The Newcomer - Part II
Monday, February 13, 2006

Second installment in my Gabriel tangent. I finally added some Chinese! We learn more about Gabriel, and he starts familiarizing himself with, and including himself in, the crews' lives. Dramatic interaction between Kaylee/Simon, Mal/Inara, and Mal/Gabriel


“There hasn’t been a new warrant out in months,” Mal said to Zoe over his shoulder as he descended the steps and turned toward where the infirmary was located. “And we ain’t seen no indication that the gou tsao de project goonies are still tracking us. I’m all about bein’ cautious, but we can’t hide in the black forever, and our next job is on Persephone, which just happens to be closer to the Core than we’ve ventured in a spell.” He stopped outside the infirmary long enough to turn and look Zoe in the eyes. “I wager it’s worth the risk.” “I ain’t disagreeing with you, Sir,” Zoe assured him. “I just felt it my duty to point out the facts.” “And you’re well within your rights to do so.” With that, Mal entered the infirmary, where Simon was comparing diagnoses. “What d’ya know, Doc?” Simon stopped scanning long enough to glance at the Captain. “Nothing useful yet, but I’ve gotten a lot of data. It seems that my new study has had extensive surgery throughout his entire body. There are hairline scars on every limb and organ, and numerous cuts were made all over both sides of his torso.” He wandered across the room as he spoke, the way he tended to do when giving the captain reports. “Additionally, although I’m sure they never tried anything with him the way they did River, he has definitely had at least one lobotomy. The purpose of that, however, I have yet to determine.” “Mmm,” was Mal’s only response on that sentiment. “So, any idea what they did to him?” “Some of it, yes. From a small biopsy I performed, I discovered that his muscle tissue is unlike anything that I would call typical of humans. The pattern of the strands is different, although I have no idea what kind of procedure could accomplish such a task, let alone the reasoning behind such a...” He trailed off at Mal’s bored look, and rephrased his explanation. “His muscles are weird. Does that help?” “Keep it simple, and get the point across, Doc. Sie-sie, shr ah.” “That’s not all that I found,” Simon continued. “Several of his organs have been replaced entirely. His heart is artificial, and I’ve noticed some changes to his digestive and excretory systems.” “Explains why he don’t eat much,” Mal commented. “So maybe they were trying to make him into a weapon physically, ‘stead of the brain route they took with your sister?” “Looks like it, Captain. I find it highly likely that they were two parts of the same project, although I can’t be certain. Apart from faint images and his escape, Gabriel has no memory of what they did to him. They had him drugged quite heavily.” “So how’d he escape? Some rescue mission, like how you got River out?” Simon gave him a wary look. “Not at all. Somehow, even heavily drugged, he managed to fight his own way out and disappeared into what he told me seemed like a sewer system. His recollections are so vague that it’s hard for anyone to say for certain. What I can say, however, is that as much sedative as they had in his system at the time, there’s no way he should have even been conscious, let alone able to break out of a maximum security medical facility.” “Great,” Mal said, taking a deep breath and blowing it out slowly. “So ‘though we know more about what they did to him, we still don’t know what happened, and you ain’t found nothin’ to help River, neither.” Simon shook his head. “Not yet. There’s still a chance, though, albeit I’m hesitant to consider it.” Mal frowned, cocking his head slightly. “What do you mean?” Simon definitely looked like he didn’t want to voice his opinion, but in the end, his concern for his sister’s case won. “Hypnosis could give us more insight into Gabriel’s memory of his capture. I was taught not to give any thought to things of that nature in medical school, but I believe it could truly help us in this situation. It would never work with River because of her unique condition, but as lucid as Gabriel has been this entire time, I think we could actually get some solid details out of him.” “Uh huh.” Mal wasn’t at all convinced, but decided in the end to humor the good doctor. “And I s’pose you have a hypnotist hidden up your fancy sleeve.” Simon’s expression became very serious. “No, but you may.” Mal blinked. “You could always ask Inara.” *Either he’s lost his mind, or I have*, Mal thought. “Either you’ve lost your mind, or I have. What makes you think Inara knows how to use hypnosis?” Simon shrugged. “I don’t know much of what Companions are taught during their training. It’s entirely possible, though. We won’t know until we ask her.” Mal considered this for a moment. “I s’pose I could. She’s ain’t exactly been happiest with me of late.” “Well,” Simon suggested, “I could always-“ ”Nah,” Mal waved, “that’s fine. I use every excuse I can to invade her little sanctuary.” He turned to leave. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Zoe was walking past the crew quarters, heading for the bridge, when Kaylee came up the ladder from her room. “Hi, Zoe!” she greeted, smiling warmly. Zoe stopped, but didn’t smile back. Kaylee always smiled; it was who she was. “Hey, Kaylee,” she replied. She hadn’t talked much to Kaylee in a couple days, and wasn’t in a big rush to get to the bridge, anyway. “So, you and Mal knew Gabriel during the war,” Kaylee said, getting right to what was on her mind. “Is he a lot different now than he was then? I mean...” she explained, “...’sides the fact of him bein’ older an’ all.” Zoe sighed, looking absently around the metal corridor. “I recognize his face, but he seems like a completely different person. He was very cocky, but he was also very smart, and after we let him stick around our unit, he did everything we said without question. I still recognized him as soon as he got aboard ship, though.” “Yeah?” Kaylee intoned, eager for gossip from even Zoe. “I think River and Jayne both like him a lot. They seem to talk about him constantly.” Kaylee’s grin widened when Zoe actually chuckled. “I’m sure River and Jayne have completely opposite opinions of our guest.” Changing the subject, she asked, “Has he been doing anything other than exercising in the cargo bay and hiding in his room?” Kaylee shrugged. “Don’t think so, when he’s not in the infirmary with Simon. At least he’s eatin’ with us in the common room, now.” “Well, Kaylee,” Zoe said, tapping her on the shoulder with the back of a hand, “if anyone can make our recluse feel welcome, it’s you.” She continued on to the bridge, where River sat in Wash’s chair, gazing at the stars. Zoe froze for just an instant, and a look of hurt crossed her face. It had been months since they’d gotten the word out about Miranda, and her husband had lost his life, but Zoe couldn’t help thinking of it as Wash’s chair. She didn’t know if she’d ever get used to the image of River sitting there. “You shouldn’t have to,” River mumbled, not looking from the starry visage outside, and Zoe tried her best not to be surprised. “The heart does not heal by forgetting how it was hurt.” “We’re still days from Persephone,” Zoe informed, ignoring River’s philosophizing. “You plan to sit here the whole time?” River gave her one of those childish scowls. “No. I have to go visit Gabriel.” Zoe sighed. “Bao bei, I don’t think we should really count on Gabriel sticking around for too long. He just came aboard, and he may decide to leave, or the captain could decide on any moon or planet to drop him off.” “He won’t,” River responded simply. “Not after Persephone.” Zoe frowned. “What do you mean, ‘after Persephone’?” River glided the fingers of one slender hand thoughtfully over the controls. “He doesn’t mean to. He’s full of darkness, but he fights it.” She looked to Zoe as if seeking comprehension. “He’s a good man, no matter what you may see when we get there. Has a good heart.” “The Captain, or Gabriel?” River’s intense look did not abate. “Both. But I was referring to Gabriel.”

Over the next several days, very little happened aboard the Firefly-class starship, as was typical during deep-space transit. It turned out that Inara did know a thing or two about hypnosis, as it was taught to the Companions for relaxation purposes. She had performed several sessions with Gabriel, and although new memories had arisen, none of them were of any real value. “It’s frustrating and relieving at the same time,” Simon confided to Kaylee, pacing the short length of her cabin. “Nothing I’ve learned is of any help to River, but at the same time, information about Gabriel is coming so easily.” “Well,” Kaylee suggested, “at least there is that. I kinda hope he sticks around. He’s been spendin’ a lot of time with River of late, and I think it’s good for her. Keeps her from pesterin’ the Captain, too, like she’d been doin’.” Simon smiled at that. River’s intense and curious study of the captain had abated since the arrival of Gabriel. “Agreed, although I suspect it’s a bit more of River spending time with him. He’s very quiet, and she’s always sitting down beside him, or watching him from across a room...” he trailed off, and Kaylee noticed the troubled look on his face. “Don’t worry about your sister. She’s doin’ a lot better since Miranda, an’ I think she knows what she’s doin’. ‘Sides,” she joked with a wink, “maybe it’s true love.” Although Kaylee had been kidding, Simon didn’t pick up on the fact. He stopped his pacing and sat heavily on her bed. “It’s not that I’m against the idea, it’s just...” He sighed, clenching his jaw. “I just don’t think that *I’m* ready for it...” Kaylee scooted over to put her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Sweetie, don’t worry so much. I’m sure everything’s gonna be just fine. An’ I’m not just sayin’ that.” She turned her head up to kiss him on the cheek. “Just let nature run its course. Now c’mon.” She stood, taking hold of both his hands and pulling him to his feet. “It’s time for chow.”

“Protein a la King,” Mal announced, sliding his chair back to sit. “Everything a growin’ ship bug needs to survive in deep space.” “Ya look like a pretty big bug to me, Mal,” Jayne growled, tossing him a goofy, sideways grin. “Although I’ve seen prettier bugs in my day.” His grin faded when River plopped herself into a chair right between Gabriel and himself. She looked at each, giving them both a goofy grin of her own. “I swear, Girly,” he muttered, “y’all get weirder and weirder all the time.” “Looking forward to tomorrow, Sir?” Zoe directed to the captain, who was busy shoving a spoonful of protein mash into his mouth. Swallowing thickly, he stirred the contents of his plate absently. “Just pretendin’ like I believe this one will actually go smooth. Hell, I hope it’s that shipful of beagles that Wash was hopin’ for.” He shuddered at the memory of the cattle. “If it’s not too much trouble,” Simon contributed, “and if we have the time, my medicinal supplies could definitely stand to be restocked when we get there.” The Captain nodded in his direction. “I’m sure that can be managed.” He turned to Inara. “Got any plans for when we get planetside?” Inara’s gaze was very cool. “Well, Captain,” she said calmly, “that depends on how much time you can spare for my practice.” Mal gritted his teeth. She’d been terse with him ever since their big argument days prior. “I’m sure we can take a day or two to accommodate your... *ambassadorial duties*.” He made sure to place a strongly derogatory accent on the last words. “But if you got some appointment you need to keep, I need to know before you take off in my shuttle. Only reason why I’m askin’.” “I think we should get some more apples at the market,” Kaylee said cheerfully, although her face held no cheer. “The last batch was money well-spent on Jayne’s part.” “In case you have forgotten, *Captain*,” Inara returned, somehow giving the words a snide tone despite her voice’s utter calm, “I did renew the rent on my shuttle, and was planning to worry about keeping your precious schedule updated when we hit planetary orbit.” “As captain of this ship,” Mal shot right back, “I kinda like knowin’ things in advance. Gives my captainy notions ‘bout organization and planning a warm, fuzzy feeling.” “*Well*,” Gabriel suddenly broke in, and rather loudly at that. Everyone, including Inara and Mal, turned in silence to look at him. It was the first time since boarding the ship that Gabriel had spoken without first being spoken to. He pushed back his chair and stood, a glower on his face. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I suddenly realized that I have important things to do.” He grabbed his plate and took it to the kitchen. “Y’all will have to excuse me.” With that, he left the common room, and a few seconds later, Kaylee stood and followed him. River turned to Mal and stuck her tongue out at him. “Now he’s mad. Too much feeling and not enough sense behind it.” She ate another bite of her protein mash. “Silliness of the interlocutors notwithstanding, I think you should place yourself in ‘time out’.”

“Gabriel!” Kaylee called, and the retreating young man stopped and whirled on her. She was momentarily startled by his sudden movement, but when she saw that he was not advancing toward her, she merely stopped and looked at him. “Sorry,” he muttered, none-too-apologetically. “Couldn’t listen to any more.” “Aw,” Kaylee assured, “you shouldn’t put too much thought behind it. They do that a lot.” “It’s just...” Gabriel trailed off. “No, it’s none of my business.” Kaylee leaned against the wall, crossing her arms before her breast. “What’s on your mind, Gabriel?” Gabriel shuffled his feet, glancing oddly from one wall to another. “None of my business. It’s just... the Sarge-“ ” right here,” Mal finished for him, stepping into the corridor. When Kaylee and Gabriel both spun to look at him, Mal put his hands out innocently in front of him. “Don’t stop on my account. I’d love to hear what you got to say. And it’s Captain, now, not Sarge.” Gabriel surmised the man’s demeanor, then shook his head. “Like I said. None of my business.” “That may be so, but don’t get the notion that I’m askin’ politely. I wanna hear what you got to say.” Gabriel’s tense stance loosened, and he let out a sigh of defeat. Then, his expression hardened into one of intense determination. “I couldn’t listen to any of that ignorance any longer than I had to. Maybe it would have been funny, seein’ as I’ve only been on the ship a few days, but I’m an empath, remember? It’s been goin’ on for a long time now.” His hands balled into fists. “It will never work because neither of you will let it. She’s gonna keep shuttin’ you down, and yer gonna keep pushin’ her away, until eventually, the gap will be so big that she leaves for good.” The man’s face was actually beginning to redden, but Mal remained silent, letting him speak his mind. When it appeared that Gabriel was going to say no more, Mal took a solid step toward him, and Kaylee the bystander tensed. “I reckon you may be right,” he said, “but like you said, it ain’t none of your business, and as long as you are a guest on my boat, I suggest... No, I’m *tellin’* you to keep your mind out of my own affairs. You hearin’ me?” Instead of standing up in front of the captain in a typically male testosterone war, Gabriel took a step back, although his hard gaze never left Mal’s, which would be a sign of defeat. “Like you said,” he conceded, although his voice held no conviction toward the sentiment, “it’s your boat.” He turned and walked away down the corridor toward the guest quarters. Mal watched him go, then relaxed, turning his gaze to Kaylee. “And I don’t have to tell you, that goes for everyone else onboard.” Kaylee nodded, eyeing him forlornly, and turned herself to go back into the common room. Mal finally let his authoritarian guard down, leaning his back against the wall and closing his eyes. One line from Gabriel’s rant echoed over and over in his head: *...eventually, the gap will be so big that she leaves for good.* Did he really want that? Mal was fairly certain that the answer was most definitely ‘no’.


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:52 PM


Just read the first part and whizzed through the second, this is good writing and a really interesting storyline. Write more quickly! :D

Monday, February 13, 2006 12:52 PM


Oooops, trouble on the horizon in Paradise, methinks. I really feel drawn to Gabriel and just hope there is not too much darkness when they land on Persephone. Can't wait to see what happens next. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:26 AM


Some good interaction here between the original crew and your new character. He's really starting to grow on me but then...I am a sucker for that whole tortured survivor thing!


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Union of Souls - Part III
Things are going rather smoothly on the surface as Kaylee and her family prepare for the Frye-Tam wedding. However, behind the scenes, River, Gabriel, and Mal are coming to the conclusion that the hellstorm of the century is about to explode into the 'Verse like a tidal wave.
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