Of Gloves and Mittens
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Sadly enough, I've actually had this conversation with someone (Who was so obviously wearing mittens. "Manly Gloves" by definition have NOT been knit by someone.) But, I digress. For those of you who have posted comments, I want to say thank you, the positive feedback is the only thing that makes me do more. As to questions some of you have had, either click on my profile and send me a message through the site, or my AIM screen name is “Stizo 02”. You are much more likely to get a response doing either of these. On a side note: I see Maddie as being really accident prone.



Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:15 PM


LMAO! I love the look Kaylee has on her face in the frame, it remides me of The Message. I love how the last two connect through Kaylee. He he he! Keep going!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:30 PM


Stizo, you are my kind of funny ... tears, man, actual tears from laughing so hard.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:59 PM


I love this!.... BTW why does bad stuff keep happening to maddie!? POOR MADDIE

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:26 PM


LMAO... I still think you need to get a website for these ;)

I love how the last two connect

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 11:58 PM


LMAO! *Ouch!* Oh man... This is TOO funny Stizo! :D Brilliant work!
(Gonna give myself a serious injury some day but I don't care! It's comedy genius!)
I love Wash's expresion in the second last frame! Love Jayne's expression in the final one!! Kaylee's appearance is comic timing too.. Keep up the great work! 10/10!

Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:48 AM


Great stugg Stizo. Keep 'em comin'.

Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:46 AM


Holy Crap! That's funny stuff. Wonder if Jayne's ma ever knitted anything for Vera. *wink, Wink*

Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:00 AM


I read "Gorramit Wash" and I can hear Cartman's voice, LOL!

Thursday, October 21, 2004 4:33 AM


Lmao. LOVE IT!! Poor Kaylee. It'll never work with Simon if he keeps throwing up on her. Hehe.

Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:12 AM


Oh my god, they ran over Maddie...

Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:43 AM



Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:51 AM


Ah, lovin' this series!
Cannot WAIT for the next! (What? I have to? Awwww...)

Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:08 AM


Gotta love these, how about a naked Mal one (Emporers new clothes and all that jazz) :)


Thursday, October 21, 2004 9:08 AM


OMFG, that's awesome, the laughing... it hurts....

Thursday, October 21, 2004 10:08 AM


Ah, that was classic. I love how the vomit tied in with the last one. I laughed so hard, I think I peed a little.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005 6:03 AM


owwieowwieowwie!!! my ribs!! my jaw!!


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Serenity Park - 020 - Delusions of Eloquence
For those unfamiliar with Serenity Park, see the thread: for previous comics. This comic is dedicated to the die-hards who put up with my consistent lack of productivity. :)

Serenity Park 19: Shadow Puppet Theatre!
Subtitles added for the reaver-speak impaired. Note: The shadow is supposed to resemble the profile of a T-rex.

INCREDIBLY MAJORLY HUGE AND ENORMOUS SPOILER WARNING!! THIS MEANS YOU, FOOLISH MORTALS!! For those wondering, yes the last panel is mostly accurate. The only difference was I sitting down, and said it relatively quiet…ok, somewhat quiet…err, kinda quiet…not as loud as most. Anyways, to answer other questions I’m sure some of you have: the reason the other people in the theater are silhouettes are because I don’t have the kind of time to create that many different people, expressions, etc; also the Chinese from panel 2 translates to: “You're looking wonderful, old friend.” P.S. – I tried changing my major to “Alliance Operative” but apparently the Alliance academy only accepts gifted applicants…go figure.

Serenity Park 17: Bright Ideas
...a little late but here it is. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT trying to bash Canadians. (I don’t live that far from the border so I happen to know a few.) The joke is merely playing off the fact that I made the reavers resemble the Canadians from South Park. DISCLAIMER REDUX: Pre-emptive SPOILER WARNING for the next SP comic. If you haven’t seen the movie yet (though I can’t imagine why) don’t worry, it has nothing to do with the overall story arc. It just deals with my reaction to the movie. :p

Serenity Park 16: PSA - Serenity Release
Counting down the hours till I see the BDM....

Serenity Park 15 - Space Monkeys
Previously on SP (for those who forgot): Serenity & Co. picked up a cargo load of Black Market Beagles (the most illegal of illegal substances), and after having been boarded by Alliance Feds are now on the way to their destination. Anyway, I hope to have another comic done within a few days here. (SP Trivia! The colony pop. is also the month & day of the release of Serenity. :p )

Serenity Park 14: Public Service Announcement: Reavers
Who said web comics can't be educational? This one is full of information every browncoat needs to know. Plus, I haven’t gotten to use Book much and this allowed me to do so (he probably sounds exactly like Chef). Also, I had too much fun deciding what to use for reavers. (My apologies to our Canadian brethren; but hey, it is kinda funny.)

Serenity Park 13 - I call her "Vera"
Good ol' Jayne and Wash. I imagine Jayne must get pretty lonely in space. Considering the attitude the rest of the crew has towards him (not overwhelmingly negative but not necessarily positive either), I bet this happens pretty often. Anyways, next comic should come around the end of the week. Later.

Serenity Park 12 – Too Much Firefly...
...yes, there IS such a thing. Below I present the perfect example. I’m sure that most Browncoat guys have this dream (don’t lie, you know you have!). Anyway, for those who have been wondering where the hell I’ve been, for you I have good news, and bad news. Good news, I do plan to keep doing the comic. Bad news, life decided to rent a cement truck and run me over with it, repeatedly. Unfortunately this means I have no time to make SP comics (today’s is one I had sitting around). My school load just got enormous and with everything else going on I have no time remaining for this (seriously, I got 8 hours of sleep TOTAL for the last 5 days). The soonest I can see this getting better is the end of February. So effective now SP is on hiatus until my load gets lighter and I have time to spend on it. In other words, we’re still flying, but just out of gas for awhile. C-ya, Stizo PS – Merry Winter-een-mas! (

11 - Companions, Go Figure
Whoa, it's been a long time since I posted one of these. Anyway, the saga resumes. I guess I'll continue this story arc through to the end then go back to stand-alone comics. They are easier to come up with and people seem to like them better anyway. So, I hope you enjoy this one and I'll try to post another next week. Later. (Note: There is a beagle tail poking out somewhere in every panel. If you’re really bored, try and see if you can find them all.)