Relics - Chapter 16
Sunday, March 8, 2009

After a pleasant evening. Allan is called away to help repair Inara's friend's ship.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own ’em. (Except for Allan and the kids. they're mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place nine years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Takes place five years post “The Bash”


AN: First off, my apologies to my loyal readers. This chapter falls a bit flat. My brain has hit a bit of a wall with this story line. To be honest. It's not turning out quite like I wanted. Do not despair. I will finish it. As a matter of fact, there's only a couple of more chapters to go after this one.

I'm not giving up on the “Allanverse. Instead, I think I will work on more story lines post Heritage. A teenage Sara is easier to write than the infant or even the five year old version.

Thanks for all the positive comments from my readers. You guys keep me going.

Also, the next two chapters deal with sexual assault I will keep the graphic descriptions to a minimum but there will be some swearing.


Thanks again to Woonsocket and Chris for the Beta work




Chapter Sixteen


Mal was sitting at the desk in his study, going over the books for the ranch when Inara swept into the room. It was late evening and she was dressed for bed.

Mal rubbed his face and smiled. “Kids in bed?”

“Emma is in the nursery and Jeff is asleep,” the former companion replied as she slid into Mal's lap.

“Anything wrong?” Mal asked.

“No, just an old friend waved. She is going to be on Boros the day after tomorrow and was wondering if she could visit.”

“Of course, Bao-bei,” Mal smiled. “Any companion type friends o' yours are welcome. Former clients, however...”

Inara silenced her husband with a kiss. Pulling back for a moment, Inara smiled at her husband. “She's Shedra's sister.”

Mal nodded. Shedra had been a close friend of Inara's and had died while saving Zoë's life.

“How long is she staying?”

“Just the day, I think.”

“I'll wear a clean shirt.”

Inara smacked Mal on the arm.


You sure you don't mind helping with this?” Allan asked.

“I'm a paralegal. It's my job to sort through endless errata,” Annie smiled.

“I do appreciate the help.”

“These bastards tried to blow us out of the sky. This is the least I can do.”

Allan smiled at her. She would do fine here in this century. “Figuring out how the cortex works okay?”

“It's pretty intuitive,” Annie replied. Seems like a souped up Internet for the most part.”

“That's it. Just add in the telephone system, cable TV, and every other data service and that's the cortex,” Allan replied.

“I think I have the hang of it.”

“I'll leave you to it then,” Allan smiled.

Turning, he left Annie to her work. Exiting the guest house, Allan heard the distant report of gunshots. Zoë was brushing Sylvia up on her pistol technique.

Deciding to wander down towards the barn, Allan spied Melissa in the riding corral. It looked like Mal was giving the teen a riding lesson. Allan also noticed Sam, one of Mal's hired hands was watching the girl closely. Sam was only eighteen and it looked to Allan's eyes that the lad was a bit smitten with her.

Walking further along, he spotted Kaylee and Vonda working on Serenity. Kaylee had been giving the young woman a basic course in spaceship and shuttle repair.

With a wave to the pair, Allan continued down the path to the creek that ran through the property. They had built a small bridge over the stream, largely so the horses could cross easier.

It was also a nice spot to sit and think. Sitting down with his feet dangling over the edge, Allan stared down at the waters surface.

He didn't know how long he had sat there. After a while, he looked up to see Zoë, Sylvia and Sara walking towards him. Sara walked between her mother and her adopted aunt, holding hands with them both.

Breaking away, Sara ran up to her father, wrapping her small arms around his neck, “Hi Daddy,” she said after kissing him on the cheek.

“Hey, baby mine,” Allan smiled.

“What ya doin?”


“Bout what?”

Allan smiled, “About how lucky I am.”

Sara cocked her head. Her curls bouncing. “Lucky?”

“Cause I got you and Momma and Aunt Sylvia and the others,” Allan replied as he pulled the squealing child into his arms and began tickling her.

Sylvia shot Zoë a glance. “A natural isn't he.”

“That he is,” Zoë smiled.


Allan decided he needed a break from the stress of the last few days. Instead, he decided to institute a new tradition at Serenity Acres. In the last few years that the crew had lived here on Boros, they had missed the communal meals they had together. Of course they dined together when Serenity was flying but it wasn't the same.

Allan bounced the idea off Mal and he readily agreed. From now on, every Friday night, they would gather at one of the houses and have dinner together. The whole crew, kids and whatever guests happened to be in town.

The cooking and hosting chores would alternate between the houses. Since it was his idea, Allan assumed responsibility for the first Friday night dinner.

“Annie, could you hand me that pepper mill?” Allan asked.

“Sure,” she replied.

Allan smiled and worked on seasoning the steaks currently sizzling on the grille. Chinese lanterns decorated the patio and deck area. A large table had been set and Kaylee was assisting Zoë in setting it. Sara, Jeff and Becca were playing tag in the yard while little Jack toddled after them. Simon was following his son at a distance.

Jayne and Mal lounged in Allan's deck chairs while Inara fed Emma her bottle on the swing. She was in deep conversation with her friend, Angelique, who had arrived that afternoon. Sylvia, River and Melissa were in the kitchen working on the side dishes and Vonda sat at the table, engrossed in a flight manual.

“Motherhood seems to suit you, Inara,” Angelique remarked.

“I never thought so myself, until it happened,” Inara replied. “But now I wouldn't trade it for the 'Verse.”

“In some ways I envy you, dear.”

“You could always retire, find a husband...”

“I am far too old for children,” Angelique replied.

“Nonsense. Look at Allan there. He was fifty-four when Sara was born.”

“He didn't have to carry her though,” Angelique smiled.

“No,” Inara admitted, smiling herself. “Zoë did that but she is older than I am.”

“Still, she is younger than I.”

“Enough talk of age,” Inara giggled. “We are companions. We don't age. We expand our client base.”

“You don't, my dear. Unless you and your husband have an... arrangement?”

“Heavens no,” Inara replied, “Mal and I are completely faithful to each other.”

“What of your friend, Allan?”

“Never happen. First, he worships the ground Zoë walks on. Second, Zoë could kill him with her pinky. And third, they have Sara.”

“They love each other that much?”

“They do. Each has killed for the other.”

“That is... enlightening.”


After dinner, Angelique took her leave. Her pilot, who had waited in her shuttle, flew them back to her ship, docked in Capital City.

As they docked, he turned to her. “Orders?”

“Break something on the engine. As soon as that is done, prepare the spare room for our soon to be arriving guest.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Angelique smiled slightly. Soon, Allan Bryant would not only be dead, but humiliated and shamed in the process. And she herself would be seen as the victim.


Saturday mornings were pretty laid back at Serenity Acres. Allan took Sara and Melissa with him into town to buy groceries. Allan figured that doing something so 'normal' would help the teens adjustment to the future.

Melissa was overwhelmed by the variety of items available in the supermarket. Boros was rich in agriculture so food was plentiful. Everything from locally grown fruits and vegetables to imported seafood from New Melbourne.

As Allan pushed the shopping cart with Sara standing in the front like the grinning figure head of a sailing ship, Melissa looked about in wonder. And some confusion. It seemed like half of everything was written in Chinese.

“How do you tell what something is?” she asked.

“Why do you think I bring Sara with me,” Allan grinned. “She's five and can read more mandarin than I can.”

Sara looked back over her shoulder, “Daddy's not too bright, sometimes.”

Melissa snorted and Allan rolled his eyes. “Where are you from, Melissa?”


“Back on Earth.”

“Oh. I'm from New York.”

“City or state?”

“State. Upstate actually.”



Allan smiled. “I know that area well. I grew up across the lake in Vermont.”

“Wow. We were almost neighbors.”

“Pretty much. What did your parents do... before you joined the Exodus?”

“Dad owned a hardware store. Mom did the books.”

“How did you end up in cryo?”


“Oh, yes. I remember now. Tier One lottery winners got a berth on one of the ships. Tier Two went into cryo.”

Melissa nodded while Allan took a package of sugary cereal away from Sara and put it back on the shelf. She pouted at her father. Allan replaced it with a variety of instant oatmeal that Sara liked instead.


“Last thing you need, kiddo, is more sugar,” Allan growled with a slight grin on his face.

Sara huffed in frustration.

Melissa grinned at the girl, and when Allan wasn't looking, slipped the cereal Sara wanted into the basket.


Allan was putting the groceries away when he heard a knock at the door. Turning, he saw it was Inara. “Come on in, Inara.”

“Am I intruding?” the former companion asked.

“Not at all.”

“Where is Zoë?”

“Upstairs. She's giving Sara her bath.”

“Ah,” Inara replied.

“Something up?”

“I have a bit of a favor to ask.”

Allan sat on a stool in at the breakfast bar. “Shoot.”

“My friend, Angelique... she just waved. Apparently, her ship has broken down. The maintenance crews at Capital City are backlogged and she asked if perhaps you could come and take a look?”

“I suppose I could. Did you ask Kaylee?”

“Simon is doing the prenatal exams on our guests and River. She can't get away because of Becca and Jack.”

Allan looked at his watch. It would take half an hour to fly to Capital City in one of the shuttles. Two or three hours for diagnostics... half an hour back...

“I think I can do it. I'll just run upstairs and let Zoë know what's up.”

Inara looked relived. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem. Let her know I'm on the way.”



Fifteen minutes later, Allan launched in Shuttle Two, heading for Capital City. Zoë grumbled something about that last time she let him out of her sight in Capital City but Allan assured her that since Niska was dead and he was only going to be fixing a ship belonging to the Guild, parked at the secured port facilities, he would be perfectly safe.

Reluctantly, Zoë agreed but insisted her husband bring his gun. Allan assured her that the emergency beacon in his wedding band was fully charged.

Climbing into the early afternoon sky, Allan relaxed in the pilot's seat. Too bad Vonda was getting her ultra sound done today. This would have been a nice trip to introduce her to flying a shuttle.

It was normally a one hour trip if done wholly in the atmosphere. Instead, Allan flew a suborbital path that would cover the distance in half the time.

Directed to the Executive Section of the port by traffic control, Allan landed next to the virtually brand new, Wessex class yacht. About half the size of Serenity. It had plenty of room and had enough range to get nearly anywhere in the core or to the border worlds like Boros.

Hefting his toolbox, Allan stepped from the shuttle and headed for the yacht. He was met at the hatch by Angelique's pilot, Jacques.

“Mr. Bryant. I'm so glad you could come. Mistress Angelique is rather impatient to be underway.”

“No problem. I'm glad to help. What seems to be the trouble?”

“Something with the gravity drive. I can repair minor things, I really am not qualified to deal with something like that.”

Allan smiled at the man. “Lead the way.”

Jacques led Allan through the tastefully appointed ship. Heading aft, Jacques opened the door to the ships small engine room.

Allan looked around. The space was clean and spartan. The small radion core engine sat in it's housing in the center of the deck. Allan looked at the pilot, “What did she do?”

“When I tried to take off. I got a warning for the G-line on the grav drive. I shut down immediately.”

“Good call. If it had failed while you were still lifting, she would have dropped like a rock.”

“My thoughts as well.”

Allan wasn't very familiar with this model of engine. Being practically brand new, things were smaller and more streamlined than Serenity's power plant.

“Got a maintenance manual somewhere?”

“Right here,” Jacques replied, handing Allan a small data pad. Allan frowned slightly. He much preferred a real manual with pages to look through.

Pulling up a schematic of the drive system, Allan located the G-line on the diagram. The offending part was on the bottom of the casing. Setting down the data pad, Allan grabbed a set of wrenches and laid on the floor. Carefully he slid under the engine.

After a couple of minutes, he called out to Jacques, “Found it! Loose connector on the sensor.”

“That's it?”

“Yep. Easy fix. I'll safety wire it back. You better speak with who does your maintenance. Someone didn't properly secure the connector.”

“Thank Buddha for small favors,” Jacques replied.

“There. All done,” Allan said as he began to wiggle out from underneath the engine.

Jacques offered Allan a hand to help him stand up. Just as Allan rose to his feet, using his free hand, Jacques jabbed Allan with a hypo gun.

“What the hell?” Allan cried out before slumping unconscious to the deck.

Jacques just smiled.


River drew in a sharp breath. Her eyes shooting wide open.

“Sorry Mei-mei. The gel is kind of cold,” Simon said as he began to moved the ultrasound head across his pregnant sisters abdomen.

“Not that, Simon. I felt a flash of alarm from Allan. Then nothing.”

Simon stopped his exam, “Are you sure?”

“He is too far away to read. I just caught a burst of emotion.”

“Inara said he was in Capital City, working on her friend's ship. He probably dropped something on his toe.”

River smiled at her brother. “Perhaps you are right. Allan can be a bit of a klutz from time to time.”

“He once told me if he didn't draw blood at least once while working on machinery, he wasn't working hard enough,” Simon chuckled. “Now let's get a look at my niece.”

River laid back while her brother scanned her womb. Smiling at the fuzzy image of her and Jayne's child. Despite her smile, something nagged at the back of River's mind. Once Simon was done, she would be able to find a quiet place and focus harder on Allan.


Allan awoke fuzzily. As his vision cleared, he saw that he was in what looked like one of the cabins on the yacht. He also realized that he was bound, spread eagle on the bed and he was as naked as the day he came crying.

“I gotta stop coming to Capital City. Bad stuff always happens,” he muttered to himself.

“Ah, I see you're awake,” said a melodic voice.

Allan looked towards the door, Angelique stood there, dressed only in a silk robe, “No offense, but I'm not much into bondage,” Allan muttered.

Angelique smiled, “Ah, but you see. I am. I was the instructor in that discipline at the training house.”

“You are aware of the fact that I am married.”

“I know. That is what makes this so much more satisfying.”


“You see Mr. Bryant. You are going to rape me. And then, thanks to the drug that all companions have available to them, you will die. And in the process, be humiliated and vilified when this becomes public. Imagine the scandal. A prominent business and family man like yourself, who raped a well respected companion. Well I'm sure that your wife will be devastated at your double life.”

“Go to hell” Allan growled. “Besides, it would be kind of hard for me to do anything to you trussed up like this.”

“You see. That is the beauty of my plan,” Angelique smiled, evilly, “There will even be forensic evidence of your crime. Thanks to this...” The companion held up a small syringe.

“What's that?”

“Vigorall. Companions use it for their clients who have... shall we say... performance problems?”

“Get away from me, “Allan growled.

“Oh, I intend to get much closer to you.”

“Why the hell are you doing this?”

“Because of you, my sister, Shedra is dead.”

Allan's eyes widened realization as as Angelique jabbed him with the drug. A warm sensation flowed through his body. Despite his trying to stop it, Allan's body reacted involuntarily to the drug. He began to feel himself harden.

Angelique injected herself with another syringe.

“What's that?” Allan asked, trying to remain calm and think of anything but what was about to happen.

“It has no official name. It is an engineered poison. It attaches to testosterone and is spread through sexual contact. It is harmless to to females. Males on the other hand... well it is not a pleasant way to go. The poison behaves a great deal like high dose radiation.”

Allan began screaming in his mind. Projecting himself to River. At the same time he tried to activate the beacon built into his wedding band.

“Looking for this?” Angelique smiled as she held up Allan's ring.

“Fuck!” Allan swore.

“That's exactly what we are going to do,” Angelique replied as she dropped her robe to the floor. There were red marks already on her body, “Jacques did this. It must be convincing for the authorities... don't you think?”

While Allan screamed and squirmed, trying to break free, Angelique crawled on top of her captive and straddled his hips.




Sunday, March 8, 2009 10:57 PM


Wow. You might not be happy with this chapter, but I think it's great. If I can say that about something ending the way it does ... But how's Allan going to get out of this? Or are the drugs still in his system from his anti-radiation treatment going to help out?


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I Choose You - Chapter 2
A Scoobie joins Serenity's crew

I Choose You - Chapter 1
My first foray into the Buffyverse/Crossed over with Firefly. 500 years from now, two nearly immortal Slayers, a powerful Witch and the Immortal Key struggle with the same thing they always have. Love, Family and Vampires. Willow/River pairing.

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Mal and John Henry discuss Time travel and Sarah Connor Realizes she isn't in Kansas (or California) anymore.

Discovery - Chapter 7
Back in my FF/T:TSCC crossover verse. John Connor and the crew of Serenity go out to a bar. The inevitable occurs.

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On Santo, the crew sees to supplies while River, Zoe and MacLeod meet with two of Mac's oldest friends.

Quest - Chapter 32
Done!!!!! Last chapter in this story arc. The Allanverse will continue at some point, however.

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Tales of the Rangers - Chapter 14
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Little Girl Lost
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