needs somethin'. Pretty standard procedure for a baby."

"Good, good. Be sure to bring her in every week so we can track her progress."

"I will. You know, Simon, if you're thinkin' what I think you're thinkin', you might want to consider practicin' with Becca here."


"Well, if you and Mal ever have a child, by whatever means the two of you decide, you'll probably be the one who'll be the primary care giver."

"No, that can't be right. I'm no good with babies!" Simon was shocked down to his core. He'd never thought of that. "Oh, God, you're right, Zoë." He slumped down in the chair next to her with his head in his hands. "I'm the one who's always on the ship, the one who's only really busy when someone's shot or sick. Oh, God, Zoë, what am I going to do? I never thought of that!"

Zoë reached over and patted Simon's shoulder. "Don't panic, Doc. Ain't like it's gonna happen overnight. 'Sides which you've got plenty of people right here on this boat to help you in any way they can. And, like I said, you can always practice with Becca. Not right now, though. Sounds like we might be loaded and ready for takeoff. You'd best go wash that look of panic off your face, and get yourself under control. Don't want Mal thinkin' I turned you off the idea."

"Yes, yes, you're right. Thank you, Zoë." Simon sped from the kitchen, hoping to make it to their bunk before Mal finished what he was doing. He had some serious thinking to do.

Zoë, meanwhile, went to join Wash on the bridge. She had a story to tell, just hoped she could finish before the Captain got up there.

Chapter 10


Friday, March 10, 2006 9:19 AM


Keep writing I want to find out about the kid. This has been a really fun read. Thanks

Friday, March 10, 2006 11:31 AM



No worries, I'm not done yet. *g*

Glad you've been enjoying this! Thanks for letting me know.

"I love my captain."

Friday, March 10, 2006 12:54 PM


Things never go smooth, do they? Had to smile at Simon's reaction when Zoe says he's likely to be the primary care giver. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, March 10, 2006 5:37 PM



If things ever went smooth with this crew, we'd all wonder who they were and what did they do with the real crew. *g*

Yay! I made you smile! *g*

"I love my captain."

Friday, March 10, 2006 7:12 PM


This was completely awesome, just like all the ones before it!

Poor Simon, worrying about being a good father... He'll be a great one, I just know he's got it in him!

Keep writing! Looking forward to reading more!

Friday, March 10, 2006 7:15 PM



Thank you! *blushes*

Of course he will, look how good he is with River! He just needs some convincing. *g*

More soon, I promise!

"I love my captain."


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The Watcher
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Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
The big day.

Family--Part 2, Chapter 8/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
Nine months in the life.

Family--Part 2, Chapters 6 & 7/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
Mal's Reaction & River gives Kaylee the news

Family--Part 2, Chapter 5/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
"Simon gives Mal the news"

Family--Part 2, Chapter 4/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
"Why can't things ever go smooth?"

Family--Part 2, Chapter 3/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? "Some things just take time"

Family--Part 2, Chapter 2/9
This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? Conversation in the infirmary