Waited Long Enough Part Seven: Gettin’ Even
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Some things are worth waiting for and Jayne gets a feast. Jayne/Kaylee. Definitely R.


Disclaimer: They ain’t my characters and it ain’t my ‘verse and no money changed hands. Thank You List includes Joss and the gang for inspiration, Jacqui the Goddess of Jaylee for beta and a great deal of support and encouragement, and to my own dear big, bad man for providing certain, …er, technical resources and guidance. Oh yes, and the live action walk-through on some tricky bits... Bein’ as this is my very first fanfic, all comments, suggestions and feedback are most appreciated. E-mail comments to If ya don’t wanna talk, please just click a rating. Can’t make it better if I don’t know what’s broke.

Waited Long Enough Part Seven: Gettin’ Even

Kaylee giggled an’ kicked off her shoes, pullin’ away from Jayne to bolt out the engine compartment door an’ down the corridor with him only a few steps behind her.

Finally she was gonna git some lovin’, git it from the man she wanted, a man who knew how to pleasure a woman right.

Her quarters? His bunk? One of the couches down in the commons? They had the whole of Serenity to themselves. Should they head for the shower and get the gunk off themselves first?

They made it exactly as far as the big table in the galley.

Jayne’s longer legs quickly closed the small gap between them an’ he lunged, grabbin’ her around her waist an’ whirlin’ her around to face him. With a single, fluid movement, he shucked her pink and green tank top off over her head an’ hissed, his eyes narrowin’ at the splendor before him.

“Wuo de ma!”

“Don’t just stand there with your mouth a’hangin open,“ Kaylee teased, her chocolate eyes twinklin’ as she reached for his belt buckle.

His big, hard hands captured each of her wrists an’ clasped them behind her, bending her body back so that her sweetly rounded breasts were his for the claimin’. Now that he realized she wanted him as bad as he did her, Jayne took charge.

“Kaylee-girl, I told ya, I’ve waited on this long enough."

"We’re doin’ this my way, dong ma?”

He saw her swallow hard, wide-eyed, and waited until she nodded in agreement.

Serenity’s mercenary bent again to her bared neck, slowly trailin’ soft bites and wet kisses as he made his way to the rosy nipple that crowned her left breast. He circled it with a pointed tongue-tip and felt the sensitive flesh rise in response.

Kaylee gasped softly, aware of the gatherin’ flow of wetness in her nethers that came with the wantin’ of him, her center an insistent point of heat. Aware, too, of the mass of his phallus, rigid an’ insistent between them.

He shifted his grip, grasped both of the girl’s wrists with his callused left hand while he slowly eased his gun hand up her ribcage to cradle the breast he toyed with. He suckled an’ tugged at the crinkled peak, rollin’ it against the roof of his mouth an’ savourin’ the way she squirmed against him.

“Come on, Jayne, let me go… please?” the girl begged, her voice ragged and plaintive.


With all the patience in the world, Jayne enjoyed his feast, gradually nibblin’ his way across Kaylee’s tender sternum and on to her other breast, the nipple equally erect an’ eager for his searchin’ mouth.

Softly nippin’ at her with his teeth, he used the brush of his short beard to tickle the rosy tip still moist from his kisses as his free hand made its way downward to cup her fork.

“Mmmm…oh yes…” she sighed.

It had been so long since anyone but her had touched her there. Kaylee’s eyes closed with the exquisite pleasure that came in waves as he gently kneaded her sex through her clothing.

He could feel the hard kernel of her clit an’ wanted it in his mouth, wanted the next course of this long-awaited meal.

“Got too many gorram clothes on, girl.” he growled, and pulled her tight against his body, quickly unknotted the coverall sleeves she had tied behind her that morning. Jayne yanked the heavy garment to the floor, an’ kicked it to one side before lifting her onto the end of the heavy table.

“Lay back for me, Kaylee,” he told her, easin' her body down onto the sturdy wood before sinking to his knees. ****

The man knew his target, knew what he wanted an’ how he intended to get there. The fire and focus in his eyes made Kaylee shiver. Through all the months she’d watched him, she’d seen that intensity and fierce beauty, like a falcon about to strike, seen it mostly when he had a gun in his hand, an’ now she was the object of that focus.

This was no quick pleasurin’ with a local farmhand or tumble with some fella she took, casual-like, just ‘cause she was needful.

This was Jayne, forbidden, long desired, imagined an’ dreamed of. She knew he would be like no other man she’d ever known, like shippin’ out beyond the Rim, falling into the Black with no beacons for guidance, no charts to set course by.

He felt her tremblin’ an’ sought to reassure her, realizing the leap of faith this union required from her and was humbled by her trust in him.

“Relax, Kaylee-girl, I got ya.”

His hands slipped up to cradle and support her, parting her legs to his hungry gaze. “Wu de tyen ah,” he murmured. Was this actually happening? he wondered, ‘Cause I’ve ruttin’ well dreamed it enough.

Through parted lashes, Kaylee looked up at the soft golden light above them, thought how much it looked like the fire Jayne was buildin’ in her. Like Serenity’s spinning engine, fuel converted into power an’ thrust.

The pink and white cotton panties she wore darkened at their center with her honey an’ her belly was full of the wantin’ an’ needin’ of him. of passion long simmered, so long delayed.

Beginning in the tender hollow behind her knee, Jayne kissed an’ nibbled an’ tongue-teased his way toward his goal, breathing in her sweet musk an’ treasuring the soft sighs of pleasure that Kaylee uttered.

The suspense was almost unbearable, the sensation excruciatingly wonderful, insistent an’ unrelenting, like Jayne himself.

Kaylee wiggled an’ squirmed an’ squeaked, “I don’t know how much more I can take of that lickey stuff you’re doin’, Jayne. You’re teasin’ me somethin’ awful.” The needful girl did her best to get more sensitive parts of her closer to the merc’s titilatin’ mouth an’ he just chuckled and dodged.

“As if you didn’t flirt and tease an’ come on to me all these months past without givin’ me a bit ‘a real action…” he murmured. The warm wet, nibbling mouth moved further up her inner thigh, then turned to scatter bites an’ kisses on its twin.

Kaylee continued to squirm and wiggle, doing her very best to maneuver her throbbing center closer to that damnably teasing tongue.

“Gorammit, Jayne Cobb, play nice! Haven’t you drawn this out enough? How much of that lickey stuff do you expect me to take?”

A wicked chuckle finally emerged from the dark head bowed between her thighs. “Ah, Kaylee-girl, I guess I oughta take pity on ya, seeing as how I want this about as bad as you do.”

He began to nibble and tongue dead center of her fork, his hard tongue pressing an’ tickling her clit right through her panties. Kaylee arched hard against his mouth, straining against that maddening stimulus an’ moaning in frustration as her release eluded her.

Jayne’s eyes crinkled an’ he smiled lewdly. “I guess them panties gotta go, bao bei, ‘though ya do look mighty sweet in ‘em.”

The big man slipped his free hand into a pocket of his cargo pants an’ pulled out the knife he always carried, opening the blade with a snick of steel.

“Man never knows when he’s gonna need a knife…” he mumbled against the wet center of her before deftly cutting away the offending, intrusive fabric.

Her relief far outweighed any concern for the useless garment or for the full nakedness of her body, now exposed to his eyes. In a voice tight with longing she advised him, “Well, ya might as well look your fill since you said ya been dreamin’ about me since ya come on board… “

Jayne raised his head an’ took in the naked glory of Kaywinnit Lee Frye as she lay spread out on the table where Serenity’s crew usually shared their meals. Her chestnut hair was flared in a curling corona around her an’ her dark eyes looked almost black as she lifted her head to brazenly and unselfconsciously meet his gaze.

Her forehead, rosy apple cheeks, breasts an’ belly glistening under the galley’s soft golden light, highlighted by a faint sheen of perspiration. Small, berry-pink nipples graced her softly rounded breasts, their up-turned tips calling again to his mouth an’ her belly button dimpling her tummy. Below, presented to the lusty merc’s hooded gaze, moist, soft dark curls sheltered her dewy womanhood.

A long silence stretched between them as Jayne just drank her in with his eyes and shook his head in wonder.

“Well, are you gonna just stare at me all day long, bao bei?” Kaylee giggled and nudged the un-cut side of Jayne’s head with a dainty foot toward the part of her that was askin’ for attention.

“Don’tcha know ya shouldn’t never leave a job half done, Mr. Big Bad Mercenary?”

“Oh, I ain’t done by a long sight, lil’ girl. I’ve had time to think up all manner of pleasin’ to do with you.”

He bent again to her center, now bare to the exquisite caresses of his hot tongue. Sweet honeyed heat, her scent filling him as he traced her sensitive inner folds an’ teased an’ suckled at her twin lips, full and puffy with the wantin’ of him.

Kaylee’s moans of pleasure became a rising spiral of cries as his probing grew more insistent and his powerful hands raised the bowl of her to his hungry mouth.

Surrounding the taut rosy bud of her clit with his lips, Jayne sucked at it and Kaylee came with a cry, came hard. Her back arched involuntarily as rippling, rhythmic heat exploded within her, rocking outward in succeeding waves of shimmering bliss.

She knew he was good at trackin', good in a fistfight, one hell of a shot, even skilled with a welder's torch. But this, this was not something she'd expected him to be so artful at.

Bless the man, he knew enough to ease off, give her time to float back down into her opened body, catch her breath, get her eyes focused again.

Oh lordy, she thought once she actually could think again, this is gonna be shiny, real shiny.


Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:38 AM



Now, all that's left is to tell the others!

Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:27 AM


Woah, Mama!!! I need me a cold shower....

Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:57 AM


I'll be in my bunk!

Sunday, February 19, 2006 9:15 AM


Please, more!

Sunday, February 19, 2006 4:16 PM


Whew! *fans self* Some serious HOT goin' on here!
I'll just be going straight to the next part now...

Monday, February 20, 2006 1:37 AM


Wow, oh Wow.
Gotta go & read what happens next!

Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:26 AM


need shower cold. not brain mouth connected. guh!!!!


Monday, August 15, 2011 6:21 AM


forgot to breathe...


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A Different Point of View
Increasingly frustrated with her limited love life, Kaylee puts her creativity to good use and sneaks a peek at the big man across the hallway.

How A Gun Is Like A Woman
A late night gun cleaning session has Kaylee looking at Jayne Cobb in a new way.

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Growing up isn’t easy, and that first step to independence can be a big one. Just ask Kaylee Frye.

What’s to Understand?
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A thoughtful Jayne Cobb reflects on how his life has turned out.

Big Fella - 1/1
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Give and Take
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Handle With Care
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Taking Up Arms – Part 3 of 3

Jayne and Kaylee set out to establish a new life together when Mal joins the Rebellion that follows the Miranda announcement. The big man must reconsider his solemn vow to Kaylee to hang up his guns when Alliance raiders hit the rim world of Ezra.