Heritage - Chapter 22
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Allan squeaks out of his encounter with the Mercenaries and the assault on the Mine complex begins...


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This story is set fifteen years into the future from the story I have written called “Big Blue”


AN: Getting closer to the end here folks...


Thanks to my Beta, Chris

Cast of characters:

Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 52 Inara Serra-Reynolds 45 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 44 Kaylee Tam 41 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 16 Emma Reynolds 11 Sara Bryant 15 Rebecca Tam 16 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 9 Jesse Cobb 6


Heritage-Chapter Twenty Two


“Kin I help you fellers?” Allan said, putting just a little slur in his speech. He tried to keep calm. Being surrounded by three hard core mercenaries wasn't doing wonders for his blood pressure.

“Who the hell are you old man?”

“Like I told yer' buddy inside, name's Allan Washburn.”

“What are you doin here?” the man growled at Allan.

“Was tryin ta' go home till you fellers got all up in ma' face.”

The leader of this little group made as if he was going to hit him. Allan knew he was going to have to take the punch to keep from blowing cover.

Allan began to brace himself when he heard a shout.

“Hey! Break it up!” called a voice behind the group.

“Nothing wrong here Sheriff,” The lead man said, quickly backing away from Allan.

“Don't give me that,” The man said as he approached. Just a bit shorter than Allan with gray hair, the man the mercenaries called the sheriff looked to be around the same age as Allan. He also wore a brown coat.

“You lot 'ave bin causin trouble ever since you done showed up. Now get yer fancy pi-gu's back to the mine where ya' belong and stop harrasin the local drunk.”

“You know this old man?”

“Hell yeah. That's old Gramps. Must have had some extra coin this week iffin he was in the tavern drinkin.”

“All right then,” The mercenary said, “Come on boys. We gotta get back inside and report to the boss.”

As the three men filed back inside the tavern, Allan couldn't believe his good luck. But when did St. Albans have a sheriff?

“Much obliged,” Allan said to his savior

“No problem. Any man who wears brown like you do deserves a might of consideration.”

“Well, The coat was a gift. I wasn't in the war but my best friend and wife were.”

“You didn't serve?” The Sheriff asked suspiciously.

“I was... indisposed, you might say during the war. My wife was at Serenity Valley.”

“She wouldn't be a tall black woman who goes by the name of Zoë would she?”

Allan glared at the man, trying to figure out if he was a threat. Staring into the Sheriff's eyes Allan came to a conclusion, “She is.”

A small smile came across the lawman's face, “You're among friends. Zoë and Mal got my boy through Serenity and then brought him home when he passed some time later. Oh, where are my manners. Name's Tracy, Paul Tracy.”

“Nice to meet you Paul.”

“And you must be Mr. Bryant,” The Sheriff smiled.


“Despite him bein a purple belly, I get along purty well with the boss o' the fed station. He let me know you might be showin up.”

“Come on Sheriff, lets head back to my shuttle... we need to talk.”


A little after one am, Jayne, Lisa and Fred made their way back to the shuttle. Surprised to see the Sheriff inside as well.

“Well, I'll be off Allan. Wife is probably wonderin where I went.”

“Thanks for the information Paul. Goodnight.”

“What was that all about?” Fred asked, shaking off the snow and closing the hatch after the sheriff left.

“We need to get back quick, We're moving the op up twenty four hours. We hit em' tonight.”

Allan started the shuttles engines and soon the craft disappeared into the swirling snow. Unknown to the occupants, someone watched their departure. The same man who accosted Allan outside the tavern. He lifted his com to his lips.


“Mr Wing?”

“What is it Mr. Wade?” Rafe Wing replied with a huff. He was about to go to bed.

“My men in town report some suspicious activity. Also I met a man in the tavern this evening who looks a great deal like Allan Bryant.”

“What? It can't be him. You're mistaken.”

“The sheriff seems to be in cooperation with the man who looks like Bryant. They met in a shuttle parked at the docks. The two new barmaids from the tavern as well as a large man joined them at the shuttle. As soon as the others boarded the shuttle and the Sheriff left. They took off and headed west.”

Rafe Wing suddenly looked scared. If Bryant had tracked him to St. Albans. He most likely had brought at least one or even more of the Blue Sun special ops teams with him. After murdering the Team One leader himself. Rafe knew they would be out for blood... his blood.

Rafe crossed the room quickly and started pounding on his cousin's bedroom door, “Johnny, get your ass up! You need to get the ship ready to fly!”

“What's going on Rafe?” a sleepy Johnny said as he opened the door.

“Bryant's here.”



“Command to sniper one, report,” Allan said into the com unit built into the helmet he wore.

“Think they know we're coming Boss. Lots of activity,” Danny Isham reported back.

Allan grunted and shrugged his shoulders. Trying to get the heavy flak vest he wore to sit better.

“Let's get in the air, Bobby.”

“Lifting now,” The pilot replied.

In a blast of snow, Sara Jane lifted from it's hiding place, quickly disappearing into the gloom. Challenger was already airborne after dropping off Team Two

“You ready?” Allan asked Bobby.

“Yep, get some for me will ya.”

“You got it Little Red,” Allan replied as he turned and left the bridge heading for the cargo bay.

Descending the stairs, he gazed at his team. They were all dressed alike. Mottled gray and white patterned insulated coveralls topped with heavy body armor, knee pads and various pieces of equipment. All wore helmets with internal com units, Balaclavas to ward off the cold and goggles that were laser resistant.

They were dressed to kill.

“We all set?” Allan asked as he picked up his trusty Colt M-4 carbine. The rifle was an old friend. His .45 automatic was tucked into a low riding holster and as a final backup Allan's 9 mm Glock was tucked into his vest.

“All set Boss,” Oso replied, looking like a polar bear in his armor and gear. Even Jayne was wearing the tactical gear. Carrying Vera as his weapon of choice. Several grenades hung from his web gear.

“Team Two set,” Whispered a voice in Allan's ear. He turned to his tech expert.

“Olivia... would you do the honors?”

The blond grinned and extracted a remote from her pocket, flipped off the safety and pushed the button.

A mile from the mine, a wooden power pole suddenly fell over, it's base sheared by the shaped charge placed there hours before by Olivia. As the pole fell, it took the power lines feeding the mine complex with it.

“Powers out!” said the voice in Allan's ear.

“Execute!” he ordered.


“What do you mean, Bryant's here?” Johnny asked, fear in his voice.

“I mean here on St. Albans you idiot. Go get the ship ready to fly. We gotta get out of here.”

“What about my men Mr. Wing?” Wade asked.

“We can take six with us. You can come or stay. It's up to you.”

“My men are...”

“Expendable,” Rafe spat, “I'm paying you a lot of money for this job. Now go do it!”

Wade fumed. True, if not for the money, he wouldn't have taken this contract. Mercenary work was hard to get lately with the new Government.

“Very well.”

Johnny Wing came back out of his room tugging on a heavy sweater, “What about the money?” He asked his cousin.

“I'll bring it with me, now go!”

“I'm gone,” the pilot replied as he ran from the room. Just as he reached the door, the power went out.

“It's happening now.” Wade said in the darkness, “Wade to all units, attack imminent. Fire at will,” he said into his com.


Audra lay in the snow, Rail gun in her hands. She could see men blundering about in the darkness, visible to her in the thermal sight mounted on the weapon. Taking aim at a camera, she fired.

The rail gun hissed and a camera shattered. She shifted aim and another camera disappeared.

Thirty yards away, Danny Isham was also killing cameras with his rail gun. They had removed every camera in sight in less than thirty seconds.

“Sniper one to Team two, cameras are clear, move out.”

“Acknowledged, moving now.”

Almost as one, Audra and Danny rose to their feet and headed for the fence, using the thermal sighs on their weapons to see in the darkness.

Team two held short of the fence. Ten armed men had taken position just inside the fence line. One of the men was scanning the area with a thermal imager.

Seeing the danger to the team, Audra dropped prone, aimed and put a guided rail gun round through the thermal imager. Vaporizing the device as well as the head of the man holding it.

The men inside the fence opened fire, firing blindly into the darkness.

“Contact front! Open fire!” shouted Danny.

Gunfire erupted from the darkness and the mercenaries began to fall even as more men poured from the bunkhouse.

The security lights snapped back on as the emergency generators came on line. The Blue Sun troops, goggles automatically darkened, preserving their night vision. The merc's weren't so lucky, shielding their eyes in the sudden brightness.

“Power's back up,” Danny reported.

“Challenger, fire. Bobby, let's go.” Allan ordered. He felt a lurch as Sara Jane suddenly dropped towards the ground.

A missile broke through the overcast and the generator building went up in a huge explosion. Reeling from the blast, the mercenaries and hired guns tried to return fire as the lights went out once again.

Two ships dropped through the cloud deck. Challenger spitting rounds from it's gun turrets and Sara Jane dropping into the center of the compound. Her ramp already opening.

As soon as the ramp hit the snow, Team One dashed out, followed by Allan, Jayne, Oso, Fred and Israel. Olivia, led her detachment towards the men firing at Team Two. Allan led the rest toward the administration building.

Jayne and Oso flanked Allan as they ran, weapons up and ready.

Just as they reached the door, gunfire erupted, striking Oso in his armor. The big man grunted but kept running. Vera barked and the gunfire stopped.

“You okay Oso?” Allan asked.

“Fine,” he replied. Fred shot her husband a look that said he was in for it later.

“Flashbangs,” Allan ordered.

Fred and Israel, removed the pins from a pair of the grenades and tossed them inside the opening.

Like their namesake, a loud bang and bright flash erupted and the group poured through the doorway, Jayne in the lead. Israel and Fred broke off to check the first floor.

“Clear!” Fred called back.

“Upstairs,” Jayne grunted.

As they hit the first landing two explosive grenades came bouncing down the stairs.

Israel dove between Jayne's legs and grabbed the two weapons, hurling them clear. The explosions went off harmlessly below the team.

“Ain't never gonna pick on you about yer size ever again,” Jayne said to Israel with a relived chuckle.

Allan leaned around the two men and racked a grenade into the launcher attached to the bottom of his carbine.

“Fire in the hole,” Allan said simply as he fired the grenade up the stairwell. The steps shook and dust rained down as the round went off. A moment later, the body of one of the mercenaries tumbled down the stairs.

Cautiously the team crept up the stairs to the top landing. Oso flipped down a tiny display in front of his right eye. Touching a button on his assault rifle, it began transmitting images to the screen on the big man's helmet.

Slowly, Oso stuck his gun around the corner. In his display he could see the thermal image of someone taking cover behind a desk.

He pulled the trigger and the figure fell.


Cautiously they entered the room. It appeared to be the main office of the facility. The room appeared ransacked as if someone had left in a hurry.

Fred and Israel checked the adjoining rooms and pronounced them clear.

Olivia's voice came across the coms, “Team One and Two secure. Eight prisoners and two minor casualties to the team.”

“Copy that Olivia,” Allan replied.

His eyes searched around the room. Where were the Wings?

Movement in the darkness out the window caught Allan's attention. The doors to the hanger were opening.

“Shit!,” Allan swore, “Bobby, you copy?”

“Go boss.”

“They're trying to launch. Take out the door mechanism.”

“On it!”

On Sara Jane, Bobby slewed the rail gun mounted underneath the bridge and targeted where she thought the motors for the door were located.

Tracers spit from the weapon and the metal doors sparked from the impacts. Bobby grinned when the door jumped its tracks and jammed.

“Secure the hangar!” Allan ordered over the com as he headed back down the stairs.

He began running as soon as he was outside.

Allan slid to a stop next to Danny Isham. The trooper was holding a dressing to his left arm. Leaning against the wall of the hangar

“You okay Danny?”

“Just a graze, Boss.”

“Where's Audra?”


In a moment, Olivia, Israel and several other team members joined them. Jayne, Fred and Oso made their way to another door in the rear of the building.

Allan flipped down the screen on his helmet and poked his rife around the opening. He yelped and jumped back as gunfire nearly hit his hands.

Allan slowly slid the weapon around the corner again. He saw two figures in the thermal image. One behind the other. Suddenly it looked as if the second figure slit the throat of the first.

“Sniper Two to Command... Clear,” Said Audra's voice.

“Go!” Allan ordered as he and Olivia's team entered through the jammed hangar door.

As they ran across the hangar floor towards the beat up looking, Marauder class freighter sitting in the center of the building, the unmistakable whine of the engines starting reached them.

“They can't be serious!” Olivia yelled over the increasing whine.

Allan swore to himself as he skidded to a stop. The Marauder was a rugged ship. It would probably be able to crash through the half open door with hardly more than scratched paint.

“Hold your fire!” Allan ordered over the com. It was too loud to yell by now. Spying a toolbox in the corner, Allan shot the lock off and quickly located a huge wrench. Sprinting across the floor to the ship, he hurled the wrench into the spinning turbine at the front of the right engine pod.

“Down!” Allan yelled.

His aim true, the eighteen inch long chunk of tool steel encountered the spinning turbine blades.

The noise was quite impressive.

The turbine disk disintegrated under the asymmetric load as blades were broken off by the wrench as it passed through. A quick blast of fire shot out of the engine's exhaust as the internal parts annihilated themselves. With a final metallic screech, the engine ground to a stop. On the other side of the ship, the left engine also shut down.

Jayne, Oso and Fred joined the rest of the Blue Sun team outside the ship's hatch. It was of course locked.


“Got it Boss.”

Pulling a tube of liquid explosive out of her pack, she drew a bead of the silicone like substance around the edge of the hatch. Once the bead was in place, she set the detonator in place.

Stepping away from the hatch, the team covered their ears.

“Fire in the hole!” yelled Olivia as she hit the switch on her detonator box.

The explosive cut the metal of the hatch like a hot knife through butter. As the echo of the detonation faded, the hatch fell to the concrete floor with a metallic clang.

Automatic gunfire sprayed from the opening.

“Stinger... I want em' alive!” Allan yelled.

Jayne grinned and unclipped one of the grenades from his vest, pulled the pin and threw it in the hatch.

A very old design, the stinger was very much like a flash bang but with the added ingredient of pea sized hard rubber balls. They hurt like hell, hence the name stinger.

As soon as the grenade went off, Oso boosted Fred through the opening, following his wife a moment later.

It was a tense few moments. Several shots were heard then all was quiet. Then came the com call Allan had been waiting for.

“We got em.”

Allan's head dropped. He let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding.

“You okay Allan?” Jayne asked.

“Yeah... been a long time coming.”

“I hear ya.”

Allan turned to his security team, “Olivia, secure the entire complex. Have Challenger head for the port. We'll evac everyone with Sara Jane. See to the wounded, both sides.”

“You got it Boss,” She replied before leaving on her assignment.

“Jayne, please stay here. I don't want Rachel reading what's about to happen from your mind when we get back.”


“Please Jayne.”


“Audra, lets go have a chat with the Wing boys.”

“Lead the way Allan,” Audra smiled. Allan shuddered at the feral look in the young woman's eyes.

The Wings would rue the day they were even born once Audra was done with them.




Wednesday, December 10, 2008 7:10 AM


Good action, but I like the way Allan doesn't want Jayne to see what happens so he can't pass it on inadvertently.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 10:23 AM


Awesome job on the Action and I really like Alan's character.


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I Choose You - Chapter 2
A Scoobie joins Serenity's crew

I Choose You - Chapter 1
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