Motivation Series 9: Just Floating
Monday, December 12, 2005

Things to do aboard a Firefly class transport when the gravity is malfunctioning...(Next fic in my series, Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. Thanks to misskitten for the idea!)


"So...there's no gravity?" Simon asked.

"That would be why we're floatin'." Kaylee replied.

"Looks like the passenger dorm is the only part of the ship that's affected." Mal said over the comm. "We had to shut you in, just sit tight. We'll have this sorted out in no time."

"Just as soon as he sorts out where his ass is. He'll need both hands for that." Simon muttered.

"Heard that!" Mal said indignantly.

Grabbing the edge of the open door to her room to brace herself, Kaylee hit a button to shut off the comm. "If you two can't play nice..."

Simon mentally added 'naked, cold, and floating' to his list of unpleasant ways to wake up. "Well, at least it's not another exciting adventure in sitting." He held onto the railing, trying to get his feet on the ground.

"Well now, look at you finding the bright side of things." Kaylee teased.

"Guess you're rubbing off on me." Simon chuckled, pulling himself over to her. He looked her up and down. "You're naked. That's never a bad thing, either."

Kaylee laughed. "Why, Dr. Tam, is the gravity gone in here or are you just happy to see me?"

"I'm always happy to see you." Simon said, gripping the ladder with one hand and pulling her against him with the other. "So, we're stuck down here for a little while. Any idea how we could pass the time?"

"Oh, I think you've got a good one." Kaylee sighed, instinctively rubbing against his hard cock. "Never done it in zero gravity before, you sure it'll work?"

"Sure it will." Simon replied, kissing her neck and collarbone. "Just hold onto something." He gasped when Kaylee wrapped one hand around his length. "I meant like the ladder."

Kaylee giggled and leaned back, hooking one leg into the ladder and the other around Simon. She did the same thing with her arms, anchoring herself to him. Moving against him, she slid her tongue between his lips, trembling when she heard him moan. Even the way he sounded got her worked up.

Keeping one arm hooked through the ladder and around Kaylee's waist, Simon moved his other hand to her breasts, stroking and squeezing gently. He could feel her wetness where she was pressed against his arousal, and he fought the urge to just take her. From the way she was moaning and squirming in his arms, that was exactly what she wanted him to do. He wanted to tease her first, but she was making that incredibly difficult.

"Feels like I'm floating." She murmured against his lips.

"You are floating." Simon chuckled.

"Yeah, kill the mood, why don't you?" Kaylee rolled her eyes and slapped him playfully on the arm.

"Well, if you're going to get violent, maybe I'll just go back to my room." Simon told her with a mock pout.

"You're welcome to try." Kaylee said huskily, looking at him through heavy-lidded eyes and licking her lips. She shifted so the head of his cock was pressed against her center.

"God, Kaylee." Simon groaned. His control shattered, and he thrust into her just as she started to push down onto him. She gasped and clenched around him, drawing him in deeper. Every time he had her, he managed to forget all the reasons why he'd waited so long to be with her like this.

"More." Kaylee whimpered. "Like that..." She wanted to scream out how good he felt, but she was completely overcome with sensation. She settled for moaning and raking her nails down his back as she moved with him. Her hands moved over his body of their own accord, feeling the muscles in his back and shoulders shift and ripple under her touch.

Simon pulled back, wanting to see her face. Her head was back, against the ladder, her eyes closed and her lips parted as she started letting out hoarse, choked moans every time he thrust in. "Are you okay?"

"Okay?" Kaylee repeated, gasping. "Yeah, okay...I just...Simon!" She cried out as her orgasm overwhelmed her completely, leaving her spent and dazed. She clung to Simon, feeling every pulse of his release deep inside her, feeling his lips on hers as they both slid to the floor.

"Not floating anymore." Simon mumbled into her hair. "Still feels like we are, though."

Kaylee giggled breathlessly and lifted her hand to swat at him, but only managed to stoke his chest, still recovering. "That was amazing. Maybe I could talk the cap'n into turning off the gravity in here more often."

Simon grinned and kissed the top of her head. "Maybe just to see the look on his face."

The hatch above them opened. "All right, we got it worked out, so-" Zoe stopped short when she saw the two of them at the foot of the ladder, naked and wrapped around each other. "Well. Hello, Doctor. I'll give you two some privacy. I think River's making lunch, if you're hungry." She closed the hatch on their surprised expressions and walked away, smirking to herself.

"They coming?" Mal asked.

Resisting the temptation to say something crude, Zoe just nodded. "They'll be along in a minute, I think." She caught River's stare, and the two of them grinned at each other knowingly.

Mal looked between the two women and shrugged. "All right. I'll be on the bridge."


Monday, December 12, 2005 4:55 PM


LMAO, you had me giggling loudly throughout the entire chapter :D Great work, hun! And may I say... FINALLY!!!

Don't let me wait this long the next time, okay? :P

Monday, December 12, 2005 4:56 PM


This was just too good, lol. Favorite line: Kaylee laughed. "Why, Dr. Tam, is the gravity gone in here or are you just happy to see me?"

Monday, December 12, 2005 5:09 PM


I've been waiting for another installment too! I love Simon being snarky with Mal. Post more soon please!:):):)

Monday, December 12, 2005 5:24 PM


"Just as soon as he sorts out where his ass is. He'll need both hands for that." God I love snarky Simon.

Also, "They coming?" You are a much stronger person than I. The jokes would have taken at least 2 full pages for me.

Monday, December 12, 2005 8:00 PM


A complete and utter 'ditto' to ManicGiraffe's comment.

Very fantasmic. You're awesome, and you're good at what you do!

Peace and goodwill.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:19 AM


Well done. Great comic lines. You have a wonderful gift. Glad you are sharing with us.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:19 PM


"Feels like I'm floating."

"You are floating."

"Yeah, kill the mood, why don't you?"

I love this serires!

Friday, December 16, 2005 1:46 PM


- Just as soon as he sorts out where his ass is. He'll need both hands for that.
- Heard that!
i could totally see that as a moment from an episode...


p.s. "They coming?" the god of all crude-joke opportunities has smiled upon us...PRAISE BE TO THE SMUT-GOD!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:11 AM


"Well now, look at you finding the bright side of things." Kaylee teased.

that ship would be sooo fun w/o gravity. now why didn't they ever use that plot on the show? oh yeah, fox is the root of all evil!

good myth~

Monday, May 1, 2006 7:38 AM


What the crap? That was me, I ain't signed out or anything...



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Out of The Frying Pan: Where We Left Off
Does anyone remember this fic? Well, just in case, here's a brief summary of the story so far, really just to see if there's any interest in me continuing it...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 6
The crew meets the new passenger, and a dream spurs Simon and Kaylee to take a surprising step. No smut in this one, either. Saving it all up for the next chapter...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 5
Surgery! Flashbacks! Mind-reading! Simon gets punched! Oh, just read the freakin' thing. Features a bit of non-graphic (gasp!) Simon/Kaylee lovin', so I'm rating it R just to be on the safe side. See, folks? Fair warning.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 4
Simon broods, Kaylee does her best to help, and Simon and Jayne find an appropriately dysfunctional way to communicate. Another transitional chapter, mostly Simon/Kaylee smut with a few hints of plot. Very NC-17, you've been warned.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 3
The crew arrives on Bayou, meets up with an "old friend," and gets more answers than they really wanted. Simon/Kaylee, embarassingly PG. Next chapter will be a return to the smut, I promise.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 2
Simon and Kaylee's wedding has to be postponed when the crew decides to head to Bayou. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, NC-17. I SWORE this chapter wasn't going to have any porn in it, but certain people protested. Not gonna name names. You know who you are. ;P

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 1
A continuation of the Motivation Series. After Miranda, the warrants for Simon and River were revoked, and the crew thought they were safe. Turns out? Not so much! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. Yes, that's right, porn WITH plot...or is it plot with, just read it!

Motivation Series 30: Past Tense (repost)
That's right, I will continue to delete and repost this fic until that troll gets the message: You can't beat me! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. The final chapter in this particular series, more of a transitional one.

Motivation Series 29: Dream On (Part 2 of 2)
Kaylee watches Simon sleep and gets an idea. NC-17, not for kids or prudes. This one was demanded by Piffle101, so if it sucks, it's all her fault. *wink* And remember, there's a special hell for people who don't comment...

Motivation Series 29: Dream On
Simon and Kaylee get a few days off, but everything is not as it seems...(Simon/Kaylee, NC-17, duh.)