Relics - Chapter 5
Monday, February 16, 2009

Serenity reaches the Kansas and Allan gets his first look at the damage...


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan and the kids. they're mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place nine years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Takes place five years post “The Bash” -

A/N: New story arc. Set five years after “The Bash”


Thanks again to Woonsocket and Chris for the Beta work




Chapter Five


“Simon, I'm fine!” River said in an exasperated tone.

“Mei-mei, I know, but I want to ensure that there will be no problems with your pregnancy...” the young doctor trailed off as his sister hit him with a withering glare.


“Okay, okay. I'll back off. A little, anyway. But I want you to take these vitamin supplements. And I want to examine you every few weeks.”

“Fine,” River groused as she took a bottle of pills from her brother.

“I'm guessing you have a very good idea as to when you conceived,” Simon asked.

“Thirty-nine days, seven hours, twenty-two minutes, fifteen...”

“Close enough, Mei-mei,” Simon said with a chuckle, “I don't even know why I bother keeping pregnancy tests around here. I should just ask you.”

River grinned at her brother, “I did know about Sara, Jack, and Emma.”

“Why didn't you know about Jeff and Becca?”

“Who said I didn't?” River giggled before dancing out of the infirmary.

“Brat!” Simon called after her.

“What did your sister do now?” Allan asked as he approached the infirmary.

“Just being her normal, bratty self. It's amazing how much she has changed. When I first found out what they had done to her, I despaired ever being able to really make her whole again. I hate to say it, but over these last nine years, River has finally become the young woman she was supposed to be... and a royal pain in the ass.”

Allan smiled knowingly, “Uh, Simon? You have any burn cream?”

Simon switched gears back to doctor mode from big brother mode in an instant, “What's wrong?”

Allan held up his hand. A nasty red mark showed across his fingers and palm, “Grabbed a piece of metal... while Jayne was welding it... My fault. But it hurts like hell.”

“I have just the thing.”

A few minutes later Allan emerged from the infirmary with a bandage around his right hand, “Thanks, Simon.”

“Just keep it clean and... well, you know the drill.”

Allan nodded, “I do.”

“And what did you do to yourself, Husband?” Zoë asked as she came down the stairs next to the infirmary.

“Grabbed a piece of hot metal.”

“Poor baby,” Zoë chuckled, “Want me to kiss it and make it better?”

“I'd rather you kissed something else besides my hand,” Allan grinned.

“Oh, really?” Zoë purred before kissing her husband firmly on the lips. Simon just threw up his hands and turned back to his infirmary.

“Ewwww!” the couple heard a small voice say.

“Impeccable timing as always,” Allan growled into Zoë's lips.

“Yep,” Zoë grinned back before breaking the kiss. The two of them turned to see the small form of their daughter staring at them with a look of disgust on her small face.

“What is it, Princess?” Allan asked.

“Aun' Kaylee say to get your Pi... uh, backside back to the bay. She needs help fitting the pressure regulator,” Sara stated with her hands on her tiny hips.

“She does, huh?” Allan said as he quickly grabbed for his daughter and slung her under his left arm. Sara howled with laughter.

“Dad... daddy, put me down!” She screamed between laughs.

Allan grasped Sara by the back of her overalls and hung her upside down, “You want to get down?

“No!” She screamed.

Allan pulled Sara up into his arms, “That better?”

Giggling, Sara nodded enthusiastically.

“Okay, let's go help Aunt Kaylee,” Allan replied as he and Sara headed back into the bay. Zoë sighed with a smile on her face before heading back upstairs.


“I think that does it,” Allan stated as he stood back from the large piece of machinery they had assembled in the center of the bay.

Jayne looked at it suspiciously, “This is gonna work... right?”

“Yes, Jayne. I just put a weeks work into building something, that, the first time it's used, will kill us all,” Allan said sarcastically.

The big man just glared at him.

“It will work, Jayne. And we'll have suits on anyway when we board Kansas. Even if she still has any atmo left, she's going to be real cold.”

“I don't like cold.” Jayne stated.

Kaylee, Rebecca and Sara all rolled their eyes. Allan just snorted, “Suit up Jayne. You and me have to get this outside and get it fitted to the outboard airlock on Shuttle Two.”

“Whatever,” the big man grumbled before heading for the space suit locker.


Fitting the docking adapter had taken just over two hours. While the two men worked, Allan continued thinking about what they might find on board The Kansas.

The possibility that there might be people like him, still in cryo. Expecting to wake up in one hundreds years time to help build a new world. Instead they would awaken to over thirty worlds and a thriving society.

Allan knew they were going to need help adjusting. It had taken him years to even partially adjust. What had helped him, Allan mused, was being with a group of people who made him family and helped him through the rough spots. Being a genius didn't hurt, either.

Now there was the potential for upwards of fifteen hundred people being cast headlong into the twenty-sixth century when they only expected to be in the twenty-third. If anyone was still alive on Kansas, they would need a more than a bit of counseling.

Turning back to his work, Allan finished the last connection on the docking adapter, “I think that does it, Jayne.”

“Bout time,” the big man's voice crackled across Allan's headset.

Retrieving the bag of tools floating a few feet away by it's tether, Allan began heading for the topside airlock. It was much closer and safer to use than the main lock in the cargo bay. They had exited that way with the large adapter, only because it was too big to fit any other way.

Jayne entered the lock first. Allan took a moment to look around. A slight smile was on his face. He did enjoy working outside. The view through his helmet's faceplate was spectacular.

“You coming or you just gonna gawk all day?” Jayne asked.

“On the way,” Allan replied as he followed the big man into the airlock.

“All set?” Mal asked at the bottom of the ladder once they had removed their helmets.

“Set,” Allan replied, handing his helmet to the captain, “We'll be able to dock with any of the airlocks on Kansas.”

“Don't she have docking bays?”

“She does but I doubt the doors are going to work real well with no power.”

“Got a point.”

“Well, I'm hungry,” Allan replied, changing the subject. “Who's cooking tonight?”

Jayne chuckled and Mal just grinned, “Zoë.”

Allan's face fell, “Pray she's only reheating leftovers.”

The two other men laughed at Allan. Knowing if Zoë had heard that comment, he would be sleeping on the sofa in the common area for a week.

“Maybe if I give her a hand, I can salvage dinner,” Allan mumbled.

“My stomach would be most appreciative,” Mal replied.


The next four days went by uneventfully. Just after lunch on the fifth day, Allan had the bridge watch when they were hailed.

“Unidentified vessel, this is the Alliance warship, Eagle. This area of space is off limits.”

“Eagle, this is the Firefly transport, Serenity. I think you are expecting us.”

“Stand by Serenity,” Ordered the voice over the ship to ship frequency.

“Standing by,” Allan replied.

“What's up, Baby?” Zoë asked as she entered the bridge. Sara in tow.

“Fleet's got a picket ship guarding Kansas.”

“Makes sense.”

Allan pulled Sara into his lap. She giggled as she settled in. She loved sitting on the bridge with her father.

“Serenity, Admiral Shin sends his complements. I am uploading a course to your navsat. Please follow the uploaded course to the the Magellan.”

“Copy, Eagle,” Allan replied..

Serenity changed course slightly and headed for the huge flying city masquerading as a ship called Magellan.


“Always gives me the willies, bein this close to a cruiser,” Mal said quietly.

“Not alone in that, Sir,” Zoë replied.

“Try being me.” River stated. as she maneuvered Serenity for docking with the massive vessel.

“That the Sutherland over there?” Allan asked.

Mal looked out at the other Firefly also docked with Magellan.

“Looks like her. Been a while. How long since we last ran into Robert?”

“Just before we found my frozen popsicle of a husband, Sir,” Zoë grinned from her perch behind Allan's seat in the co-pilot's position.

“Hey! I resemble that remark,” Allan mock protested. Sara giggled in his lap.

With a last lurch. Serenity latched onto the docking adapter.

“Let's go meet the Admiral,” Mal stated as he led his family off the bridge.


Mal was surprised. In the past, when docking with a cruiser. Armed feds led the way and usually proceeded to tear his ship apart. Being invited to dine with the Admiral was never something he had ever expected.

Gathered around the table sat Mal, Inara, Zoë, Allan, Robert and Jessica Sutherland along with Admiral Shin.

The Admiral raised his glass, “A toast. To the valiant crew and passengers of the Kansas.”

Everyone raised their glasses.

“Robert, how is everyone?” Mal asked his old friend.

“Fine Mal, fine,” the other captain replied.

“How old is Bobbie now?”

“Seventeen. She's my pilot now.”

“Good to hear.”

“I'm so happy you and Mal finally tied the knot, Inara,” Jessica said. “We would have been at the wedding but we were halfway across the 'verse at the time.”

“Core's not on our usual itinerary, anyway,” Robert replied.

As the two couples caught up, Admiral Shin turned to Allan, “Dr. Bryant. How do you plan on diverting the Kansas?”

“That depends,” the engineer replied, “on what I find over there when we board. If I can get life support back on line, then it will simply be a task of getting the tugs attached and then beginning a burn to slow her down.”

“And if you cannot get life support reestablished?”

“Still working on that part. Without at least inertial dampening, the hull wont be able to take the strain of a prolonged retro burn.” Allan admitted.

“Worse case scenario?” the admiral asked.

“We spend a few months getting everything off her we can. Before Kansas impacts Ariel, we scuttle her with a nuke. In once piece, she'll hit the ground. In a million, she'll just be a pretty light show as the pieces burn up”

“A terrible waste.”

“Not my first choice,” Allan admitted.

“What about the people?” Zoë asked.

“People?” the Admiral asked.

“Cold and vacuum tends to preserve bodies,” Zoë replied, “From what my husband tells me, there's upwards of eight thousand bodies over there. Not to mention the cryo units.”

“We have the facilities to deal with the bodies. Do you think the cryo units might still be functioning?”

“It's a possibility,” Allan replied, “If there's any power left, some pods may still be functioning.”

“How many?”

“Best case... All fifteen hundred. Realistically? Twenty, tops.”

“Why so few?”

“They were designed to keep a human being in suspension for one hundred years. And thats with having regular maintenance during the trip. After over four hundred years with no maintenance? Well, I'm hoping but not too hard.”

“Yet here you are...”

“I was damn lucky, sir.”

The Admiral nodded, “When do you want to board?”

“In the morning. First thing I want to do is take a detailed survey of the exterior then get to the bridge and download the ship's logs. That will get us a starting point to work from.”

“Very well,” Admiral shin replied, “What do you need from me?”

“One of your best engineers with EVA experience.”

“I can arrange that.”

“I thought you might,” Allan grinned.


In the end, there had been more volunteers from Magellan's engineering department than Shuttle Two could carry.

Allan decided for the first trip, he would take Mal, an engineering Lieutenant named Steve Henderson and Robert Sutherland since he had insisted on going in order to officially stake his salvage claim. Allan had insisted Kaylee remain behind on Serenity, despite her protests.

He didn't want her over there until they knew what was what. Not to mention Allan knew in the back of his mind, there were going to be many, many bodies.

As Allan undocked from Serenity, the larger ship followed a few hundred yards behind.

“Damn, she's big,” Mal muttered as the Kansas first came into view.

“Four clicks long... well not quite anymore,” Allan said as he observed the missing engines.

“From the close up images we took,” Lt. Henderson said, “It definitely looks like some kind of collision.”

“I agree,” Allan said as he flew the shuttle along the massive hull.

Back on Serenity, Zoë looked worriedly at River, “Mei-mei, you okay?”

“So much death...” River said faintly. A slight tremble running through her frame.

Jayne was at her side immediately, “Just think on me, baby girl,” The big man said as he laid his hand on his wifes shoulder.

River patted Jayne's hand, “I'll be okay. Just stay close.”

“Ain't goin nowhere.”


Zoë turned to look at the entrance to the bridge. Three little faces peered back.

“What is it, Baby?”

“Can Becca, Jeff, an me watch up here?” Sara asked.

Zoë nodded, “Just go sit on the stairs to the avionics bay.”

“Yes Momma,” The little girl said as she led her cousins to the stairs at the front of the bridge.

River carefully maneuvered Serenity behind the shuttle, keeping the bridge windows facing the hull of Kansas.

Allan flew completely around Kansas. Paying particular attention to the ships aft end.

“Damn,” the older man muttered.

“What is it, Allan?” Mal asked from the co-pilots seat.

“See that glassed in area near the stern?”


“That's aft hydroponics. There were eight hundred cryo capsules in there. The area has obviously been breeched.”

“No hope?”

“Not much,” Allan said.

“Aft end is mangled... and bent,” Robert Sutherland remarked.

“Asteroid or a comet,” Allan said, “Or another exodus ship. Only thing with enough mass to do that. The entire primary reactor space and the engines along with three of the fuel tanks are just gone.”

“Looks like a jury rigged fuel line there,” Lt. Henderson said.

“Good eye, LT,” Allan replied after spotting what the young engineer had seen.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Allan grabbed the com, “Serenity, we're heading for the bow. There's an airlock two decks below the bridge. That's where we'll dock.”

“Copy Allan,” River's voice replied.

Allan turned the shuttle and began flying across the hull. As they passed over the huge transparent dome on top of the ship, Allan swore.

“What is it?” Mal asked.

“Look in there,” Allan said, referring to the dome looming ahead. The shuttles lights were beginning to illuminate inside.

Hundreds of bodies could be seen floating.

“Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze,” Robert muttered.

Allan steeled himself and guided the shuttle forward. “That's the bridge,” Allan said a moment later, pointing to a row of windows set near the top of a raised area near the front of the ship. The dome shaped part of the hull was nearly half the size of the entire Magellan.

Just below it was a marked airlock. Allan gently maneuvered the shuttle into position. A slight lurch was felt as the docking adapter clamped onto the fittings built into Kansas' hull.

“Hard dock,” Allan announced, “Gentlemen, Let's suit up.”

With nods all around, the four men began donning their EVA suits.

Kansas awaited.




Monday, February 16, 2009 4:07 PM


Is gettin' really good. I like the suspense that is building and as always I love the kids and the way you write them.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 7:12 AM


And they call *me* queen of the cliffhangers? Okay, so maybe you're king ... Good stuff, though. And I can't wait to see what's on board Kansas.


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A Scoobie joins Serenity's crew

I Choose You - Chapter 1
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