I Can Take
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Post-BDM; Reg Crew; OCs; Inara/Mal, Kaylee/Simon, Zoe/Wash: Set in the 'Verse that is Four. The night, according to River Tam...


Set smack dab between parts 2 & 3 of the fic Four As well as generally follows and progresses on the events of- He's Fightin' the War Right Now Xiăo Guĭ Littlest Victories I Like Drawing Cephalopods The med Job

~~~ ~~~

He’s kissing her neck. She hums like Serenity, like she’s apart of the ship she tends to. Hand snakes up her thigh and plays with the soft cotton of her panties. He wants to broach the subject, he’s been eager for some time. Nipping her neck, he hears a giggle escape and chuckles against her jugular before giving another nibble.

“Aren’t you excited tonight.” She climbs up into his lap, shapely legs sliding apart to straddle his hips. Catching the nape of his neck with her palm she kisses him passionately, slipping her tongue into his mouth before sucking on his bottom lip.

His back arches, muscles contract as the blood rushes southward. A rumble escapes his chest, and he reaches around to cup her backside, pulling her closer. He’s a gentle fellow, but when it comes to love, he’s passion through and through.

She runs her fingers up and through his hair, well aware of his sudden readiness. Leaving his mouth to catch her breath, she giggles as he’s clumsily trying to relieve her of his old dress shirt she’s using to sleep in. “Need help, Sailor?”

Deciding not to get frustrated (as being smooth is decidedly not his thing), he snakes his hand up under the shirt and beings to feel around familiar topography. “I think I can manage.” He finds the spot, her spot. The happy spot.

She breathes sharply.

A toothy smile spreads across his face, feeling accomplished before letting the fingers fall and using both hands to pull the over sized shirt up over her head. “See?” Upon freeing her chest, he dips his head and presses his nose against the newly exposed skin before letting out a husky “No help required.” Breathing deeply, relishing her sweet skin, he begins to kiss and suck the supple surface.

She brings her hands down to the hem of his pants. They’ve grown tight and she works them down, having to try a few times as they hang up in a certain spot and his head is blocking her view of things below. After a few awkward seconds, they’re off. Falling to the floor in abandonment and no longer in the way.

“Hmn.” Hooking an arm around her, he nips and nuzzles whilst leaning forward, changing position. Using the other hand to brace against the mattress, he lowers her onto her back, hovering above. The hand that was at her waist leaves to tend to the underwear she’s in, and he begins to inch himself slowly southward. Liberating her from the last shred of clothing he hears a moan and smiles against her skin as he ventures forth. Leaving a trail with his mouth that starts from the valley of her chest.

“Ohhh.” She inhales as his movements are painfully thoughtful in all the right places, his hand already working the inside of her thighs. Waves of pleasure wash over her, and he’s not even at his destination.

“Wǒ de shén wǒ ài nǐ.” He breathes against the notch of her hip, feeling her hands digging into his scalp. Kissing lower, almost to his desired destination he says against the delicate skin. “Marry me.”

Her eyes snap open, body locking up and her face wearing horror before flashing a look of arousal from his talented tongue. The electricity of his act making her groan as she fights against the feeling. “Ohhh god. No. Nooooo.”

He assumes he’s doing well. No’s are good, No’s are better than Yes’ with her, No’s are followed with comments at how dirty anatomy classes have made him. He’s going to give her an extremely satisfying...

“Gorramit Simon no!” Both hands on his head shove him away, he’s so far down on the bed he tumbles off.

River’s eyes fly open. Stomach knots, heaves. Jolts up and cannot make it to the waste basket he put by the bed. Bao is not good backwards. Tastes sharp. It floats on her blanket. Little dough boats on a river of juices. Noise escapes her mouth. So close the reality becomes her dream.

“Oh god, are you okay?!” Kaylee’s voice frets in the other room.

Shivers, it tingles all over. But it’s not hers. Hands go down to the spot that brings the passion, links them, makes them one. She guards it and grimaces. Does not want. Not Kaylee’s.

Can hear them through the wall.

“Nà dì-yù shì shén-me?!” He bleats. So confused, and hurt. Bit his tongue when he hit the floor.

“Nà dì-yù shì shén-me?” Scared, so very scared. “What do you mean marry you?”

Shakes her head. It’s all swollen. Swollen with stolen moments. Moments not her own. They pulse through the veins and invade till she becomes the moment. She is the moment, she all moments she is every moment. Every moment but her own.

It cuts him like a knife. He’s naked through and through. It makes the words run away. “I... Kaylee... I love you.... a lot. Like... a lot.. a lot. I... I thought..”

“You wanna get married?” She covers herself, hiding the spoils of the pillage that didn’t go as planned.

“You... don’t?”


Not fair to her. Not fair to invade, to feel things that don’t belong to her. Doesn’t want to be a thief. But her brain is a leech and it feeds off of them, all of them. Every thought, every touch, every union, every night alone, every moment of ecstasy, every jolt of pain. Leech suckles it all. It’s so greedy. Shouldn’t be a leech it should be a normal brain. Should be happy being contained, but it’s not. It’s hungry and it evades and feeds and can’t make it stop. Their voices die but the rest of the chorus rises up. Even when they sleep, they sing and the leech takes to them.

“Hold on baby.” It’s just everywhere. She keeps on trying to scoop it up by the handfuls and pour it back into his chest but she can’t. He keeps bleeding and bleeding. On the brink, gazing up at her as his chest makes a sucking from where it passed through, but he’s not dying. He’s just suffering in her arms.

“Just put it all back in Baby.” He gurgles, he’s grey in the skin, hand clutching his favorite toy. “Put it back in and the Doc’ll patch me up.”

“I’m trying, I’m trying.” It just keeps pouring out. It’s up to her knees now. Warm and red, lapping around her....

Get up, shakes her head to shake him out, shake them out, shake the voices out. Her body breaks down. It disintegrates into anatomy, then cells, then atoms, until she is nothing. She is not a girl, she is everyone and no one. What they dream. What they do.

His face twists as he keeps his eyes on the picture. With each stroke he reminds himself of the days left. Soon he won’t be all by his lonesome. Soon there’ll be coin to line her pockets and he’ll be on leave. They’ll...

Doesn’t want to know. Doesn’t want to know. DOES. NOT. WANT. TO. KNOW. Floor’s cold to the toes, makes them dance to the sensation, makes the body reform into a girl shape. Feet. She likes to dance. But her feet are cemented to the floor. They’re so heavy. First steps are shaky, stumbles but catches it. One it front of the other. Break the cement. She can do it.

She stands there on the platform next to the Shistavanen, Ithorian and Twi’lek. The R2 series droid beeps at her side, voicing his own excitement. She reaches up and removes her battle worn helmet, smiling and tucking it under her arm. Saber hilt swinging from her belt as she breathes deep and stands up tall as the her Master approaches with the General.

The General stops in front of her, flanked by her Master and his twin sister. They look upon her proudly as he takes the medal out of the case. “Josephine Darbanville, for bravery in battle as well as piloting against the Empire I bestow upon you the....”

GO AWAY NOW. Need to get away, need to hide. Need to go far far away so that the leech can’t feed. Far far away so her body doesn’t disintegrate. She wants to be spaced. In space there is nothing, there is no one. The black is quiet, keeps to itself because it knows everything and must keep it’s secrets. So peaceful she wants to join it. Feed the leech it’s silence. She could sleep. Could dream her own dreams, be her own self.

Stumbles. Quiet, but stumbles. Find a place to go, find a place away. Every night she finds a new place where they’re whispers.

It’s warm. The skin boils.

He likes this particular smile, it makes him feel accomplished, because she’s good and satisfied. Her thighs are still tight against his waist, legs wrapped around him as she exhales against his neck and nuzzles the top of her head up against the roof of his chin. Her well toned arms, up over his broad shoulders, her hands are on his head, mashing his hair and playing in the sandy brown locks.

“Hmmmm.” She sighs contently, tired but not letting go of him just yet. He’s not anything fancy, not soft nor poised. He’s solid and weathered and he makes it all about her. They never do that, they never make it about her. It’s about them, that’s why they pay. A calloused ranch hand strokes the left cheek of her buttocks and moves down to her thigh, making her purr happily. She tells him she likes the attention by rocking her body forward, still holding on, and planting a handful of kisses on his well sculpted pectoral. When he groans from the rock, she chortles softly against his musky skin.

“You good?” He knows the answer, but he asks it anyways. She’s like butter in his hands, melting against him. It’s rare she wants to be so close afterwards, she usually leaves.

“That would be an understatement.” She nips at him, letting her hands scratch at his scalp affectionately.

His toes curl. When he feels her lips on his jaw, it’s his turn to purr. Though his is more of a deep rumble from the center of his chest.

“I take it that was your apology?” She finally lets go and slides off, curling up alongside him.

It surprises him, she’s not one to stay and snuggle. “Maybeso.” He wraps an arm around her as she nestles her head on his shoulder. It’s good, he reckons he wants her head there every night. “Did it work?”

“I must say, Captain, that was a very detailed apology.”

“I meant every word I didn’t say.”

She laughs softly, tiredly, her eyes flutter. The tiff was small, stupid, but lord he made up for it. She presses closer, at the moment the desire to sleep alongside him is too great. As hewn as he may be, he’s homey and safe right now. They both slip down under the covers and onto the pillow.

“No more?” He teases lightly. “I thought you were a woman of great...”

Infirmary feels safe.

Slips in and it’s a bubble. There’s minds, but they’re not what the others are.

One dreams of Mother’s voice and touch.

The other flickers.

“River?” Hannah yawns.

Shuts the door to keep them out.

“River, what are you doing here?” She sits up. Worried, friend looks sick and scared.

“Safe here.” It’s true, they’ve died down to whispers. Like little secrets she doesn’t want to keep.

“Safe from what?”

“From hearing them.”

Mother explained this a week back, River’s gifted, River hears everyone but she doesn’t mean too. Can’t block it out, so it hurts more than it helps.

Circles in, eyes focus, mind clears.

“So you can’t sleep?”

“Never can. I can but then they start talking and the leech wakes up and takes it from them. Bits and pieces.” She murmurs. It’s clearer now, whispers even lower. But now there’s frustration instead of panic. “Leech gobbles it all up. I don’t want it too but I can’t control it. So I hear it, and it’s not mine and because it’s not mine it steals my sleep.”

“I’m sorry you can’t sleep... and that my mind bothers you.”

Stares down at her toes. They wiggle and curl like stubby worms.“Your mind doesn’t bother.” But they’re not worms, they’re toes. Might have become worms a few minutes ago though. “It’s a very nice mind.”

“Oh.” Hannah pauses, studies her bed for a moment. “Well, do you want to spend the night in here? You can hear my mind, it doesn’t bother me.”

Big, hopeful eyes. “Really?”

Hand pats the blankets. Though Mother comes in every few hours, she gets lonely at night.

Climbing up onto the bed, River scoots under the covers, mindful of all of the wires and lines. Their toes touch. “You’re cold.”

“I’m always cold, but the doctor said once I gain some more weight I probably won’t be.”

“I’m warm, always warm.” River shifts closer, touching cold feet with warm ones. “I’ll share.”

“Thanks.” She can see the clearness return to her eyes. Her new friend no longer looks distressed and dazed, but relaxed and coherent.

Yawning, her head falls upon half of the large pillow. Voices are like a breeze to her ear. Close to non-existent, like the leech is gone and she’s whole. Almost. Her brain’s nice. No lust, no pain, not too old, not too young. It’s close.

Sleep comes readily when there is a nice brain.


Simon walks into the infirmary, looking worn and uncharacteristically disheveled. His face is grim as a hand attempts to smooth the wrinkles out of his previously worn shirt before going up to smooth out his hair. Stifling back a yawn, he wanders over to the countertop. Scrubbing his hands, prepping a tray and retrieving the charts, he is entirely too focused on getting through the day to notice the contents of the bed.

“Good morning Simon.”

Hearing the voice, he furrows his brows and glances over to see his sister watching him sleepily from the bed. Spine straightening, focus sharpening, his mouth sputters for a moment before he manages out words “River.” He turns and heads over, his lips forming a scowl. “River what are you doing here?”

She yawns. “Better sleep here. Safe from the voices, leech at bay because of the focus, nearness.” River sits up, eyes falling on her slumbering friend. “Occupying the primary and not the excess. It heals the shell. And the meat of the almond is the tonsil. It’s better and it’s protected and it can be whole. When it’s whole she’s whole. Fog of reality rises and she exists again.”

“The almond and the tonsil?” Curious, he stops at the bed and set his things on the side table, reaching out and cupping her chin, getting a good look in her eyes. They’re usually the first thing that give away how she’s doing. “Mei-mei are you talking about your amygdala?”

“It’s better with a primary. If the primary is stable then she heals.” She flashes a scowl after his thoughts filter in. “I’ll incapacitate you if you attempt to give me a brain scan.”

Simon’s eyebrows shoot up, and his mouth falls open slightly.

Her face quickly softens from anger to guilt. “Sorry about last night. The couch is lumpy because I stuffed the candy in the mattress.”

He pauses, trying a process her lucidity. Unconsciously he smoothes the unruly locks out of her face “The bag Kaylee bought you for Christmas?”

“Think it melted, became one single organism.” She gazes back over to Hannah, pulling away from him. “She’s better.”

“As are you.” He says pointedly.

“Faking being asleep.” River pokes the other girl, a wry smile curling her lips. “Thinks if she’s asleep you won’t pick up the needle.”

Hannah’s eyes fly open, giving her friend a look that voices her betrayal. “Traitor.”

River sticks her tongue out.

Hannah does the same.

River crosses her eyes.

Hannah jabs her ribs and tickles.

Nearly tumbling off the bed, River bursts out into laughter. She squirms and curls into a ball to protect her vulnerable torso. “You’re mean!” She shrieks, hair spilling wildly through the air.

“No, you are!”

The previously sorrowful Simon looks on in amusement, stifling back a chuckle himself as he approves of their bright eyes and happy faces. Rubbing his stubbled jaw, he suddenly remembers they’re not alone and separates them as they’re both loud enough to wake the sound sleeper “Settle down, you don’t want to wake up...”

Lila makes a fussing noise.

The girls stop, shrinking back guiltily.

“Sorry.” Hannah apologizes.

“Sorry that Hannah started it.” River chirps.

She gets pinched.

He rolls his eyes, quickly reaching the makeshift medical crib and picking up the unhappy baby. “I need to do Hannah’s morning checkup and treatment.” He swaddles the child, bringing her close to his chest and soothing her the best he can, though Inara’s far more adept. “along with a few other things.”

“Like take a shower.” River notes.

Giving his sister a withering look, he snipes back whilst rocking the infant. “You have no say in hygiene, especially since you don’t bathe as regularly as I do.”

“Have my reasons.” She tilts her nose up. “You smell like a couch.”

He makes his way back to the duo. “Why don’t you go get dressed River, have some breakfast?” Though he talks to her, his eyes are on the fussy baby as she beings to let out a more hungry sound. Fixing the kink in her rather long IV line, he wanders off in search of a pacifier.

“But, she doesn’t like this part.” River announces, looking sympathetically at Hannah with round brown eyes. “Usually Mother’s here for reassurance, but she’s not today. She’s lying in his bunk right now.”

“Oh.” He blurts, pulling open a drawer.

“Because he’s sturdy... and he pleasures her well.”

“Really didn’t need to know that.” He says with a hint of aversion, taking out one of the pacifiers and giving it to the baby.

Lila latches on and sucks, her face scrunched and grumpy.

“He has big hands....”

Alright,” he raises his voice, shifting the weight of the baby “you can stay, just quit illustrating things.”

“You know, I’ll be alright by myself.” The patient reassures her friend. “If you go get dressed and eat, just come back down here afterwards.”

River is skeptical, she tilts her head to the side. “Liar.”

“Actually you may want River here for some support. Today you start Phase Two of your treatment the side effects are rather...” His words drop off due to another visitor.

Mal walks in, shirt half buttoned, his suspenders swaying at his sides. His fingers idly grasp one of the rather upscale self heating bottles Inara invested in as he releases a yawn. Looking from the bed to Simon, he mutters drowsily “Was there a slumber party here last night?”

“Apparently, where’s Inara?” Simon wanders towards the Captain, who’s arm reaches out to him. Transferring the baby, he watches with curiosity towards the man who has made no effort to meet the newest members of the ship’s family.

“Getting some well deserved shut eye.” Extracting the pacifier, he hands it to Simon.

Lila instantly begins to cry.

“Oh hush now xiǎo gōng-zhǔ.” Though gruff sounding, there’s affection in the words as he sets the nipple of the bottle on her lower lip. “I know I ain’t Ma, but she’s quite tired, so you’re stuck with me.” As soon as she latches, he looks back up to see Simon still staring. “What?”

“Oh, nothing.” After a quick rewash of his hands, he goes to Hannah to fuss over her as routine requires. “It’s offly nice of you to help out.”

“I try... to be nice that is.” The captain looks down at the little pink bundle snuggled against his chest, one of her little hands grasps at his shirt, the other on the bottle.

“You’re nicer than you want to admit.” River announces.

“Gonna put a muzzle on you for prattling so much, just you wait.” Easing himself into the rocking chair, he relaxes some and looks up to watch the scene at the bed.

“He lies.” The psychic tells her new friend.

“Who is he?” Hannah asks.

“The Captain of this boat.” Mall announces, though it seems less roguish as usual, due to the baby in the fluffy pink blanket. “And I take it you’re Inara’s little one, Hannah?”

“I am.” she stays still as Simon scans her chest cavity, then moves down to her abdomen.

“Pleased to meet you Miss Hannah.”

“Looking better, tissue’s ready for regenerating.” The doctor announces, jotting everything down quickly in her chart. “Let me get the treatment ready for administration and we’ll get started.”

Hannah’s face drops, the confidence she had minutes ago gone at the thought of the treatment that sounded like an unpleasant experience. “Doctor Tam, do you really have to do this right now? Can’t I at least have breakfast first?”

“I’m sorry Hannah.” he begins to open packages and prep the equipment. “Phase One gave you slight abdominal cramping which is why we did it before meals, I’m afraid this one’s going to be worse.”

“You want me to call your Momma down?” Mal suggests from the chair.

“No, it’s alright.” her voice quakes slightly, yet she takes a deep breath and puts on a brave face.


She nods her head silently, rolling her lips into her mouth.

“Suit yourself.”

“I’m going to make it as comfortable as I possibly can.” The physician reassures, attaching a small pump to her IV line, then attaching a hose to it. “I promise today will be the worst and then from here on out it lessens.”

“Isn’t there a Phase Three?” Her voice hitches, and for once she truly sounds like a scared little girl in need of her mother.

“Phase Three’s nothing. Almost non-existent side effects, you’ll be out of here already and in your own room.”

River perches herself on the side furthest away from Simon. Reaching out, she takes her friend’s bony hand and gives a squeeze. “I’m here.” She focuses on the second line her brother prepares, hearing his mind talk about what’s ahead. “I’ll help.”


Inara is a lioness.

She rushes to the bed, angry. It scares the room, because she’s never angry. Yet she pulsates with it. She is a lioness and no one has told her about the cub. “Why didn’t anyone tell me she was feeling so horrible?” voice rises like thunder building up the dark clouds.

“She said we didn’t need to wake you up.” Simon has gone through metamorphosis. He has emerged to become reassurance, steady, cool and calming. Simon is a brook, accept he is only 75% water and not 100%. “Mal offered to fetch you, but she said she would be fine.” Hand dabs Hannah’s forehead with the wet cloth. He’s very ginger, just not the spice. More of a plain white slice of bread than a spice.

Her breath is noisy, not pleased. Her feet stop at the bed, grow roots into the floor. Not going to leave, not ever. “Tā kàn-qǐ-lái kě-pà.”

“She’s okay.” River reassures, voice strained. Lying down makes it easier. Makes it easier to hold Hannah, makes it easier to share. Slipping, but it’s okay. It’s needed, she’ll take the hill. They’ll reach the top and find the flat plains. It will get easier again. “Won’t leave her. Have to return the favor.”

Hannah shifts closer. Makes her cold. Makes her ache. But River’s warm. River’s close. River’s safe. She helped friend River, friend River helps her now.

Nose smooshes hair. Smells sickly, smells funny, but it can be ignored. Hand reaches down and rubs the tummy. The poor tummy. It’s busy working. Patching and building and forging. When it’s done there’ll be brand new steel. “Won’t leave.” She whispers. A promise through and through. “Gave me your happy thoughts. My turn now.”

Hannah hears it, squeezes the hand on her tummy.

Inara lock’s eyes with River. Reads the sincerity, appreciates it, appreciates the embrace. See’s she’s soft. Nodding, leans in, softly calling. “Hannah, Baby.”

Grimacing face opens it’s eyes slightly.

“Oh Baby.” Gently strokes green tinged cheek. Feathers are ruffled, does not want the chick to suffer. “Is this really necessary?”

“Really is unfortunately.” Doctor Simon is now a big blue eyed medical book. When he leans back the words that are spewed out arranged according. Show his knowledge. “Three Phase Regenizone regenerates all of the tissue Morrow’s disease ate away, including her kidneys and liver. If I don’t give this to her, she’ll eventually need multiple organ transplants. Besides, she already prepped with Phase One... also kinda broke into a medical facility to get it.”

Hannah’s sigh is heavy, exhausted. “I’m okay māma.” Her words fade back because her voice wants to curl up and sleep.

“She’s a trooper.” Simon wants to placate. “River’s been a good friend too, very reassuring.”

“Very tired.” Exhausted, but it’s not forced. Not like the others. Her choice “Body heals in a way it’s not meant to. Tiny needles all over. Everything’s stretching and swelling and sewing. Weaves new fabric and quilts it together.”

“It’s true.” He nods slightly, focused keenly on his patient. “Her belly’s a little swollen since the majority of the repair is going on in the thorax.”

Sister looks down. Gently pets the mentioned area. Mutters are soft, sympathetic. “Poor belly.”

Hannah nuzzles in, pain makes her thankful for safe arms.

Mother combs out messy, sweaty hair. Thankful for safe arms too. Though she wants to be safe arms. “Hannah’s hot.” Worry in her tone. Not so fretful, but worry none the less.

“Side effect.” Simon reassures. “I’ve been monitoring her closely, she’s textbook right now.”

“You’re turning into a book.” River whispers.

Giggle shows some sunlight through the rain clouds.

“How much longer till it’s over?”

“Well, today’s an all day treatment. However it’s done in three long sessions so in about two hours I’m going to turn the pump off and let her have a two hour break. Then at noon we do session two and so on.”

Inara’s eyes flutter. Guilt creeps up like icy vines up the spine. Wasn’t up earlier. Slept in the warm bed that had the scent of Captain in the quilts. Should have been up. Should have been the arms to hold her baby. Loss. “Can she at least eat today?”

“When we’re officially done for the day, yes. But right now her entire body’s in overdrive, regenerating tissue and repairing organs, processing food is the last thing it needs to do.” Reaching out, hand on Inara’s shoulder for support. “It’s alright though, in her second line I’ve got her on a mix of electrolytes, nutrients, minerals and calories so her system is getting all the fuel it needs to mend.”

Kind, comforting voice makes her head finally turn.

“After this is over, she’ll be fine?”

“This treatment’s still considered experimental, but everything I’ve read up on suggests a full recover. Off of dialysis, no more hormone shots, no more digestive problems... She’ll have to take the capsules to keep Morrow’s Disease in check, other than that though she’ll be fine. Hannah’s in good hands Inara, I promise. I’ve talked to Mal and he said he’ll tend to Lila if you want to just stay by her side today. I’m not leaving though. I’ll be here monitoring all day, even when we take a break.”

“I was going to come in sooner.” Mother’s voice is low, hushed. “But Kaylee came and....” Stops. Realizes. Eyes big, round and apologetic.

Bows his head. Blue eyes become like water, baleful. Swallows a big black stone and it sinks to his gut. Wasn’t thinking about it. Doesn’t want to. Not ever. The wound’s deep. She cut at his heart with a sharp blade. Made a big hole in his chest and took it out, stomped on it. Disregarded the blood flowing from him, the pain in his eyes as he struggled to breath. He fought back, mightily, passionately. But she was at the top of the hill. Couch was a safe retreat. Picked up his heart, put it back inside and went to the couch. “We need to talk.” He manages. Shoulders roll forward. Sighs.

“That’s what I told her.” her turn to rub his shoulder.

“It’ll have to be after today. This is my priority right now.” Grim face, grim voice, big hole in his chest.

Hannah yawns.

River yawns too. Eyes flutter, lungs are steady. It bleeds out. It stole away some of the clarity, but it’s alright. Good with others burdens. The burden is choice. Keep her close, repay the favor. Help her heal. “Will tend to her like his very own sister. Finer trait.”

Thankful she changed the winds.“I sense River will be keeping vigil as well.” Brother nods. Hand comes out and strokes Little Mei-mei’s head. Proud. “She’s taking her job seriously.”

“I can see, and I must thank you for staying.” Her hand’s soothing, brushes the River cheek. Eyes are all love. Yet she begins to frown. “Is River alright?” Worried. River Girl’s skin is warm, like Hannah Girl.

“Fine.” The words fall out of her mouth onto the mattress and lay there sluggishly.

“I think so.” He’s skeptical because he sees it too. Won’t say it, but monitoring both of them. Very, very carefully. “From what I’ve seen in the past, River can glean pain, so she’s mirroring some of the symptoms.”

“She can give. I can take.” River sighs. “I took the happy dreams and they made me better and I looked up and saw the endless blue sky. And it healed the shell and made the fog lift up and I was clear again.” Her turn to nuzzle Hannah. “Gave the primary to the equation, became the missing component. Made me real. My turn. Take half the pain. Fogs it up but it’s choice. My choice. If you divide the pain in two, it’s not half as bad. Simple math. Math so simple Jayne would understand. And that’s simple.”

They nod. Not because they understand. Because they don’t, not the slightest. It’s all they can do. Nod and let her work. Let her preform the arithmetic.


“Yes mei-mei?”

“I threw up in my bed last night.”





TRANSLATIONS/DEFNITIONS Wǒ de shén wǒ ài nǐ: My god I love you.

Bao: dumplings

Nà dì-yù shì shén-me?: What the hell was that?

Josephine Cambenson: New pilot.

meimei: little sister

xiǎo gōng-zhǔ: little princess

Tā kàn-qǐ-lái kě-pà: she looks terrible

māma: mandarin pronunciation for mama

A/N: Honest Comments are always appreciated.


Monday, July 5, 2010 7:59 PM


I like a lot of what you've done. Exploring the romantic plots while keeping the idea of a conflict fresh. (No drama if lovey dovey goes on for more than a bit) However, I sometimes find Joss's willingness to gut punch us frustrating (see: Wash, Summer's character in Dollhouse etc) trouble in a relationship that seems perfect can crop up without someone being impaled, though having it resolve without lingering (yes, no yes no yes) can be difficult

My only question is, since I only read the chain of fanfics you have listed, is Josephine... from Star Wars? is this a crossover? I just saw R2 unit, and a ceremony awarding her that seemed very reminiscent of the end of the 1st Star Wars, perhaps I've managed to fill up my geek quota so much the streams are crossing. And you never want to cross the streams. lol

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 8:22 AM


"My only question is, since I only read the chain of fanfics you have listed, is Josephine... from Star Wars? is this a crossover? I just saw R2 unit, and a ceremony awarding her that seemed very reminiscent of the end of the 1st Star Wars..."

She's not from Star Wars, however she has some geek quota herself and is dreaming of her own awards ceremony (with Luke as her Jedi Master). A lot of hard drives with media came along on the arc ships to entertain the masses, so a good majority of our entertainment and arts survived :)

Annnd, speaking of Jo, just went back and corrected her last name. Serves me right for having not watched the eps in awhile.

Glad you're enjoying :)


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