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"River convinces the rest of the crew that something is horribly wrong. Now all they have to race is the clock."
SUMMARY: "River convinces the rest of the crew that something is horribly wrong. Now all they have to race is the clock." The usual disclaimers apply. The characters and 'Firefly' are the property and gift of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. No infringement of copyright is intended.
"Firefly" story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
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Hot so hot. Bodies oiled by perspiration, fueled by desire. Simon moaned into the heat of her mouth, Kaylee arching into his touch as the pleasure mounted, his thrusts slow and languid, a long withdrawal then a more rapid re-entry making her gasp. Eyes widening, lashes fluttering like insect wings against her cheeks. "Simon," She gasped. "Want you..."
He did not reply nor did he speed up, was enjoying it too much to reduce their love making to a quick frantic tumble. No he wanted to savour this, make it last as long as possible. The hand that reached him seemed to agree. Only it was not simply slowing him down it was tugging him back. Away. Simon blinked, Kaylee cursed and began to beg but her husband was distracted. The incongruity somehow penetrating his haze of passion until attention diverted, he turned his head. His eyes widened at what he saw.
"River! What the...?"
"Simon, hurry." "I was. We were just..." His brain seemed to catch up with what he was saying and her presence in his room. "River, what are you doin' here?"
"Need you."
Kaylee managed to get enough air in her lungs to join in the debate, her voice ragged and panting. "I need him more."
"No, *ni bu dong*."
"River, just let us finish first and then I'll..."
"No, Simon. You're not listening!" Her sudden vehemence shocked him. Simon sat up, Kaylee easing up on her elbows to better see what in the nine hells was wrong. River was agitated, upset, her eyes full of worry and distress, her movements jerky and eratic. "You have to come now, too much blood."
The doctor in Simon reacted to her words, sliding quickly out of bed oblivious to the fact that he was naked. Reaching for his clothes and starting to dress as Kaylee sat up, her mind recalling River's words from earlier, a tendril of icy dread chilling her with apprehension. "You said earlier that someone was shot. Is that what this is about?"
The girl nodded, close to tears now. "Betrayed. Shot. Dying." River turned to a mostly dressed Simon. "Hurry, no one to save him."
"I just need to get my medkit..."
River ran and picked up a medkit sitting on the floor by the door. Simon watched, his mood calming with the realisation that she had anticipated him. As reassuring as that was it could also be chilling. "No time Simon."
Simon nodded, understanding now. He turned and gave Kaylee a quick kiss, wanting to reassure her but knowing that was impossible until he found out exactly what River was talking about. As River grasped his hand and they ran through the door Kaylee yelled after them, "River, wait! Who's been shot?"
She wasn't sure but as two sets of hurrying feet rattled down the metal stairs she could have sworn River said "The Captain!"
It was hot. He was sticky. Too much agony to want to move even if he had the strength left. Sorrow the only accompaniment to his stumbling faltering heartbeat. Glad that Zoe and the Shepherd hadn't been shot as well. At least he wouldn't have to listen to Zoe telling him what a gorram fool he was. Didn't have that much time. The dirt beneath his cheek still held an echo of the sun's warmth but as his consciousness began to shut down and darkness beckoned even that small comfort was taken from him.
Wash heard the ruckass on the stairs and came out of the bridge to see River and Simon flying down into the cargo hold. "*Wei*! Where's the fire?"
"No fire," Said Simon. "River says someone's been hurt. Shot."
That was when Wash took in the medkit and the near state of panic River was in. His heart missed a beat, thinking of Zoe. Quickly he ran down the stairs after them, Kaylee appearing moments later now dressed and anxious as *diyu*. As they opened the door they heard the familiar sound of the mule approaching. Wash looked relieved. Just one of the girl's fanciful turns then. Simon started to smile at River, "They're back."
River shook her head. "Not everyone but it'll save time."
The ramp lowered, the mule rumbled up it and for a moment the crew just stared at each other. Book's calm voice held the tiniest touch of concern as the mule came to a stop in the cargo hold. "Either you can't wait to see us or something has happened." "The money was too good." Said River.
"The money. Sold him out then shot him. Don't have much time."
Zoe's face darkened with fury. She knew exactly who River was talking about and what she meant. Gorrammit, she had warned Mal this would happen. "I'll kill him!"
River shook her head. "Have to find him first but we have to hurry. Running out of time."
No one argued or questioned how River knew. Zoe and Book made room for River and Simon on the mule and set back out, Zoe gunning every last bit of speed out of the machine. Wash gave Kaylee a worried look but tried to hide it, seeing the tears gathering in the mechanic's eyes. "*Fang xin* Kaylee, Simon's a good doctor."
"Yeah," Said Kaylee glumly. "an' Jayne's a good shot, 'specially if he shot the Cap'n in the back."
The pilot had no answer to that. He just hoped and prayed they were all wrong but in this messed up part of the 'verse he didn't think so.
CHINESE GLOSSARY: (Mandarin - Pinyin)
*ni bu dong* = you don't understand *wei* = hey! *diyu* = hell *fang xin* = don't worry (lit. easy your heart)
Friday, July 8, 2005 7:25 AM
Friday, January 12, 2007 4:14 AM
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