Remnants - DF02
Thursday, January 8, 2004

This is just a thread in a tapestry..


(Cut to Kaylee walking down the halls of Serenity, one big walking smile. Her dress is similar to how she is normally seen, but is also wearing a light chainmail vest, and other bits of her clothing should suggest Joan of Arc. She walks up to and by Wash, looking anxious, who now finds himself standing fully clothed in khakis and a loud shirt. He is alone. There is nothing in his hands.)

WASH: Hey. KAYLEE: (casual) Hey. You got a dog. Nice. (Keeps walking past him.)

(shot looking up at Wash at the end of a leash, which he just noticed is in his hand. As if we were his dog.)

WASH: Oh. So I did. KAYLEE: I like dogs...

(Camera cuts back to reveal Kaylee stop a few strides past Wash. She begins tinkering with the wall of the ship. Suddenly in her hands is what suspiciously looks kinda like an egg beater.)

KAYLEE: ...they come when you call. They eat outta yer hand. They play dead. Dogs smell nice too. All sweaty and drooly. I love that. WASH: Heard you're taking driving lessons. (Wash takes a step towards her) KAYLEE: Uh-huh. WASH: It's a tough course. KAYLEE: (in a tone of mild arrogance) You took it. (subtext is if you could do it anyone can) WASH: (oblivious to her sudden change in tone) Oh, I've been here forever.

(Kaylee is having difficulty with the egg beater and the wall. It's as if she's trying to open a door but it won't.)

KAYLEE: Yeah and we've been going nowhere for over a year. Think it's time for a change. WASH: Oh a change is gonna come. KAYLEE: (still at it with the wall) Aren't we all fortune telly all the sudden? WASH: (noticing her change in tone) Why so glum? KAYLEE: Not glum. Just mad is all. Why won't this wall open? WASH: There's no door. KAYLEE: Yes there is. WASH: Kaylee I'm lookin' right at the wall there's no door. KAYLEE: Hey you're the driver I'm the fixer don't you tell me I don't know my own ship. WASH: But-but you just said--!

(Sound of an airlock opening but that's not what we see. Camera cuts to reveal both Kaylee and Wash in the frame, tinted with darkness, and this door opens behind the camera revealing their faces in the light, like a rectangular door behind the camera's POV. Both Wash & Kaylee take a half step back in awe as they're bathed in a shimmering yellow and green light. Wash's loud T-shirt should shimmer like it's made partly of sequins or rhinestones. Kaylee's light chainmail also glimmers.)

(Shepherd Book walks up behind the two of them. His demeanor is that of a tagalong kid trying to get his older brother to let him hang. He should also be dressed in a manner that suggests little boy, although he towers over both of the other two as he enters the frame. The other two are nonplussed by his sudden presence behind them.)

BOOK: So whatcha two been up to huh'? Going places? Going places can be fun. Can I go some places with ya, huh? Can I? KAYLEE: Didn't your Father tell you not to play with fire? BOOK: (disappointed) Oh come on. Please. With sugar on it? I'll let you ride my hoverboard! WASH (To Book Re Kaylee) She goes places with Inara. BOOK: (subtext ooh gossip goody!) Yeah, I heard about that! KAYLEE: I do not! BOOK: You do too! KAYLEE: I so do not! BOOK: Double doo doo back at you! KAYLEE: (insultingly) Sacrificial lamb! BOOK: Trollop! KAYLEE: Blind follower of the damned! BOOK: Hey! So's yer mother! KAYLEE: Grow up! Besides even if I did go places with Inara, what's it to ya? BOOK: Well there's all these neat special hells you can go to-- KAYLEE: (flustered and impatient) Ooooh! Put a sock in it!

(Wash has turned back to the light since his last line. Ignoring the childishness of the others, he now steps through the door, past us out of our view. The others are stunned at this and watch him go.)

BOOK: Hey wait! You don't know where that door has been. KAYLEE: No! I wanted to go first! Look at me! It's all about me! BOOK: You had your chance. KAYLEE: But I opened the door! I should get to go through!

WASH: (voice off screen. echoey) I don't wanna be late.

BOOK: (directly to the camera, smiling) Sometimes I think about two women, y'know, going places?

(Jayne walks across the screen behind Kaylee and Book, casually, with that look he gets after watching Inara with a lady client)

JAYNE: --and then I go to my bunk.

(As Jayne continues off screen, Kaylee looks at Book. Book looks at Kaylee. Then, they both look off after Jayne, as the yellow green light from the door fades and we hear the sound of an air lock.)



Thursday, January 8, 2004 6:13 AM


Okay, now it's gettin' spooky...


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Remnants - DF06
Another thread. This one is made of cinnamon and evergreen.

Remnants - BC05
Curiouser and curiouser..

Remnants - BC04
Continuing the storyline five hundred years before Serenity. Hoping eventually this tapestry between Buffy and Malcolm comes together.

Remnants - BC03
Travelling back in time for the Buffy Chapters, this portion of the tapestry tries to help explain how our Firefly crew is linked to the Scoobies.

Remnants - DF05
Kicking into River's dream as we continue weaving this tapetry one thread at a time. (it has been edited a bit for clarity since first published here)

Remnants - FC03
Yet another strand of the web..

Remnants - DF04
Wrapping up Wash's dreams, at least for now, so we can make room for the other threads in the tapestry.

Remnants - DF03
We're just as lost as you are, folks.

Remnants - FC02
Oh what mighty webs we weave..

Remnants - BC02
A thread in a tapestry..