The Bash-Chapter Four
Thursday, January 22, 2009

A member of the extended Serenity family does something foolish so Monty and Allan have to come to the rescue. Guest appearance by Mal and Inara...


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan. He's mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place four and a half years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Follows after Birthday and Recollections.


A/N: Just some more build up before it hits the fan.


Thanks again Chris for the Beta.


The Bash


Chapter Four


Frederica Cobb was glad to get off the piece of go-se she had ridden from Deadwood. It was the first time she had ever traveled off world and despite the air of confidence she wore, she was just a bit frightened.

The freighter had landed near her home. A rare occurrence. Frederica had been waiting for a chance like this for months. Her Mother and Brother already knew she was leaving as soon as a ship came by that would take passengers. Vera Cobb knew that her daughter was too much like her older brother, Jayne. Frederica Cobb wasn't destined to be a rim world housewife.

Frederica glanced around the busy port. Newhall wasn't her final destination but it was in the right direction. Somewhere around here there had to be a ship heading for Londonium.

During the two week trip from Deadwood, she kept to her room except for meals. The Captain was okay if a more than a bit stingy. However, more than a few of the other crew members gave her the creeps. She slept with her door locked and a gun under her pillow.

Adjusting the straps of the pack on her back and hefting her large canvas bag, Fred set off in search of another ship.

After a few minutes of walking she found a kiosk that listed ships that were taking passengers and their destinations. Fred smiled when she saw one ship heading for Londonium. Noting down the slip number, Fred headed across the port.

She shivered as she walked. Newhall was a much colder planet than Deadwood. Fred noticed a few furtive looks from the men as she passed. Tall like her brother, Fred stood just over six feet tall, her dark hair pulled back into a tight pony tail. Soon she found the ship that hopefully, held her ticket off Newhall.

Several crew were outside the ship unloading crates. Most of which seemed to bear the Blue Sun logo. Fred was relived to see a few women among the crew. She approached a tall, heavy set man with a beard. He looked to be in charge.

“I'm looking for the Captain,” Fred asked without preamble.

“That would be me, Missy,” the big man rumbled. Casting an eye on the tall woman before him. Noting her utilitarian cargo pants, tank top and light jacket. The Captain also noticed the well maintained pistol on the woman's hip.

“I'm looking for passage to Londonium. I saw you folks are headin there,” Fred said tentatively.

“Might be Lass,” The Captain replied, “What have you got for the fare?”

“Depends on how much,” Fred replied, “Last ship I was on charged me for every little thing. Even the gorram toilet paper.”

“I ain't so bad as that,” the big man chuckled as he stroked his long beard, “How's one fifty platinum sound?”

Fred's face fell, she only had one hundred platinum left after the hundan captain on the other ship fleeced her, “Guess I won't be travelin with you then. Only got a hundred left to my name.”

The captain looked at the proud yet clearly nervous young woman, “First time away from home?”

“Yes sir.”

“Know how to use that gun?”

“Afore he was killed, my Daddy was the sheriff. And my big brother taught me more about shootin.”

“Got any 'tother skills?”

“Know my way around the kitchen,” Fred said hopefully.

“Never met a rim girl yet, who didn't. But I got a cook already.”

“Oh,” Fred said, crestfallen. She hefted her bag and started to turn away.

“Now don't be rushin off, Lassie... tell you what. I'm a might short handed for deck crew this run. You help out unloadin the cargo. Give Nettie a hand in the galley and we'll call it square. How's that sound?”

“Terrific, Captain,” Fred smiled.

“What's yer' name anyway girl?”

“Frederica Cobb. You can call me Fred.”

“Cobb?” the captain exclaimed, “That big brother you mentioned... he wouldn't be a big, bad tempered feller, name o' Jayne would he?”

Fred grinned, “Ain't so bad tempered now. River done calmed him a might.”

The Captain's bearded face split into a wide grin, “Hell girl, why didn't you say you were Jayne's sister? Would've avoided all this pussyfootin around. You're practically kin!”

“I am?”

“Pardon my manners. Name's Captain Montague Reynolds... Mal Reynolds is my cousin.”

Fred's smile matched Monty's, “ Pleased to met you...”

“Jus' call me Monty. Get your gear girl, and I'll show you around the boat. And you forget about workin your passage. Mal'd tan my hide and yer' brother would shoot me iffin' I charged ya' or made ya' work.”

“I don't mind.”

“Well, maybe I'll still have ya' help out Nettie. But we'll keep that 'tween ourselves. Dong-ma?

“Dang-ran,” Fred replied.

“Follow me to yer' room.”


Allan awoke to find the bed empty. He smiled at the memory of he and Zoë's nocturnal activities the night previous. Zoë did indeed make him feel like a teenager. Throwing on a robe, Allan headed for the bathroom and a shower.

Emerging ten minutes later feeling a a bit more awake, he headed for the sitting room. Allan found his wife and daughter on the sofa, Sara sucking noisily from her Mother's breast.

“Looks like someone's hungry,” Allan said as he entered.

Zoë smiled, “Might say that. Sleep well?”

“I did. It's nice that Sara sleeps through the night now.”

“That is is.”

“Seen Marion yet?”

“Nope,” Zoë grinned.

A moment later, the door lock beeped and Marion tentatively entered the suite. Hoping to sneak back into her room and change before Allan and Zoë woke up. She froze when she saw her employer and his wife grinning at her.

“Uh... morning.”

“Good morning Marion,” Allan said, still smiling, “Have a good night?”

“Was... fine...” she replied.

“Good, we're ordering room service for breakfast so you'll have time to get ready. Just put your order with ours on the system.”

“Uhh, thanks Boss. Back in a few,” Marion replied as she literally ran for her room.

“Nice dress,” Zoë said, grinning after Marion's door had closed, “What little there is of it, that is.”

“Yeah, I'd lay odds she had more than a few come on's from men last night.”

“Too bad for them,” Zoë giggled.

“Yep,” Allan replied, “Too bad.”


Allan and Zoë strolled into the pool area on the Shinon Queen. Built into the top deck of the ship, Transparent panels overhead offered a spectacular view of space. Clever use of lighting made it look as if the midday sun was shining down. There was also just enough UV light to allow tanning. Creative landscaping and ocean views painted on the walls completed the illusion of a real beach.

Zoë was wearing a white one piece bathing suit, sandals and an over sized Hawaiian shirt. Allan was dressed in knee length swim trunks, sandals and a similarly garish shirt. Sara had been dressed in a floral pattern outfit and a miniature panama hat. Allan grinned at his daughter as he carried her. Zoë carried a diaper bag.

They found a pair of lounge chairs near the pool and settled in. A waiter appeared immediately and took their drink orders. Marion did a very good job of blending into the background.

“This is more like it,” Allan grinned he leaned back, Sara still in his arms.

“Not quite as nice as where we had our honeymoon, but it'll do,” Zoë replied.

“Nothing like real ocean,” Allan admitted, “Back on Earth, I'd head down to the Florida Keys in the winter for a couple of weeks. Do some deep sea fishing or just lay on the beach.”

“All alone?” Zoë asked. She had never asked Allan about any other women he may have slept with before he met her.

“Sometimes... sometimes not,” he replied quietly.

“Relax Baby. I know you weren't saving yourself for me.”

“I am a man,” Allan chuckled.

“Which you proved again last night,” Zoë grinned.

“And you can stop rolling your eyes, Marion,” Alan said to the young woman standing behind him without looking, “I know what you were doing last night too.”

“Not quite the same Boss,” Marion replied, “Ain't got your... equipment.”

“Har har,” Allan replied.

Sara was amusing herself by beating on her father's chest with her fists. All the while babbling to herself.

“Oof, you tryin to beat up your daddy, kiddo?”

“Da, bub, plurbl,” Sara babbled with a wide grin on her face.

“What was that kiddo?”


Now it was Allan's turn to roll his eyes.

“Give her time Baby,” Zoë smiled.

“Why don't you take her for a while. I think I'm going for a swim.”

Allan handed Sara to his wife and took off his shirt and sandals.

“Hubba hubba, Hubbie,” Zoë chuckled.

Allan shook his head in amusement and headed for the pool. Marion took a few steps in the same direction before Zoë stopped her.

“He'll be fine. You ain't gotta follow him everywhere.”

“It's my job.”

“Then you better go change into a suit iffin you want to follow him into the water. Chlorine won't do them duds you're wearing any help.”

Marion chuckled, “Guess you're right.”

“Just by bein seen, you keep him and us safer. People knowing that Allan has at least one guard keeps the riff raff away.”

“I know that. Just... Allan's been the best boss I've ever had. Don't want anything happening to him.”

“Join the club Missy,” Zoë smiled, “Here, you keep an eye on Sara for a minute while I go molest my husband in the pool.”

“Okay Zoë,” Marion chuckled.


Mal blinked away sleep and stumbled to the cortex screen on his desk. Seeing the incoming address, he decided not to to be too upset about the hour of the call.

“Hey Monty,” Mal said to the image of his cousin, “What occasions the wave?”

“Aw hell, Mal, sorry about the hour. Looks like I just woke ya' up...”

“It's okay... Anything wrong?”

“Not wrong per say... I actually need ta' speak at Jayne.”

“Jayne?” Mal asked as Inara stepped beside him.

“Oh, hey 'Nara. Sorry bout wakin you too.”

“It's quite all right Monty. Now what's this about Jayne?”

“Goes like this. I picked me up a passenger. And she's Jayne kin. Sister actually.”

“What the hell is Fred doing off Deadwood?” Mal asked.

“Don't rightly know. Picked her up on Newhall. Damn near broke and lookin for passage to Londonium.”

“Is she alright?” Inara asked.

“Right as rain. I'm just a little... Well, rim girl like that bein let off in the core, no money...”

Mal held up his hand, “I understand. When do you arrive?”

“Bout thirty hours.”

“Allan and Zoë Should be getting to Londonium a bit ahead o' you. I'll wave em' and fill in the details.”

“Thanks Mal. Just kinda worried on the girl. She's smart enough , but never being off planet afore...”

“You were right to call, Monty,” Inara smiled, “We'll take care of it.”

“Thanks, Well I got to be getting back to work here. Next run to Boros, I'll stop by.”

“I'll hold ya' to that you ole' Walrus,” Mal chuckled.

“See ya',” Monty said as he cut the wave.

“Are you calling Allan?” Inara asked her husband.

“Yep. Soon as I remember where I put the address for the Shinon Queen...”

“Top drawer of your desk.”

“What would I ever do without you?”

“It staggers the mind...”


“Who are we meeting?” Marion asked her boss.

“Frederica Cobb, Jayne's sister.”

“Jayne has a sister? I kinda thought he just sorta... hatched.”

“Don't let River hear you say that,” Zoë warned.

“Or even think it,” Allan chuckled as he settled back in the plush leather seat of the executive shuttle carrying them down to New London.

The shuttle buffeted for a moment as it hit the thicker air and Sara began to cry. Zoë reached over to comfort her as she sat in the unfamiliar confines of her safety seat.

Soon, the shuttle gently settled to the ground at Blue Sun's private port. A few moments later, the family and body guard stepped onto Londonium. A limo was waiting for them.

“When is the Walrus due in?” Allan asked the senior ground crewman.

“Tower says she just broke atmo sir. About ten minutes I'd say.”

“We'll wait then.”

“Very good sir.”

A few minutes later the familiar boxy shape of the Walrus came into view. In a cloud of dust the ship settled to the ground.

Allan, Zoë (carrying Sara) and Marion approached the ship. As the ramp lowered, Monty's huge feet could be heard clomping down the ramp.

“Monty!” Allan called out.

“Allan! How are you?” the big man replied as he pulled Allan into a bear hug. Marion almost went for her gun.

“Put me down you Sasquatch,” Allan chuckled, “Freight office been treating you well?”

Monty smiled, “Got the pick o' the cargoes and top pay to boot. Can't thank ya' enough fer' that.”

“Any kin of Mal's is a friend of mine.”

Monty nodded and then his eyes fell on the bundle in Zoë's arms.

“Zoë girl... is that what I think it is in yer' arms?”

Zoë beamed at her old friend, “Come meet, Sara.”

Monty stepped closer and pulled the blanket back to better see the babe in Zoë's arms.

“Cute little critter,” Monty grinned.

Sara reached out and grabbed double handfuls of beard.

“Ornery too. Must take after her Momma,” Monty chuckled as he gently disentangled the tiny fingers from his beard.

“Mama!” Sara cried out.

Monty's eyes shot wide open, “How old is she?”

“Almost four months,” Allan grinned, “Gets her good looks from her Momma and her brains from both of us.”

“Ain't that somethin. First word at less'n four months...”

“Where's Fred?” Allan asked.

“Still on the ship. I told her to wait a spell. Gave her an excuse o' findin her a place to stay.”

“I got that covered,” Allan replied.

“Figured you would. Yer' a good man Allan Bryant.”

Allan smiled, “Let's go collect out wayward Cobb, shall we?”


Fred was pacing back and forth in the small cabin Monty had provided her. She had told him that she didn't need Monty to find her a place to stay but he had insisted. Sitting on the narrow bunk, she head a knock at the door.

“Fred? Your ride is here...”

Fred stood up and stepped to the door, “I don't need a... Go-se.”

“Hey Fred,” Allan smiled.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I do have to show my face at the office from time to time, you know.”

Fred dropped her eyes, “Momma called you didn't she?”

“Nope. Monty called Mal and Mal called me.”

“I don't want no charity,” Fred said indignantly.

“Where were you planning on sleeping tonight?” Allan asked her.

“I can pay for a room.”

“Not in New London you can't. Even the hostels charge two hundred platinum a night.”


“Or were you going to sleep on the street?”

“There's someone I could have called...”

“Ain't here. Prime Minister is on Ariel. That means Oso is with him.”

Fred just looked at her boots.

“Come on Fred. Jayne would kick my ass if I let you sleep on the street. Besides, you haven't met Sara yet.”


“My daughter.”

“You and Zoë had a baby?” Fred squealed.

“Yep, She's almost four months. Grab your gear and let's go.”

With a smile on her face, Fred followed Allan out of the ship.

Once outside, Allan took Sara so Zoë could greet Fred.

“How you doing Freddie girl?” Zoë asked as she hugged the younger woman.

“Embarrassed,” she replied, returning the hug.

“So that's Jayne's sister?” Marion asked her boss.


“Kinda cute...”

“Hate to tell you, but I think she has eyes for Oso...”

“Poor girl. I'll have to fill her in about the big lug.”

“Be nice, Marion,” Allan chided.

“Oaf did blow my foot off...” Marion said grinning.

“You're never gonna let him forget that, will you?”


Zoë led Fred over to her husband and pulled back the blanket to reveal a sleeping Sara.

“She's so cute,” Fred whispered.

“That she is,” Allan replied.

“Marion, this is Frederica Cobb,” Zoë said, “Fred, this is Marion Vorrasi. Allan's body guard.”

“This little thing is your bodyguard?” Fred asked as she looked down at the shorter woman.

“Hey...” Marion started to protest.

“Marion was one of the platoon sargents working for Oso in Special Forces.” Allan interjected.


“Come on Fred. The limo is waiting.”


“You're staying with us for a few days,” Zoë stated.


“No buts. And it's not charity. Jayne's the closest thing I have to a younger brother. That makes you family,” Allan stated

“Besides, we've got a lot of company go-se to deal with this week,” Zoë added, “And we need a babysitter we can trust. You do know how to change a diaper... don't you?”

“Changed Mattie's a time or two,” Fred grinned.

“You'll do,” Allan grinned.




Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:49 PM


Thanks for the Mal cameo! And Monty - I like him, he's all sort of cuddly. As for the story, can't wait to find out what happens next!


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